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Monday, 25 November 2024

Biology Higher Tier 2 - A Nod Under The Ocean

 Higher Bio Exam 2 - A Nod Under the Ocean

This is the second episode of the Economy science podcast with Ron and Laura


Ron: Hello and welcome to Lex Education, um, the E: Hello and welcome to Lex Education, um, the Economy science podcast with me, a man called Ron and, uh, Laura, who's not here, she is in Yorkshire. And, uh, she does not have the Internet to either attach the intros outros that we already recorded to this episode, nor upload, um, the episode as she usually does. So I, Ron, um, have gotten out of bed with a sleeping girlfriend at the popular studio in the next room with a small flat to introduce the episode. Um, the second episode of the higher tier biology exam. It's. I mean, we're really sinking into the desperation now that we. That we reach and we really pick up the rock and look at the wood lies. See the difference between foundation and higher. Dear. Um, again, apologies for the. For the sound quality. We're making apologies for sound quality. Wine, M. Mail. Not the most, um, professional episode I've done. The sound quality does get benefit towards the end. Um, and that's about it. I'm trying to keep it brief because I was literally with my head down, going to sleep before I got home to do this. Love you guys. See you at the end.

Ron: Oh, no, we're on to question four. Look at that.

Laura: Whoa.

Ron: Question four. One hour, seven minutes and seven seconds.

Laura: How many hours are there? Uh.

Ron: Seven. We've got an hour and seven minutes left.

Laura: All right. We still got to go back to that aseptic question, though.

Ron: Yeah, I've marked. I've, uh, labelled it orange Hope.

Laura: It occurs to me what the answer to that is as we do the rest of it.

Ron: I can't even remember what the question was, to be honest.

Laura: Something about making things aseptic.

Ron: Oh, yeah. Aseptic techniques. Um, Laura, all living organisms. Organisms Respire. 4.1. What is the chemical equation for aerobic respiration?

Laura: Christ on a bike.

Ron: And then you have four options there.

Laura: Jesus. And they're all just combinations of the same stuff, really. Wait, let me think about this. Okay, so what is it? It's. It's water and oxygen goes in. No, water and carbon dioxide goes in and oxygen and sugar comes out. So it must be 6H2O plus 6CO2 turns into 602 plus C6H 12O6. It's that one. 1.

Ron: Water and carbon dioxide goes in.

Laura: Yes, that's right. Yes. Yeah. Why are you looking at me like that?

Ron: Oxygen and sugar come out.

Laura: Yeah, I'm pretty sure. No, wait. Aerobic name.

Ron: The substance.

Laura: No, that's photosynthesis I'm talking about. Is that aerobic respiration? Oh, Christ. I don't know anything. Yeah, I don't care.

Ron: All living organisms respire.

Laura: So is that not right?

Ron: I'm just going to say a few things. All living organisms respire.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Are, uh, all living organisms taking in carbon dioxide all the time and turning them into sugar?

Laura: No.

Ron: Do you want to rethink what is.

Laura: The chemical equation for aerobic respiration?

Ron: What do you need to breathe?

Laura: Oxygen dumpings. Um, yeah, but I don't breathe sugar or carbon dioxide, do I? Do I breathe carbon dioxide too? You breathe it out, but the only ones there going in with oxygen is either carbon dioxide or sugar.

Ron: Yeah. Where do you get sugar from chocolate. You eat it. So you. You take in oxygen and sugar.

Laura: Oh, okay. Bottom one then, please.

Ron: Yeah, that's counting.

Name the subcellular structures where aerobic respiration takes place

Laura: No, it's not, because I didn't know. No, no. That was a nodding under the ocean 1.

Ron: Nodding under the ocean?

Laura: Yeah. I didn't actually ask you to. You chose to.

Ron: Are you referring to Aladdin?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: That's insane. Anywho,


Ron: um. Right. Name the subcellular structures where aerobic respiration takes place.

Laura: Uh, what? Subcellular Inside a cell, structures where aerobic respiration takes place.

Ron: This you should know.

Laura: Uh, why should I know this?

Ron: We've gone through this, so I think this might be biology lesson one.

Laura: Right. While you think about this, I'm going to wee ribosomes.

Ron: While you think about this, I'm going.

Laura: To weed what's in a cell. Christ.

Ron: Have you had a little thing?

Laura: Mitochondria.

Ron: Shall I write that down?

Laura: Yes, please. Ron.

Ron: Where did you get that?

Laura: From my butt.

Ron: Did you look it up?

Laura: No. Oh, that would have been smart. I think that's right then.

Ron: Yes, it is. Energy is released in respiration. Give two uses of the energy released in respiration.

Laura: Um, movement and growth.

Ron: Movement and growth.

Laura: Sure.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: I don't know, Ron.

Ron: Thinking.

Laura: Digestion. I don't know. I hate this so much.

Anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid whereas aerobic respiration does not

Ron: Question 4.4. Describe two differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration in humans. Do not refer to oxygen in your answer.

Laura: But that was the difference, isn't it?

Ron: That might suggest it's not the only difference.

Laura: Ah. Anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid.

Ron: Okay. And another one.

Laura: Uh.

Ron: This is weird thing that we do, isn't it?


Ron: Hello and welcome to Lex Education, um, the E: Yeah.

Laura: I feel genuinely physically angry and cross and sad. Uh, anaerobic respiration. Oh, I should say aerobic respiration does not produce lactic acid. That's a difference, you know. Yeah. Okay. Um, number two. Aerobic respiration can be done indefinitely, whereas anaerobic respiration leads to muscle fatigue and sickness.

Ron: Muscle fatigue and sickness.

Laura: Did you Say, yeah, it makes you feel sick because the lactic acid has to be processed away and you have to digest it. And so it makes you feel sick. That's why you sometimes feel sick when you've been running for a long time or something.

What are the two products of anaerobic respiration in plants

Ron: Question 4.5. What are the two products of anaerobic respiration in plants?

Laura: Well, I don't fucking know. We haven't even talked about any of this. Jesus HB Ah, I don't know.

Ron: There are options.

Laura: Yeah, well, I don't have a clue though. I've never been a plant. Anaerobic. Um, respiration in plant cells. There are some that you can know that they did. Anaerobic respiration. Do they make lactic acid? Probably not. Let's say ethanol. Maybe that's how you get potato vodka. Uh, ethanol. And it's proper cold now. Yeah, I moved my little washing heater thing into the roof. I can't have it on while we're recording because it's too noisy. Um, ethanol and carbon dioxide. Fizzy wine. I wish I had wine. Oh, I started that wine I got from the food fair this weekend last night, Ron. It's bloody delicious.

Ron: Nice.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Uh, my goat's in the freezer. Ooh, uh,


Ron: I'm gonna make a goat vindaloo.

Laura: That freezer really gets your goat.

Ron: There's a fucking goat in there.

Laura: Fucking damn it. Oh, fucking damn it.

Ron: A scientist investigated respiration and photosynthesis using some pond M weed and a pond snail. Figure 6 shows the apparatus used.

Laura: Ponds were such a big deal in science at primary school, weren't they?

Ron: I always thought that was just because of the school we went to and there was a big pond, but it seems that no. All schools were fixated on the pond.

Laura: The nature area. Do you think that nature area is still there? You didn't even go to the same primary school as me.

Ron: I did.

Laura: Did you?

Ron: For some of it.

Laura: I thought you went to troll.

Ron: I went to two different primary schools. Where was the nature area over?

Laura: Uh, you know, the temporary huts that were still there? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ron: And probably still are.

Laura: Let's be real. What a well funded school we went to. You know where they were like into two corners of the junior playground? No, the infant playground. So you had like the actual building along one side and then the other. It was in the corner where those two met.

Ron: I don't remember that.

Figure 6 shows concentration of carbon dioxide inside boiling tube over 15 days

Um, anyway, Laurie, do you want to.

Laura: Describe Sig Figs is. Jesus. What is this? So we've got a test tube. Uh, it's, it's. Oh, Sorry. It's a boiling tube. I think those are wider than test tubes. They are wider, yeah. Uh, it's got some water in it. It's also got a pond weed, pond water and some pond snail in there. Then it's got a cork in it. That's got a carbon dioxide probe going through the bung. It's actually a bung in science world. I think there's a bung in science world. And then the carbon dioxide probe goes into a data logger.

Ron: The apparatus was left in a well lit room. For five days, the datalogger recorded the concentration of carbon dioxide continuously. After five days, the scientist completely recovered the boiling tube. With black paper, the datalogger continued to record the concentration of carbon dioxide. Figure 6 shows the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the boiling tube over 15 days. This seems quite cruel on the snail.

Laura: It does, um, oh, well, his own fault for being obese.

Ron: So for five days it's level at 5 carbon dioxides in arbitrary units. And then it starts to rise. There's a big jump between 8 and 9 and then from 10 it levels off for a bit and then starts to rise again. Laura, explain. For 4.6, for 2 marks, explain why the concentration of carbon dioxide in the tube stayed the same between day zero and day five.

Laura: Um, um, there was an equilibrium of carbon dioxide being produced presumably by the snail and absorbed by the bondweed.

Ron: Sorry, say that again. There's equilibrium between the carbon dioxide being produced presumably by the snail and the.

Laura: Being absorbed by the pondweed.

Ron: Suggest why the concentration of carbon dioxide increased between day five and day 10.

Laura: Because the black paper blocked the light coming into the boiling tube. Meaning the pondweed could not photosynthesize and therefore did not absorb any carbon dioxide. Okay.

Ron: Mhm. 4.8. On, um, day 10.

Laura: No.

Ron: Yeah, on day 10, the pond snail died.

Laura: I have so many ethical issues with this science paper.

Ron: Explain why the death of the pond snail caused the concentration of carbon dioxide to increase after day 10. I don't know, uh, for three marks.

Laura: Look at all this just for nothing. Maybe, uh, the decomposition of the snail's body would release stored carbon dioxide within the cells of the snail.

Ron: Decomposition of the snail's body released stored carbon dioxide. Where?

Laura: From within the snail's cells? Not, uh, cells, but tissues.

Ron: Not cells, Tissues.

Laura: Yeah, I don't know.

Ron: The decomposition of the snail's body


Ron: store release stored carbon dioxide from within the snail's tissues.

Laura: Yeah, I don't really know how to get three marks out of that, but, um, yeah, that's all I've got good.

Name the three parts of the human digestive system that produce amylase

Ron: Question five, Laura. Uh, question five and 50 minutes. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down stars.

Laura: Now finally we're doing a bit that I truly believe we discussed at some point.

Ron: Amylase is a polymer of smaller molecules. Name the type of smaller molecule.

Laura: Oh, I don't know. Enzymes is. Amylase is an enzyme. Enzymes are the things that end in lays. I'm going to say an enzyme. Ron. No, it already. I was going to read the beginning.

Ron: Of question five again. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down star.

Laura: Oh, uh, Christ.

Ron: I'm glad that you really upfront admitted that. We've discussed this, we've gone through it.

Laura: Amino acid, final answer. Yeah. It's the only other thing that's percolating in my brain that was in connection to these things.

Ron: Name the three parts of the human digestive system that produce amylase.

Laura: The stomach, the intestines and, um, the liver. Ah, no. Yes. Digestive system is the liver, not in the digestive system. The bowel. Let's change that to bowel. Is that a thing or is that a name for a broader spectrum of things? What else is in your digestive system? Pancreas. No. Kidneys. I don't really know what they are. What have we got? Maybe large and small intestines. That could be fun. Stomach, intestines. What else is there? The kidneys, let's say. No, that's about blood, isn't it? Kidneys, liver's piss is liver piss. Pancreas is a sugar thing. Mhm. What else is in there? What other organs have you got? Three parts of the human digestive system. Maybe saliva. Say saliva.

Ron: Which one are you getting rid of? Stomach, intestines or bowel?

Laura: Bowels.

Ron: So you think your saliva produces amylase?

Laura: Uh, all right, maybe your mouth. Mouth. Maybe your saliva is amylase. Mouth.

Ron: You want to say mouth.

Laura: Where does saliva come from?

Ron: You want to swap bowel for mouth?

Laura: We've definitely never talked about this, Ron, so I don't know. So it's all guesswork, isn't it? Where does saliva come from? Under your tongue? It just oozes out your mouth, doesn't it? Does it come up your throat? Where does saliva come from, Ron? Just oozes out your mouth. Right, Ron?

Ron: Yeah. Uh, do you want your help on this one?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay. Right.

Laura: Wait. How are there two marks for three answers?

Ron: You get two marks for all three Correct. One mark for two correct. You've so far got zero. Correct.

Laura: Oh, I don't want my help then. Fuck it. It's a lost cause. Because I don't.

Ron: If it helps you close.

Laura: Oh, God. It doesn't help, though, because I couldn't even think of three organs. How can I be close and have zero?

Ron: Well, because you're close. With saliva, there is amylase in your saliva, uh, but it's not made by the saliva. Which is what?

Laura: Well, I don't know where saliva comes from.

Ron: If you had to name it where.

Laura: Mouth.

Ron: What part of your mouth.

Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch

What's the word for something in your body that makes stuff?

Laura: Organ.

Ron: No, an organ is a collection of tissues.

Laura: There's tonsils. Is that what. No, because people who have tonsillectomy still have the ball. Imagine that. Yeah, just spritz it with a little,


Laura: like, plant mysticism. What word?

Ron: For something in your body that secretes things.

Laura: Glands.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Saliva glands.

Ron: Salivary glands. Yes. Okay, so we'll swap out mouth for that. Uh, maybe.

Laura: Okay. Saliva glands.

Ron: You mentioned something and you said that's a sugar thing. I'm gonna refer you to some previous information. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch. What is starch made out of?

Laura: Sugar? Pancreas.

Ron: Okay. Do you want to swap out stomach or intestines? I've already told you they're both wrong.

Laura: I'll take out stomach, please, for pancreas.

Ron: Now, intestines, Laura, do you think, uh, amylase breaks down starch? Starch makes. Starch is made out of glucose. Glucose is used in respiration. Possibly the most important thing that your body does. Okay. We're all about getting it out of places. We're literally breaking it down in the mouth so that we can get onto this glucose as quick as possible. What the fuck are you talking about? Why would there be starch in your lungs?

Laura: Red blood cells.

Ron: Let me finish.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: We're trying to get it as quick as possible. Do you think that we're going to produce amylase throughout our entire intestines?

Laura: Yeah. Just in case, we've got to rinse that last bit out.

Ron: Why do you always do this? Why? Why do you.

Laura: No, Ron. No issue. Right.

Ron: And then you slam it in your own face.

Laura: No, Ron. Um. There would be no amylase in the intestines.

Ron: That's not what I'm saying either.

Laura: Because the intestine is where.

Ron: The intestines are. Where. Maybe you didn't know this, but intestines are where we extract nutrients from the food that we're eating.

Laura: Yep.

Ron: So are we gonna do that bearing, uh, in mind that glucose is this important? Are we gonna do it, like, in your butt right before you shit it out or are we gonna do it as, uh, soon as possible?

Laura: Soon as possible. Throat. Throat. Glands.

Ron: I'm talking about your fucking intestines.

Laura: I know, but you're telling me it's not intestines?

Ron: No, I'm not. Which of your intestines comes first?

Laura: I don't know. Small.

Ron: You tell me and I will write it down. That's all the help that you're getting.

Laura: Uh, Ron, you're talking to a person who used to think that big poo's came out your big intestine and small ones came out your small intestine.

Ron: You're thick.

Laura: No, small comes first.

Ron: You want to say small intestines.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay, final answer.

Laura: I don't know, Ron. I've lost the will to live.

Ron: That's your help gone. Right.

Laura: I get another one, though. I get two helps.

Ron: You've had two helps.

Laura: I haven't. I've had one help.

Ron: You've had two.

Laura: And a nod.

Laura, explain how amylase breaks down using lock and key theory

Under the Ocean 5.3.

Ron: Laura, explain how amylase breaks down Starship answer in terms of the lock and key theory.

Laura: Oh, God.

Ron: 42 minutes.

Laura: 41 minutes. Too long.

Ron: That means we've been doing this for an hour.

Laura: Oh, we've been doing this for an hour and a half. Because of all that bump at the beginning. I've dribbled all over my desk. Look at all this amylase I need to clean up.

Ron: Do you remember when I got you to chew that bread?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: It was about ambulance being in your mouth.

Laura: Oh, it started to taste like glue.

Ron: Answer the question, Laura.

Laura: Trying. Amelaise has an active.

Ron: We're only halfway through in terms of pages.

Laura: I'm trying to fucking answer them. Write it down.

Ron: Alright, say it again.

Laura: Amylase has an active site.

Ron: 3 marks. Let's go.

Laura: That when starch comes into contact with amylase, it fits into. This is sometimes described as a lock and key theory because the key fits the lock in the same way that starch fits into amylase to be broken down and then the breaking down happens.

Ron: In the same way that. Start it.

Laura: And um.


Laura: Hang on.

Ron: Uh.

Laura: No, the amylase.

Ron: The breaking down happens and the Amelia.

Laura: Is reduced to its component parts. No, the starch, sorry, is reduced to its component parts. I am up here, darling.

Ron: Amylase has an active site. When starch comes into contact with amylase, it fits into. This is described as a lock and key theory because a key fits into a lock in the same way that starch fits into amylase. And the breaking down happens and the starch is reduced to its component part.

Laura: I hate this so much.

Ron: We should have done higher tier first. Uh, this is cold.

Laura: It's just horrible.

Ron: Okay, we done with that? 1.4. I think we should pick up the pace. A student investigated the effects of temperature on the activity of amylase. Figure 8 shows the apparatus used. We've got two test tubes sitting in water starch solution. Well, uh, starch solution in one, amylase solution in the other. The waters at 5 degrees. This is the method used. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 8. After five minutes, pour the starch solution into the amylase solution and mix. Remove one drop of the starch amylase mixture and place onto a spotting tile. Immediately add two drops of iodine solution to the starch amylase mixture. On the spotting tile, record the colour of the iodine solution added to the starch amylase mixture. Uh, repeat steps three to five every minute until the iodine solution stays yellow brown. Replacement. Repeat steps one to six using water at different temperatures.

Laura, name for me now the two control variables. The temperature of the water and the time

Laura, name for me now the two control variables.

Laura: The temperature of the water and, um, the time. No, don't like that control. There things that you're keeping the same. After five minutes, the amount of iodine. I don't know.

Ron: Read step seven.

Laura: The water temperature's changing.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: So it's not a control.

Ron: No, you could call it the opposite.

Laura: I don't want to be here anymore. I'm so hungry.

Ron: Got 38 minutes.

Laura: I'm so hungry, Ron. I'm hungry, Mother. I really am.

Ron: Right. This is an easy one. You're good at control variables. Come on. What is staying the same? Laura? Uh, what is staying the same? Answer me. What is staying?

Laura: The volumes. The volumes?

Ron: Volumes of what?

Laura: Starch. An amylase.

Ron: All right, 5.5. Why?

Laura: But we had to do two controls.

Ron: Yep. You said time and you said the volumes of starch and amylase. Why did the, uh. Even volumes of starch and amylase. That's already too. Why did the student leave the starch solution and amylase solution for five minutes before mixing them?

Laura: To let them adjust to the temperature of the water.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Goldfish logic.

Ron: 5.6.

Laura: That was such a big part of my childhood. Letting goldfish acclimatise to the tank.

Ron: Cleaning out those tanks all the time.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: People don't really have fish anymore, do they?

Laura: We had fish until we moved here.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: They kept eating each other, though. Uh, they did. They were a lot of work. And they just died for pastime.

Table three shows the time taken until iodine solution stays yellow brown

Ron: Anyway, table three shows the results of the investigation. Table three. Temperature. You've, uh, got temperature going up 5 20, 35 in intervals of 15, and then you got the time taken until iodine solution stays yellow brown. What conclusions run. Yeah.

Laura: What does it mean when the iodine goes yellow brown?

Ron: You should know that.

Laura: Why should I know that?

Ron: Because we've talked about it extensively.

Laura: Does it mean that there is no sugar left?

Ron: What happens when you mix amylase and starch?

Laura: The amylase digests the starch.

Ron: Okay, so what do you think that the iodine could be an indicator for.

Laura: No starch, more starch, no starch. Sugar.

Ron: What do you think?

Laura: Glucose it? Glucose?

Ron: Iodine. I'll


Ron: give you this for free. Iodine's black when you first drop it in there and then at some point it goes yellow brown. You can pick. We can work that out from the paper, can't we?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So what do you think going yellow brown means?

Laura: Means it found something in there that it likes.

Ron: You literally just said it.

Laura: Is it glucose one? No, it's starch. Run.

Ron: It's black with starch one.

Laura: Is it? There's no starch Run.

Ron: Yes. When it comes yellow brown, there's no starch.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: What conclusion can be made about the effect of temperature on amylase activity between 20 and 65?

Laura: Imagine you sat doing your GC and one student is having this much conversation with the teacher.

Ron: The teachers would be that rude to think.

Laura: Uh, right. What conclusion can be made about the effect of temperature on amylase activity between 20 and 20? Real quick. Okay. Um. As the temperature increases, the amylase breaks down the starch more efficiently.

Ron: What does more efficiently mean?

Laura: Not yellow brown.

Ron: Leaving it.

Laura: Uh, with more efficiency. A fine Christ on a bicycle bell.

Ron: Explain the results. At 5 degrees and 80 degrees. Laura, for 5 marks.

Laura: At, uh, 5 degrees, there is no starch present in the solution.

Ron: Why would that be the case?

Laura: Because it didn't become yellow brown.

Ron: But there was starch in the experiment, wasn't there? There was a starch solution that they mixed together, wasn't there?

Laura: Well, the amylase has eaten it all, hasn't it?

Ron: Instantly? No, because it doesn't become yellow brown.

Laura: I thought it became yellow brown when there was no starch.

Ron: Exactly. And it isn't becoming yellow. It did not become yellow brown. It stays the other colour.

Laura: So at 5 degrees, there is still starch in the mixture.

Ron: Sorry. I unplugged my headphones for a second by accident in my rage. What did you say?

Laura: At five degrees, there is still starch present after, uh, five minutes because the amylase has not been heated sufficiently to have the energy to have catalysed all of that starch in that time, then I reckon at 80 degrees, there is still starch present because the amylase has got cooked and it can't. Can't function at that temperature. So it's too hot for the amylase to break down the starch. Or it's baked the starch into a cake like popcorn. I don't know.

Ron: Okay, you've not completely understood the experiment, but let's move on. The student investigated the effect of temperature on Amlie's activity. Describe how the student could extend the investigation to determine the effect of a different factor on Amelie's activity.

Laura: What? What was the question?

Ron: You're going to read it for yourself after I read it. So why don't you read it?

Laura: The student investigated the effect of temperature on Amalie's activity. Yeah. Describe how the student could extend the investigation to determine the effect a different factor on amylase activity. Um, they could do the experiment, but instead of changing the temperature of the water, they could increase or decrease the amount of light that the beaker was exposed to using different lamps. Please stop laughing.


Which cell structure in a leaf is not found in a root hair cell

Ron: Uh, question number six, fig and ion shows a, uh, cross section of a leaf with different cells labelled A, B, C and. And D. Laura, which cell is most transparent?

Laura: Um, I'm going to say A. Which is the cell wall?


Ron: Hello and welcome to Lex Education, um, the E: What do you mean? It's the cell wall.

Laura: What? Huh?

Ron: What do you mean? It's the cell wall. This is a leaf.

Laura: Is the leaf wall, then A. Ron. A.

Ron: Which cell structure in a les mesophyll cell is not found in a root hair cell? Plants lose water through their leaves. Name the cells.

Laura: Stomata.

Ron: Name the cells in a leaf that control the rate of water loss.

Laura: Stomata. I think I know that one. Ron, I got one. No water. Is that not right?

Ron: Water.

Laura: Oh, Ron, is that not right? Ron, isn't it? That's the buttholes.

Ron: Wasn't it?

Laura: The buttholes? Is that not right?

Ron: Stomata is the butthole. But if you were to say what keeps a fart in, it might be sort of your sphincter rather than the hole.

Laura: So. Sphincter.

Ron: Ah, but no, because they're not really buttholes, are they?

Laura: Oh, uh.

Ron: Yeah. But another guess, or should we move on?

Laura: I thought it was stomata and I was really happy.

Ron: Stomata is so close that the mark scheme says ignore stomata.

Laura: That's horrible. Oh.

Ron: Laura, stop playing with those scissors with professionals.

Laura: Well, actually, I'm cutting up the doodle that you did while you were doing your day job, so anchor.

Ron: I did some good. Dude, it's Triple Wendy still.

Laura: Uh, yeah, actually, I think I drew on Triple Wendy today. Oh, no, she's on the back.

Ron: Triple Wendy.

Laura: That's four.

Ron: Yeah, Triple Wendy's a. An enigma.

Compare structure and function of xylem tissue and phloem tissue

Anyway, water is taken in by the roots and transported up the plant and lost from the leaves. Which scientific term, um, describes this movement of water.

Laura: Active transport, Osmosis. Active transport.

Ron: Active transport? Is that what we're saying?

Laura: Yeah. God, I feel bad about this.

Ron: 26 minutes. Which change would decrease the rate of water loss from a plant's leave. Increase humidity. Increase light intensity. Increase density of stomata. Increase temperature.

Laura: Which change would decrease the rate of water loss. Uh, increased, uh, humidity.

Ron: Compare the structure and function of xylem tissue and phloem tissue for six marks.

Laura: Fuck off. Oh, should have looked harder at that sign at the Wild Place Project, Ron.

Ron: You should have.

Laura: That had gobum, um, and flobum in it. Well, I can't remember which way round they go, so I might as well just piss this off a balcony right now, because you probably don't get any marks for saying, like, one of them has connecting cells with a sort of perforating connection to them, which allows fluid to pass between the two easily. And, um, one's just like a straw. One goes up, one goes down, one spawn.

Ron: Do you think it's worth even taking a guess?

Laura: I can't remember which way round they get wrong. Yeah.

Ron: 50. Fucking 50, isn't it? Yeah.

Laura: But then I've got to put in loads of effort, and I'll probably get it wrong, so I'd rather put in no effort and get it wrong.

Ron: So are we skipping this one?

Laura: Well, no, I'm giving you answers here.

Ron: Uh, all right, I'll tell you now. You won't get any marks


Ron: for one of them and one of them this and one of them that.

Laura: Well, that's stupid, because I'm proving. I kind of know it. I just can't remember the words.

Ron: No, that's not stupid. If it was a geography exam and you were asked to compare France and Spain, and you're just like, well, one of them M likes tapas and the other one likes garlic, you wouldn't get that.

Laura: And if you would, if the examiner could just apply a small amount of common sense to your answer.

Ron: Oh, this is on the examiner, is it?

Laura: Yes. Is phloem, uh, um, has tubes.

Ron: Why don't we do some other ones and come back to this one if we have time?

Laura: Phloem has the perforated joints of cells Like a little celtiped. We simply have to have snacks to the exams. I don't care how unprofessional it is. I can't do this without snacks. My tummy is sad and fizzy and my eyes want to close and I'm cold.

Ron: Flow mass. Tubes flow em. As the perforated joins of cells. Like a little celtipede.

Laura: Xylem has ladders for sugar going up and down. Phloem only goes one way. Structure, structural. More in the xylem. Uh. I don't know. That's it. Six marks. Don't read it back to me. Don't you dare. Don't you dare read it back to me.

Ron: Cells. Like a little Celtic. Xylem has ladders for sugar going up and down. Phloem only goes one way. Structure, structural. More in xylem.

Laura: Tummy's sad.

Ron: 7.1.

Figure 10 shows volume of water lost from a plant over six hours

We're on to the last question, though. Laura, figure 10. Oh, uh, no, we're still on question six, actually. Here we go. Laura, There's a graph on page 26.

Laura: Like a graph.

Ron: Ah. Figure 10 shows the volume of water lost from a plant over six hours. Um. And it's going up. Determine the rate of water loss at 12 o'clock. Use the tangent on figure 10. Give your answer in centimetres cubed per minute and in standard form.

Laura: What are you talking about?

Ron: Calculate the rate of water loss.

Laura: The, uh. Rate of water loss at 12 o'clock. Use the. What's the tangent?

Ron: Look at the figure.

Laura: Yes. Just a line, isn't it? What am I supposed to do with that? Uh. 12:00. 200. I don't know. 202. 212. 200. The rate, though. I don't know. 212. So to me, just cubed standard form to the power. Something that means, isn't it? So let's. I don't know.

Ron: How much water is lost in between 8:00 and 2:00?

Laura: I don't know.

Ron: Look at the fucking graph. 230 between 8:00 and 2:40.

Laura: 40.

Ron: Roughly.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Yeah. So is the answer at 12:00 gonna be 202:32? You're too stupid for this question. Let's move on.

Laura: I don't know what they want me to do, Rob.

Ron: No, that's why I'm. I'm just saying let's cut our losses. 6.8. Here we go. The rate of water loss at midnight was much lower than at 12 noon.

Laura: Explain.

Ron: Why is that the main reason that the leaves aren't doing anything because it's cold at midnight.

Laura: Yeah, it's cold. And there's no sun. If it's.

Ron: And there's no sun.


Laura: So there's no photosynthesis. And it's not sweating and. Oh, glucose.

Ron: All right, now we're on to question seven. Let's go.

Laura: I hated everything about those fucking plants.

Ron: 20 minutes to do question seven, Laura.

Some types of cancer can cause blood components to fall to dangerously low levels

Figure 11 shows where three of the same type of tumour were found in a patient.

Laura: I'm glad we're going out on a.

Ron: High big one in the lungs and two in the liver. Malignant tumours are cancers describe what happens to cells when a tumour forms.

Laura: They have rapid, uncontrollable growth.

Ron: What evidence is there in Figure 11 to suggest that the tumour in the lung is malignant?

Laura: It's weird shaped, all jaggedy edges. I'm big.

Ron: Some types of cancer can cause the numbers of blood components in a person's body to fall to a dangerously low level. A person with one of these types of cancers may experience symptoms such as tiredness, frequent infections, bleeding that will not stop after the skin is cut out. Explain how a very low number of blood components in the body can cause these symptoms.

Laura: Um, blood flow reduces tiredness by delivering oxygen to organs and muscles. Therefore, reduced blood components restricts oxygen delivery and increases fatigue.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Um. The blood is a key factor in fighting infection within the human immune system. So without enough blood components, infections can't be reached and, uh, combated by white blood cells. You can't mute after the fart, Ron.

Ron: No, I did. Ten times.

Laura: No, I heard it, damn it. Either that or your noise is not coming in through your microphone.

Ron: No, definitely.

Laura: I don't actually think it is mute.

Ron: Hello? Can you hear me?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Oh, no. Really?

Laura: Yeah, yeah. You're not coming in via your mic.

Ron: That means we've done this whole thing like that.

Laura: I thought it sounded bad.

Ron: Why didn't you say?

Laura: I did. And you turned the gain down.

Ron: But we were fucking with the gain a bunch. We were saying, oh, that's made a difference.

Laura: I thought it had. We're not professionals.

Ron: How's this? Does that sound?

Laura: Oh, my God, Ron, that sounds great. For sake, you sound amazing. Now, uh, now we sound professional, Ron.

Ron: Um, I'm so cross. Yeah.

Laura: Ah, you should be more careful.

Ron: You did tests?

Laura: Yeah. Oh, well.

Ron: Come on then.

Laura: Finish it off. Did I finish the infections when? Yes. Okay. Um. Blood cells are also required to make scabs over cuts and form a barrier to stop more stuff getting into a cut. There we Go.

Ron: I can't believe my microphone wasn't on.

Laura: Why didn't you turn it on?

Figure 12 shows the red blood cells found in people with different blood groups

Ron: Ron, Some patients with a very low number of blood cells may be given a blood transfusion. A blood transfusion is where a patient receives blood from a donor. Different groups, different people have different blood groups. Figure 12 shows the red blood cells found in people with different blood groups. The antibodies that can be made by people with different blood groups.

Laura: Uh, I swear I couldn't hear you when you were whispering to me.

Ron: Yeah. Can you hear me now?

Laura: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ron: Well, that makes a lot of sense now, doesn't it? Yeah. Antibodies combine to antigens that have complement. So we've got blood group A, blood group B and blood group.

Laura: Great. Uh, this looks like the sun is being attacked by lots of pitchforks.

Ron: Type A antigens are triangular. But anti, uh, type, uh, B antigens are square.


Ron: So they have antibodies for each of these. Essentially, that's what you're looking at. Square ones and triangular ones. Lock and key. We all get it. We get it. We're smart. Antibodies combine to antigens that have complementary shapes. When antibodies bind to the antigens on the red blood cells, many red blood cells begin to clump together. Each red blood cell is about 8 micrometres in diameter. Many capillaries have an internal diameter of 10 micrometres. In one type of blood transfusion, only red blood cells from a donor are transferred to the patient. It is dangerous for a patient with blood group A to receive red blood cells from donor with blood group B. Explain why.

Laura: They don't fit in the veins. Capillaries. I don't know. 14 minutes doesn't mesh well with. Doesn't. I don't know.

Ron: Given up?

Laura: Yeah. I don't know.

Ron: They don't fit in the capillaries. It doesn't mesh well. Explain why blood group 0, blood group O red blood cells can be given to patients with any blood group.

Laura: Um, because they don't have any antigens on the outside.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: What are anti. Wait, hang on. Go back to the last question. If you put blood group B into a blood group A person, then their red blood cells will fight their antibodies.

Ron: Is that the language you want to use?

Laura: I don't know. Ron.

Ron: Are they going to fight M lock.

Laura: And key together, Cancel each other out? I don't know what they're doing to each other. Healing each other.

Ron: Why don't you read the information that's.

Laura: On the page before they'll bind together?

Ron: Why?

Laura: I can't really read the lines. I just see the Words. You look ill. Yeah, I feel ill. I'm so hungry and tired and sad and dispirited. And I've had to listen to so much farting that you thought I couldn't hear. And, um.

Ron: I only farted three times.

Laura: I heard them all.

Ron: I thought I was muting.

Laura: Uh. It's like an Agatha Christie, isn't it? The fart that made us realise our big mistake. If not for that fart, Ron, it would still be an echoey cavern.

Ron: Yeah. Is the echo gone now?

Laura: Yeah, it sounds amazing now you sound like you're in a padded podcasting studio, not in a basement.

Ron: Fuck's sake.

Table 4 shows some of the risks associated with blood transfusions

Laura: What's the next question, then?

Ron: You. Are you not finishing that one?

Laura: Did we not. I thought I had finished it. Which question?

Ron: I asked you to read the information. You said, can I find. Read the information. Can't read the lines. I just see the words. And then you said, their red blood cells will. Their red blood. You said, their red blood will bind together. And I said, why? With what? And then you start talking about farting with the antigens.

Laura: The. The blood cells will bind to the antigens.

Ron: Is that all you want to say?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay. Right. Question number five. Explain why blood group O red blood cell. Uh, blood group O red blood cells can be.

Laura: Don't have any binders on the outside.

Ron: Oh, we've done that one. We've done that one. If we skipped a question somewhere, we. No, it's all fine. It's all fine, guys. It's all fine. So, uh, actually, it's all fine. Sounds like they're having fun downstairs.

Laura: Bad game.

Ron: Table 4 shows some of the risks associated with blood transfusions. We've got allergic reaction, hepatitis B infection, hepatitis C infection and kidney damage. Which risk has the lowest probability of occurring?

Laura: So we've got 0.9%, 1 in 3 times 10 to the power 5, 6.7 times 10 to the minus 7. Or 1 in 70,000. Hepatitis B? I don't know.

Tumour blocks tube leading from gall bladder to small intestine

Ron: Okay, Laura, last question. A person has a tumour blocking the tube leading


Ron: from the gall bladder to the small intestine. Explain why this person would have difficulty digesting fat.

Laura: They are obsessed with fat. Um, I don't know. Tumour gets in the way of the fat moving about, restricts the blood flow to the small intestine, so the villy can't digest the fat.

Ron: And we're done.

Laura: Um, I haven't finished.

Ron: There is no point in you finishing that. No point at all. Let's not pretend there is.

Laura: That was horrible.

Ron: Oh, my goodness.

Laura: That was horrible for so many reasons. Laura.

Ron: We've got to do chemistry and physics next.

Laura: Yeah. Not for at least a week.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Jesus Christ.


Ron: Hello and welcome to Lex Education, um, the E: And that was it. That was, um. That was the episode. You just listened to him. What did you think? Let us know. Let us know on, um, social media. Let us know on, I guess via email. Let us know in the stream. See us if it's nice. You say mean things on the Internet, but be nice on the stream. Be nice on the street to everyone, I guess, not just us. Be nice on the Internet to everyone. You can be a bit mean to us on the Internet, but just a bit. Um, tune in next week to find out how Lauren did. We've marked it now as a line. Lauren knows how, but you don't. So why don't you. Why don't you tune in next week and find that out? Um, join us on the Patreon. That's a super fun time. We've just done, um, just done an episode, Interstellar Bamboo. Well, it was a bit too thick to understand that. She didn't understand it. So it was a good episode there. Uh, buoyancy class clown, Minecraft, and just lots of good stuff on there. The board games, episode books, episode. Um, Yoki's about to go start, uh, scratching a door because it's closed. So I'm going to go. But, um, love you guys. I hope you enjoyed the app. Um, and without Laura here, it's really hard to know if I say class dismiss now or if I say that later. I'm going to. I'm going to cover my bases and just say now. Class dismissed.


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