Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday, 26 September 2022

Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano

                    Introduction to cells.

Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and the Sad Boys

                    History of the periodic table and an introduction to atoms.

Episode 3 - Physics - Is that lentils bulgur wheat or...?

                    Basics of energy transfers.

Episode 4 - Biology - Might O'Chondria feat Haddaway

                    Cell differentiation and specialisation.

Episode 5 - Chemistry - AAANA

                    Relative Charge, Relative Mass, Isotopes

Episode 6 - Physics - down.

                    Forces, reaction forces, a woman throwing a ball and a ball rolling down a hill.

Episode 7 - Biology - A Blood Factory in a Bone Cave

                    More into cell specialisation, stem cells, potency.

Episode 8 - Chemistry - Caesium the Daysium

                    Conception of the Periodic table, difference between a row and a column, group 1 elements.

Episode 9 - Physics - McDeath

                    More energy transfers and calculation of energy transfers.

Episode 10 - Biology - You Can't Measure Chaos

                    Diffusion, entropy, concentration gradients, the nephron, piss, exchange surfaces.

Episode 11 - Chemistry - Xenon Warrior Princess

                    Halogens, metals, non-metals, noble gases, chemical reactions.

Episode 12 - Physics - Gravity Is Not An Emotion

                    Energy generation, green energy, fossil fuels, the affect of extreme heat upon a man.

Episode 13 - Biology - High Tummy Pressure

                    Osmosis, diffusion, active transport, salt, catalysts, enzymes, emulsions.

Episode 14 - Chemistry - Figabee

                    Chemical bonds, ionic, metallic, covalent.

Episode 15 - Physics - There's No Such Thing As A Fire

                    Electrical circuits, voltage, potential difference, current, resistance, resistors.

Episode 16 - Biology - Valve Slap

                    The biology of the heart and lungs, covering valves, ventricles, and blood cells.

Episode 17 - Chemistry - Intermolecular Force To Be Reckoned With

                    Atomic bonds, changes of state in matter.

Episode 18 - Physics - Everybody Hertz

                    Electrical circuits in series and parallel.

Episode 19 - Biology - A Pig And An Airbed

                    The causes and solutions for coronary heart disease.

Episode 20 - Halloween Special - Jumble Frog

                    Ron takes us on a journey of the science behind Frankenstein, real life zombies and more.

Episode 21 - Chemistry - Carbonzo Beans

                    Everything carbon: carbon structure, features of carbon.

Episode 22 - Physics - The Worst Episode Yet

                    The resistance of a circuit.

Episode 23 - Biology - Bar Graph For Wankers

                    Communicable Diseases

Episode 24 - Chemistry - Have You Ever Tried Not Being Sad?

                    Quantitive Chemistry

Episode 25 - Physics - McDeath 2: Fupa and Roy

                    Change in energy.

Episode 26 - Biology - Riddled With Buttholes

                    The structure of a leaf.

Episode 27 - Christmas Special - The Science of Home Alone: Hot Knobs

                    Looking at some of the science behind Kevin's defences.

Episode 28 - Christmas Special - How To Make a Reindeer Fly (You Need a Rat Carpet)

                    How could we evolve a small group of reindeer to have them become flying animals?

Episode 29 - Chemistry - Classic TV Hag (The Moles Redo Special)

                    So, we'd already looked at moles, but *someone* lost the recording...

Episode 30 - Physics - Honking For Honks

                    Specific Latent Heat

Episode 31 - Biology - She's Making a Shit Book of Science

                    Plant organ systems

Episode 32 - Chemistry - Ink On A Beetles Feet

                    Molecular and Atomic Behaviour

Episode 33 - Physics - The Book of Moron

                    Recap on atoms.

Episode 34 - Biology - Nutwood

                    Cancer, antibiotics and pathogens.

Episode 35 - Valentines Special - A Very Pregnant Love Island

                     Laura and Ron take it in turns to pitch the best animals to go on Love Island.

Episode 36 - Chemistry - Bog On For Woodlice

                    The reactivity of metals

Episode 37 - Physics - The Whole World is Wibblin Things


Episode 38 - Biology - Throw Him In The Scuppers

                    Diseases, viruses and pathogens.

Episode 39 - Chemistry - Cheese Pipe of a Man


Episode 40 - Physics - A Ratatouille of Rotten Courgettes

                    Vectors, Scalers and Resultant Forces 2

Episode 41 - Biology - Don't Lick Mud

                    Bacteria, antibiotics, antigens and a twist

Episode 42 - Biology - April Cool's Day

                    Bacteria, antibiotics, antigens, no twist

Episode 43 - Special - Eggatha Christie

                    All things EGGS!

Episode 44 - Chemistry - Parmahootical

                    Soluble Salts, PH scale, Alkalis and Acids

Episode 45 - Physics - A Very Potato Salad Kind of Person

                    Down 3, The Worst Episode Yet 2, Some toasties...

Episode 46 - Biology - Doesn't Involve Sticks

                    Diseases: fungal, viral and protist.

Episode 47 - Chemistry - Dog Tooth Fairy


Episode 48 - Physics - Billy Bags are Equal to Scum Puckets

                    Work and energy transfers

Episode 49 - Biology - Moo Cow Pox

                    The best news ever, antibiotics, clinical trials

Episode 50 - Chemistry - Dead Air

                    Funeral etiquette, electrolysis of molten metals

Episode 51 - Physics - Imagine If A Bumble Bee Was Riding a Bike

                    Elasticity (ish)

Episode 52 - Biology - Music to my Anus


Episode 53 - Chemistry - A Lot of Plants Are Outside

                    Energy changes, exo and endothermic reactions

Episode 54 - Physics - The Second Paella Calculation

                    Distance and displacement, vectors and scalars

Episode 55 - Special - Squishing and Clumping

                    Dara O'Briain takes over to teach Ron and Laura about space

Episode 56 - Biology - Lexx Boggle

                    Rate of photosynthesis and Boggle.

Episode 57 - Chemistry - Too Many Mixy Medicines

                    Rate of reactions.

Episode 58 - Physics - How Would You Arrive At A Paella Stand


Episode 59 - Biology - Sand Living


Episode 60 - Chemistry - Humiliating Orange Pen

                    Rate of reactions in chemicals

Episode 61 - Physics - It Came In Three Parts Like An Ant

                    Newton's Laws

Episode 62 - Biology - The Narcissism Snail

                    Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

Episode 63 - Chemistry - Joe Better Be Ryan Your Best - Don't Gamble On That

                    Equilibriums and reaction energy

Episode 64 - Physics - A Friend of Curtis Stigers


Episode 65 - Biology - Legs Longer Than the M5


Episode 66 - Chemistry - Tom Parry Doesn't Think You're Funny

                    Organic Chemistry

Episode 67 - Physics - Or Car


Episode 68 - Biology - Ate Out of Ten Cats


Episode 69 - Special - Woke Science: A Monoculture of Sand

                    A look at some LGBTQ+ scientists and the impact they've had through the history of science

Episode 70 - Chemistry - Milk In Glass Jars

                    Crude Oil Distillation

Episode 71 - Special - In The Shadow of King Kong - Halloween Special 2023


Episode 72 - Special - Two Fun Tongue Facts

                    Skeletons and Mummies

Episode 73 - Physics - Did We Talk About Bernard Cribbins?

                    Descriptions of waves

Episode 74 - Biology - Sexy Little Fblthp

                    The Central Nervous System

Episode 75 - Chemistry - Stanky Bow Wow

                    Alkanes and Alkenes

Episode 76 - Physics - Means Nothing Adds Nothing And Isn't Funny


Episode 77 - Biology - Endless Salt Pork

                    The endocrine system

Episode 78 - Chemistry - A Toothless Mona Lisa Sipping Some Scrumpy

                    Wheelbarrows, helicopters and some chemical analysis

Episode 79 - Special - Elf Anatomy: Foraging Bastards

                    The anatomy of elves

Episode 80 - Special - The Twelve Days of Christmas: An Attempt To Ruin All Of The Fun

                    If you were trapped on an island and someone presented you with all the gifts from the 12                             Days of Christmas... how would that go? Scientifically speaking.

Episode 81 - Physics - Chel from Friends

                    Wave Refraction

Episode 82 - Biology - Baby Films for Baby People


Episode 83 - Chemistry - Two Absolute 18th Century Lads


Episode 84 - Physics - 70s Punk Dystopian Roundhead

                    Properties of electromagnetic waves

Episode 85 - Biology - Snails Are The Loneliest Animals

                    DNA and stuff

Episode 86 - Chemistry - Buff Siblings Talking Science

                    Identifying common gases

Episode 87 - Special  - Valentines 2024 - Wheelbarrow & Hammer Life

                    The science of love and Laura's Top Ten Valentine Animals

Episode 88 - Physics - Tango With A Fig Roll


Episode 89 - Biology - A Lovely Sauce!

                    DNA, terminology and genetics

Episode 90 - Chemistry - Algae Pants

                    Changes in the earth's atmosphere

Episode 91 - Physics - Big Bean Energy

                    Electromagnets and Flemings's Left Hand Rule

Episode 92 - Biology - Thumbs are Fingers

                    Inheritance variance and punnet squares

Episode 93 - Chemistry - Life's Hard For The Slags

                    Climate chemistry and Hannah Ritchie's Not The End of the World

Episode 94 - Special - Take The Badgers Out of Leeds - Easter Special 2024

                    Our Easter Special looking at how science has solved things that used to kill us

Episode 95 - Physics - Down Happening Again in Micro

                    1st Physics recap

Episode 96 - Biology - We Never Fucking Invited You To Brunch

                    Variation in Evolution

Episode 97 - Chemistry - Jeremy V Jeremy

                       Air pollution

Episode 98 - Physics - Gregorhead

                        Revising energy sources

Episode 99 - Biology - Are These Shoes New

                        Selective Breeding

Episode 100 - Special - Throw A Bunch of Pubes on The Last Baby Born

                        Counting down the first ten of the 100 Greatest Scientific Discoveries

Episode 101 - Chemistry - Ugly Buck Teeth

                        ??? Ask Ron

Episode 102 - Physics - I Imagined Vertical Bananas

                        Physics recap!

Episode 103 - Biology - Chickens Are Called Ducks In This World

                        GM crops and genetic modifications

Episode 104 - Chemistry - Sensey Toons

                        Final chemistry - sewage.

Episode 105 - physics - Not infinitely and NOT falafel

                        Circuits revision

Episode 106 - Biology - True Crime Fiction Story

                        Antibiotic Resistance

Episode 107 - Chemistry - Listen Snake Head

                        First chemistry revision

Episode 108 - Special - Spill The Tea-th

                        2nd Anniversary Special with Bec Hill

Episode 109 - Physics - Lessons in Your Own Duncitude

                        Recapping a recap but mainly tooth puns

Episode 110 - Biology - I Never Went To Candle School

                        How do candles work plus producers and consumers

Episode 111 - Chemistry - Some Classic Lexx Ed Bollockery

                        Revision of atoms, bonding and the periodic table

Episode 112 - Physics - Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron

                        Absolutely no science. A Sonic quiz and Olympics chat

Episode 113 - Biology - Stevie Wonderneath

                        The last biology!

Episode 114 - Special - Frothy For Bean

                        On the last day of term Ron and Laura watch Mr Bean

Episode 115 - Special - Walked At Dog Speed

                        Group revision with Youngest Sister of the Podcast

Episode 116 - Exam - Biology Exam - Foundation 1- Pieces of Potato

                        The first half of the foundation biology exam

Episode 117 - Exam - Biology Exam Foundation 2 - You Can Nut In The Background

                        The second half of the foundation biology exam also featuring pistachio nuts

Episode 118 - Exam - Biology Foundation Results: One of the Stuff Is The Answers

                        Biology Foundation paper results

Episode 119 - Exam - Chemistry Exam - Foundation 1 - Some Kind of Beautiful Pipette

                        The first half of the foundation chemistry exam

Episode 120 - Exam - Chemistry Exam Foundation 2 - You Want Me To Get Rid of Farty?

                        The second half of the foundation chemistry exam

Episode 121 - Exam - Chemistry Foundation Results - Daddy Boys Legs

                        Chemistry Foundation paper results

Episode 122 - Exam - Physics Foundation 1 - Email About A Magical Family Outing

                        Physics Foundation first half

Episode 123 - Exam - Physics Foundation 2 - Blow The Trifle Away

                        Physics Foundation second half

Episode 124 - Special - Halloween 2024 - The Spookiest Thing You Run Into On An Almost Daily Basis

                        A spooky look at spiders!

Episode 125 - Exam - Physics Foundation Results - Some Time Before Humans Had Even Discovered Plums

                        Results for the Physics Foundation paper

Episode 126 - Exam - They Say You Do Your GCSEs Twice...

                        Exam Prep and advice

Episode 127 - Exam - Biology Higher Tier 1 - Red Blood Spells

Episode 128 - Exam - Biology Higher Tier 2 - A Nod Under The Ocean

Episode 129 - Exam - Biology Higher Tier Results - Welcome To The Top Of The Mountain

Episode 130 - Exam - Chemistry Higher Tier Exam 1 - We Talk About Our Bin Routines

Episode 131 - Special - Christmas Trees: Is Brian Blessed A Local Celebrity

                        Ron talks Laura through the science of conifers and Laura tells Ron the history of Christmas trees.

Episode 132 - Special - The Grinch - His Big Lactating Titties

                        Ron and Laura discuss everything we can know about the species of Grinch from the evidence available in the film.

Episode 133 - Exam - Chemistry Higher Tier Exam 2: A Big Shop Mum Loves

Episode 134 - Exam - Chemistry Higher Tier Results - You Can't Boil A Molecule

Episode 135 - Exam - Physics Higher Tier Exam 1 - Giddy Up Piggy

Episode 136 - Exam - Physics Higher Tier Exam 2 - A Rather Gassy Barnacle

Episode 137 - Exam - Physics Higher Tier Results - From The Tippity Top to The Bippity Boptom

Episode 138 - Special - You Would Eat Pale Potatoes in Pale Mayonnaise and Call It a Meal You Pale Woman

Episode 139 - Special - Valentines 2025: Athletes Puss and Trench Dick

                        The history and science of STIs.

SERIES 2 - AS/A Level

Episode 1 (140) - Biology - 4 Months Break Wasn't Enough

                        LUCA and monomers and polymers

Episode 2 (141) - Chemistry - Plumble

                        Recap of ions and isotopes and then mass spectrometry

Episode 3 (142) - Physics - Buckle Up Bucko This Is A Level

                        Standard Form

There's No Such Thing As A Fire

 Laura: Hello and welcome to another episode of Lexx Education, the comedy science podcast, where me comedian Laura Lexx tries to learn science from her stupid, nervous, Eddie scientific child brother, Ron.
Ron: Hi, I'm Ron.
Laura: No, it's Hello, I'm Ron.
Ron: Hello, I'm Ron.
Laura: I hate your shirking as catchphrases.
Ron: I'm fluid.
Ron: I'm a catchphrase shark.
Ron: I never stop moving.
Laura: Then they're not catchphrases.
Ron: No, they're just phrases.
Laura: It's just talking.
Laura: How are you, Ron?
Ron: I'm okay.
Ron: I'm a little bit ill, but I think I'm out the other side of it and I'm just so busy that when you're ill but then taking a day off work would just be so much worse for you than just pushing through it.
Ron: I just like three of those in a row.
Laura: But it's the weekend tomorrow for you.
Laura: Not for listeners, but for you.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: It'S a strange day today.
Laura: We're recording this little intro on the Friday.
Laura: So the weird Tory budget has just been announced.
Laura: It's just like, weird.
Laura: And it's also like, pouring with rain here.
Laura: Like a pathetic fallacy of the miserable life.
Laura: We have to come.
Laura: But hey, let's set that to one side right now because it's not an economics podcast, is it, Roncadonk?
Laura: No, we'd hate that.
Ron: Maybe that's season two.
Laura: Can you imagine?
Laura: F*** off.
Ron: We might need it.
Ron: Because at this point, we're probably not that far off.
Ron: Next in line for Chancellor.
Laura: That's true.
Ron: Have you seen the average length of tenure and senior government for the current cabinet?
Laura: No.
Ron: The average length is less than five years.
Laura: Blimey.
Ron: Yeah, I've always been in my current job for three years.
Laura: And you're a baby.
Ron: Yeah, I'm an equal buying baby.
Laura: That is from us watching that show on Netflix.
Laura: What was that show?
Laura: The driving one?
Laura: Hyperdrive.
Laura: That's it.
Laura: And there was the Hyperdrivers show on Netflix.
Laura: Very good.
Laura: There was only one season, and we keep waiting for them to make more, and they're not.
Ron: I was quoting Buster from Arrested Development.
Laura: When I first heard that, because he.
Ron: At one point goes, I heard there's going to be a little bong.
Laura: And then that got Melded into they set it up.
Laura: There's all these adult drivers, the best drag racers or drift racers, whatever they are in the world.
Laura: And then there was just a tiny Wickle Barbie.
Ron: And then Shelley's On flies out to South Africa to do a moving interview and piece where she learns about her life and stuff that ends.
Ron: Charlize is gone.
Ron: Echo bobby flies to America and then the car gets there.
Ron: And then you find out that her dad had to sell his van that he needs for his livelihood to pay to ship her car there.
Ron: It's like Charlize was just there for 1 second that she appears in these Jador adverts.
Ron: She could have just paid for that.
Laura: Yeah, and then we won't tell you what happens to Wicklebaby.
Laura: Maybe she wins, maybe she doesn't.
Laura: What type of driving?
Laura: Anyway, thank you neil, for giving me my proudest moment since this podcast started, for saying how much you liked the bus seat analogy for electrons.
Laura: It's the happiest I have felt for making a useful analogy for something.
Laura: So thank you very much.
Ron: Neil was your best one.
Ron: It made sense.
Laura: I am a professor now.
Laura: Apologies for the sound on last week's episode.
Laura: We're very sorry about that.
Laura: That's my fault.
Laura: That the drop in sound.
Laura: I know how annoying it is to try and listen to a podcast when you're driving or something and you can't quite pick it up.
Laura: We are doing our best.
Laura: We literally yeah, f*** off.
Laura: No, they weren't complaining.
Laura: They were letting us know, you idiot.
Laura: Stop being contrary.
Laura: It's really helpful when you let us know.
Laura: I think it was kay let us know a couple of weeks ago about a silence in the podcast.
Laura: And I'm so sorry, I can't remember who tweeted and said that there was the drop in.
Laura: Somebody, wasn't it?
Laura: Somebody lovely.
Laura: We literally make this podcast all on our own.
Laura: We record it, shoddily through the internet.
Laura: I edit the even numbered ones.
Laura: Ron edits the odd numbered ones.
Laura: We don't know what we're doing.
Laura: We've got no funding.
Laura: So thank you for bearing with us through the shambolic episodes.
Laura: And we're learning as we go back.
Laura: Ron, they're not being horrible.
Laura: They're trying to help us make a poker.
Laura: She's a little boy, so hopefully there's no more.
Laura: Having said that, we hope there's not a problem with the sound quality in this week's episode.
Laura: There is a problem with the apathy quality in that it's high because Ron cares only marginally more about today's subject than I do.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: And the caring is matched by my understanding.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: So we're doing electricity today.
Laura: It's not Ron's Fave.
Laura: It's not Laura's Fave.
Laura: Hey, we did our best.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: Slight correction from me.
Ron: At one point I say voltaire.
Ron: I meant volta.
Ron: I also said he was French.
Ron: He was Italian, but Voltaire was French.
Ron: But Volta is Italian.
Laura: From the naughty boy.
Laura: Hello, Ronnie.
Laura: Honks, can you hear that pigeon?
Ron: No.
Laura: That's good.
Laura: I've got bird feeders, right.
Laura: And birds are coming to them, which is very lovely.
Laura: And I'm trying to train Mackie to bark at the pigeons, but not the sparrows, because I don't know if you remember the pigeon incident when I lived in the flat, but I really don't want to repeat with the pigeons.
Ron: You mean when you have pigeons quarters?
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: So I used to live in a flat with a tiny balcony and some pigeons landed and now, disclaimer, this was a part of my life where I was very sad about not conceiving biological children and some pigeons started to live on my balcony and have their own biological children.
Laura: And I got more attached to these pigeons than you should reasonably do.
Laura: And then they took over the balcony to the point where the neighbours complained and a man from the building came round and told me off about the pigeons and I may or may not have referred to them as my pigeons, which made him wonder if I was breeding pigeons.
Laura: So I want to have bird feeders because I want to help out the wild bird population, but I don't really want to get over on with pigeons again.
Laura: But Mackie hates them.
Laura: Is he having a right stare out with one yesterday?
Ron: You want her to stay away, the pigeons, because you're worried about getting too attached to yeah, but just the pigeons.
Ron: The sparrows are not well, because I.
Laura: Don'T think sparrows are going to net like the sparrows are already nest, but they're so nervous, they are hanging around having babies, but I don't really see where the nests are.
Laura: They're under the eaves somewhere or something.
Laura: They're very flighty, whereas I know from experience that pigeons will get used to me.
Ron: Yeah, I don't know if we've completely captured the tragedy of that situation to the listener, but I mean, even calling what you had a balcony is quite generous.
Ron: More of a glorified outdoor shelf.
Laura: It was the day that the guy from the building came out because the neighbours had complained about the pigeons.
Laura: And I had my older sister, not the sister that was here in the previous episode with producer nephew, but older sister with older nephews.
Laura: And we'd been to OA Haka and they had had some cod tacos that had not gone down well with them.
Laura: So this bloke knocks on the door and he's like, Hi, we've heard about the pigeons.
Laura: And I'm like my pigeons.
Laura: And he's like, Are you keeping pigeons?
Laura: And I'm like, oh, no, these are just wild pigeons that happen to anyway, and he's like, Can I see these pigeons?
Laura: So then I lead him through the flat, which is tiny, and from his perspective, this flat is being inhabited by four adults and two children and smells overwhelmingly like vomited codtacos, because there's codtaco vomit everywhere.
Laura: And then we go through the kitchen and then the balcony is like a tribute to bird s***, because pigeons don't nest, pigeons just s*** in a ring and then lay their eggs in the middle of that ring.
Laura: I didn't know this, but in case you're ever wondering.
Laura: So they put up pigeon nets, but then the pigeons managed to get behind the pigeon nets.
Laura: So then we just had a situation where we'd entrapped the pigeons in the balcony rather than keeping them on the outside.
Laura: And I'm sort of a bit nervous around birds, I don't like them when they flap.
Laura: So I had to get Tom to come and release the pigeon.
Laura: So Tom manages to grab this pigeon, he's like some sort of pigeon whisperer.
Laura: He walks up to it and treats it like a chicken, where if you just grab it and hold its wings into it, it stays quite calm.
Laura: And then he posted the pigeon through a hole in the balcony where the drain comes down.
Laura: And we were like, Right, it's free now.
Laura: But what we didn't realise was that the downstairs neighbours had also had pigeon nets installed.
Laura: So we just posted the pigeon through to their balcony and it was now trapped behind their pigeon net.
Laura: So, long story short, I'm training the dog to bark at pigeons now.
Laura: Wasn't good, Ron.
Ron: No, it's just the fact that you're training the dog to park at pigeons so that you don't form some mother pigeon bond with them.
Ron: Not because pigeons are basically pests you don't want around.
Laura: No, I'm too soft hearted.
Laura: I just love things.
Laura: Anyway, speaking of things I love, what science are we doing today, Ronnie Hog?
Ron: Well, I think we're both stalling because we know it's a physics.
Laura: Is it?
Ron: It's a physics and hands in the air.
Ron: This is the first lesson that we've done where I've been reading it and I'm just like, I can't even remember doing this.
Laura: Oh, well, let's not do it then, mate.
Laura: Let's suck it off.
Laura: If you don't know it and like it, and I doubt I will, why don't we just skip this one?
Ron: Well, I mean, the lovely Dan and Suji at Podsburg told everyone that fans of Taskmaster will like our podcast.
Ron: So I think the spirit of Muddling through.
Ron: Let's just get through.
Ron: Let's get through the syllabus and we'll get through it together.
Ron: I just may not be able to answer the horrible minutiae based questions people throw at me.
Laura: Maybe I'll really understand this and you can ask me some questions.
Ron: That would be a f****** dream.
Ron: What do you know about electricity, Laura?
Laura: I know it recently got a lot more expensive in the UK.
Ron: Evergreen content.
Laura: Yes, I know if you wear rubber shoes, it can't hurt you if you climb a pile on.
Ron: Not sure that's true.
Ron: Let's put out a disclaimer on that.
Laura: No, I feel confident.
Laura: Off you go, kids.
Ron: Up the pylons with you.
Laura: Pylons were a big part of my childhood.
Laura: Like, daring.
Laura: You know that big pylon around the back of the house by the BMX track?
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: We were always daring each other to climb that fence and go and touch it.
Laura: I doubt anything would have happened with it.
Laura: They put the electricity up high.
Ron: I was always just bringing my townie friends from Troll round and then we'd be up in the field to be like, you hear that noise?
Ron: That's the pilot.
Laura: Yeah, we live.
Laura: Maybe that's why we're so weird.
Laura: We just grew up underneath a pylon.
Ron: Several pilots of the house.
Ron: Oh, yeah.
Laura: Like super close.
Laura: I know balloons can give you static electricity, so I assume from the word static that most electricity is moving current.
Laura: That makes sense, actually, if you think about it.
Laura: And some of it still.
Ron: Yeah, I think there's essentially two types of electricity, static and then circuit electricity, which is what we deal with.
Ron: Most of the time, static electricity is just a buildup of electrons in one place.
Ron: When you rub a balloon on your woolly jumper or something, essentially what's happening is all of the electrons are going to the balloon or to the jumper, probably the balloon.
Ron: And then that's what gives it the charge that attracts your hair and stuff.
Ron: And then statically.
Laura: My hair has a charge?
Ron: Electrical charge.
Ron: That's just a fundamental property of matter.
Ron: So this is the charge that we're talking about.
Ron: When we say electrons are negative and protons are positive.
Laura: Do you mean stuff?
Ron: Yes.
Laura: Okay.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: You basically throughout as soon as they're like, that's just a fundamental property of Martin.
Laura: And then you carry on talking, and I'm there going, okay, no fundamentals property.
Laura: That means, like, a thing.
Laura: It does matter is stuff.
Laura: So that is a rule about everything stuff does?
Ron: Yes, like a physical stuff.
Ron: So it doesn't necessarily apply to energy.
Laura: I don't really believe in things that aren't physical.
Laura: Okay, here's the thing.
Laura: I don't really understand what fire is, and I don't know if I believe in fire because I don't really understand what it is.
Ron: Fire is just like a chemical reaction you can see.
Laura: Yeah, but what's the reaction?
Laura: What is it physically?
Laura: What is it?
Ron: So let's take a gas flame.
Ron: So when you see, like, a gas flame coming out of your hob, that is just where the oxygen and the methane gas that will come out of your hog are reacting together because of the heat of the fire, and then they are producing light and heat as a part of that reaction.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: So I'm right.
Laura: Fire isn't a thing, then.
Ron: Well, the fire is just you seeing the light and heat.
Ron: So it's kind of like the excess energy coming out of that reaction.
Laura: There's no such thing as fire.
Ron: Are we breaking up?
Ron: Can you not hear me?
Laura: I can, and I'm understanding what you said, Ron.
Laura: You said that it isn't a thing.
Laura: It's chemicals, not fire.
Ron: What do you mean by a thing?
Ron: Oh, there are no fire atoms.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: No, but that's fine.
Ron: That doesn't mean it's not a thing.
Laura: It does, though, kind of, doesn't it?
Laura: Because if you are making a list of all the things that exist, fire isn't in that list.
Ron: No, but neither is Laura.
Ron: Like, there are no Laura.
Laura: I'm here.
Ron: Yeah, but you can see fire and you touch fire, it hurts.
Laura: Fire doesn't have DNA.
Ron: No, but neither does a small wooden zebra.
Ron: But that could quite feasibly exist.
Laura: But you can see that.
Laura: No, I'm right.
Ron: You can see fire.
Laura: Yeah, I can also see through it.
Ron: Yeah, but you can see through glass, and you're not arguing that doesn't exist.
Laura: I am.
Laura: Glass doesn't exist either.
Ron: Okay, now we're really straying into the.
Laura: Worrying glasses, like sand and probably other atoms.
Laura: Hey, wait a minute.
Laura: What atoms?
Laura: Is sand more biochemical moleculars.
Ron: But you don't think sand exists?
Ron: What does that mean?
Ron: What you said was glass doesn't exist because it's sand.
Laura: Yeah, but there's no glass atoms.
Ron: Now I'm learning to understand there's no sand atoms.
Ron: Glass is made of silicon, I think.
Laura: Silicon?
Ron: I think so.
Ron: And dioxide or something.
Laura: Silicon was manmade.
Ron: No, silicon is an element.
Laura: Is it?
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: Silicon is the next one down from carbon.
Ron: So silicon can also form for bonds with things, which is why it's quite a useful material.
Laura: Is that why fake b**** always looks so weird?
Ron: Because they're so they make form for bonds.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: So they're too structured.
Laura: Not like natural t****** that are all like, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Laura: Not enough barns.
Ron: It could be.
Ron: Well, how do we start talking about that?
Laura: Fire isn't real balloons.
Laura: The notes I've made are static is a buildup of electron circuit.
Laura: I haven't written anything.
Ron: Yeah, okay, so we'll pick up from there.
Ron: So circuit electricity is the flow of electrons around a circuit.
Laura: Spring flow of electrons.
Laura: So electricity is electrons.
Laura: That makes sense.
Laura: Elect yeah.
Ron: So it's the flow of electrons around a circuit.
Ron: The best analogy for picturing what a circuit is like is to think about the electrons as water in a pipe and the circuit as being like a series of pipes.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Because when you have a power source, consider a battery.
Laura: Consider the battery, the humble battery.
Ron: Consider a battery.
Ron: The electrons are not coming from that battery.
Ron: Right.
Ron: When you plug that into the circuit, it's not electrons flowing out of the negative end of the battery and going around because the electron is already in the wire.
Ron: What the battery does, it acts like a pump and it just starts moving them around for the circuit.
Ron: Okay.
Laura: Okay.
Laura: So battery is a pump.
Laura: Battery power is a pump.
Ron: So don't worry about that.
Laura: The sun.
Laura: I'll just write down the sun.
Ron: Fire.
Laura: Sun is the root of everything.
Ron: Batteries are made out of layers of positive and negative things, and that does.
Laura: Something like broccoli cheese.
Ron: You might have made a salt pile when you were at school.
Laura: A salt pile.
Ron: I think that's what they call it.
Ron: Because what you need is you need metals that have different reactivity, and then you put them in like, an ionic solution.
Ron: So you can use just like, brine, as in, like, salt, and then you can create like, a really simple battery.
Laura: Don't remember doing that.
Laura: Sticking some metal in a potato.
Laura: A potato clock.
Laura: A potato clock.
Laura: Where can I find a potato clock?
Ron: Yeah, don't worry about the battery.
Ron: That doesn't matter.
Laura: Okay, so a battery is a pump.
Laura: It's pumping electrons.
Laura: So where were the electrons from if they're not in the battery?
Ron: So they were in the wire already.
Laura: They were there all along.
Laura: You never considered the electrons were already in the room?
Laura: It's like an episode of Jonathan Creek.
Ron: It is.
Ron: Do you remember metallic bonds from our last episode.
Laura: Yes, but why don't you re explain it to the listener, who has probably forgotten?
Ron: Yes.
Ron: So you and I know, of course, that a metallic bond is where you have all of the metal atoms together and then the outer layer of the metal atoms, electrons, dissociate and then they share them and they all kind of float around willy nilly amongst the metal atoms.
Laura: They're socialists, aren't they, in a mosh pit.
Laura: Because they're metallic.
Ron: Exactly.
Laura: Do you know what I'm doing?
Ron: Metal music is one of my huge blind spots.
Laura: So he's being fun.
Laura: D***, son, you got god, that was rude.
Laura: I stopped listening because I was trying to remember the words.
Laura: Tim attacka songs, pumping the electrons round.
Laura: So there's all those freeform electrons in metal, and then you switch the battery on and the layers of sad and happy stuff pumps.
Laura: Those electrons start moving around the metal, carrying their charge.
Ron: Exactly, yes.
Ron: Right.
Ron: You're heard of current, a thing that is talked about with electricity.
Ron: You may have heard of volts current.
Laura: I have heard of volts.
Laura: There's a railway on Brighton Seafront, you know, where you used to live before you cruelly moved away.
Laura: And that's called the Volks Railway.
Laura: And I reckon that's probably actually something different.
Laura: Now I'm saying it out loud because.
Ron: It'S a different word.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: Similar, though, isn't it?
Ron: Volks spelled like that as German for peoples like folks to do with that Volkswagen people's car.
Laura: I've sunburned my shoulder.
Ron: So, current, that is measured in amps.
Ron: You may have heard of amps current.
Laura: Amps.
Laura: Like an amp?
Laura: Like a music?
Ron: No, that's short for amplifier.
Ron: Amps in this case is short for ampere, who was some French bloke feet.
Laura: Hello, my name is Ampell and I love electrons.
Ron: Very good.
Ron: Volt is the unit for something called potential difference.
Laura: Potential difference.
Ron: This kind of defines the energy difference between the beginning and the start.
Ron: Those are the same, the beginning and the end.
Laura: You would need it for a second.
Ron: There'S the potential difference if energy states between the beginning and the end of the circuit, that the electrons could go on.
Ron: So the higher this is, the more the circuit is going to have as the electrons go round it.
Ron: So to go back to our water analogy, water obviously flows downhill.
Ron: Yes.
Laura: Let your love blow.
Ron: You can't do that.
Ron: Every time I say the word flow.
Laura: Away, you understand ranoko flow.
Ron: That's enya.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: The song is called orinoco flow.
Ron: It's called sail away.
Laura: I think it's called orinoco flow.
Ron: Let's not.
Laura: Let's google it.
Laura: We should cheque.
Laura: I don't want anybody to get upset or rare.
Laura: No, Coflo.
Ron: I'm not going to watch it for the listener.
Ron: Lori just sent me a YouTube link.
Ron: I'm not going to listen to you.
Laura: This is a weird music video.
Laura: Okay.
Laura: I got to the chorus and I was absolutely right.
Laura: Well done, little Laura.
Laura: I'm going to put the no, you're editing this one.
Laura: Put the ding noise in there, please.
Laura: When I'm right, you will progressively, as.
Ron: We go through, I put in fewer and fewer sound effects because it can't be fun.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Do you agree that water flows downhill, or is that an alien f****** concept to you?
Ron: Like fire or glass?
Laura: Don't say it like that.
Laura: What was the question?
Laura: Water flows downhill.
Laura: I believe you.
Ron: Yes.
Laura: I don't necessarily believe that water is a thing.
Ron: Yes, but you agree there flows downhill.
Ron: We're not going to have to have a scrap about that.
Ron: Okay, cool.
Ron: So basically, let's picture our electricity as water again.
Ron: So, potential difference.
Ron: You could imagine that as being like the top of the water pipe.
Ron: So the higher it is, the more potential energy that water has.
Ron: And then as it flows down the slide or the pipes or wherever, goes through the circuit and in electricity, you see it loses its potential energy and it gets back to the bottom.
Ron: And then let's say we've got a pump that takes the water back up to the top.
Ron: That is like our battery, that then brings the electrons back to the other side of the potential difference.
Laura: Okay.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: And the battery is there.
Laura: So that's the volts.
Ron: Yes.
Laura: How did you get them so high at the top?
Laura: How do you make them big at the top?
Ron: Doesn't matter.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: So we've got current measured in amps.
Laura: What was that?
Ron: Potential difference.
Laura: How fast they're moving.
Ron: Current?
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: Literally, the flow of charge.
Ron: So the current is equal to great.
Ron: How much charge has flowed down the wire, divided by the amount of time it took to do that, and then that's how you get the number back.
Laura: Okay.
Ron: Charges measured in kilometres.
Laura: So if you only had one electron and it went really fast, it would be the same amount of current as if you had two electrons going half as fast.
Ron: Exactly.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: Well done.
Laura: F****** scientist b****.
Ron: Okay, we've got the current and we've got the potential difference.
Ron: The other thing that we need to think about when we are talking about electricity is the resistance.
Laura: They are hiding underground and asking for the electricity not to be there on bear.
Laura: Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.
Ron: Volt is named after, I think, another Frenchman called Voltaire.
Laura: You could be clever as Voltaire, but you won't get you know, if you want to sell discs.
Laura: What's that?
Laura: Ron?
Ron: Is that from Hamilton?
Laura: No, it's Tim mentioned, you idiot.
Ron: Sorry.
Ron: My guess with you, when you're singing.
Laura: Songs that no one has heard about.
Ron: So we got resistance that is measured in ohms.
Laura: Oh, my gosh.
Ron: I don't know who owns Sherlock?
Ron: No, he was German.
Laura: Resistance is omes, I'm telling.
Laura: So is that like barriers on the slide?
Ron: Yeah, basically anything has a resistance.
Ron: Good conductors, things that we make wires out of, copper, nickel.
Laura: Copper have loads of free electrons, then.
Laura: Does copper have loads of electrons.
Laura: Is that why it's a good conductor?
Ron: Doesn't matter.
Laura: There's going to be so much of people to write into an answer.
Laura: Yeah, I'm very much looking forward to our little bag of letters on the answers to all these questions.
Ron: Doesn't matter.
Laura: Mom hates electricity.
Ron: You know what?
Ron: I was doing the research for this and I really did realise how little I know about electricity, because I've kind of gotten all of this.
Ron: I did a bit of reading and I think I've worked out and stuff, but then in the back of my head, the whole time, I was just going like, what about alternating current?
Ron: None of this makes any sense when you consider alternating current.
Laura: I don't even know what that is.
Laura: That's AC DC, isn't it?
Laura: Direct current.
Laura: Alternating current, exactly.
Ron: Yes.
Ron: When you just have a battery that's just direct current, electrons just flowing around.
Ron: But what comes out the walls is like going backwards and forwards, like 100 times a second or something.
Laura: Let's pretend that doesn't exist.
Ron: Yeah, exactly.
Laura: Anything that's too difficult.
Ron: It'S educators.
Laura: Tweet ron, educate ron, leave Laura alone.
Laura: Do not tell Laura about anything that is not essential.
Ron: Segue right, so we have another formula to remember.
Laura: I hate formulas, but it's just three things.
Ron: This one so the voltage is equal to yeah.
Laura: The voltage, then, which made me think I should be writing that down, potentially.
Ron: That's up to you.
Ron: How about you write this one down, don't write the next one down, and then we'll see how you doing the quiz.
Ron: On each one, voltage equals current multiplied by the resistance.
Laura: The current multiplied.
Laura: Multiplied.
Laura: That feels illogical.
Laura: Why is that which one was the current again?
Laura: The current is the flow.
Ron: Yes.
Laura: Okay.
Laura: So the potential difference equals the flow times by the amount it stopped.
Laura: Now, that makes no sense.
Ron: Well, it does, because the voltage of a circuit, that depends on what you plugged it into.
Ron: So if you plug it into the wall, in rainy old Britain, it's going to be 240 classic British vaults.
Ron: Excellent.
Ron: If you plug it into the wall in America, I think only about 110 hundred and 20 volts.
Ron: S***.
Ron: If you put a battery, 9 volts, maybe even twelve, all nice stuff not going to change.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Because after you plugged in, you understand it's going to be wherever you plug it into.
Laura: Where is the circuit, then?
Laura: Is the circuit in the wall or in the item that I plug it in?
Laura: So the steep bit is in the plug.
Ron: The pump is in the plug.
Laura: But you said that the potential difference which was the volts, which was the slide.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: No, the potential difference is the height difference between the bottom and the top.
Ron: And then the pump gets the water from the bottom to the top.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: So if the vaults is determined, like my lamp, for example, that is plugged into the wall and the walls got the slide in it, the walls got.
Ron: The pump in it.
Laura: But it must have the slide in it, too.
Laura: If the wall is what?
Ron: No, the lamp is the slide.
Laura: But then how does the lamp know what the voltage of the plug is?
Ron: Because the lamp has been designed to deal with British voltage.
Ron: 240 volts.
Ron: They didn't make it and then go, yeah, sell that.
Ron: I reckon that'll be fine.
Ron: Some people sat around no, shut up.
Laura: What do you mean that the electricity coming out of the wall is also 240 volts?
Laura: If the lamp has got the slide in it yeah.
Ron: And then the lamp has got the slide in it.
Ron: The slide is full of water.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: The wall essentially acts as the pump and gives it the potential difference.
Ron: So then the water starts flowing around the lamp.
Laura: So does the pump have a level of power?
Ron: It's not important.
Laura: Stop asking questions.
Ron: Well, the thing is, loyal, the electricity that comes out of the wall is AC, so might as well be f****** magic as far as we're concerned.
Ron: Let's go back to battery.
Laura: Maybe we need to get, like, a supervising teacher in for some of these when we get right out into the wilds.
Laura: It feels like it's PhD stuff, man.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: So the voltage doesn't change is essentially what I'm saying.
Ron: You get that every time that you plug something into the wall, it's 240 volts.
Laura: Unless you plug in a different lamp.
Ron: No.
Laura: Yeah, because you said the lamp had the slide in it.
Laura: So if I plug in a lamp with a steeper slide, something else will come out of the wall?
Ron: No.
Laura: Why?
Ron: Because the potential difference what is coming out of the wall.
Laura: But you said the potential difference was done by the lamp.
Ron: Okay, but imagine the slide is on like a Winchie, up and down.
Ron: Depending on this potential difference, the slide could be a different height, like a cherry picker or something.
Ron: It's going to be the same.
Laura: Right.
Laura: Voltage is always 240 when you plug into the wall.
Ron: Batteries, then we wouldn't call it voltage.
Laura: Then we call it 240 volts are always 240.
Ron: No, don't write that down.
Ron: No.
Ron: Every time you plug into the wall in the UK, it's 240 volts.
Laura: Okay, I don't know what to do with this information because I don't understand where the slide is.
Laura: I don't understand what the volts are doing.
Laura: I don't even fully understand what's happening in the wall because you said all the electrons are already in the lamp.
Ron: Yeah, but remember, I also said that the electrons don't come from the battery or they don't come from the wall.
Ron: They're already in there.
Ron: It just gives them the power to move around.
Laura: So I don't think the slide has anything to do with it, does it?
Ron: No, that's just a metaphor for potential difference.
Ron: There isn't actually a slide, believe it or not.
Laura: Going backwards here.
Laura: Right, great.
Laura: That sounds lovely.
Ron: Learned that now I'm only a third of the way through explaining what I'm trying to explain.
Laura: I can't do two times more of that.
Ron: Shut up.
Laura: I've got an old knife block next to me and I just stuck my pen to it.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: When you've got a circuit, the voltage is going to stay the same.
Ron: Okay?
Laura: 240.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: That's not going to change.
Ron: Or you might put like an a battery that's 9 volts.
Ron: Then we've got the current and the resistance.
Ron: Right.
Laura: May we?
Ron: The more resistance, because the voltage stays the same depending on what you plug into that voltage, depending on the resistance that then defines the current.
Ron: The current is the bit that is going to be variable in this equation.
Laura: Right, great.
Ron: Why are you being weird and still?
Laura: Because, Ron, I've largely had to jettison any belief that any of this is going to make sense or be proper information.
Laura: But I also can't ask questions because you say it doesn't matter.
Laura: So I think my only other option is to look you in the eye and tell you I understand and then hope that you don't ask me to explain it back to you ever again.
Ron: Do you see the equation that we've got?
Laura: Yes.
Laura: 240 equals current.
Ron: No, the voltage isn't going to change.
Ron: Resistance is defined by the things that are in the circuit.
Ron: So if you just had a circuit that was just a copper wire going round in a circle, very low resistance.
Ron: Right.
Ron: However, then if you start putting a light bulb or an Led in that circuit, or maybe even a buzzer that goes like or something like that, all of these things are going to start introducing resistance to the circuit.
Ron: Okay?
Ron: But the voltage will stay the same.
Ron: So what will happen when we add in the buzzer that goes or the light bulb?
Ron: Now, that was a question.
Ron: What's going to happen?
Laura: They'll go or light up?
Ron: Look at the equation.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: Voltage is staying the same.
Ron: Voltage stays the same, the resistance is increasing.
Ron: So what is going to happen?
Laura: So is the current going to increase as well?
Ron: No, because if the resistance increased and the current increased, you see they're getting multiplied together to make the voltage.
Ron: So if they both increase, the voltage is going to go up.
Ron: But that doesn't happen.
Ron: That doesn't because the voltage stays the same.
Ron: So if the resistance increases, that's bad.
Ron: What's going to happen?
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: Go on.
Ron: You've said one of the three things it could be.
Laura: I'm not a f****** stupid person, but science just blows my brains out my b***.
Laura: It's going to decrease.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: So why is it times?
Ron: Well, if we rearrange the equation, you know how to do algebra, right?
Ron: What does the equal symbol literally means?
Laura: Each size symbol is equal symbol don't even explain what I know what an equal symbol means.
Ron: No, can you let me finish, please?
Laura: No, because you've been rude.
Ron: No, I'm not.
Ron: Because most of the time, if you haven't done a lot of algebra equals.
Laura: Kind of algebra in this country, it's more of an American thing.
Ron: No, it's not equals basically, unless you do a lot of algebra, the equal sign basically means and therefore so you do four plus four is therefore eight and something.
Ron: Whereas when you're doing algebra, the equal sign literally means this side is equal to that side.
Laura: Well, that's the same in a math thing because two and two is equal to four.
Ron: Yes, I know it's the same symbol.
Ron: It means the same thing.
Ron: I'm just trying to explain how you use it differently.
Ron: Stop being a gobby little upstart.
Laura: Don't tell me what equal signs means.
Laura: Now I know.
Ron: So if we wanted to get current on its own, because we know that that is the variable in this situation, what would we have to do?
Laura: Cross out the other words?
Ron: No, we have to do the same to both sides because the both sides are equal.
Ron: So what would we have to do?
Laura: Divide the voltage by the resistance.
Ron: Divide both sides by the resistance?
Laura: Yeah, I did that.
Ron: Well, you didn't say it and you asked me to stop telling you what an equal sign was.
Laura: Ron, I've had enough of your attitude.
Laura: I can't learn from someone that's rude.
Ron: You have been.
Laura: I think you'll find I haven't learnt anything yet.
Ron: It's not like I've been particularly pleasant.
Laura: Up until now and nothing has gone in.
Laura: Change your tune.
Ron: So how would we work out the current?
Laura: We know the current.
Ron: How do we know the current?
Laura: It's probably written on the plug.
Ron: No.
Laura: I bet it is.
Ron: No, what do we know the current is?
Ron: The voltage divided by the resistance.
Laura: Yeah, well, then I said this.
Laura: Divide the voltage by the resistance yeah.
Laura: Equals the current.
Laura: I said that and you said divide both sides by the resistance.
Ron: Yes, because you didn't say that we.
Laura: Were still working it out what the current is.
Ron: How the h*** are we supposed to because it's algebra.
Ron: Because it says current times resistance.
Ron: So if you divide that by resistance, you just get the current.
Laura: You are talking absolute s**** today.
Ron: Oh, I know what an equal stein is.
Ron: I am Albert Einstein.
Laura: Do you want to do this podcast on your own, mate?
Laura: Because sitting in a f****** attic spoiling my t*** off trying to learn stuff that makes no sense, isn't even actual things and is written down on the box of anything I buy anyway, so what's the point?
Ron: Look, doesn't matter.
Ron: We just have to get through it.
Laura: I'm not the one holding us up.
Ron: How are we doing for time?
Laura: 45 minutes.
Ron: Should we get into resistance or should we leave that for next time?
Laura: Let's do resistors because I might need to cut that bit about the pervert because they don't like angering people online.
Ron: Okay, welcome back after the music.
Ron: A common part of circuits, Laura, are resistors.
Laura: Yes.
Laura: Booting.
Ron: Can you think what a resistor would be done would be used for in a circuit?
Laura: Resisting.
Ron: To what end?
Laura: Either end.
Laura: Depends which way the current is going.
Ron: F*** you.
Laura: If you needed to slow down the current yes.
Ron: To affect the current.
Ron: Because the voltage is 240 constant.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: It's not always 240.
Ron: Because if it was always 240, we'd just call it 240.
Ron: We wouldn't call it we do the voltage.
Ron: No, we don't go to 238.
Ron: 239.
Ron: Voltage 241.
Ron: Just not how things going?
Laura: I'm going to now on I'm never saying the number of voltage ever again.
Laura: I'm always just going to replace it with voltage.
Ron: Right.
Ron: So we're going to learn a little bit about resistors, and we're going to breeze through this because we're going to.
Laura: Meet no resistance on the way.
Ron: Oh, man.
Laura: Oh, my gosh.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Can you go into WhatsApp?
Ron: Web.
Laura: We're going to have a look what.
Ron: Going to WhatsApp Web?
Laura: What's that Web.
Laura: What's that web?
Ron: What's that on your computer?
Laura: What web?
Ron: That's just what it's called.
Laura: Don't be das.
Laura: Nobody's ever called it that ever in their life.
Laura: I do every time I've messaged you on WhatsApp Web, actually.
Laura: Excuse me?
Laura: I sent you on WhatsApp Web message and you've not replied.
Ron: I don't think that's weird.
Laura: WhatsApp web?
Laura: That is the weirdest thing anyone's ever said.
Laura: WhatsApp web?
Laura: I'm in.
Laura: WhatsApp?
Laura: Web now?
Laura: Ron?
Laura: I'm ready to talk to you on the WhatsApp Web?
Laura: Messaging service.
Ron: Oh, goodness me.
Ron: There are different types of resistors.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Don't message people on the WhatsApp web?
Ron: While we're doing a podcast.
Laura: I'm on the worldwide WhatsApp web?
Laura: Just sending you some messages.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Can you get up?
Ron: Figure A?
Laura: What are you talking about?
Ron: Well, I sent you all of these.
Ron: I sent you.
Ron: Figure a.
Ron: Figure B.
Ron: Oh.
Laura: Hang on.
Laura: I've got so much stuff in my WhatsApp Web?
Laura: Browser.
Ron: Just search for it.
Laura: Figuray.
Laura: You got it figured.
Laura: Figura.
Laura: Figura.
Laura: Figura.
Laura: Pretty sure I do that every time.
Ron: No, we usually talk about Figurbi.
Laura: Fig.
Laura: Oh, yeah.
Laura: Figurby coming up in this lot.
Ron: Yes.
Ron: We have different types of resistance that we can use.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: So this first one, Figura, is an omnic conductor at a constant temperature.
Laura: Jesus Christ.
Ron: Basically, what that means is that the current that goes through it is directly proportional to the potential difference or the voltage applied across the resistor.
Laura: Okay, Ron.
Laura: No, that doesn't mean anything.
Laura: That's just words.
Laura: So, for the listener, I'm looking at Figuray, and it's an X and a Y axis, an UPy, downy, and an Auster, and the A I know which is which.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: The Xaxis has potential difference and the up axis.
Ron: Why?
Laura: Because it is says current the Y axis just because that's what they call it.
Laura: And then why do they never use Z?
Laura: It annoys me.
Ron: They do use zed.
Laura: What's?
Laura: The Z axis.
Ron: Depth in 3D?
Laura: No, 3D doesn't exist on paper.
Laura: So then we've got, like, fire glass.
Laura: There's one line going between these axes which goes from bottom left to top right.
Laura: Purposefully, like, completely, perfectly.
Laura: Like schmidt's them down the middle at.
Ron: A 45 degree angle.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: And that means whatever it was Run said just now about Omics not being any temperatures.
Ron: As you can see, the higher the potential, the higher the current in a.
Laura: Straight directly through anyway, because there's a slide, if it's a high slide, the current is going to go faster.
Ron: Yes, but it's not necessarily that.
Ron: If you doubled the height of the slide, you'd go twice as fast.
Laura: Yeah, you would.
Ron: Well, you would in this scenario, because that's kind of what it's illustrating to you.
Ron: But that's not necessarily the case for all types of resistors.
Laura: What's the resistor got to do with anything?
Ron: This graph is demonstrating how f****** nothing.
Laura: It's demonstrating absolutely nothing, mate.
Ron: It's demonstrating how the resistor reacts at different voltages pace.
Laura: This bullshit is even worse when even you don't believe it's true.
Ron: I believe it's true, I just think it's boring.
Laura: It's boring.
Laura: Is that line in the middle, the diagonal line, that's the resistor, is it?
Ron: No, this is demonstrating how the resistor would affect the current at different voltages.
Laura: It doesn't look like the resistance doing anything.
Ron: Well, it is, but it's affecting it at a directly proportional rate.
Ron: It's at a constant rate.
Ron: If you wanted to get the resistance out of this graph, you would need the gradient or the slope of the line.
Laura: I really understand.
Laura: Let's move on.
Ron: I think it would make more sense when we look at Figurb.
Laura: Figgaby?
Laura: Figga baggage.
Laura: Figgaby.
Ron: So could you take a look at Figurb and describe it?
Ron: Phil, isn't it?
Laura: Figure B has the same X and Y axes, but this time our little line that's cutting them off looks like an italic F.
Laura: So it's a steeper line closer to the Y axis and then it flattens out at the top and the bottom.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: So what do you think that is telling us about how these so this is the resistance of components such as lamps, dive, thermostats and LVRs, which change the current depending on how much voltage they have going across them.
Laura: 240.
Ron: No, the voltage can be different.
Laura: No, you said it can't.
Ron: Yes.
Ron: So if you took something, if you plug something in at the UK, it's going to be 240.
Ron: If you plugged it in somewhere else, it's going to be different.
Ron: Right.
Laura: So this resistor stops the current bottoming out, or Otting.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: So at a certain point, you get to the point where no matter how much more voltage you're putting in there, the current is not increasing.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: Because it's flattening on the top, the resistance is like, no, keep giving me voltage.
Laura: I'm just putting it in my pants.
Laura: You can keep increasing, I don't care.
Laura: And then when it gets down low, it's like, oh, you've been real stingy with the volts there.
Laura: But don't worry, I'm supplying.
Ron: Well, that's not low there, that's negative.
Laura: So essentially backwards, you can't do negative voltage.
Ron: You could if you put the battery in the other way around.
Laura: Shut up.
Laura: I don't want to learn that bit.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: Reasons why a resistance might act like this is that the temperature of the wire actually affects its resistance.
Ron: So the hotter it gets, the more resistance there is.
Ron: So for things like lamps, literally, meaning like filament bulbs and stuff like that, they get very hot and that increases the resistance.
Ron: So then the more voltage you apply across them, they're just going to get hotter and the current is not necessarily going to go up.
Laura: It feels like heat wouldn't increase the resistance.
Laura: It feels like if the electrons are hot, then they'd move faster.
Ron: But alas, it's not the case.
Laura: Did you say alas?
Ron: Alas?
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: Is that how you say a laugh?
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: I've only ever seen it written before.
Laura: Yeah, that's not right, mate.
Laura: Alas.
Laura: Don't try out word for the first time on the podcast.
Laura: There's enough new words here without you just saying other things all weird.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: And then not finally for the figures.
Laura: Yeah, let's say finally finally for the figures.
Ron: Let's take a look at figur C.
Laura: Figure C.
Laura: Oh, this one's mad.
Laura: Okay, so this one same X and Y.
Laura: X is potential, y is current.
Laura: Now this line, this one is like lying along the X axis all through the negative area.
Laura: Just lying along it, it gets halfway through the positive area.
Laura: And then for doing like morning wood, it springs into action.
Ron: What do you think this one's telling us, Laura?
Laura: That it only starts resisting when the voltage hits a certain place?
Ron: Almost the opposite.
Ron: You see that there's no current up until a certain point and then there is some current.
Laura: I thought the line was the resistance.
Ron: No, the gradient of the line is the resistance.
Laura: Hang on.
Ron: The y axis is current.
Ron: So if the line is going along at zero on the Y axis, there's no current.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: Someone in a garden near you making funny noise.
Laura: Yeah.
Laura: I don't live in a nice area here.
Laura: Kitchens and my horrible dog.
Laura: So there's no current because it's having a lie down and then it whizzes up.
Laura: So that means it's reached a point where there's so much voltage and the resistor can't block it all.
Laura: So it gets through.
Laura: It looks like the current there is increasing at a higher rate than the potential difference is going up.
Ron: Could be, but that doesn't really matter because there's no numbers on the axis.
Ron: So these are just kind of interpretations.
Ron: The specific numbers and steepness and stuff doesn't actually matter.
Laura: Right.
Ron: It's more about the change in it.
Ron: So this is showing us the resistance of a diode, which led to only flow in one direction.
Ron: Because you see anywhere where it's up now?
Ron: Yeah, pause for that.
Ron: Anywhere that there's a negative potential difference, there is no current.
Ron: Okay.
Laura: There isn't anything negative.
Laura: Oh, no, wait a minute.
Laura: Because it's negative on that side of.
Ron: Negative on the left.
Laura: Yeah, everything's negative.
Laura: Okay.
Ron: Okay, cool.
Ron: Right.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: The resistance of a thermistor decreases as the temperature increases.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: A thermistor.
Laura: What's that?
Ron: Applications of thermistors and circuits E-G-A thermostat.
Laura: More things what's the thermostat?
Ron: It's something where the temperature increases.
Ron: The resistance of the thermosure decreases as the temperature increases.
Laura: I don't know what a thermosure is, Ron.
Ron: That's what a thermosure is.
Laura: What do you mean, that's what the thermostat is?
Ron: It's something where the resistance increases.
Laura: Did you hear the wind?
Laura: It came in the window and frightened me.
Ron: Do you get that?
Laura: No.
Laura: Ron, at first I was confused and then I was frightened.
Laura: No, I'm not frightened anymore because I realised it was just the wind, but I am still confused.
Laura: What are you talking about?
Laura: A thermistor.
Ron: A thermostat is something where the resistance decreases as the temperature increases.
Laura: I feel like I should be commentating on golf.
Ron: What's happening?
Laura: Some wind is coming in.
Laura: Say it again.
Ron: A thermistor.
Laura: Every time you talk about thermos the wind blows.
Laura: I don't think the gods want us to talk about the thing.
Ron: It's anything, it doesn't matter.
Ron: It's something where the resistance decreases as the temperature increases.
Laura: Yeah, that makes sense.
Laura: It gets summer and you just get more relaxed.
Ron: The applications of thermasters in circuit include thermist brilliant.
Ron: The resistance of an LDR decreases as light intensity increases.
Laura: You've said LDR about four times now.
Laura: I don't know what it means.
Ron: What it means?
Laura: What do you mean that's what it means?
Laura: I don't know.
Ron: That's the definition of it.
Ron: That's what I just said.
Ron: The resistance of it decreases as light intensity increases.
Laura: This is stupid, but it's like if.
Ron: Me going, a dog is something with four legs that's furry and a canine and you go, yeah, but what's a dog?
Ron: What's that?
Ron: That's what it is.
Laura: No, it isn't.
Laura: Ron, why is one called a thermistor and one called an LDR?
Ron: LDR probably stands for Light dependent Resistor.
Laura: I should think so.
Laura: Thermistors work in the summer, what was an LDR?
Laura: When the light turns out they work.
Ron: In the bright light.
Ron: Bright, also known as a photo resistor.
Laura: No, let's just stop now, because light.
Ron: Dependent resistor oh, yeah.
Ron: You don't want to have to come back to this, though, in three weeks, do you?
Laura: No, I don't want to now, though, either.
Laura: In three weeks at least, isn't now.
Ron: Let's shimmy through it.
Ron: We've got so much circuitry to do next.
Ron: We're doing series and parallel circuits, right.
Ron: Students should be able to I hate.
Laura: It when you start saying stuff like that.
Laura: What candidates must be able to recognise.
Ron: Explain the difference and use of a circuit to measure the resistance of a component by measuring the current through and potential difference across the component.
Laura: Yeah, I can do that.
Ron: Students should be able to draw an appropriate circuit diagram using correct circuit symbols.
Laura: No, you haven't told me that yet.
Ron: No.
Ron: Hands in the air.
Ron: We skipped it off.
Ron: Students should be able to use graphs to explore where the circuit elements are linear or non linear and relate the curves produced to their functions and properties.
Laura: No.
Ron: And that's it?
Ron: That's resistors?
Ron: That's it.
Laura: The whole episode?
Ron: Yeah, we're done.
Laura: Okay.
Laura: I don't think I can do any of those things that you listed at the end, but that's fine.
Ron: It doesn't matter.
Laura: Yes.
Laura: I don't want to be an electrician, so I'm just going to phone in the physics bullshit.
Ron: We've got so much left of it.
Laura: It'll be okay, Ron.
Ron: It'll be okay.
Ron: Actually, we don't have that much left of it.
Ron: Then we get on to what are we doing after this?
Ron: Density of materials, his dense materials, internal energy and energy transfers.
Ron: Like tattoo transfers, particle model and pressure.
Ron: We get back onto atoms and isotopes.
Ron: We've done atoms forever.
Ron: We've done atoms.
Ron: We've done them so much.
Laura: I thought atoms was chemistry.
Ron: Yeah, then we're doing the physics of atoms, apparently.
Ron: That's several months off, though.
Ron: Let's not worry about it.
Ron: Resistors.
Ron: Doesn't matter.
Ron: Get out of there.
Ron: Roof about to come down.
Laura: It does sound terrifying, doesn't it?
Laura: Okay, Ron, well, listen, I'll see you in a week for probably the quiz that I've had the least hope for so far.
Laura: Because unless the question is, what's a slide, I don't think I'm going to know the answers.
Laura: But we'll see you after some.
Laura: Brief.
Laura: Music listener.
Laura: Hello, Ron.
Ron: Hello.
Laura: That was right.
Laura: Tim and Tom.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: Very books.
Ron: The podcast.
Laura: I was just on Pod Bible and they asked me what my favourite comedy podcast was and I said, It's The Complete Guide, everybody.
Laura: It's the Complete guide.
Ron: Big fat podcast recommend from the Lakes Education crew.
Laura: Join a union.
Laura: Listen to the complete guide to everything.
Ron: Yeah, especially now.
Ron: Join a union.
Ron: Although not by the time this goes out.
Ron: It's very uniony at the moment.
Laura: I can't imagine it's been fixed in the two months between recording this and putting it out.
Ron: Do you mean silencing our right to protest and it's going to accelerate.
Ron: Change your moaning.
Laura: Right?
Laura: You fled to the EU.
Laura: You still got human rights and stuff.
Ron: No, because I can't vote here.
Laura: Maybe you should work on becoming a Brazilian.
Ron: A Brazilian?
Laura: No.
Laura: A Brazilian.
Laura: Belgian.
Laura: I should have just said Belgian.
Laura: Anyway, we're prepared to eat.
Laura: Because in the real world, time, even though it's only been a sting for you, it's been weeks for us, hasn't it?
Laura: Two weeks.
Ron: Has it?
Laura: Did we do last week?
Laura: I don't think we did last week.
Ron: Yeah, we did.
Laura: Oh, my God.
Laura: Has it only been a week?
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: S***.
Ron: Bad times in Lexx education HQ.
Ron: We were supposed to be at Glastonbury together at the weekend, and then it was last week.
Laura: We only did a week.
Laura: Ron yeah, it feels like a month.
Laura: I was like, it's been, like four weeks, so it's fine.
Laura: S***.
Laura: That went seven days ago.
Ron: Yeah, eight days ago.
Ron: I think we did record on Tuesday last week.
Laura: Bollocks yeah.
Laura: We didn't get to go to Glastonbury together at the weekend because stupid wrong got stupid.
Laura: Covet.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: After two years of not getting coveted, I got it the day before Glastonbury.
Laura: I went alone.
Laura: I had a medium time.
Ron: Laura does not like live music or.
Laura: Taking drugs, and so it makes it very hard to know what to do at a festival.
Laura: If you don't want to do either of those things, let me tell you, I watched a lot of circus performers.
Ron: Don't worry.
Ron: Laura will watch some live music and take some drugs next year.
Ron: It'll be fine.
Laura: I probably won't take drugs, but I will watch more live music.
Ron: No, neither will I.
Laura: Quiz of episode 15 quiz physics.
Laura: We did physics.
Laura: Did we?
Laura: Oh, f***.
Laura: Electricity.
Ron: Yeah, I've kept it brief because I didn't want to talk about it that much.
Ron: Are you ready for the quiz?
Laura: Let's do it.
Ron: Ron okay, so there are only four points on offer today from four questions.
Ron: One electricity is the flow of electrons in a circuit powered by a battery.
Ron: Where do those electrons come from?
Laura: They're already there in the metal.
Ron: Yes.
Ron: They're already there in the wire.
Ron: Absolutely.
Ron: Ready for question two?
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: What is potential difference measured in.
Laura: This was applied, wasn't it?
Laura: What have I drawn?
Laura: Oh, God, look at these notes.
Laura: Every time I come back to my notes, I feel like a child took over my body for an hour.
Laura: Battery is a pump, bollocks.
Laura: I've just written that for half a page.
Laura: And that was question one of four.
Laura: Thermistors potential difference.
Laura: God, I haven't even written those words down.
Laura: Was that something we talked about quite a lot?
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: You'll kick yourself when you hear it.
Laura: Oh, hang on, hang on.
Laura: I've drawn an arrow down.
Laura: Current equals how much charge divided by the time it took.
Laura: That's not helpful.
Laura: Voltage equals current times resistance.
Laura: But volts is the thing.
Laura: Volts it is.
Ron: Volts.
Laura: Yay.
Ron: Well done.
Ron: Well, yes.
Laura: I'm two for two.
Ron: You are?
Ron: Let's see.
Ron: If you're three for three, what's the formula for calculating current?
Laura: Oh, it's charged divided by time.
Ron: Yeah, I suppose it is.
Ron: I guess there are two.
Laura: Wait a minute, I've got voltage equals current times resistance.
Ron: Yeah, you can rearrange that formula to.
Laura: Current equals voltage divided by resistance.
Ron: Yeah, I'll give you two marks for that.
Ron: Turns out the quiz is out of five.
Laura: Three plus one.
Laura: Oh, yeah.
Ron: Okay.
Ron: And then for the final mark of the quiz, what does a diode resistor do?
Laura: Resists diodes.
Ron: That's your final answer?
Laura: Resistance was something to do with calming down the electrons.
Laura: It's like a little bit that you put in the circuit and it goes, Guys, chill your beans, and it slows them down a bit.
Ron: I don't know what the word includes in the name.
Ron: Yes.
Ron: What makes his diet resistor different?
Ron: You can refer back to Figure C if you want.
Ron: That was a diode resistor.
Laura: If you think I kept hold of those photos, you are wrong.
Ron: On WhatsApp web?
Laura: Let me get up the WhatsApp web?
Laura: Let me scroll through all this nonsense you've been sending me since the heady days of nine days ago.
Laura: We talk a lot.
Laura: There's a picture of Pyramid Stage.
Laura: That's crystal berg.
Laura: That's your covert test figurc.
Laura: What did you ask?
Laura: What was the question?
Ron: What's the diode resistor?
Laura: No, ron.
Laura: I don't know.
Laura: Figure C is just a photo of a line having a lie down and then getting very upper tea towards the end.
Laura: I cannot remember at all what that means, but I've already got four points and the quiz was out of four, so I don't need that last one.
Ron: Sure.
Ron: So drive resistor lets the current only go one way.
Laura: Good for them.
Laura: Ron what a week for this episode to go out with us, giving old Tim and Tom of Complete Guide to Everything fame a little shout out, because huge news listeners since recording that episode and saying in Pod Bible how much I loved Complete Guide to Everything.
Ron: I met him and Tom and Ron is bereft.
Laura: You were invited.
Laura: You chose.
Ron: I was busy.
Laura: You're never that busy.
Ron: I am always busy.
Laura: Why couldn't you come?
Ron: Because we had three people staying at the house.
Laura: Were they?
Laura: Me, Tim and Tom.
Laura: No.
Laura: Well, then f*** them.
Laura: F*** them in their big faces, because right, so I gave Tim and Tom if you don't listen to the Complete Guide to Everything.
Ron: This isn't content for anyone but us.
Laura: Ron, it was the greatest moment of my life.
Ron: Well, you at least need to give more explanation than just being seeing Tim and Tom.
Laura: I said from Complete Guide to Everything.
Ron: All right, carry on.
Laura: You are being a real childish little Charlie today.
Laura: Have you not had lunch?
Ron: I've had a protein shake.
Laura: Boo.
Laura: Go and get some more of your nuts.
Laura: So I said, how much?
Laura: I have complete guide to everything on the Pop Bible.
Laura: And then Tim from Complete Guide reached out and said, thank you.
Laura: And then they were coming to the London Podcast Festival, and I couldn't go and see the show because I was doing John Holmes The One Show show at the same time.
Laura: But then we happen to share a green room with David Dom, and I had this real surreal moment of, like, sitting in a green room, and then they were talking behind me and I was like, oh, God, there's those voices that I've listened to for, like, six, seven years.
Laura: They're just in the same room.
Laura: And then I managed not to tell them that I have fallen asleep listening to them talk every night for the last six years.
Ron: Nice.
Laura: Stop playing it cool.
Laura: You'd have been just as weird.
Ron: Yes, but I wasn't there.
Ron: I'd have been weirder, I think.
Laura: Yeah, you are weird.
Laura: So, also, huge news for this podcast, there's been a lot of merch chat over the last couple of weeks.
Laura: We have finally nailed down what we're doing now.
Laura: At the moment, we think T shirts are a little bit out of our reach just because the economies of scale and trying to order them in the right sizes for everybody and trying to not bankrupt ourselves in ordering they are on the list, but we're not there at the moment.
Laura: We are ordering three different hats, we're ordering two different baseball caps.
Laura: There is a black baseball cap with a white front and red lettering that says, don't just say stuff.
Laura: There's a black baseball cap that just says down, and then has the little cartoon image of me and Ron either side of that.
Laura: And there is a black bobble hat with a red bubble that says Class dismissed on it.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: Any purchases of the class dismissed?
Ron: One is an implicit vote for Team Ron.
Ron: Any purchases of the downhill is an implicit vote for Laura.
Laura: Well, then I'm going to take the image of you off it.
Laura: No, no, they're all great, because that's not fair, because my favourite one is the bobble hat one, because I'm not really a baseball cap wearer.
Ron: Yes.
Ron: You're Team Rock.
Laura: Yeah, that's true.
Laura: I hate myself.
Laura: So we're going to do a very limited run of each of them.
Laura: I think they're all going to just be a flat £15 each, which we hope is affordable.
Ron: Plus PMP.
Laura: Plus PNP.
Laura: Thank you, Ron.
Laura: Obviously, if you're really struggling financially and you definitely want one, let us know, we'll see what we can do.
Laura: They will be available through my coffee page, Kofi.
Laura: They're not up for preorder at the moment, but if you follow me on coffee, then you can set it to get a notification when I add things to the shop.
Laura: It is a very limited order, just because obviously we've got a vague idea of how many of you want them, but we can't go crazy and order loads and loads, but slam it in.
Ron: Quick, because when we say limited, we mean limited.
Laura: We do, but if there's crazy demand, we will order more.
Laura: So don't feel like this is your last ever chance to get a cute little hat.
Laura: But they should be on sale in the next couple of weeks, so how exciting.
Laura: Hats, hats, hats.
Ron: Yeah.
Ron: And watch this space, because this is not the only exciting change that is coming in the next four, six weeks.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: There'Ll be announcements in the next two weeks and then those announcements will follow with more announcements.
Laura: Announcements.
Laura: So, there we go.
Laura: Thanks for listening.
Laura: As ever, Keep in touch.
Laura: We're at Lexxeducation on all socials.
Laura: We're Lexxeducation@gmail.com if you want us for anything that doesn't go on socials.
Laura: And we love you.
Laura: We love science.
Ron: We've still never had an email.
Laura: What do you want people to say to you?
Ron: I don't know.
Laura: You just said you're so busy, you can't even come and see me.
Laura: And Tim.
Laura: And Tom.
Ron: Just a nice email.
Laura: I'll email you.
Ron: Sorry, I interrupted you there.
Ron: Carry on.
Laura: No, I was waiting for you to say closure, Smith.
Laura: We can't put it on a hat and then have you shirk saying it.
Ron: Oh, I didn't realise you were dying.
Laura: So that was a nice end to the podcast.
Ron: Not anymore.
Ron: Class dismissed.
Laura: Everything.