Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday, 11 July 2022

Episode 4 - Might O'Condria feat. Haddaway

 Laura: Hello and welcome back to another episode of Lex Education, the podcast where I comedian Laura Lexx try and learn science from my non comedian brother, Ron.

Laura: Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hello, I'm Ron.

Laura: It's our first week where some episodes have been out.

Laura: Ron, how are you feeling?

Ron: It's exciting.

Ron: I'm loving the fame.

Laura: You've never podcasted before, have you?

Ron: No, I've never really done anything before.

Laura: No, you're just a dirty little boy from software, and now you're a podcast star.

Laura: Okay, not a star, but you do have a podcast.

Ron: Yes, because nobody has podcasts.

Laura: This is what really sets you apart from the pack.

Laura: Thank you so much for all the love in our first week of podcasting.

Laura: We've been recording these four months just to make sure we had a backlog of lessons so that we don't end up screwing you with a week where we get busy and don't give you one.

Laura: So we've been excited for months, and then this was our first week of it being in the wild, and you guys have been amazing.

Laura: So thank you very much for tweeting us and Instagramming and all of that stuff.

Laura: We're also on TikTok.

Laura: I don't think anybody wants us to be on TikTok, but listen, we're there, so if that's your method, if you're just like podcasts and Tik tok, that's the only way I get my content.

Laura: Come and give us a follow.

Laura: We've currently only got two followers, and one of them is me.

Ron: If you'd like to explain TikTok to us as well.

Ron: We're both over 19, so we don't really get it.

Laura: Anyway, this is TikTok aside.

Laura: This will be a lesson I imagine we'll have to do at some point in the syllabus.

Laura: The science of duktok, viruses, algorithms.

Laura: Yeah, that's math, isn't it?

Laura: Is an algorithm different to a logarithm?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: I thought that was just how you pronounced.

Laura: You know, it's one of those words that you've never seen, you've never said.

Laura: You've only ever seen them written down.

Laura: And I'd heard people say logarithm, and then I saw the word algorithm, and I just assumed that's how you pronounced it.

Ron: I'm going to blow your mind now, or neither of these things even have anything to do with rhythm from music.

Laura: Well, language needs to shape up.

Laura: So also, if you haven't subscribed, subscribe.

Laura: You're on episode four now.

Laura: You're in, you're stuck.

Laura: You can't leave unless we give you a hall pass and give us a rating.

Speaker C: That's really helpful.

Laura: Thank you very much to Fairy Fluff for your five star review on Apple podcasts.

Laura: We're very grateful.

Speaker C: It helps other people decide to give.

Laura: Us a go, basically, if people haven't gone.

Laura: No, it was doctorship.

Laura: So thank you very much.

Laura: Barry fluffy.

Laura: We appreciate it and we are proud of ourselves, so thank you.

Laura: I know if you listen on Spotify, you can also rate there.

Laura: I'm not sure about other apps.

Ron: I think there have been a few on Spotify, but you need a certain threshold before it starts showing all of these five star reviews we've got.

Ron: So slam a few more in there and then we can see them.

Laura: Slam a few more in there.

Laura: Listen to you, you f****** radio DJ.

Laura: Our first listener is Kevin.

Laura: Hello, Kevin.

Laura: Now, Ron, I don't really understand how this works, but Kevin is in Canada.

Laura: So even though I set it to drop at 100 a.

Laura: M.

Laura: On a certain day because he's in Canada and time happens, he got it before then.

Ron: Yes, but Canada is behind us.

Ron: What, like it's earlier in Canada than it is in the UK.

Laura: So how did he get it before everyone else?

Ron: I think he was just up late.

Laura: I don't understand.

Laura: Kevin, are you okay?

Speaker C: What's happening?

Laura: Where you live, Kevin?

Laura: We're worried about you.

Laura: So thank you, Kevin, for being an early adopter.

Laura: We love you.

Laura: Jenny listened on her commute and said, we brightened it up.

Laura: So if you're commuting and your commute is longer than from your bed to your couch, then, hey, we're here from you.

Laura: You've had a request.

Laura: Ron.

Laura: Over.

Laura: Dusty would like a live stream of a whole new world.

Ron: When we do the first live stream, I will do that.

Ron: I feel like it won't be as funny as it would have been when I was 14.

Laura: What about if we got your friend Noah involved to come on as a special guest and play the chords for you?

Ron: He texted me about that because he'd completely forgotten what happened.

Laura: I think we broke Noah in.

Laura: Noah's also an absolute science hound.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: The thing is, though, I have a high pitch deafness in my left ear, so I've literally toned deaf ear?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Which is using all the time.

Laura: And it sounds good.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Through very hard work and that's the thing, is that when I was 14, I was literally tone deaf and it was awful.

Ron: Now.

Ron: I'm semi accomplished magistrates.

Ron: Whole new world.

Laura: I'm excited.

Laura: I'm here for it.

Laura: I want it to be good.

Laura: Ben says that the podcast has not damaged my brand.

Laura: Ben, if you could get back in touch and let us know whether that's a compliment or not, because Ron and I have talked about that a lot this week and we're not sure how we feel.

Laura: So, anyway, thank you for the love, thank you for listening.

Laura: And we're back to biology today.

Laura: Ron, what are we looking at today?

Ron: We're looking at cell differentiation, basically.

Ron: Just what could be different about sales.

Laura: Yeah, what can be different?

Laura: So, dig out your biology notes from episode one and we'll kick off with a lesson.

Ron: I do have some beef to air, actually, though not with you.

Speaker C: I really panicked then.

Ron: So I wanted to hear your opinion on this.

Ron: Right, I live in a building that has multiple flats.

Ron: Lady on the first floor, she has a dog.

Ron: Her dog clearly s*** in her flat.

Ron: This morning, and then she left a small bag of poop just in the corridor.

Speaker C: For how long?

Ron: I don't know.

Speaker C: Like, if it's under 4 hours.

Speaker C: Okay, you're going to take it out later.

Speaker C: You're just busy.

Ron: 4 hours?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: They're leaving a little bag.

Speaker C: The bag.

Speaker C: I'm not saying I want to leave a bag of poop in someone's place.

Speaker C: Okay, so if you have any thoughts on the bag of poops, let us know or on Twitter and Instagram at Ledge education.

Speaker C: But Ron, first, actually, I've got this notepad.

Speaker C: I have bought a notepad with a periodic table in it just for this podcast.

Speaker C: Secondly, what are we studying today, please?

Ron: So today we're going to progress a bit further into sales.

Ron: So it's our first episode where we're building on something we've previously learned, which I think is going to be fun.

Ron: How do you feel about sales?

Ron: Can you remember much?

Speaker C: Vacuole.

Ron: Pardon?

Speaker C: Vacuol.

Ron: Oh, I thought you just said, f*** you all.

Speaker C: No.

Speaker C: I'm a nice girl.

Speaker C: Do you know what cells I think?

Speaker C: No.

Speaker C: Wait.

Speaker C: Was that Adams?

Speaker C: Which was the plum pudding one?

Ron: That was atoms.

Speaker C: S***.

Speaker C: Cells and atoms are a bit similar in my brain cells.

Speaker C: I think I'll be all right on there's like a million bits to a cell.

Speaker C: And some of them have envelope membranes in them.

Ron: Some of them do have envelope membranes.

Speaker C: So I feel okay.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker C: And we're building on that knowledge.

Speaker C: I'm worried about building on the shaky, shaky knowledge.

Speaker C: It feels like it's a bad house.

Ron: We're building we're going to cover a couple of things.

Ron: We're going to cover sales specialisation.

Ron: So how different cells are different to each other.

Ron: And we're going to cover magnification.

Ron: And then what we'll do is, if we get onto it, we'll learn a little bit about stem cells.

Speaker C: Oh, they're for research for leukaemia.

Ron: Yes, sometimes.

Ron: Okay, so magnification.

Speaker C: Magnification.

Speaker C: When we get the cells and we make them bigger.

Ron: Let'S just Bruce through this because it could only sort of vaguely be more boring.

Ron: It says students should be able to understand how my crosscopy techniques have developed over time, but it gives no information on what you need to know.

Ron: So I think if you could just copy my microscopy.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: That is a horrible word.

Speaker C: What a nasty collection of letters.

Speaker C: Microscopy.

Speaker C: What do you do for a living?

Speaker C: Microscopy.

Speaker C: Oh, it sounds like a scab.

Speaker C: That word is a scab word.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Especially because it's like my something.

Ron: So it sounds like a croscopy is something that you can have.

Ron: Yeah.

Speaker C: How did you get that skin lesion removed?

Speaker C: I had a microscopy and then the doctor ate the lesion like a crisp.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker C: I hate it.

Speaker C: Okay, so what do I need to know about my croscopy?

Ron: How it developed over time.

Ron: But as I said, it gives no details on what you need to know.

Ron: So just assume that it got sort of steadily better for a while and then during the release got quite a lot better, and then has been getting exponentially better as technology progresses.

Speaker C: Okay, here's my guess.

Speaker C: The Persians worked it out in 32 BC and we ignored it utterly until a white Scottish man declared it was so in the 1700s.

Ron: Probably.

Ron: Exactly.

Ron: That got it.

Speaker C: I've got science history down packed.

Ron: And then we need to be able to explain how an electron microscope has increased the understanding of subcellular structures.

Ron: So you don't need to understand how an electron microscope works.

Ron: The very basic premise of it is that electrons are smaller than rays of light, so you can get a higher resolution.

Ron: It's like smaller pixels.

Ron: Kind of.

Speaker C: Imagine being an electron just running around in between rays of light.

Ron: Yeah.

Speaker C: In the dark, when they're not in a ray of light.

Ron: Well, on that scale, dark between rays of light, there's just nothing.

Ron: Things don't have colour or light or anything.

Speaker C: Oh, my goodness.

Speaker C: No wonder they're sad.

Ron: But what is light if you're not there to see it?

Speaker C: What is light?

Speaker C: Baby, don't hurt me don't hurt me.

Speaker C: You don't even know that song.

Speaker C: Do you know?

Ron: Is that Base Hunter?

Speaker C: I want to say hadaway.

Ron: That's not a name.

Speaker C: It is, right?

Speaker C: You talk to the listener about whatever this is.

Ron: No, because you're the one that's Hadaway no, you're the one that A needs to learn this, and B, needs to be funny.

Speaker C: Listen up, chump harder way.

Speaker C: Yeah, it was hardaway.

Speaker C: What is love?

Speaker C: Baby, don't hurt me what a great song.

Speaker C: We should change the theme music to this podcast.

Speaker C: A highway.

Ron: If you keep listening about electron microscopes, we can and if you pay for.

Speaker C: The light, I'll get in touch with Hadaway.

Speaker C: If anybody knows how, do I?

Speaker C: Could they tweet us?

Ron: Shut the f*** up.

Speaker C: Education.

Ron: So electrons are smaller than rays of light?

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker C: I'm really sad for them.

Speaker C: It just must be so disconcerting.

Speaker C: You know the little clown image of a clown, like in a ray of light on a thing.

Speaker C: And he's a sad clown.

Speaker C: Don't rub your eyes.

Speaker C: We're only ten minutes in.

Speaker C: And then he steps into the darkness and he's so lost.

Speaker C: Gets real sad, then bumps into a carbon atom, steals his electron, and they dance into the sun together.

Ron: I'm so sorry.

Ron: Where did the clown come from?

Speaker C: Because he stood in the ray of light.

Ron: Why is it a clown?

Speaker C: Because there's that famous picture of the clown looking sad.

Speaker C: Stood in the ray of light.

Ron: Are you talking about that dixit card?

Speaker C: Oh, maybe.

Ron: Right.

Ron: Okay, I've thought of another analogy for why electron microscopes are better than a traditional light microscope.

Speaker C: They've got bigger dukes.

Ron: Do you know those things that you see every now and again?

Ron: A pin art.

Ron: You know, where you can push your face into it and then you see your face?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: So imagine the difference between using one of those where all the pins are like a centimetre thick.

Ron: And then using one where all the pins are, like, a millimetre thick, the one where it's like, a millimetre thick, you're going to get a much more detailed picture, aren't you?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: So that's kind of like the difference between these two microscopes, because rays of light are like centimetre thick pins, so you don't get much resolution, whereas the electrons are much smaller, so the picture is better.

Speaker C: So, sorry, but what is the microscope doing with electrons?

Speaker C: Is it got them in the glass?

Ron: No, it's firing them at the thing and then stuff and then recording them coming back and then building a picture out of that.

Speaker C: Like sonar, sort of dolphin microscope.

Speaker C: Wicked.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Dolphins shot electrons out of their blowholes to form pictures of their surrounding environment.

Ron: It would be a bit like that.

Ron: And electron microscope pictures, because they don't use actual light and because of the scale that these things are on, they don't have colour.

Ron: They're all black and white.

Ron: But quite often people will add colour afterwards, so you can kind of tell things apart and know what you're looking at.

Speaker C: Black and white stuff is always class here.

Speaker C: Anyway.

Ron: Then there's two things that they want you to kind of understand.

Ron: The difference between magnification and resolution.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: Resolution is the clarity of a picture.

Speaker C: Magnification is how zoomed in is.

Ron: Exactly, yeah.

Ron: Resolution basically like the definition.

Ron: And then there is a formula here for magnification.

Ron: It's literally just the size of the image divided by the size of the real object equals the magnification.

Speaker C: That makes sense.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Simple as that.

Ron: And now we've got that out of the way, we are going to talk about selling.

Speaker C: I haven't got much focus this morning.

Ron: No s***.

Ron: I'm eating cold pizza I made for dinner on Sunday.

Ron: Pork backlub?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: We had it at a restaurant nearby.

Ron: Literally, it's just pulled pork inside backliver and then I made loads of it because I just had to do a whole joint of pork.

Ron: So now there's just loads of pork back cover in the fridge and it's taking everything inside my body to not just go and eat all of the pool pork backlipper.

Ron: Okay, so cell specialisation.

Ron: Not all sales are the same, so we remember that a sale is the smallest sort of building block of a body.

Ron: Right.

Ron: It's the Lego brick.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: A cell is made of atoms.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Everything's made of atoms.

Speaker C: That's so crazy.

Ron: Basically, small atoms are atoms are very tiny.

Speaker C: How do you split one?

Speaker C: You need a sharp knife, but you.

Ron: Have to hit it with another atom, I think.

Ron: Anyway.

Speaker C: Adam feels guilty?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Deeply.

Speaker C: In a kind of being fired at your mate.

Ron: Oh, my God.

Ron: Did you forget your medication?

Speaker C: I'm not on any medication.

Speaker C: I think it should be.

Speaker C: I take vitamin B, actually, and it makes my Wii go bright yellow.

Speaker C: Bright yellow.

Speaker C: Like I'm like a superhero.

Speaker C: That's.

Ron: Blood red.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: Cell specialisation.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So cells, we described them last time as they are the Lego bricks filled with McCannO that make up the body.

Speaker C: Yes.

Ron: But not all of them are the same.

Ron: So a skin cell is going to be very different to, say, a nerve cell.

Speaker C: Everybody's different, but it doesn't mean you're less good.

Ron: Exactly.

Ron: So I wondered, based on your knowledge of cells, what you think could be different between them?

Speaker C: Well, some cells would help you process energy.

Speaker C: Like in a leaf, you might have the chloroplasts, whereas, like a petal cell that's just fannying about, looking nice.

Speaker C: So that's different.

Speaker C: The cell on my bone needs to be rigid.

Ron: What, they have cells in them, but they're not really made?

Ron: No.

Ron: I mean in terms of, like, the structure of a cell, what could be different about it?

Ron: Not just listing different parts of plants and saying they're different.

Speaker C: I did.

Speaker C: I said one would have chloroplasts and one wouldn't.

Ron: Okay, yeah.

Ron: And you did say some would be.

Speaker C: Rigid, some cell wall, and some would just have membrane.

Ron: Not really, but you're on the right track.

Ron: So with chloroplasts what are chloroplasts?

Speaker C: They make chloroforms?

Ron: No, they don't send people to sleep, but no, they are organelles.

Speaker C: Oh, yes.

Speaker C: From the organelles to the features of a cell is an organelle.

Ron: All of the little organs inside it are organelles.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So different specialised cells can have different organelles quantity and presence.

Ron: So, for example, a red blood cell doesn't have a nucleus.

Speaker C: No, stupid red blood cell.

Speaker C: The white ones are the smart ones.

Ron: They are.

Ron: They actually have a lobed nucleus, but we'll come back to that in two to four years.

Speaker C: That sounds rotten.

Ron: Okay.

Speaker C: How do my crustcopy to get rid of my lobe?

Speaker C: Nucleus.

Ron: So what else could be different?

Ron: They could have different organelles.

Speaker C: They could be different sizes.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Or different.

Speaker C: Smells.

Speaker C: Dancing.

Speaker C: Why are you dancing?

Speaker C: Shapes.

Ron: Yes, different shapes.

Ron: I was throwing some shapes.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: And then the last one you're not going to get it.

Speaker C: You can give up on me this early in rubbing the bridge of your nose.

Ron: We've been doing this for 20 minutes.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: And I've learned stuff.

Ron: You spent most of it singing.

Speaker C: I like singing.

Speaker C: It's more fun than science.

Speaker C: How does singing work?

Speaker C: It's blowing air over things, isn't it?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: I think it's just vibrating giblets in your throat.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: I'm turning pizza energy into singing.

Speaker C: Energy into sound.

Ron: That's literally one of them.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: That's chemical turning into sound and kinetic.

Speaker C: I made the dog.

Ron: Anyway, so the last one is the cytoplasm.

Ron: You remember that?

Ron: That's the goo inside the bag, mom.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: That can have a different makeup.

Ron: So, like, the most extreme example one of the most extreme examples of that.

Speaker C: Is bronzer, bright red lippy.

Speaker C: I've got my pen again.

Ron: We're doing this over my lunch break.

Ron: I am not relaxed at all.

Ron: And I've got to go back into quite a difficult afternoon at work after this.

Speaker UNK: Okay.

Speaker C: The cytoplasm has different makeup.

Ron: It can be different.

Speaker C: Just as invites sales can be different because we're going.

Ron: To talk about this for quite a lot of the episode.

Ron: Otherwise it's going to be a short one.

Speaker C: Cells are different.

Speaker C: See you next week.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So skin cells, the ones in the top layer, they actually don't have much, if any, cytoplasm.

Ron: They've cane all of that out of them and they've just filled themselves with protein that forms the barrier.

Speaker C: So dust is like protein powder?

Ron: Yeah, basically.

Ron: Do you think fuel comes from?

Speaker C: Oh, great.

Ron: So I thought it would be fun, and in hindsight, I was wrong, but I thought it would be fun if we did the next part of the episode.

Ron: I'll give you a couple of different types of sale and then you talk about how you think they are specialised to do the job that they need to do.

Ron: Okay, so we'll do a couple of them.

Ron: The first one, sperm cells.

Speaker C: They got tails.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: I love the word flagella.

Speaker C: I would have thought a sperm cell has a nucleus because it's got a smart job to do.

Ron: Do you think it has a nucleus, though?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: Okay, let's think about it.

Ron: What's the sperm cells job?

Speaker C: To get in an egg?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: To do.

Ron: Yeah, kind of.

Ron: We'll learn about that.

Speaker C: I'm kissing.

Ron: Sperm cells don't actually have a nucleus because they've only got half of the DNA that they would need and they want to get that DNA into the egg as quickly as possible.

Ron: So if that was all wrapped up in an envelope, it's not going to be able to fuse with the egg's DNA to make a person.

Speaker C: Right.

Ron: Make a person.

Speaker C: Three motives have that sloppy about umbilical cord.

Speaker C: The mRNA just flapping in the wind.

Ron: Still DNA.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: But yes.

Ron: It's just flapping about in them.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: It's cytoplasm.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So it's got a flagellum.

Ron: How do we think the Flagellum is powered?

Speaker C: Diesel?

Speaker C: F****** don't know.

Speaker C: Making ATP.

Speaker C: ATP, the energy produce yes.

Ron: Energy.

Ron: Currency of the cell.

Speaker C: Yes, ATP.

Speaker C: So we need ribozoids to make ATP?

Ron: No, cut it.

Ron: Do it again.

Speaker C: Riboids.

Ron: No, ribosomes make proteins.

Ron: The other one?

Speaker C: No, not ribosomes.

Speaker C: What's the other one?

Ron: It's like maybe an Irish person with a strange name.

Speaker C: Mitochondria.

Speaker C: The powerhouse of the cell.

Ron: The powerhouse of the cell, yeah.

Ron: So do you think maybe the sperm cells, mitochondria might be specialised in some way?

Speaker C: Maybe they're extra powerful to just be like, go?

Ron: No, they're normal powerful.

Ron: But they need to specifically power the Flagellum.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: So they're really near the Flagellum.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So they're actually based all around the tale of the Flagellum, and there's lots of them concentrated in that area to provide ATP to pump the sperm cell along.

Speaker C: So if you've got bad swimmers, it probably means that either the gerllum or the mitochondria in your sperm cells doesn't work very well.

Speaker C: Postman is here.

Speaker C: Let me go and deal with my dog.

Ron: Okay.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: The post is delivered.

Speaker C: Sorry about the dog noise there.

Speaker C: Mackie just really misses our old post lady Claire.

Speaker C: If you're listening, Claire, we miss you every day.

Ron: Okay, right.

Ron: One of the last specialisation of a sperm cell that we'll talk about.

Ron: So sperm cells, they have to get their DNA into the egg based off all the different organelles.

Speaker C: Tell us about j**.

Ron: We'll do it about other things as well.

Ron: We got to start with j***.

Speaker C: So I think they need pointy faces or teeth.

Ron: You're not far off, but think a little bit outside of the box.

Ron: Think about the organelles that we've heard of.

Speaker C: There weren't any that were sharp, were there?

Ron: No, I didn't say you were right about the sharp thing, though.

Ron: I said you're not far off.

Speaker C: Is it more of like a dissolve the outside with a pool of some kind?

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: So do the ribosomes do that?

Speaker C: Does a protein eat its way in?

Ron: It probably would be a protein.

Ron: It would be an enzyme.

Ron: I think when we talked about them, we called them either chemical bulldozers or sometimes they act like okay, you don't remember lysosomes?

Ron: They were the organelles that hold destructive things within the body.

Speaker C: What I'd like to be if I.

Ron: Was an organelle if you were an organelle, you'd be a golgi apparatus.

Speaker C: No, I can't even remember what that does.

Speaker C: And it's horrible word.

Speaker C: It's going on my list of horrible words.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So sperm cells have a bunch of lysosomes right in their very tip.

Ron: So then they hit the egg, and then they kind of cheers all of the enzymes and stuff onto the egg, and then that eats away, and then they can fluve all their DNA into the middle of it.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: That'S sperm cells.

Ron: All right, let's think now about nerve cells.

Speaker C: Okay, so nerve cells need to be sensitive.

Speaker C: So no membranes to protect them, more membranes to philtre out messages.

Speaker C: Why do you look so sad?

Speaker C: Come on.

Speaker C: It wasn't that logical.

Speaker C: They need to be able to read what's happening.

Speaker C: So that's why I thought you'd just want to be exposed to the elements.

Ron: If it doesn't have the membrane, then.

Speaker C: It'S just a different does it have a myelin cheese?

Ron: It does.

Ron: Do you know what that is?

Speaker C: I think it's like a protective sheath around the nerve.

Ron: So what do nerve cells do?

Speaker C: They send messages to the brain to tell them what's touching you.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So they relay messages.

Ron: They're quite a lot like wires.

Ron: So the mileage sheath is basically like the rubber casing under wire.

Speaker C: I once made a pharmaceutical video for a company and it was all about Ms.

Speaker C: And Ms is where the myland sheaths get damaged.

Speaker C: And we had a little drawing of some mice nibbling on the wires.

Ron: Okay, so think about that drawing.

Ron: Of a nerve cell.

Ron: What else do you think is different to a nerve cell than to any other kind of cell?

Speaker C: It's got to be really smart.

Speaker C: It's not going to be smart.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: It's got to be perfect.

Speaker C: Has to get to the brain quickly.

Speaker C: It's got to shoot a message away.

Speaker C: So it's got a spit message enzyme up itself.

Ron: So it's like a wire.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker C: It's got to have hands to pass the message along.

Speaker C: It's got to have a way to pass the message along.

Speaker C: Tweet.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So it has something called the axon, which is the long bit.

Ron: Some nerve cells are really kind of freakily long.

Ron: Like, there's some that go from your toes to your hip.

Speaker C: That is disgusting.

Ron: Yeah, it's gross.

Speaker C: They are quite stupid, actually, nerves, because they do get trapped, don't they?

Speaker C: You don't hear of other cells getting trapped like nerves.

Speaker C: Idiots.

Speaker C: Get on my spinal cord.

Speaker C: Why do you even go in there?

Speaker C: There's nothing for you in here.

Speaker C: Imagine if that Megalong One got stuck in something, maybe ages pulling it out.

Speaker C: I don't think the hot bath is going to do it.

Speaker C: You remember when you were at school, did they tell you that the only way to get a tapeworm out of you is to get really hungry and then put a bit of chocolate in your mouth and wait for the tapeworm to swim up on?

Speaker C: Come and get it.

Speaker C: And then you had to grab it really quickly.

Ron: I heard you had to go to sleep with an orange and a Mars bar by your a**.

Ron: Someone would then have to wait for the worm to poke its head out of Marsbox because you don't know what they want.

Speaker C: Okay, so the axon.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: The axon makes it long and thin like a wire, basically.

Ron: And then it has a head at one end that has the nucleus and all the rest of the gubbins that needs to be in a cell.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: And then it's the axon that is covered in the myelin sheet as well.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: And then the other sort of changes that I was going to go through is differences in kind of the makeup of what is in the cell membrane, because do you know how nerve impulses are passed along?

Speaker C: Notes, Chinese whispers.

Speaker C: That's a brain.

Speaker C: And then I suddenly have a thought going, she's shutting the bin.

Ron: What's the way to describe this?

Ron: Simply, it's like a Mexican wave of pumps turning on and off.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: So the reason why I was talking about this is because in the cell membrane, they have lots of pumps that keep certain ions on one side and certain other ions on the other side.

Ron: I think it's potassium ions and chloride ions, I think.

Ron: And basically the pumps keep them all on one side, and then the impulse comes along.

Ron: The change in polarity of the ions that's on either side then causes the pumps to open and then it's like a Mexican wave of.

Speaker C: So each one opens its pumps.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Going along.

Speaker C: Bring it like a canal, actually, with lock gate.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: You'd be in charge of the analysis.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker C: Each stretch of the canal has a lock gate, which is the membrane.

Speaker C: And then when the electrical impulse, when the surge of water changes in their bit of the canal nerve cell, they impulse who open the gate and they send the water message onto the next one.

Ron: No, it's wrong.

Ron: Let's just move on.

Ron: Because this was just them flavour added by me.

Ron: This wasn't part of the syllabus.

Ron: So let's move on.

Ron: Let's just keep going.

Ron: It will be okay.

Ron: Ron muscle cells.

Ron: Last one of these will do.

Ron: What do you think is different about muscle cells?

Speaker C: They live under the sea.

Speaker C: They're fit.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: Muscle cells, if you eat protein, you get big muscles.

Speaker C: So I think muscle cells scrum up protein.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: They have lots and lots of muscle protein in them.

Speaker C: Great.

Speaker C: I would imagine they either grow or reproduce.

Speaker C: Yes, most cells do, because the domussile cells do that.

Speaker C: Especially because I'm working out.

Speaker C: I can make my muscles grow, but I can't make my bones grow.

Ron: No, true.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And they do do that.

Speaker C: They need to be flexible to move around.

Ron: All cells are pretty flexible in animal cells, anyway.

Ron: But what else do they need to move around?

Speaker C: Huh?

Ron: What else do they need to move around?

Ron: Think back to the last episode that we did.

Speaker C: They need to move energy around.

Ron: No, they need energy to move around.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: So they need lots of energy.

Speaker C: So therefore they have big batteries.

Speaker C: Is there an organelle that's a battery?

Ron: No.

Speaker C: ATP.

Ron: Yeah.

Speaker C: I'm just always going to say ATP now and just hope that that's the answer, because you always want it to be ATP.

Ron: But where does the HDP come from?

Ron: Laurie?

Speaker C: It comes from f***, I didn't write it down.

Speaker C: The lysosomes.

Ron: No, no.

Ron: Can you say the last one we talked about ribosomes.

Speaker C: No, no.

Speaker C: Why have I drawn an arrow from ATP to ribosomes?

Speaker C: Hat away.

Ron: Maybe think about the maybe look, I've even drawn maybe a guy from Ireland.

Speaker C: Oh, mitochondria.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: That's the only word I didn't say off my page.

Speaker C: Sorry about that.

Speaker C: Ron right.

Speaker C: ATP is made in the mitochondria.

Speaker C: It's MIT and it's a hypochondriac.

Speaker C: So it needs to make a T, please, to feel better.

Ron: So muscle cells have a lot of mitochondria.

Speaker C: Makes sense.

Ron: To make more energy moving swiftly on.

Ron: There were a couple of legitimately there are a couple of plant ones that they want to know the differences for as well, but I don't think we should go through them.

Speaker C: Are you too tired?

Ron: My hair is rapidly going grey.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So something that you need to understand about cells is, even if they are differentiated, the DNA sequence is the same.

Speaker C: In all cells in your body.

Ron: Basic.

Speaker C: Or in one tulip?

Ron: Yes, in one organism.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: Let's say like a muscle cell.

Ron: When that divides, it's going to become another muscle cell afterwards.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: And when a skin cell divides, it's going to become another skin cell.

Ron: But the DNA in those two things is the same.

Ron: It's like different Lego sets that they all have the same pieces, but you don't have to put all of them out every time.

Speaker C: I understood the Lego bit, I don't understand how it relates to the cells bit.

Ron: So imagine each cell is like a big box of Lego.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker C: The cell is a box of Lego.

Ron: Sorry.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: F***.

Ron: Sorry.

Ron: We could say a box of Macano if that keeps with.

Speaker C: Cells were Lego blocks.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Because you're going to have to be more fluid and dynamic with your analogies.

Speaker C: I have a very specific once I'm told something that's it.

Ron: All right, how about I say my analogy and then you translate it into whatever f****** Hogwash you need to remember.

Ron: Okay, so imagine a sale is a big box of Lego that has multiple different Lego sets in it.

Ron: So it's got maybe Hagrid's hut in there from the Lego.

Ron: Harry Potter yeah, it was bloody good.

Ron: It's got maybe a Star Wars Death Star in there as well.

Speaker C: Too expensive.

Speaker C: The money is ridiculous.

Ron: So it's a big box of Lego with all these different Lego sets in it.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: When it divides, it's still got all of the bits, but you don't have to build each set every time for the muscle cells.

Ron: I don't know how this analogy is losing you that quick.

Speaker C: Not right.

Speaker C: Hang on.

Speaker C: One, suddenly the seller's dividing.

Speaker C: Secondly, it doesn't need all the bits.

Speaker C: I don't know what that means.

Ron: So DNA is a very long recipe for everything that a cell needs to make.

Ron: Right?

Ron: Yes, but what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't need to make everything in a DNA all at once.

Speaker C: Okay, yeah.

Speaker C: What's that got to do with anything?

Ron: So each cell has within it all of the DNA, but they only use a portion of it, the portion that it takes to become the specialisation that they need to be.

Ron: So muscle cell has all of the DNA, it has all of the recipes to become any type of cell, but it just uses the bits it needs to become a muscle cell.

Speaker C: Right.

Speaker C: That information was the integral piece I was missing.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: So every cell has Otilengi in it, but then when they reproduce, they don't just try and be a 20 course banquet because the cell would be messed up.

Speaker C: So they just pick one dish and they become that and the rest of the DNA just sits there?

Ron: If that's what it takes, yes.

Ron: But then once it's being turned into one dish, it just keeps on making that dish when it divides.

Speaker C: And cells just always divide.

Ron: It depends on the cell, but kind of yeah.

Ron: Until you get old.

Speaker C: And then they stop dividing.

Speaker C: And that's why all people shrink.

Ron: That's why all people die.

Ron: Yeah.

Speaker C: S***.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Some cells never divide.

Ron: So I think nerve cells, you're just one and done blood cells, red blood cells don't divide because they don't have a nucleus.

Ron: They're created in bone marrow and just kind of filtered into the blood, stuff like that.

Ron: There are different types, but, yeah, largely they just divide.

Ron: And that is what we're moving on to now.

Ron: You think of Joy Division?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Who were they?

Ron: Joy Division basically invented postpunk.

Speaker C: That's when the postman has a mohawk.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: So cell division, essentially all sales go through a cycle to divide.

Ron: That happens in specific phases.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: So the most important part of this is.

Speaker C: My process is the process of cell division.

Ron: It is indeed, yes.

Ron: So this is where the DNA lines up on either side, splits itself in half, basically lines up on either side of the cell, and then the cell nips itself in half.

Ron: And then you've got two cells.

Speaker C: That is mad that it can do that.

Speaker C: Imagine if I just did that right now.

Speaker C: I just went put all my memories on either side and then just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker C: And then there's two knees.

Ron: But you are doing that millions of times over every day.

Speaker C: Yes, I am.

Speaker C: Pretty cool, actually, now that you put it that way.

Speaker C: Thank you.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Just got 50 billion more cells.

Speaker C: Just happened again.

Ron: Do you know how old your arm is?

Speaker C: Let's say two or three.

Ron: About eight.

Ron: Every eight years you get a new arm, essentially, because all the cells change.

Speaker C: So when you turn eight, your body just refreshes itself?

Ron: No, it will be different that's in adults, because in kids, obviously, they're growing.

Speaker C: Yeah, they're s***, aren't they?

Speaker C: And they're hurting themselves.

Speaker C: Their cells must be fallen off.

Speaker C: Right and centre.

Ron: It is.

Ron: The DNA in your cell is organised into chromosomes.

Speaker C: Oh, I've heard of those.

Ron: Humans have 23 chromosomes.

Ron: Okay.

Speaker C: Impairs.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: They are impaired, usually.

Speaker C: Sometimes they're in bananas.

Ron: Pill.

Ron: Bloody struggle today.

Speaker C: How good is your afternoon back at work going to feel after this?

Ron: I can't wait.

Speaker C: Dealing with adults again.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: The chromosomes not being found in pairs is what causes changes in people's bodies.

Ron: Like down syndrome.

Speaker C: Yes.

Ron: So down syndrome is caused by something called tricomide 21, which is when the 21st chromosome, there's three of them instead of two, and stuff like that.

Ron: And then there are different things that can change about someone's body if different ones are a triplicate or more.

Speaker C: That's exciting.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And yes, we have 23 other things have more, other things have less.

Speaker C: 23 pairs or 23 chromosomes?

Ron: 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Ron: One of the pairs is obviously X, Y or Xx.

Ron: That's what determines biological sex when you're born.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: Girls being Xx, males being X.

Ron: Y.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: And there's lots of interesting stuff about especially the X and Y chromosomes, because they're weirdly competitive.

Speaker C: Why not just use the Z?

Speaker C: Why not y and Z?

Speaker C: It really annoys me that they're not quite at the end of the alphabet.

Ron: I don't know, actually.

Speaker C: Can you find out for next week, please?

Speaker C: Or if, you know, listening, please tweet us or instagram us at Lex Education.

Ron: Please do.

Ron: So the last thing we'll go through today is the cell cycle, starting with mitosis.

Ron: So we have the M phase.

Ron: That is mitosis.

Ron: That's where it splits.

Speaker C: Mphase.

Speaker C: Splitty, splitsville.

Speaker C: This cell is getting a divorce back.

Ron: Then, after that split, yes.

Ron: You can imagine the sale is quite small and it's vulnerable because it's just split in half.

Ron: So then it has g one, the growth phase.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: That's when you have to do a lot of working on yourself.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: A lot of introspection, a lot of just doubling up on organelles and stuff, making sure you got all the stuff to be a happy little chappy sale.

Speaker C: Stay in, have some ice cream.

Ron: Then we have the S phase.

Ron: S stands for synthesis.

Speaker C: Synthesis.

Ron: So, DNA synthesis.

Speaker C: I play a lot of at music.

Ron: This is when the cell doubles up on its DNA, getting ready to split up again.

Speaker C: It's going to double its DNA.

Ron: Now it's writing a prenup.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Just making sure that when you move out, you've got all the recipes are doing.

Speaker C: You coming around saying, oh, what's your red carpet recipe again?

Ron: Is that your idea of what a divorce is like?

Speaker C: I imagine if Tom and I ever got divorced, that would be quite what it was like.

Speaker C: I can't imagine shouting at each other.

Ron: Can you imagine him cooking or him having a recipe that you would want?

Speaker C: No, that's true.

Speaker C: Maybe it would be more me going, can you make sure you're logged out of my delivery account, please?

Speaker C: Because I don't want to be paying for the three meals a day you order from those poor little green men.

Ron: And then after the DNA synthesis, guess what?

Ron: It has another growth phase grows again.

Ron: Yeah.

Speaker C: G.

Speaker C: Like a g six growing again.

Ron: And then we do mitosis again.

Speaker C: Boom.

Speaker C: Back to the beginning.

Ron: That is it.

Ron: Four stages.

Speaker C: Sad little life.

Speaker C: I just really hate to be anything other than a human.

Ron: I'd quite like to be an otter sometimes.

Speaker C: You just wet all the time.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: I like swimming, though, but I don't like the idea of being a fish.

Ron: That seems tiring.

Ron: So like being an otter or maybe a beaver.

Speaker C: I don't think I'd like to be wet for my whole life.

Ron: But they're not wet, they're dry.

Ron: They have coats on.

Speaker C: Yeah, the coat is wet.

Ron: No.

Ron: Yes, but they're so oily that the water doesn't get in.

Speaker C: I would not talk to you if you were oily all the time.

Speaker C: Why do you have this dog pooho house covered in oil?

Ron: And I think that's our lesson for today.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: All right, I've made copious notes, which I hope will help me with the quiz.

Speaker C: So we're going to take a short break now and we will be back in just a second.

Speaker C: Slash next week with the quiz.

Speaker C: Ron, we're in the same room with Face to Face.

Ron: Hello.

Speaker C: And it's quiz time.

Ron: This is the first time we've recorded in the same room, despite multiple opportunities.

Speaker C: We're bad and everything.

Speaker C: Where's my cool notebook?

Speaker C: Ow.

Speaker C: I've lost my notebook.

Ron: It's part of this stack of notebooks over there.

Laura: No, it's a different notebook.

Speaker C: I have too many notebooks, arguably.

Ron: Well, we're not doing chemistry today.

Speaker C: Yeah, okay.

Speaker C: Maybe it's not that useful.

Speaker C: Okay, right, the quiz.

Speaker C: What did we do last time?

Ron: I can remember.

Ron: I had to listen to the last episode, too.

Speaker C: That was a good sign, isn't it?

Ron: Okay, okay, so there are unless you think of any answers, I didn't think 4311 points out for grabs.

Speaker C: Okay, eleven points.

Speaker C: Okay, I want eleven points.

Speaker C: I want my notebook.

Ron: Still looking.

Speaker C: I'll use a different one.

Ron: Okay, so last time we talked about sale specialisation differentiation.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Okay, what specialisations does a sperm cell have?

Speaker C: Loads of flagellum.

Speaker C: Big flagellum.

Ron: One Flagellum.

Speaker C: One Flagellum.

Speaker C: But they make ATP really near the flagellum.

Ron: What makes ATP 420 p pieces?

Speaker C: Is it the mitochondria?

Ron: Mitochondria?

Speaker C: Mitochondria, yes.

Ron: So that's two points.

Ron: Okay, I've got four answers here.

Speaker C: They also have the Lysosomes up top to spit acid at the egg to delve in.

Ron: Absolutely.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: That's another one.

Speaker C: Oh, God.

Laura: Is there another one?

Ron: There's one more.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Think about the purpose of a sperm.

Speaker C: They got free loading DNA, just flapping in the breeze, no membranes, no bloody nucleus.

Speaker C: No nucleus, which is the membrane.

Ron: Okay, technically an envelope.

Speaker C: None of that was in my head until I started talking and then it all started coming out.

Ron: There's another point for that, actually, I reckon.

Ron: Yeah, you can do it.

Ron: Follow the thread, pull that thread.

Ron: There's another point.

Speaker C: What do you mean?

Ron: Think about the purpose of the sperm yes.

Speaker C: To get in the egg and then join up and reprocess itself.

Ron: But what's it given to the egg?

Speaker C: It's heart.

Ron: No, we just talked about it.

Speaker C: It's DNA.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So what's different about a sperm's DNA to another speed?

Speaker C: It's only half the DNA.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: GCSE would be really easy if somebody was questioning you the whole time.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: And if you were 35.

Speaker C: P*** off.

Speaker C: All right, I'm calling that five points.

Ron: Okay, lovely.

Ron: Number two.

Ron: We're just going to do three true or false statements.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: A muscle cell and a liver cell have different genetic sequences.

Speaker C: What is a genetic sequence?

Ron: DNA.

Speaker C: Okay, so based on what we just discussed with sperm, I'm going to say yes, true, they have different so why is the sperm different?

Ron: Because a sperm is a different type of cell.

Ron: It's a gamete.

Ron: It is literally designed just to mash with an egg.

Ron: The egg has the other half of it, where, like, sperm cells don't replicate, so they only have half.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: They're one and done.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: Whereas muscle cells, liver cells, every other type of cell needs to replicate, so it needs all of the DNA.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: Animal cells cannot undifferentiate.

Ron: True or false?

Speaker C: I don't even know what that means.

Speaker C: What does that mean?

Ron: So, do you remember that recap, repeating the purpose of the quiz.

Ron: Differentiation.

Ron: Like cells becoming different things from the stem cells.

Speaker C: Do we talk about that?

Ron: Yeah, that's all we talked about, I think.

Speaker C: Animal cells what's the question?

Ron: The statement is animal cells cannot undifferentiate.

Speaker C: Undifferentiate.

Ron: So once it's become one thing, a muscle cell, say, could it then become a liver cell if we wanted it to?

Speaker C: No.

Ron: True.

Speaker C: Yes.

Ron: All human cells are roughly the same size.

Speaker C: Wrong.

Speaker C: Fail.

Speaker C: Negative.

Speaker C: False.

Ron: Yes.

Speaker C: I can't remember the word.

Speaker C: False.

Ron: Yes, some of them are wildly different sizes.

Speaker C: Okay, well done.

Speaker C: The lowdown dog.

Ron: Nice.

Ron: We're in for a clean sweep.

Ron: But I think you might no, because.

Speaker C: I got that one wrong.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: We're not in for a grubby sweep.

Ron: What are the four stages of the.

Speaker C: Sell cycle, Mrs Gran?

Ron: The fourth cycle?

Speaker C: Let me think, let me think.

Speaker C: Oh, it's something to do with the beef up.

Speaker C: They split up.

Speaker C: They beef up again.

Ron: Circling the bowl.

Ron: Yeah.

Speaker C: What else do they do there's?

Speaker C: Definitely like a.

Ron: Right, think about it this way.

Ron: Default a new cell.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: Is it brand new?

Ron: Where does it come from?

Speaker C: The sun got a box.

Speaker C: Is it split off another cell?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: The previous cell is split into and now you've got two small new cells.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Ron: Okay, let's take this new one.

Ron: Let's manage.

Ron: What does it have to do first?

Speaker C: Eat.

Speaker C: Get energy.

Ron: It's a small new sale.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Big grow first.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker C: Beef up.

Speaker C: I said beef up.

Ron: You said beef up.

Ron: The stage isn't called bu.

Speaker C: One grow replicate itself.

Ron: Not yet.

Ron: So it's grown for a while and now it's going to prepare to split again.

Speaker C: Copy everything.

Speaker C: Not everything, just the DNA.

Speaker C: Copy the DNA.

Ron: That's the S phase.

Speaker C: Then it's going to split.

Ron: No.

Speaker C: Then it's going to grow again.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Then it grows all of the organelles and stuff again.

Speaker C: Then it splits.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: You're getting one mark for this.

Ron: You can tell me what the splitting process is called.

Speaker C: Mitosis.

Ron: Nice.

Ron: Now you have two marks.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker C: How many marks were available if people listening knew all of that?

Ron: Four.

Ron: One for G one growth phase one.

Ron: Beef up one.

Ron: Let's see.

Speaker C: So about nine out of twelve so.

Ron: Far, actually, let's say five points, because if you said then it was the DNA replicating stage, that would be a mark.

Ron: If you then correctly name that the S phase.

Ron: I'll give you another one.

Ron: G two, growth two.

Ron: And then mitosis.

Speaker C: Okay.

Ron: And that's the quiz.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Let us know how you got on the quiz.

Laura: And if you've got any other feedback from our return to biology and I'll look at cell differentiation, then you can drop us an email lexeducation@gmail.com, or you can find us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tik, tok.

Laura: We are at Lex education on all platforms.

Laura: Because, weirdly, no one wanted that handle before we got here.

Laura: Why not?

Laura: Cowards.

Ron: Yeah, do all those things.

Laura: You risk Quinty today.

Laura: Ron listen, we've got a possible segment for the show.

Laura: Kevin of first time listener fame got in touch to tell us about a science experiment.

Laura: He dangled a fantastic piece of information in front of us that sometimes you can punch a liquid and it will turn solid.

Ron: Have you never heard of this before?

Laura: No.

Laura: Ron, what world do you live in where people are talking about stuff like this?

Ron: Did you not watch brainiac John Tickle die in vain?

Laura: See, I was a bit older than you.

Laura: John Tickle, for me, is the Big Brother contestant that had a great toaster idea.

Speaker C: Did John Tickle die?

Ron: They're called non Newtonian fluids.

Ron: They become solid under impact.

Ron: Ketchup is one as well.

Ron: That's why it's really hard to when you whack a bottle of ketchup that it doesn't come out because it becomes a solid in there.

Laura: And these liquids are just flipping the bird at Newton.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: John Tickle walks across a swimming pool of custody.

Laura: Right, we need to try and get John Tickle on the podcast.

Laura: I think that might be our aim number one.

Laura: Let us know.

Laura: Aim number one, john Tickle on the podcast.

Laura: Aim number Two a Whole New World, featuring Ron's friend Noah So, Kevin's experiment.

Laura: Oh, I love that.

Laura: Lexbone.

Laura: That can be the name of the segment.

Laura: So if you have a science fact or a science experiment that you want everyone to know about, get in touch, just drop us an email.

Laura: Lexeducation@gmail.com.

Laura: Kevin's experiment.

Laura: He says a couple of spoonfuls of cornstarch in a bowl.

Laura: Now, a new corn starch could be used to thicken gravy, and you slowly stir in water until it gets just runny enough that it flows.

Laura: It should be a bit hard to stir.

Laura: If you've got it right, you should be able to squeeze it and it'll feel like Silly Putty and then turn back to liquid when you let go.

Laura: This will make a liquid that turns into a solid when you punch it.

Laura: Ron, here's my question with this, though.

Laura: How do you punch a liquid without just punching the bowl?

Ron: Make a loss of it, like a.

Laura: Whole barrel of cornstarch and water.

Ron: That's quite a broad church of liquid vehicles.

Ron: It doesn't have to be like a bowl or a barrel.

Speaker C: Yes, it does.

Laura: Those are the two vessels that liquids convenient.

Speaker C: So anyway, if you want to have.

Laura: A go at the first experiment, it's Kevin's experiment.

Laura: Give it a go.

Laura: Send us some pictures of you punching a liquid safely.

Laura: Please don't hurt yourselves.

Laura: But if you make punchable soup, we want to know about it.

Laura: And if you've got a science experiment you love, or a fact that you love, let us know and we'll include it in next week's episode when we're back to chemistry.

Laura: So that's all from us for now.

Laura: Get in touch.

Laura: We are Lex education on all platforms.

Laura: You can email us Alex education@gmail.com and do subscribe and give us a review if you're having a good time.

Laura: And we'll be back next week with chemistry class, the Smith.

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