Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday, 20 January 2025

Physics Higher Tier Exam 2 - A Rather Gassy Barnacle

Laura: Foreign. Hello and welcome to another episode of Lex Education. It's the comedy science podcast where comedian me, Laura Lex, likes to learn science with her, uh, normal brother, Ron. The word try didn't come out. Then it came out as likes. That's, That's a good portent. Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hello. I thought you were doing an alliteration thing.

Laura: Yeah, I guess that's what my brain was doing too. It's just nobody told me Ron really rates radical Rapunzel.

Ron: Rapunzel?

Laura: Is she your favourite Disney princess?

Ron: I've not seen Tangled.

Laura: Whoa. I see it a lot. Um, you'd.

Ron: You'd be have. You'd have to be in the right tower. If you were Rapunzel, the window would have to be on the right wall.

Laura: Otherwise I think I'd have to be in a basement. I don't think that would work. Uh, no.

Ron: I'm imagining you still have long hair, but it only comes out one side of your head.

Laura: Oh, I see.

Ron: That was the jig.

Laura: Yeah. What's wrong with the other side?

Ron: Well, it's shaved.

Laura: Yeah, I know, but there's a, you know, in Rapunzel, when the hair gets cut, that side's not magical.

Ron: Oh, that's kind of a Christopher Nolan gritty reboot, maybe of the Rapunzel story, where you, you know, you have the powers, but you're also flawed and human at the same time.

Laura: Here's the thing about the Disney, Rapunzel and I. Yes, I have watched it too many times. They're not designed to be watched at the number of times I've watched it. But the, the general premise, right, there's a magical flower that grows in the woods and, uh, it's got regenerative healing powers. Yeah. You sing to it, it makes you young and beautiful again. And there's old woman. Yeah, Mother Gothel, um, she finds the flower, she keeps herself young and beautiful for centuries. She's not really doing anything wrong. She's just wanting to be young and hot and live forever. But she puts, like, a cloche over it so no one else can find it. Right.

Ron: That, uh, does seem like doing something wrong.

Laura: Sure. It's a little selfish. Then the queen gets ill while she's pregnant with Rapunzel. Right? So the king sends out search party, dig up the flower, boil it, feed it to the queen.

Ron: That's also wrong.

Laura: Yeah. So then the baby's born, but Mother Gothel is, like, essentially dying now because she doesn't have the flower keeping her alive. So she kidnaps the baby to keep her strong. Well, she breaks in, first of all. She tries to just cut off some of the magical hair so she can just take some hair away and stay young. That doesn't work. She kidnaps the baby. Now, I'm not condoning kidnap, but what I am saying is that you can't be super mad at Mother Gothel for nicking a baby to keep herself alive when the queen nicked this whole plant to keep herself alive when the plant was the only thing keeping Mother Gothel alive. So the queen essentially killed Gothel in order to save herself.

Ron: No.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: No. Laura, this is Gollum logic. Um, you're not allowed to just. You shouldn't be allowed to just live forever. There's a.

Laura: Why was the queen allowed to do it?

Ron: No. They found a plant in the forest that kept a woman alive during childbirth so that she could bring a baby to term. That's very different to a mad old witch living alone in the woods forever. Like, getting off, uh, how young and hot she is all the time.

Laura: Who then kidnaps a baby instead of dying.

Ron: Yeah, but like, dying after how many hundreds of years?

Laura: Yeah, but she's still enjoying life. Uh, you can't put a cap on when somebody has to die. Assisted living is not for everybody.

Ron: No.

Laura: Sister dying, whatever it's called.

Ron: No, but I think you should make the most of the time that's given to you. Not clinging to it.

Laura: No. Cling to things miserably and keep them near you. No. Yes. Make them do podcasts with you so they have to hang out with you.

Ron: Live fast, die. Die at a reasonable age.

Laura: Live in the middle lane.

Ron: Yeah. No, that's Gollum logic. He wanted to hang on to his precious and he got twisted and gross.

Laura: Yeah, well, good on you, Gollum. Why aren't you allowed nice things just because you're not the king?

I'm listening to Lord of the Rings at the moment on Audible

Ron: I'm listening to Lord of the Rings at the moment.

Laura: Well, can you turn it off and concentrate on the podcast, please?

Ron: Honestly, it's so slow paced that you could do both. I'm using it to


Ron: sleep at the moment. I found it way better than podcasts. Um, and, uh, but like, compared to the films it like, which are already super long. It's mad how slow it is.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: You know, at the beginning they have a party for Bilbo and then he kind of pisses off and then leaves the ring for Frodo. That's the catalyst for the whole story.

Laura: Hm.

Ron: In the book, uh, in the film, he kind of leaves it there and then Gandalf goes away for a little bit. He comes back and then he's like, oh, shit. And then they go in the books, they have the party for Bilbo, he leaves the ring for Frodo. It is then 17 years until Gandalf comes back and goes like, oh no, that's the Ring of Power. This is bad. And then Frodo, like when, when Gandalf says this in the film, Frodo just slings on her back and they get out. In the book, he does nothing for a long time until after his birthday, which is in the autumn. And he just waits for ages. It's really funny how slow paced it is, but I'm having a great time. It's read by Andy Serkis.

Laura: Oh yeah. I keep seeing this on Audible. I'm listening to the first one in that annual book club thing. Kindred. Oh yeah, it's really good. I'd say it's my favourite of the, um, of the, uh, um, book club ones we've done so far.

Ron: Nice. I'm reading one of the books that I got for my birthday because I need to read some of those.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Which is called Beetle Bone by Kevin Barry. I did put it in the book club thing but nobody else wanted to.

Laura: Read it, so I didn't see that. I'm. I'm re. That's. I'm listening to the book club one at the moment because I'm reading Detransition Baby, that one that I put in the book club group that nobody was interested in. And that one is really fascinating. Um, but I'm slow reading it. It's one of those ones where you're like, I am enjoying this. I'm just not pulled in by the storyline because it's more sort of like world fascinating than like what's gonna happen next.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: And also I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce one of the lead characters names. Which means every time that name comes up, I. I just sit there in a panic for a while.

Ron: Send it to me in the chat and I'll nail it in one.

Laura: Okay, here we go. There's backstory to it though. So that's what it is.

Ron: Aims.

Laura: Um, sure. But this is a born a man who was a trans woman for quite a while, then has detransitioned back to living as a man. When she was a woman, she was called Amy. And now he's a man. He's going by potentially Ames. Or I was like, is it Amos?

Ron: A M Um, E S Ames.

Laura: Ames. But that is very much a like short for Amy. Girl's name, isn't it?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Hm. Maybe. Anyway, so every time that name comes up now I do this little dance with myself where I go, amos Ames.

Ron: Amos? Sounds sort of Latin American.

Laura: Amos is a name, isn't it? Amos? Yeah, like in, um, Chicago.

Ron: But it sounds to me, it sounds like Gomez. You know, Amos.

Laura: Oh, yeah, Gomez is a great name. Yeah.

Ron: Ah, Gomez Adams.

Laura: Ah, the band, Gomez. I really like them. Tijuana lady. Where did you go?

Ron: They do Whip and Piccadilly, maybe.

For reasons best known to yesterday version of ourselves, we didn't just smash this out yesterday

Laura: Anyway, it's nine minutes into the intro. Uh, there's a physics episode coming up now. Maybe you should just listen to it go. What are you eating, Mawan? Ugh. Uh, sounds rough. Those are some of your worst ever mouth noises. That is up there with the olives, right, Ron? For reasons best known to the yesterday version of ourselves, we didn't just smash this out yesterday. We decided to stretch it over two days and ruin a fifth of a week for ourselves.

Ron: We faltered and the second one of us faltered and suggested maybe we stop the other. I think it was you suggesting it, and I was just like, yup.

Laura: Do you know what it was, Ron? It's the same reason we ended up not recording this the other day, uh, when we did Buoyancy instead, is because I just want to do my best. And I could see a big sum coming up and I could feel myself crumbling in


Laura: focus, and I just didn't want to go. I can't and not. And maybe that'll just happen today anyway. Maybe the sun was just too hard. But I just wanted to give it my best shot.

Ron: Yeah, I mean, we are now just kind of starting with the big sum.

We're going for lunch with family of the podcast

Laura: What's happening in the background?

Ron: Judith's on a call.

Laura: I thought she was in the office today.

Ron: She's leaving soon.

Laura: Get out of here, Judith. Get gone, bitch. Don't turn a record a bitch.

Ron: I might tell her that you called her Pitch.

Laura: Uh, we're best friends.

Ron: Yes. We're going for lunch.

Laura: Yeah, I got invited to a, uh, lunch with big sister of the podcast. Ooh, not a brunch, though. A lunch.

Ron: No. Is it all three of you come in, or are you just gonna pop?

Laura: I think it is all three of us. What I'm trying to work out is Saturday night I'm gigging in Bath, so I might just come to yours and stay over rather than going all the way back down to Taunton and then back up to Bristol. Okay, family of the podcast can come and join us.

Ron: Family of the podcast? I don't think we've ever said that Before. That's cute.

Laura: Well, I was gonna say Tom and child of the podcast, but then that sounds weird.

Ron: But then husband and child of the podcast.

Laura: Family of the podcast.

Ron: Family of the podcast, yeah.

Laura: Calculate the charge flow to Hornsdale on this day

So Laura, uh, you might remember that yesterday we were talking about the town of Hornsdale in Australia. Now Hornsdale, Australia has its electricity supplied by a huge battery. Their words, not mine.

Laura: Jumper did not muffle the sound.

Ron: Turning yourself into a rather gassy barnacle really didn't not draw attention to it.

Laura: Sorry about that everyone.

Ron: Don't worry, I'll edit it out.

Laura: I uh, in editing buoyancy. I um, every time one of us coughed, which was a lot, there's a chicken noise. So it's quite a chickeny episode, which is a nice blast from the past, I thought.

Ron: I do sheep baths when we do body noises. Um, on one day the battery transferred 3.24 times 10 to the 11 joules of energy to the town. The potential difference of the town's electricity supply is 230 volts. Calculate the charge flow to the town on this day. Use the sheet. Give your answer to three sig figs.

Laura: Oh God. Yeah. Okay. Should we just stop and do this tomorrow?

Ron: Yes. Goodbye.

Laura: Okay. Okay. No, we're not going to do that, Laura. We're going to go to the sheet and we're going to scan it and look for or the words that look familiar. So. Oh, there's charge flow. So it's hopefully that one charge flow. Does anything else have charge flow in it?

Ron: You might have to link up multiple formulas.

Laura: Do you think you could say that again without rattling and moving your entire thing?

Ron: You might have to use multiple formulas.

Laura: This is so horrible. You know, some of our listeners have sensitivity to noises.

Ron: I think they should just buck up. Um, you might have to use multiple formulas.

Laura: You need to eat less mawam. You are giddy.

Ron: I've only had three.

Laura: Yeah, and you're giddy. I might have to use multiple formulas. Oh no.

Ron: Because if you found the one for charge flow, what are the inputs for the charge flow? One.

Laura: Well, there's two charge flow ones. There's charge flow, current and time. But I don't think we want time because it just says a day and that's loosey goosey.

Ron: Is it? Or is the day a unit of time?

Laura: It is, but it didn't say a 24 hour period, which is what I'd expect.

Ron: That's what a day is.

Laura: So why are they saying day and not 24 hour period? I don't understand the other one.

Ron: I don't understand.

Laura: The other one is energy transferred equals charge flow times potential difference. And that feels more like what I'm doing. What am I trying to find out?

Ron: The charge.

Laura: Charge flow. Oh, uh. God, okay, so I do know the energy transferred though, don't I? So energy transferred is 3.24 times 10 to the power 11 equals. Run.

Ron: What?

Laura: Just stop it.

Ron: It's not malware.

Laura: Charge flow is Q. That's the bit I don't know. And the potential difference is. Was that 230 volts? It was. Okay, so


Laura: I don't think I do need the time. I think I can find it out by that. So to find out Q, I need to divide 3.24 times 10 to the power 11 by 230 volts. Uh, for that I need my calculator. Scientific. 3.24 times 10 to the 11 equals. What the fucking jeeba doos is that? 3.24? E 11. What does E mean in a number, Ron? 10 to the power 11 is like 10 times itself. 11 times, isn't it?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: So 10 times 10 times 10.

Ron: Laura, haven't you got a scientific calculator?

Laura: 9. Yeah, but it put an E in the answer, so I don't know what to do with that. Now I've lost count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 equals. Oh, it's putting E in again. What does E mean, Ron?

Ron: I think. What does it say?

Laura: 1, E11.

Question: How do I multiply 10 to the power 11 by 3.24

Ron: Yeah, I think the E just means, like, standard form, like times ten.

Laura: Well, that's not helping me.

Ron: Isn't it?

Laura: Oh, God. El. Ron, I hate standard form. How am I supposed to work that out? Is Judith having a shower?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Do you live in a box? What's happening?

Ron: No, I'm just in the living room.

Laura: Is the shower in the living room?

Ron: It's in the room next to the living room. Do you want me to act like this every time your child shits herself and starts screaming in the background? Or every time that.

Laura: I do?

Ron: I don't.

Laura: You do.

Ron: God, I can't wait to get back to the UK and have a cup of tea.

Laura: Ugh, yeah. Ron, I don't know what to do with this.

Ron: Where have you got to? What have you done?

Laura: So I think I know what I need to do, but I don't know how to actually get a number out of 10 to the power 11.

Ron: That is a number.

Laura: It's not number that. How do I multiply 10 to the power 11 by 3.24?

Ron: Multiply what? What do you mean.

Laura: Well, because the joules.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: The transfer m of energy is 3.24 times 10 to the power 11. And I've got to divide that by 230.

Ron: Okay. What would happen if you divided 3.24 times 10 to the Power 11 by 10? What would that equal?

Laura: 3.24 times 10 to the POWER 10?

Ron: Yep. So you're trying to divide that by 230, right?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay, so if you divide it by 10, then you've got 3.24 times 10 to the PowerPoint 10. Now you only need to divide it by 23.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So you could keep doing it like that, but keeping it in standard form.

Laura: How do I divide that by 23?

Ron: Well, what you could do is divide it by 10 again.

Laura: Okay. 10 to the nine.

Ron: Yeah. And then what you could do is divide the 3.24 by 2.3.

Laura: How do I do that?

Ron: With a calculator.

Laura: But how do I put that into a calculator?

Ron: 3.24 divided by 2.3.

Laura: But don't I need to divide the 10 to the power 9 by 2.3?

Ron: Nope. This is kind of why, um, standard form is useful.

Laura: Three significant figures. Does the 10 to the power 9 count as a significant figure?

Ron: No.

Laura: Okay, so 1.41 times 10 to the power 9 is my answer.

Ron: You've just divided one number by the other number on this page.

Laura: Yeah. Do you think that that because it said to find out the current?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: That's not what I want to know, though. No. Yeah. To find out the charge flow. Wait, I thought I knew the charge flow. Oh, God. No, wait, I've done this wrong. That should be energy transfer. I, uh, do need two. Fuck.

Ron: Yeah. Because it's for four marks, this question, so dividing one number by the other one ain't gonna do it.


Ron: Oh, God.

Laura: Okay, so 3.24 times 10 to the power 11.

Ron: Do you know the best thing about us doing this in two parts is because I've edited all of the exams. Um, and when we get into the second half of each exam, instead of doing this, that you're doing now, which is really good for audio, where you're like 2.23, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you start doing this.

I need to find out the charge flow using the potential difference and time

Laura: Um, what's the SI unit of time, Ron? Is it minutes? M. Seconds.

Ron: Seconds.

Laura: Okay, so 24 times 60 times 60, so 86,400 seconds. This is an even harder sum. Do I even need the power? I don't even know. Oh. Oh, fuck. What am I trying to find out? I'm trying to find out the charge flow. I'm going to write that in capital letters there. What is the charge flow? Okay. Charge flow equals current times time. Do I know the current? No. So now I need to find out the current. How do I find out? Current, current, current. Buns sitting in a row. I don't know the resistance, so I can't use that one. M. Um, no. He's gone again. How do I find out the current?

Ron: You can't nag me for background noises and then get annoyed when I mute to try and get rid of them. Plus I was eating a mawam.

Laura: I do know that. I know the energy transfer and the potential difference and the time. Energy transfer?

Ron: Potential.

Laura: Uh, difference in time. Is potential difference the same as power?

Ron: Is that a genuine question?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Why would they be the same?

Laura: Because volts is the same as potential difference, isn't it?

Ron: Volts is the unit of potential difference.

Laura: And that makes it the same thing. I need to find out the current using the potential difference and the time and I can't do that. This is a tricko. I can't do this one.

Ron: All right, what have we got? We've got the voltage and we've got the energy transferred. Okay. Okay, so. But we can work out the power.

Laura: Can we?

Ron: You ah, might even have to use three formulas.

Laura: Oh, fuck off. But I don't know. I've only got.

Ron: Read the whole sheet. Read the whole sheet.

Laura: Slap you in the Internet.

Ron: Going to see a film tonight.

Laura: I don't care.

Ron: You're not being kind.

Laura: I don't care. Right. I just don't have the things I need I can work out. Right. The two things I've got that have charge flow in them are either energy transferred equals charge flow times potential difference. M which I don't have the charge flow.

Ron: What are we trying to work out?

Laura: The charge flow. Yeah, that's fucking what I just did. We, uh, don't know the charge flow, but I do know the potential difference in the energy transferred. So? So I divided one by the other to get the charge flow and you said it was wrong.

Ron: I just said that. Didn't seem like it would be four miles.

Laura: Oh, don't. Don't tell me I'm wrong. Before you even checked, you did this to me in the last episode. I know the energy transferred and the potential difference. Energy transferred equals charge flow times potential difference. So the charge flow should be divide both sides by the potential difference. So divide the energy transferred by the potential difference should equal the charge flow.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: What was your answer? For that.

Laura: Um, what was my answer for that.

Ron: One?

Laura: Easy 4 marks, 1.41 times 10 to the 9.

Ron: Yeah, that's right, mate.

Laura: I fucking hate you, Ron. I hate you so much.

Ron: Yeah, good job, mate. Sorry. I'll cheque the mark scheme before I help next time. You got to admit that was an easy 4 marks.

Laura: No, I'm shitting blood here trying to work this out.

Question 7.2. I didn't get it on the first try

And then I think I've got it and you're like, nah, probs not though. Oh, my God.

Ron: Well, excuse me for not thinking you were gonna get something on the first try.

Laura: I didn't get it on the first try. I sat here, uh, overnight. I'd done so much bite size revision overnight, trying to work this shit out.

Ron: No, you haven't.

Laura: I fucking have, Ron. I watched a whole video this morning about Leighton Heat.

Ron: No, you haven't.

Laura: I did. It had an immersion heater and it had, um. What were those? It had a different name that, like, really jogged a memory. Um, the stands began with an R. I've already forgotten the word.

Ron: Question 7. Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays are types of nuclear regulation. What?

Laura: Regaliation.

Ron: Regiation.

Laura: Regaliation.

Ron: Uh, what does an alpha particle consist of, Laura?

Laura: So here you go, Ron. Uh, alpha particle is two protons and two neutrons.

Ron: Very nice.

Laura: Fucking did research.

Ron: You see, I just. I just don't believe that you would do revision and not tell me why you were doing it.

Laura: I just have to.

Ron: Gratification. Yeah, but for gratification while you were doing it. I don't think that you have delayed gratification. I don't think you're capable of that.

Laura: Maybe I told someone else.

Ron: Yeah. Did you tell Tom? Um, no. No, you'd have told child of the podcast.

Laura: No, she was mad at me last.

Ron: Night because you were being a grump.

Laura: I was. Cheer up, grump. Um, no. She was angry with me because she wanted to stand on all the presents we bought Tom, and I said, please could you not? And then on the fourth time, I said, please don't do that. I shouted at her and then she got mad at me for shouting at her and I was like, fair enough. I'm not supposed to shout, but my big trigger is being. Is having to repeat myself. So a two year old is terrible fodder for me.

Ron: Almost three, though. Almost past those terrible twos.

Laura: True. M. Right, we need to blast on because I genuinely have a workout in one hour.

Ron: Okay. 7.2. Laura. A Krypton.

Laura: Stop unwrapping. Another Maoan.

Ron: Um, A Krypton.

Internal contamination of the human body means radioactive material is inside the body

Brackets Cr nucleus decays into a rubidium nucleus by emitting a beta particle. Complete the nuclear equation for this decay by writing the missing number in each box. So we've got a crew of 36 and an 85 rub plus one electron. Laura has to fill in two boxes.

Laura: I remember doing this, but I've got nothing. I can use my periodic table. Mhm. Is that helpful? It's probably not helpful.

Ron: It's an equation, so it balances.

Laura: Yeah. So I'm gonna put 85 in the top number and 35 and the bottom number.

Ron: Final answer?

Laura: I'm tossing up between 35 and 37. I'm gonna go 35.

Ron: Okay. Internal contamination of the human body means radioactive material is inside the human body. Explain how the risk from internal contamination is different to the risk from external irradiation by a source of alpha radiation for 5 marks.

Laura: Oh dear. Fuck. Uh, well, it's inside, isn't it? So it's closer to your vital organs. Uh, your computer's very loud today.

Ron: Fuck off.

Laura: Just not sure if it's my brain whirring or your computer.

Ron: Last record on this laptop though.

Laura: Physics results gonna be so quiet.

Ron: Yeah. I think how slick my editing is gonna be.

Laura: Is it?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: What's gonna change?

Ron: I'm gonna be really excited to use my laptop for a few weeks.

Laura: Oh


Laura: yeah, that. I've been like that. That's why I put loads of sound effects in the last one. Um, inside the body. Oh God, I don't know. And I hate these where I'm just saying shit sentences.

Ron: Should we, should we come back to it?

Laura: No, because we won't. Because I won't have time. Inside the body. You're making new cells. So if there's contamination in the Creation Hub, then uh, then they're all getting fucked up and so it's worse. Uh, gets in your bloodstream. There's no skin to bounce it off. No body doesn't necessarily fight it off because it's inside. That'll do. I don't know. Let's not waste our time on one we just don't know the answer to.

Ron: Do you want me to read that back?

Laura: No, I do not. Ever? Not even in the next episode. Thank you very much.

Ron: Goodbye might be your worst answer.

Laura: Listen, I'm just putting my energy in where it's got a chance and there's no chance on that one.

Laura: Where's the Creation Hub? Laura: It's in

So let's not waste five minutes.

Ron: Can I ask a follow up question though? Where's the Creation Hub?

Laura: It's in. It's in the. Mrs. Gren Right.

Ron: Okay. Mrs. Gren, who works the reception desk at the Creation Hub.

Laura: Creation Hub? Yeah, yeah. They have beanbags to sit on.

Ron: Don't worry, Laura. We're already on to question eight, so we can leave that behind.

A student determined the specific latent heat using immersion water

A student determined the specific latent heat.

Laura: Huh?

Ron: Uh, vaporisation of water. Figure 9 shows some of the equipment used. We've got a power supply, a, uh, line, presumably a cable. It's not labelled, so how would I know that going into.

Laura: That's an immersion heater on.

Ron: Immersion heater? Yep. In water. In a beaker.

Laura: Yes. Okay.

Ron: Yes. Okay. This is the method used, but 50 centimetres cubed of water in a, um, beaker. Measure the mass of the beaker in the water. Use a heater to boil the water and keep it boiling for 60 seconds. Measure the mass.

Laura: 600 seconds.

Ron: 600 seconds. Sorry, that's 10 minutes. Measure the mass of the beaker in the water after 600 seconds. What measuring instrument should be used to measure the volume of water? Do you know what's a fun word? Meniscus.

Laura: Is that the curvature on the top of water? Mm. Um. In the video. Thank you. In the video I watched this morning, they did this with a control and they weighed the water to make the volume, to sort of get the volume. Um, but in this one, because the method, they haven't weighed the beaker. I don't think that that's.

Ron: Read the method.

Laura: Yeah, I am reading the fucking method. Well, I think the instrument that they should use to measure the volume of water should be the same instrument that they use to measure the water that they put in the beaker which is. They haven't actually said.

Ron: Read the method.

Laura: Put 50 centimetres cubed of water in a beaker. Measure the mass of the beaker and water. They did measure the mass of the beaker and the water. They didn't say how, though.

Ron: Um, but also, mass isn't volume. Oh.

Laura: Uh, Well, I would say a measuring cylinder.

Ron: Ron, final answer.

Laura: Well, yeah, it just seems sensible.

Ron: What is a hazard in the student's investigation? Is it burns? Is it boiling water? Is it heatproof gloves? Is it safety goggles?

Laura: Yeah, I think the hazard is the boiling water, isn't it? The burns would be the outcome. So I think it's the boiling water. Is the hazard. Hazard analysis critical control point. That's the haccp.

Ron: Song Hassop.

Laura: Yeah. Do you remember that? H, A, C, C, P. What's that? Uh, hazard analysis critical control point. It was like you. Yeah. You have to analyse the hazard and then put in a. A control Point for it.

Ron: No. No idea, Laura.

Laura: That might have been in health and safety at uni when we were putting on shows.

Ron: Actually, you have to sing at the drama students to get them to pay attention.

Laura: Yeah, but look, it's stuck in my head, hasn't it?

Ron: Maybe we should do some musical episodes of Ron.

Laura: I've been begging you to write songs.

Ron: Yeah, you want me to just perform a random song at, uh, a live show?

Laura: Yeah.

Give the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water given by students

Ron: Anyway, the initial mass of this is another 5 marker. The initial mass of the beaker in the water was 0.08


Ron: kilogrammes. The final mass of the beaker in the water was 0.071 kilogrammes. The energy transferred by the immersion heater was as the water boiled was 25,200 joules. Give the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water given by the students. Data, give the unit. Use the physics equation sheet.

Laura: Okay, so the difference then is 0.09 now. Oh, uh, my God, I'm so happy that I watched this video. Specific latent heat is the amount of energy required to turn a kilogramme of a substance into a different state. So we've got 0.09 kilogrammes there. The energy transferred was 25, 200 joules in 600 seconds. Uh, then I need my sheet. Um, where are you? Latent heat. Ah. Ah. Thermal energy change for a state equals the mass times the specific latent heat.

Ron: McD.

Laura: Yeah. Was it. Was that what McDeath was? I thought that was a triangle thing, so. God. So it took. Oh, stop typing. Oh, right. Come on, brain. Come on, brain. Think it through. Think it through, brain. Thermal energy change for a state. That was that. That was that. And we changed 0.09 kilogrammes. So, um, um. It's back. I haven't heard that noise in ages.

Ron: It was a different noise.

Laura: No, it wasn't.

Ron: Yeah, that was from an iPhone. Which goes to show, as I always said, that noise was nothing like what you thought it was.

Laura: Right, so first thing I think I need to do is turn that into a kilogramme, so. So I can work this out. So, uh.

Ron: Hey, gang. Ron here. While editing, um, Laura spent about four minutes on this question. No shade. It was a lot of maths to do. And on my end, Judith was unloading a dishwasher quite loudly. So I've edited this out, but something that hasn't happened, I think in all of the exams. It's just a jump cut to the answer, but thought I'd spare all of you that. So, welcome back in three, two, one.

Laura: I'm, um, right. More on. My answer is 2,800. And the unit then is joules per kil. Joules per kilogramme, I think.

Ron: Cool beans.

Laura: That sounds like a human doing a cat impression.

Ron: Yucky, yucky. Come here. Come here.

Laura: Okay. Even if that's wrong, I feel good about my try that.

Ron: You sounded very grown up while you were working it all out.

Laura: Thank you, Ron.

Ron: 8.4. Laura. Some thermal energy was transferred to the surroundings while the water was being heated. Explain how this affected the students value for the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.

Laura: Their value would be slightly higher than the true value due to heat transfer to the surrounding area that was lost from the experiment.

Ron: So say that again. Due to the. That was lost. What was the wording there?

Laura: Um, what did I say?

Ron: Slightly higher than the true value due.

Laura: To the heat lost to the surrounding area. Yeah, it would cause a slight inaccuracy in their measurement.

Ron: Some of the water evaporated before its temperature reached 100 degrees. Explain how this affected the student's value for the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.

Laura: Oh, that would give, uh, them a slight inaccuracy on


Laura: the lower end of the scale, uh, due to that water requiring, uh, a slightly lower heat than the true specific latent heat overall. Probably balances, doesn't it? Don't worry about it, lads.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Don't write that.

Ron: What are you shouting about?

Laura: She sounds like that hamster in, uh, Enchanted Apple? No, thank you. It's good.

Figure 10 shows Judith doing an experiment to determine her power output

Oh, hello. We've got a figure here. Look at this lady showing up.

Ron: She does have a figure.

Laura: She goes upstairs with.

Ron: She does.

Laura: She's all mes hovering on that top step there. One strong wind and she's got a broken collarbone.

Ron: 9. Question 9. Figure 10 shows a girl doing an experiment to determine.

Laura: Not a student, just a girl doing.

Ron: An experiment to determine her power output by running to the top of some stairs.

Laura: I'm gonna call this girl Judith.

Ron: Figure 10 shows Judith doing an explosion experiment to determine her power output by running to the top of some stairs. The mass of Judith was 60 kilogrammes. The height of the stairs was 175 centimetres. She's a short girl. Um, the. Judith ran to the top of the stairs in 1.4 seconds. Gravitational field strength equals 9.8 newtons per kilogramme. Calculate the power output of Judith.

Laura: Um. Okay. Power equals. Do we know how long it took her to do it? Yes. Okay. Power equals work done. Or energy transferred. That's what we're Doing it's probably. Is it work done? Um, maybe. We've got to work that out first. How many points is this? It's five. Okay. Um, so. So, so, so gravitational potential energy. Is that what I need to work out? So she Basically, she took 60kgs up 175 in 1.5 despite 9.8. Well, it feels like that sum there has all of that stuff in it. So. Yes, it's the gravitational potential energy. That's. That's what we need. Okay, so we're going to do mass, which was 60 times, uh, 9.8. And. And times height is 175. That is going to equal 60 times 9.8 times, uh. Delete. Delete. 175 equals. That gives us 102,900. And that is the gravitational potential energy. So we'll call that joules, and I'll write gravity next to it to remember that. Then, uh, that's the energy transferred. So to find out the power, we multiply that by the time. So, uh, the time was 100 seconds. So we'll just multiply that by a hundred. So we're gonna call that 10,290,000 watts. Sounds like a lot though, uh, doesn't it?

Ron: Does seem like a lot. Yeah. Like a light bulb's like 50. Yeah.

Laura: M. Doesn't feel right.

Ron: Do you think that she's burning 10 million joules per second?

Laura: Judith is a worrier, so some of that could be. Yeah, that doesn't feel right.

Ron: So that's her, uh, burning about a quarter of a million calories running up these stairs.

Laura: No. Okay, that doesn't feel right. But I feel like I did all that. Right. The gravitational. Okay, so maybe the gravitational potential energy is not


Laura: the same as the energy transferred. Okay, so how do I work out energy transferred? I don't know. Energy transfer, charge. No, because I don't. That doesn't exist in this world. Power over time. But I don't know the power, do I?

Ron: That's what you're calculating.

Laura: Yeah. Well, the thing is, though, I use the gravitational potential energy. Maybe it's kinetic energy.

Ron: Doesn't matter if it's energy.

Laura: Well, it does because they're different things. The different.

Ron: Right.

Laura: Gravitational potential energy because she's going up. But it's kinetic energy because she's moving herself up.

Ron: So what was the sum that you did for that?

Laura: What?

Gravitational potential energy mass times the gravitational field strength times height

Gravitational potential energy mass times the gravitational field strength times height.

Ron: Yep. Okay.

Laura: That felt like all the numbers they'd given me.

Ron: So that will be the energy transferred.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Then what did you do?

Laura: Then I multiplied that by the time to get the power.

Ron: Why did you do that?

Laura: Because power equals energy transferred divided by time.

Ron: Power equals.

Laura: I need to divide it, Ron. I need to divide it. Yes, I understand the world.

Ron: I still don't understand how you could.

Laura: 10 million, 1029, Ron.

Ron: That seems a lot more reasonable, doesn't it?

Laura: Yeah, let's go with 1,000 watts.

Ron: Let's have a little looky loo at the mark scheme. How much did you get again?

Laura: 1029 watts. Still quite a lot, isn't it? I'm just wondering if I ought to be doing the kinetic energy one. Because it's a moving thing?

Ron: No, it's not about that.

Laura: Oh, okay. Well, listen, we've only got 20 minutes left, so I think I'm just gonna have to submit that answer and move on.

Ron: Wait, what was your answer for the gravitational energy?

Laura: Uh, 102,900.

Ron: And what was the calculation you did again with those numbers?

Laura: 60.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Uh, yeah. 60 times 9.8.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Times 175.

Ron: Do that calculation again.

Laura: 102,900.

Ron: No.

Laura: Yes. 60 times 9.8. Times 175. Should it be 1.75? Is it metres?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Ah. Uh, that's where we're going wrong. Oh, that gives me 1029 wrong. And then I'll divide that by 110.29.

Ron: Why dividing that by 100?

Laura: Because you said to divide it by the time and it's 100 seconds.

Ron: She doesn't run up the stairs in 100 seconds.

Laura: Oh, it's 1.4 seconds.

Ron: Fucking hell.

Laura: Divided by 1.4. 735.

Ron: All, uh, right, okay. I'm writing help next to that one.

Laura: It, uh, doesn't make any difference. A mark's a mark.

Ron: I can still berate. The total power output of Judith was greater than the answer to 9.1. Suggest two reasons why.

Laura: Uh, she created question. Actually, I did.

Ron: Actually, Laura did.

Laura: Um, I think she's got Judith energy, this girl.

Ron: She does have. Does she? I don't know.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Judith walks up the stairs like a normal person.

Laura: Hmm. M when you're watching, but when you're not there, she's crazy loon. Um, she created heat as she went up, Ron. She got hot. Her body heated up. Uh, and, um, what else? She made noises as, uh, she went to sound energy.

Ron: Question three. I'm hungry. A boy. Let's call him Ron. Ron took more than 1.4 seconds to run up the same stairs. The power output of Ron was the same as the power output of Judith. What conclusion can be made about Ron's mass?

Laura: His mass was greater than Judith's.

Ron: We're getting there.

Laura, question 10. Force equals spring constant times extension. Calculate max speed of toy aeroplane

Laura, question 10.

Laura: Oh, we've got another figure. Figure 11. We've got an arm. Looks, um, less puffy than previous arms. And it's got a. A little like flying aeroplane on a spring. And it's pulling the aeroplane back and holding the spring taut in the other hand, firing it like an arrow. Ooh. De lally.

Ron: To launch the aeroplane, the student pulls on.

Laura: Oh, it's a student again now, is it?

Ron: Judith's not a student. That's fair.

Laura: She's a professional lady.

Ron: The student pulls on it to stretch the spring and then releases it. Oh, gnocchi's back. 10.1. Just before the toy aeroplane is released, the spring has an extension of 0.12 metres. Mass of the aeroplane 0.02 kilogrammes. Spring constant of the spring. 50 newtons per metre. Calculate the max speed the toy aeroplane just after it's launched. Use the sheet. Give the unit 6 marks. Let's go.

Laura: There's a lot of this sums, isn't it?

Ron: Yeah. I told you this was going to be bad content.

Laura: No, it's lovely. This is, uh. Right, okay. Distance travelled equals speed times time. Is that what we've got here? No. Right, what do I have? I have the mass, the spring content. Otherwise known as our Easter episodes. We're on. It's the spring content. Right. That's what I've got.

Ron: Also, the word is constant.

Laura: Oh, is it? Yeah, I see what you're saying. Constant. Uh, I really need a wee. And I need to go and change the bread over and I need to do a workout. Right, okay. Force equals spring constant times extension. That's something. Uh. Good God. Judith, go and play on the stairs some more. Stop shattering crockery. Is she clearing up your Mao? I'm wrappers for you.

Ron: Yes. Judith's cleaned the whole flat.

Laura: I've listened. Um. Force. Oh, God, I can't focus and I need a Wii. The maximum speed of the toy speed. Speed of the toy speed equals distance travel times time. Okay, so, uh, how do I get any of those out of what I've got now? All piss flaps. Jesus Christ. Nokian. Judith. Oh, Ron. Uh, none of these help. Is it the force that's got acceleration? Oh. Oh, none of these have. Oh, wait a minute, there's another page. Uh, no, it's not those, though, is it? It's not that. It's not that force equals spring constant times extension. Do I know the extension? Yes. Okay, so let's work out the force quickly. The spring constant is, uh, 50. Oh, gosh. Okay, 50 times. What is happening now?

Ron: I'm making things better.

Laura: Extension was 0.12. That's 6. So the force is 6. Christ. Uh, uh, but we're trying to find this.

Ron: All right?

Laura: Everything about this is horrible.

Ron: Ron, it's better now.

As the aeroplane moves upwards, there is a decrease in potential energy

Laura: True. Oh, God, I don't know. I'm gonna have to come back to this one because we're running out of time.

Ron: Okay, um, complete the sentence. As the aeroplane moves upwards through the air, there is a decrease in the.

Laura: Blank energy of the aeroplane potential energy.

Ron: Give one factor which should. That


Ron: would increase the distance the toy aeroplane travels horizontally before hitting the ground.

Laura: The, uh, angle that it is released at.

Use the physics equation sheet to calculate time taken for hair straighteners

Ron: All right, we're on to question 11, Laura. Uh.

Laura: Ooh. What does that mean? Is this the last question?

Ron: I think so.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Yes. Um, figure 12. Show some hair straighteners. Hair straighteners contain heating elements. Figure 12. Hair straighteners. 11.1111. That's nice, isn't it?

Laura: Yeah, I like it when my car gets to that. On driving things, when the hair str.

Ron: Laura, what's going on?

Laura: Oh, it's getting some paper because I think I've got to draw something.

Ron: Yeah. When the hair straighteners reach normal operating temperature and LED turns on, draw the circuit symbol for an LED in the box.

Laura: Oh, balls. I don't know. Um.

Ron: Yeah, we really phoned in circuits to be fair.

Laura: Yeah, well, that's because everything kept going on fire. I'm m gonna do a square with a cross in it, Ron.

Ron: Okay. Can you send me a picture of that on WhatsApp?

Laura: No, I'll just show it to you. Here, look.

Ron: Hang on. Let me mark it. Now then.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Wrong. 11.2. 11, uh, point two. Figure 13 shows the circuit diagram for the hair straighteners. Each resistor represents a heating element. The power output of the hair straighteners can be changed by closing different switches. Why do the hair straighteners not turn on when only switched S2 is closed?

Laura: Because then there is not a closed circuit. That includes the power supply.

Ron: Okay. 11.3. The hair straighteners have a maximum power output of 120 watts. The energy transferred to the hair straighteners to reach normal operating temperature is 3.3.6 kilojoules. Calculate the time taken for the hair straighteners to reach normal operating temperature when operating at maximum power. Use the physics equation sheet. Time equals seconds.

Laura: Okay, so power Equals one.

Ron: Sorry, Yang. Same M again, I think. Um, yeah, another four. Four minute calculation here. Again, no shade. A lot of maths, but often when Laura does this, she completely forgets to be funny or interesting. Um, there were large periods of silence in this one. Um, so we're just gonna cut ahead. Let's go.

Laura: Oh, I, uh, don't know. We'll have to skip. We'll have to move on. I'll have to come back.

Figure 14 shows hair straightener circuit when Switch S1 is closed

Ron: All right, last question. Figure 14 first shows the hair straightener circuit, which is Switch S1 is closed. Switch S2 and Switch S3 are closed at the same time. Explain what happens to the power output of the power supply.

Laura: I don't know. The power that the power supply is supplying is now spread across the four new resistors that have been introduced to the closed circuit. It provides an even amount of power to each resistor. Sure.

Ron: Right.

Laura: Let's go back to this one. Okay.

Ron: Um, so here we went through a period where Laura tried to go back to several different questions, semi incoherently as to which one she was talking about. I just cut it. I just cut it.

Ron: I can't work out the kinetic energy or the speed

Laura: Is the kinetic energy the force, Ron?

Ron: No, it's energy.

Laura: Well, I can't work out the kinetic energy because I don't know the kinetic energy or the speed. So I don't have the things I need to use that.

Ron: Where does the kinetic energy come from for this?

Laura: From the spring.

Ron: Yeah. Where you. Yeah. What type of energy is in the.

Laura: Spring when it's potential energy?

Ron: What type of potential energy?

Laura: Elastic potential energy.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Okay, so elastic potential energy is 0.5 times 50. Is that times, uh, times the extension squared, which. Which is 0.12 squared. That gives us the elastic 0.5 times 50 times 0.12 squared equals.


Laura: So 5.4 is the elastic potential energy. So then is that the same as the kinetic energy?

Ron: Yeah. And things like this, you just kind of have to assume that it's all getting transferred to the right thing.

Laura: Right. Okay, so kinetic energy 5.4 equals. So 0.5 times the mass. Mass was 0.02. Yes, 0.0. It was 0.1 times, uh, the speed squared. So to get the speed on its own, you're dividing Both sides by 0.01. 5.4 divided by 0.01 is. Equals 540. And I need the square root of that. Uh, this doesn't feel right, but I'm going for 23.24 m s. No, that's too fast. Christ, I don't know. Uh. Oh, it doesn't feel right, does it? I don't know. I'm gonna multiply that by 100 because I think I'm gonna have that. I'm gonna go for 0.23 metres per second. I don't know. I'm just gonna have to call it.

Ron: Fair enough.

Laura: I feel like I really, really, truly did my best on this exam, though.

Ron: Yeah. Yeah. And you didn't get despondent?

Laura: I did. I did run.

Ron: But you tried hard.

Laura: I did.

Ron: Um. Yeah. I'm proud of you.

Laura: All right. And we will reconvene in the new year, I guess, for the results.

Ron: Yes, we will.

Laura: I'm, um, sad, Ron, because I just thought that was such a good. Anyway, no spoilers, but I edited the results last night and, um, that episode was a trick. Oh. I played on myself.

Ron: Yeah, I mean, we'll talk more about that in the interest for that.

Laura: Yeah, we'll talk about that next week.

Leicester Festival is coming up very, very soon

Um, but, hey, we have got some important announcements. So we did a lot of waffle chat up the top. Um, but quickly to get to the important stuff. Leicester Festival is coming up very, very soon, just round the corner.

Ron: Why don't they call it Lesterville?

Laura: Yeah, because they didn't employ us to be their marketing department. Although I did do the gala the other day. I was unreasonable about it, Ron. It was a. I was a bit. But quietly in my own head. So I was the only one that suffered because I was surly. Um, I just. It was. It was a beautiful gala at De Montfort hall in Leicester, which is wonderful. Amazing big theatre. And, um, and I was doing the show as to sort of launch the festival and you can promote your own shows a little bit and stuff. But because it was my first gig back after a long break, I just didn't want to drive to Leicester. And then every little detail that were perfectly reasonable just made me go. Um. Uh, it was very funny. I was talking to some other actors and I was like, God, I feel so livid about having to be here. And they were all looking at me like, dude, we're playing like a 3,000 seater theatre and it's lovely and it's well paid and it's promotion for your own. Shut up. And I was like, yes, I am a snake woman. Um, but that's, uh, how far. Anyway, we've just decided we're going to make this year's Leicester Festival Leicester themed. What? So we're going to be looking at the science of the discovery of Richard III's bones, the science of the history of Richard III, because anything to make it history rather than science. Um, going to try and investigate all that sort of stuff. We're going to look at Leicester scientists, uh, what's going on in the science world around Leicester. So do get your tickets for that. There's an optional Lab rats meetup, if you sort of have been thinking. It does sound like a nice community, but I'm a bit more lurker than joiner. Hey, so are we. We're lurkers in our own podcast.


Laura: Um, but do come to a live show and see if there's one or two rats that you'd like to make friends with.

Ron: Yeah, um, we're too awkward to go.

Laura: Oh, God. Yeah. No, we hide.

Ron: Yeah. We.

Laura: We wave from a distance when we walk into the pub, wherever it is, we sort of wave and then run away.

Ron: Yeah, we, um, we. We love the people, but we. We find it hard to maintain eye contact with people while they say nice things.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So we.

Laura: Last night at a gig, um, Ian Stone, he's a great comedian. I was working with him. He was like, what mates of yours have you got in comedy? Then I was just like, oh, none, Ian, none. Um, Will Duggan. That's it. I don't socialise. Just like, I've never seen you at the comedian's Christmas party. No, I haven't gone to a party for 20 years. Don't be with me.

Ron: Nick Page. You're friends with Nick Page?

Laura: That's what I said. I said Nick Page. Cause he also doesn't really socialise. I just go and stay at his house and we hide together. Um, yes.

Ron: So, uh, I've probably got more friends in comedy than you.

Laura: Yeah. I was really trying to list people off that. I'm like, who am I actually friends. Friends with? I was like, Sarah Keyworth. I. I'd say we're friends. Friends, Abigail. We're friends. Friends. Like, we would text outside. Oh, it was pathetic. It was pathetic, Ron.

Leicester Festival kicks off at 4pm on February 9th

Um, anyway, so Leicester Festival, it's the 9th of February. I'm pretty sure it is the 9th of February. Um, it is. And it's at, ah, 4pm to try and make it a bit travel friendly for people that are coming in from outside of Leicester. So hopefully that gives you time to get back, um, afterwards, if travel is a pain, we will be making our annual trip to Twy Cross Zoo. Is it Twycross?

Ron: What zoo do we cross?

Laura: Yeah, Twy Cross. Yeah.

Ron: Is husband of the podcast coming?

Laura: No. And neither's child of the podcast, so it will be just.

Ron: Just us. At the zoo. Alright, let's get drunk.

Laura: Let's get drunk and go to the zoo.

Ron: Oh, no, we've got to get to the zoo.

Laura: We could get a cab.

Ron: Oh, look at the bus. We'll figure that out another time.

Last week we announced our new Patreon goal, which is super exciting

Yes, important, um, update from Ron. Last week we announced our new Patreon goal, which is super exciting and all of our, uh, amazing fans have responded inclined. We're already at 158 out of our 200 Patreon goal. Laura.

Laura: Uh, that's big. I did not expect the reaction to be that much. We had many arguments about doing these Patreon changes or not arguments, but just, um, one of us would send a suggestion and the other one would quietly ignore it and then send their own suggestion back a week later. Um, because I felt like, send a suggestion, I said, because when one of.

Ron: Us would make suggestions, she means Ron. And then when one of us would ignore it, she means Laura.

Laura: Yes. Because I don't like asking people for money. So I felt like, you know, Patreon lets you contribute what you want. So my theory was if people wanted to contribute more, they just would. Ron said, no, let's give goals and tiers. And eventually Ron just did it. And. And um, I'm overwhelmed by the response to it. So thank you very much.

Ron: M. Yeah, and so many people just saying it's not about the goal, particularly it's not about D and D. You've never played D and D or whatever. Just want to support you guys more, which is super lovely to see. And we're about to record the GCSE retrospective as we, um, uh, plunder head first, eye closed into a level. Um, and we asked people for their favourite bit of the podcast so we can do some mems around that. And just so many people just said just the community and just being a part of a part of all of that stuff, which was very, very nice.

Someone brought up making hats in the Discord recently

Laura: Which, on that note, and we will let you go in a minute, but, um, I was thinking somebody brought up in the Discord recently, which, by the way, if you. What if you look at the socials for this podcast and you're like, every time they ask a question, there's deathly silence on all the socials. Yes, there is. That's because everybody chats in the Discord now. So. So, um, that's probably one of the best things about joining up, is you suddenly find where people are enthusiastic, which, yes, you could say it has killed any marketing value for this podcast by moving all of the enthusiasm chat about it to a Private channel. But hey, who cares? We've made a nice safe community on the Internet and that's something amazing. Um, but somebody said about tea towels, which, yeah, I was meant to make a year ago. I haven't done it. Shut up, everyone. But it did make me think, is it time for a new hat? Do we need a new hat for the.

Ron: Do the tea towel. Stop procrastinating with different merch.

Laura: Why don't we just have a hat that's nice and easy?

Ron: What about a hat with the tea towel on it?

Laura: Yeah, yeah. What about a hat that just has the word tea towel on it?

Ron: Or, um. What? Here's a trick. You buy the tea towel and what you could do is just tie a bit of a knot


Ron: in each corner.

Laura: Wear it as a hat. Yeah, we could have a pencils down hat for the end of GCSEs.

Ron: No.

Laura: Uh, no. Okay, well, you know, maybe only because.

Ron: We'Ve already done the end of gcse, so by the time we get around to making hats, that's old news. Pencils up for a level we could have on a hat bed.

Laura: Alpha midterms pencils are. Anyway, so anyway, um, listen, I don't know what I did with that pack about making the, uh. Oh, wait, that's register music. M. It's register time. I just found that pen that I couldn't get to work the other day. I'm gonna put it down and focus on the register. Thank you. This week.

Ron: Put it down.

Mike Chappell upgraded to teacher Peter to show support for podcast

Laura: Mike Chappell. Mike upgraded to the teacher Peter, and sent us a message saying that he isn't in it for the D and D and just wants to show extra support for the podcast, which we love and thank you, Mike. But he expressed that the more important names in the D and D campaign should go to someone more invested. But I think that fits anyway. And I think we might all expect to see Mike, the travelling bard, wandering the roads of Tabria at some point during the campaign with his trumpet hanging from a belt that goes over his lab coat. Thank you so much, Mike. Thank you very, very much for joining the teacher's Pet tier.

Ron: We love you, Mike.

Laura: We. We love you, Mike. I, um, think Mike can't make the Lester show, so a big salute to you, Mike.

Ron: I just wasn't sure if that was the formal one

Um, all right, Ron, this is a very long intro.

Ron: Yeah. Ah, we haven't chatted in a. In a hot minute.

Laura: No. And I don't think we've recorded for a couple of weeks, have we? We didn't record last week because I was at Disney. Yeah, well, take care. Everybody. What. What do you.

Ron: This is pencils down. It's still an exam.

Laura: Was that you saying it?

Ron: I said it, okay.

Laura: I just wasn't sure if that was the formal one.

Ron: Okay, silence, please. For a formal pencils down. Okay, Pencils down

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