Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday, 22 August 2022

You Can't Measure Chaos

 Laura: Hello and welcome to another episode of Lexx Education. It's the Comedy Science Podcast, where me comedian Laura Lexx tries to learn science from her younger brother Ron.

Ron: Hello, I'm Ron.

Laura: Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hello, Laura.

Laura: How's your week been?

Ron: It's okay.

Ron: I had Tuesday off because it was Judith's birthday.

Laura: Girlfriend of the Podcast Judith.

Ron: girlfriend of The podcast, Judith. we went to the fair, we went on a ride, we feared for our lives.

Ron: We left the fair, we got some beers.

Laura: Nice.

Laura: I went on a ride where I feared for my life yesterday.

Laura: So yesterday we had the most torrential rain in Brighton and I had our oldest sister and her children and her husband here staying.

Laura: So we went to a safari park sort of not really realising that it was going to be as torrential rain because the weather forecast said it was going to stop at midday.

Laura: Rita it did not stop, but me and oldest nephew went down a slide where you see it from a distance and you think, that looks fun, and then you get to the top and you think, everybody working here is eleven.

Laura: Has anybody done a health and safety cheque on this?

Laura: Because I'm just about to sit on a piece of plastic and rock it over the edge of a drop.

Laura: And then we did and honestly thought it was going to die, but didn't.

Ron: Yeah, this was like classic fair stuff.

Ron: There was called Techno Power weirdly.

Ron: Had pictures of the marvel men.

Ron: The marvel boys.

Ron: They're powerful all around it.

Ron: And you know me, like, I'm very much average height, I think.

Ron: Bang on in terms of feet in inches, I am average height.

Ron: I had to keep my legs firmly clenched underneath myself because I was worried I was going to hit them on stuff around.

Ron: And then just the seat straps felt like they were flexing and creaking.

Ron: So, yeah, it's just an enormous pain and I paid €7 to go.

Laura: Ron, your hair's got so much volume today.

Ron: Yes, it does.

Ron: It's because I haven't sweated into it too much.

Laura: It's cool down where you are, too.

Laura: Anyway, listen, thanks for joining us for the podcast.

Laura: We'll start, as always, with us.

Laura: Thank you.

Laura: Stupid Spike.

Laura: We cracked a top 100 in a chart this week.

Laura: I think we were in the top 100 of comedy podcasts in Austria.

Ron: We're up to 61, I think.

Laura: Yeah, well done, us.

Laura: And we were top 172 globally for Science, which top 172.

Laura: Given how many podcasts there are in the world and how little time we've been going, we are thrilled with that.

Laura: So we want to say thank you to Pop Spike, without whom we wouldn't particularly know how to market this thing.

Laura: And it might not have got off the ground and you might not have found it, and you guys are the reason they're doing so well.

Laura: So thank you very much.

Laura: And Ron doesn't want to say anything there.

Laura: Okay, cool.

Ron: No, I can put Spike they helped us a lot.

Ron: They send us encouraging emails.

Ron: We wouldn't have been in the Guardian or Pod Bible.

Ron: All right, bone to pick, though.

Ron: Pod Bible?

Ron: Who the f*** is Rob?

Ron: This podcast called Rob.

Laura: They get your name wrong.

Laura: Let's just change you to Rob.

Laura: Hey, if it's in the Bible, those are the facts.

Ron: You don't know the number of times I typed out the Sassy tweet thanks, Bob Bible.

Ron: But then didn't send.

Laura: It'S.

Laura: Just the start of Ron's beast.

Laura: Well, I guess that makes sense, though.

Laura: Science versus the Bible.

Laura: Yeah, in the Bible, that science is not happy with.

Ron: Where's the pod review journal?

Laura: So what have you guys been up to this week?

Laura: Nick says they shared the podcast with their sister and she said, Sounds just like us.

Laura: So that was on Twitter.

Laura: So it got me thinking, I want to know if anybody else is listening and so is their sibling.

Laura: I want to know about siblings listening to siblings, which is not as Pawny as it sounds, just about science.

Laura: And Swarth AAA tweeted us to say they were playing episode Catch Up.

Laura: So I just wanted to say, I suppose if you're listening to this, we're way ahead in the future now on episode like 14 or whatever, but if you're listening and you're playing Episode Catch Up, we know that this podcast sort of lends itself to starting at the beginning and coming forward with us, but you can still get in contact with us on the tweeters.

Laura: We don't want you to think that intros are just for people who are in the present.

Laura: Tibetan Trashyak on Twitter has introduced the phrase accidental learning, which I think is a good phrase that we can use on this podcast.

Laura: I feel like I do a lot of accidental not learning.

Ron: I've done a decent amount of accidental teaching as well, I feel.

Ron: So it works.

Laura: Now, Ron, we've got new information in the saga of where to put dog poo.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: And I feel like this is definitive.

Ron: I think this is the end of the saga.

Laura: Well, who knows?

Laura: We thought the last bit was definitive.

Laura: Nobody knows.

Laura: Reverend Colin Dippel.

Laura: I hope your play went well.

Laura: They say you can't flush dog poo because it has too much bacteria and the sewage system is not designed for it.

Laura: What, a roller coaster of dog poo we've been on?

Ron: Yeah, that blows my mind, really?

Ron: Because obviously some poo has got to have more babies in it than others.

Ron: But you'd think it would be close?

Laura: Well, no, because my dog can eat a fox poo without being ill.

Laura: Like the stomachs are just doing different things.

Laura: But here's what I'm confused about, is, why can't the sewer system be full of poo?

Laura: Where's the sewage going?

Laura: That needs to be not dog pooey.

Ron: Yeah, I guess it gets turned back into water, doesn't it?

Laura: I guess so.

Ron: Is it just not built to extract the dog poo, so it goes through all of the systems.

Ron: The human poo comes out, but then the dog poo is still in the water.

Laura: How would the dog poo stay in, though?

Laura: It's not just SIBs and stuff, is it?

Ron: I don't know.

Ron: From what I remember being taught about sewage treatment, it's just they just leave it all in a big tank and the ship floats to the top.

Laura: If you did a human poo in the garden and left it, would it go white like a dog poo does?

Ron: No, because that's a disease, isn't it?

Ron: And didn't I get eradicated?

Laura: No.

Ron: Or like, it's less common?

Laura: I don't think it's less common, but I think that's just because people pick up their dog food now, I don't.

Ron: Know so much dog.

Ron: Let us know at home.

Ron: There's an experiment for everyone listening.

Ron: Lay a fat log in the garden and see what colour it turns.

Ron: Send all pictures to at laura Lex.

Laura: So there we go.

Laura: That's what's been happening on The Socials this week.

Laura: We are going into biology today.

Laura: It's actually quite squabbly for a biology, but anyways, enjoy.

Laura: Hello, Ronnie, honks.

Laura: It's Biology Week.

Laura: You can escape my biology.

Ron: Although I was doing the research for today and I was a bit like, oh, no.

Ron: Is this when Laura falls out with bio?

Laura: I've been looking forward to this.

Laura: I was catching up on all my organelles.

Laura: Is it lame?

Laura: It's not math, is it?

Laura: Mass by?

Ron: We're not doing any math today.

Laura: All right, okay.

Laura: All right.

Ron: But why I thought you might go off a little bit is because we're zooming back in.

Ron: So can you remember what we covered last biology episode?

Laura: Not in the slightest, but let me address my notes toteotency Totipotency.

Laura: Oh, we did cell differentiation.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: We covered stem cells.

Ron: We covered a bit of cloning.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So we were kind of looking at everything from a cellular level.

Laura: Yeah, it was cells.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Which is quite on the spectrum of biochemistry.

Ron: Quite far out.

Ron: Cells.

Laura: Pretty big.

Ron: Right, so today we're going right back in.

Ron: We are onto a new sort of section of biology.

Ron: We are now going to be looking at transport in cells.

Ron: I've got in my notes.

Ron: Are there any s*** jokes you want to make about that?

Laura: In my head, I actually did straight away think, like when people bust in with a file in a cake.

Ron: You went down the cells and then went further.

Ron: I thought you were going to make some kind of joke about trains or something.

Laura: Train cells.

Laura: That rhymes with brain cells.

Laura: Is there anything we can do there.

Ron: That'S not so we're getting into?

Laura: Let us know on Twitter if you thought of good puns on transport within cells.

Laura: Transport within cells.

Laura: That's not something you want to do as a lone female.

Laura: There we go.

Laura: I got one.

Laura: Okay, we can move on now.

Ron: We're getting into what I studied at university here.

Laura: So this is p****.

Ron: I wish.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So we're going into kind of the grounds of molecular biology by again.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Today we're going to be talking about diffusion.

Laura: Oh.

Laura: Like when two people are really arguing, and you just try and quietly and gently stop them.

Ron: The definition of diffusion that we've got is diffusion is the spreading out of particles of any substance in a solution or particles of a gas, resulting in a net movement from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

Ron: Could you translate that into layman's?

Ron: Words.

Laura: Are in a busy area.

Laura: They go to quiet a bit, to.

Ron: Concentrate, not far off.

Ron: Have you ever seen Jurassic Park?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: You know, sexy Jeff Goldblum.

Laura: Yeah, very well.

Ron: He talks about chaos theory.

Laura: Sure.

Ron: It okay.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So basically, diffusion is the idea that let's think about maybe someone dissolving a teaspoon of sugar in their tea.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: I judge people that have sugar in there.

Ron: Actually, no, I can do one better.

Ron: I can do one better.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: When you put a tea bag in tea yeah.

Laura: Delicious.

Ron: All of the brown leaks out the bag and diffuses around the cup.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So it does that.

Laura: Is that a gas?

Ron: No, that is a substance iNSolution.

Ron: That's the first thing I said.

Laura: What is the solution?

Ron: Something is iNSolution after it's been dissolved.

Ron: So a solution is one thing dissolved in another.

Ron: So a cup of tea is that.

Laura: Why you say the solution to the problem?

Laura: Like, you've solved the problem, you've dissolved the issue?

Ron: I mean, it could be.

Ron: I find when I Google these things, etymology very rarely makes sense.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: It's usually, like, from the friend, etymology.

Laura: Would be a really good drag queen name.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: If you did, like, if you're Suzy Dent and you were doing drag etymology.

Ron: Yeah, I'd watch that.

Ron: So when you put the tea bag.

Laura: Into this no, I hate it when we have to go back to the lesson.

Laura: It's fun when we're just messing about.

Laura: Why didn't we just do when there's messing about?

Laura: Podcasts.

Laura: We're making a cup of tea.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: We put the tea bag in the.

Laura: Tea in the water.

Ron: So where the tea bag is, all the molecules of tea start leaking out of the tea leaves, right?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: So the water around the tea bag, that becomes an area of high concentration of tea molecules.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Then what they do is they diffuse around the cup.

Ron: Can you hazard a guess as to why things do this?

Ron: It's a lot simpler when you might it's very simple.

Ron: It's a simple concept.

Ron: Like, it logically makes sense because you're stirring.

Ron: No, you're not stirring.

Laura: What do you mean?

Laura: What?

Laura: I was distracted.

Ron: Look.

Laura: I've drawn a t.

Ron: Not very good.

Laura: Why did the molecules move about the cup?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So what you will find if you.

Laura: Left that tea bag because they are heavy.

Ron: No, don't just say things.

Ron: If you left that tea bag on its own, you'd come back to it 15 minutes later and the tea would be uniformly in the water.

Ron: If it was heavy, it would all be at the bottom, wouldn't it?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Maybe they just all like their own space.

Laura: They just try and spread out as much as possible.

Ron: Magnets don't just say stuff, because what you so often do is you say something like, it's never right, but sometimes it's a little bit down the path and then what you do is you shout magnets right afterwards.

Ron: Right?

Laura: Have I got it right.

Laura: Did I get it right?

Ron: No.

Ron: Shouted magnets.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Like they want to space out like sad boys do.

Ron: Not necessarily.

Ron: They want to space out.

Ron: Right, so imagine the little tea molecules that are dissolved in the water.

Ron: They're just going to bimble about completely randomly.

Laura: Okay, okay.

Laura: I bet coffee is much more marching around.

Ron: No.

Laura: Yeah, I bet it is.

Ron: Liquids don't have personalities.

Laura: Yeah, they do.

Laura: Hot chocolates.

Laura: Just like, schmarming about like, oh, hello, everyone, I'm so luxury.

Ron: So the tea molecules are bimbling about completely randomly within the substance.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So basically, the probability is that if there's more of them in one place, they're going to move to the place, they're going to move away from that place just randomly.

Ron: So then if there's many fewer of them in the other place, then there's less of them to go back that way.

Laura: What the f*** are you talking about?

Laura: So it's totally random, but somehow they end up all spread out?

Ron: Yeah, because it's totally random.

Ron: They end up all spread out because if you have loads of them in one spot and they're all moving around randomly, just the probability is that they're going to move away from there.

Laura: I don't understand.

Laura: Then, when you said it's logical, that it's logical as to why they end up spread out, and then the answer is, whoa.

Laura: It just happens.

Laura: That is not my definition of logical.

Ron: That's not really what I said.

Laura: It pretty much is.

Laura: You said they just all randomly wander around and then after 15 minutes is up, when you come back, they will go somewhere organised.

Ron: No, it's a concept called entropy, which is basically the measure of chaos in the universe.

Ron: All systems head for entropy.

Laura: Like a bomb thing does it entry.

Laura: I've got to go and have an entropy done.

Laura: That's going to sting.

Ron: No.

Laura: Yeah, that's like bombs.

Ron: All systems head for entropy.

Ron: If they're not if energy is not put into them.

Laura: It'S not scowling, but it's like, why is this something you've got to teach kids?

Ron: Because this affects your daily life all the time.

Ron: Like entropy is why headphones get tangled in your pocket.

Laura: Why?

Laura: Because of t?

Ron: No, because of entropy.

Laura: What's entropy?

Ron: I just said it's a measure of chaos.

Laura: You can't measure chaos.

Laura: Yes, stupid.

Laura: What are you talking about?

Ron: All systems head for care.

Ron: So think about it this way, right?

Ron: You put your headphones into your pocket.

Ron: Out of all of the different configurations that your headphones could be in, there is only one of them where they're not tangled up.

Ron: So just statistically, as they're moving around in your pocket, as you're walking up and down the stairs or wherever, as you do all day, they're going to get just what about?

Ron: And then statistically, they're going to end up in one of the billions of configurations where they're a bit tangled up.

Laura: Yeah, that makes sense.

Laura: Sure.

Ron: So now imagine a million tea particles in a cup of tea shut up.

Ron: Shut up.

Ron: Let me finish the f****** thought while I'm on it.

Ron: Imagine a million tea particles in a cup of tea.

Ron: There is only one configuration where they're all around the tea bag, but there are lots of configurations where they're kind of all spread out about the cup.

Ron: So statistically, the system is going to end up in a configuration where they're all spread out.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Yeah, that makes sense.

Laura: What part of this are we learning?

Laura: We learning about tea or we're learning about diffusion.

Ron: It's one of those.

Laura: Sometimes a bit of this will really make sense to me and then that turns out to be the thing you were using to explain a different bit to me.

Ron: Yeah, but I think it's really important to kind of get the groundwork, because diffusion is kind of like physics and chemistry constant.

Ron: It's always happening.

Ron: Molecules will always do this.

Ron: And then what our bodies have done is find ways to manipulate this so that we work.

Laura: Oh, sneaky.

Ron: That's where it gets really interesting.

Laura: Oh, it's raining.

Ron: It is.

Laura: Is it raining where you are?

Ron: It is.

Ron: It's dripping down the velocks.

Ron: It's lovely.

Laura: Me too.

Laura: Ron oh, that makes me feel connected to you.

Ron: Even though we're far away from the world's, one family.

Ron: So some substances can diffuse across membranes, ie.

Ron: In and out of cells.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: What are you looking at on your screen?

Laura: I'm just changing the brightness of my screen because it got dark.

Ron: You went a bit cross.

Laura: But it was because I wanted to pay more attention, not because I was being naughty.

Laura: It's really raining here.

Ron: Yeah, I can hear it.

Ron: It's quite nice.

Ron: I wouldn't have to do sound effects for this bit of the podcast.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Some substances can diffuse across membranes.

Ron: Not all, we'll come to that later on.

Ron: But things like oxygen and carbon dioxide, they are passed by a diffusion through cell membranes to get out of your lungs when you breathe.

Laura: Okay, what did you say?

Laura: So some stuff goes through, some stuff doesn't.

Laura: That's a non learner.

Ron: No, you need to know that because nothing goes through the tea cup, but some things can go through a cell membrane.

Ron: So we were talking about diffusion in liquids before.

Ron: Now we're talking about diffusion in and out of cells.

Laura: But they are liquids.

Ron: No, they're not.

Laura: I thought they were made of goose.

Laura: They are chopping their liquids, aren't they?

Ron: Not really.

Ron: They're in a bag.

Ron: So diffusion I've written this sentence just to summarise.

Ron: Diffusion is a passive process.

Ron: We don't have to put in any energy to make it to happen.

Ron: Right.

Ron: It's a passive process of things moving from high concentration to low concentration.

Ron: That's called a concentration gradient.

Laura: That feels like my life.

Laura: I started out concentrating as hard as I ever would, and it's just getting slowly worse as I get older.

Ron: But because it's a passive process, it doesn't mean that we can't influence it at all.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So can you think of any ways that we, as bodies, might be able to influence diffusion?

Laura: I think I can hear your rain as well.

Laura: Do we shake around a bit?

Ron: What would that do?

Laura: Let's have a think.

Laura: Give me an example.

Laura: So how about when we're breathing?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So when we take in a breath of air yeah.

Ron: How might that affect diffusion that's happening in your lungs?

Ron: What are we trying to get rid of?

Laura: Carbon dioxide.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So the fresh air that we bring in has oxygen.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: We're trying to get oxygen in.

Ron: Let's just think about carbon dioxide for a second.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So we breathe in fresh air.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: The air has less carbon dioxide less.

Laura: Carbon dioxide than we do our blood in our lungs.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: So we've created a concentration gradient from high to low in our lungs.

Ron: So the carbon dioxide is going to flow out of our blood?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Now prove to me yeah.

Laura: Not go around our lungs.

Ron: Then it goes in and it goes out.

Ron: There's a bag that fills up and then empties again.

Laura: What goes round our blood?

Laura: Oxygen, everything.

Laura: What is air?

Ron: Air is like 80% nitrogen, 18% oxygen, 2% the rest.

Laura: So we just take in a load of that and then the oxygen goes round in a little train around the blood, and the nitrogen grabs hold of the carbon dioxide and goes back out again.

Ron: So the blood we'll talk a bit about why we've got a blood system in a bit.

Laura: I hate blood system.

Laura: That sounds like a band I wouldn't listen to.

Ron: The blood is the transport system for everything in our body.

Ron: So it is taking oxygen away from the lungs to our body to feed that lovely, lovely oxygen.

Ron: And it is simultaneously bringing carbon dioxide to our lungs to s*** it out when we breathe.

Laura: How did we get carbon dioxide everywhere?

Ron: You make it when you respire.

Ron: So the reaction that Mitochondria do to make all this ATP, that is the, what, energy currency of the sale.

Ron: I thought for a second you might have retained some information.

Laura: You know what, I nearly said cloakA, and then I just knew that that wasn't right, but I couldn't get to the right word.

Ron: No, you were quite far off.

Ron: I was going to say a bird.

Laura: All in one v***** a******, but I didn't.

Laura: Thank you.

Laura: And well done.

Laura: One point.

Ron: So, when the mitochondria makes the ATP energy currency of the cell, it uses up a bit of oxygen and it produces a bit of carbon dioxide.

Ron: And we need to get that out of our cell.

Laura: Got you.

Laura: Okay, what are we talking about?

Ron: So we're talking about diffusion in our lungs.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: So all I was saying is that we bring in fresh air because that's got a low amount of carbon dioxide.

Ron: So we create a concentration gradient from blood to air of carbon dioxide.

Ron: So carbon dioxide flows out.

Laura: So we've influenced that by gathering the carbon dioxide in one place to make the most of diffusion the opposite.

Ron: So we've brought in fresh air to get rid of all of the carbon dioxide in the air in our life.

Laura: Yeah, but what I'm saying is, if we hadn't sent the blood train round to collect all the carbon dioxide, it wouldn't have diffused because it would have already been spread out.

Ron: Okay, yeah, sorry.

Ron: Implying that we kind of hold blood in our lungs.

Laura: No, there was blood in our lungs.

Ron: There is blood in our lungs.

Ron: We're not keeping it in our lungs.

Ron: It's flowing through our lungs.

Laura: Yeah, we know.

Laura: We're keeping the carbon in our lungs.

Ron: No, the carbon is just flowing through on the blood, but then it's getting taken out.

Ron: We're getting bogged down in something we don't need to.

Ron: And then at the same time, we're creating a concentration gradient of oxygen where the oxygen in the fresh air is really high.

Laura: How did we create that?

Ron: By breathing it in.

Ron: Because it's just higher in the air than it is in our body.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Because we use it up in our body.

Ron: So we're breathing in, we're bringing in fresh oxygen.

Ron: We have a concentration gradient from high to low oxygen flows in.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Because if you think about it, it.

Laura: Can'T be the same cloud that's raining here and in Brussels, can it?

Ron: Could be.

Ron: It's not that far.

Laura: A cloud is that big?

Ron: Sometimes.

Laura: Wow.

Ron: Don't you drive around for, like, a living or something?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: And the weather changes constantly.

Ron: Yeah, but have you never driven for an hour and it will be under a cloud?

Laura: Yes, but I thought they were usually different clouds.

Ron: So a really cool example, a nice example of us influencing diffusion like this is in our kidneys.

Ron: Do you know what kidneys do?

Laura: Is?

Laura: It p*****?

Laura: It's like sorting out dirt out of your liquid supply in your body, out of your blood.

Laura: Blood again.

Ron: Yeah, blood.

Ron: Blood gets everywhere.

Laura: Not in your lungs.

Ron: No, it does go through your lungs.

Ron: You just don't store it in there.

Laura: Where do you store it?

Ron: Nowhere.

Ron: It just goes round and round.

Laura: All right.

Laura: There's no blood organ.

Laura: It's made in the blood caves and then the heart pumps it, I suppose.

Ron: Yeah, I'd say probably the heart is the blood organ, but it doesn't store it.

Laura: It's well creepy that blood's made in your bones.

Laura: That just feels wrong, though.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: It should be made in the heart.

Laura: Have we checked it's not?

Ron: Yes, we're pretty sure it's made in the bone.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So a nice example of us influencing diffusion like this is in our kidneys.

Ron: Kidneys make p***.

Ron: They clean the blood.

Ron: Stuff comes out of blood and into.

Laura: My p*** was in my blood?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Oh, crazy.

Ron: Like, basically what the kidneys kind of do, and we'll talk about how this works in a second.

Ron: They just kind of skim the scum off the top of your blood and then you p*** it out.

Laura: Right.

Ron: But they don't do that via wipes or hooks or scoopers.

Ron: They do it by the futures.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: So they have low concentration of p*** molecules, and then when the blood comes through the kidneys, the p*** molecules schloop in.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So there is a structure within your kidneys called the nephron, and this is.

Laura: Where the p***, like Nora Efron.

Ron: This is where the p*** starts.

Ron: This is like the source of the p***.

Laura: What is?

Laura: The nephron.

Ron: The nephron?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: I'm googling nephron.

Ron: It looks like a little loop, like kind of like the end of the test tube.

Ron: Google things.

Ron: I'm doing the teaching here.

Ron: It looks like a little loop like that, basically.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: The p*** tube where the p*** is getting made.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Do we notice in five minutes that our kidneys make this?

Laura: I don't think they've been making it.

Laura: I thought it was just ending up there.

Ron: Why are you caressing yourself with a glue scraper?

Laura: I love my glue sticks.

Laura: They're one of my best investments.

Laura: You should get some.

Ron: I won't.

Ron: Right.

Laura: There's so much soy sauce in my computer keyboard.

Ron: Did you rub it in there with glue stick?

Laura: No, I was eating dumplings and I dropped one and it all went in there.

Ron: Anyway, so we were talking about pierce.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: In the nephron, you got the tube where the p*** is getting me going that way.

Laura: Going what way?

Laura: The listeners can't see your fingers going.

Ron: One way and you have the tube with the blood going the other way.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So let's start at the start of the p***.

Laura: Let's start at the very beginning.

Ron: The start of the p*** is the cleanest p***.

Ron: Right.

Laura: So just water, let's say.

Ron: Yes, just water.

Ron: It's the start of the pierce.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: At this point, because the blood is going the other way around the nephron, the cleanest pierce is next to the cleanest blood.

Ron: Right.

Ron: Because the blood, by the time it's gotten around here, has gone past all the rest of the nephron and has lost.

Laura: P*** model of wait, what shape is a nephron?

Laura: It's like a shepherd's crook.

Ron: It's like a little loop.

Laura: Yeah, like a rainbow.

Ron: No.

Laura: You saw a picture I'm confused now about how everything's working.

Laura: All right, I'm going to Google a nephron again and then I'll describe it to the listeners.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: Can you what's at me what you're looking at?

Ron: So I just know what you're looking at.

Laura: Sleepless in Seattle.

Laura: It's a different cloud because it stopped raining here, but it's still raining where you are.

Ron: It could just be a rainy bit of the cloud and a non rainy bit of the cloud.

Laura: That's true.

Laura: So there's like a test tube shape and then there's lots of wigglers going in and out.

Laura: It's really raining.

Laura: I can see blue sky now.

Ron: That's the end of the cloud that.

Laura: We do, like, two little EOS on two little countenance.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So this red bit that's going in.

Laura: So there's like a test tube and then there's a red wire going round that turns blue halfway through.

Laura: And it's got different, like, loops that go in and out of the test tuby.

Laura: Shaped wire.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So ignore the glamorously spit.

Ron: We're just looking at the loop at the bottom.

Ron: This is just a specific part of the nephron that I wanted to talk about.

Ron: So the clean pierce is coming from that little dot where the glome, okay.

Laura: So that's pumping like fresh water into the system.

Ron: And then so the renal artery where that's coming in?

Ron: That's dirty blood.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Dirty blood.

Ron: That's dirty, dirty blood.

Ron: So the dirty blood is coming in, it's going all the way around the nephron.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: And then it's going to this bit where then it's going out to the renal vein.

Ron: So then we've got clean p*** coming down from the ball at the top next to the blue vein, which represents the cleanest blood.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So then as the p*** follows down this bit, you see that it's going the opposite way to the blood.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: So the blood is going clockwise around the tube and the p*** is going anticlockwise around the tube.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So because of that, you will get steadily dirty a p*** rubbing up against steadily dirtier blood.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So what that lets it do is that means that there is always a concentration gradient so that the toxins and the p*** molecules are always flowing out of the blood, right.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Because if you didn't do that, if you just had the dirtiest blood starting at the top, coming in next to the cleanest p***, what would happen is all the p*** molecules well, half the p*** molecules would kind of come out the blood and then it would just reach an equilibrium.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Remember our cup of tea?

Ron: The molecules just spread out evenly.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Whereas what this system does is it forces a concentration gradient the whole time because you have the cleanest pierce next to the cleanest blood, because that really clean blood that's coming out the other end.

Ron: If that was next to the if that was flowing just the same way, then stuff would be coming back.

Ron: Out the piston into the blood because they would be between each other.

Ron: You see?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So that's just a nephron.

Ron: It's a good example of how we use the fusion to do a process passively like that.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Why at night, then?

Laura: Is your kiss darker just because you're dehydrated?

Ron: Because you spend 8 hours not drinking?

Laura: Well, I spend 8 hours not drinking all day.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Some kind of crimson gold.

Laura: I hate drinking water.

Ron: Why that's really useful is because, as I said, diffusion is a passive process.

Ron: Does not cost us any energy.

Ron: What we could have done is we could have built active systems in our blood that grabbed p*** molecules and pumped them out.

Ron: But that would take a huge amount of energy.

Ron: So what we've done is our kidneys have harvested a natural phenomenon and p*** comes out smashing.

Ron: You're reacting, we're not caring.

Ron: And that hurts.

Laura: No, I'm really happy.

Laura: I'm really happy for that.

Laura: That is good.

Laura: That is good.

Laura: Do you know what?

Laura: The thing is, I've really understood that and I already know that.

Laura: When you ask me in about 20 minutes in this episode, but a week in our time, you will ask me to describe the nephron and all I will remember is the word tubular.

Ron: Actually, nephron is not in the syllabus, so I won't ask you about that.

Laura: What the f***, Ron?

Laura: So why did we just do that?

Ron: Because it was a nice illustration of the concept we were trying to learn.

Laura: The fusion diffusion.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: And how our bodies use it.

Ron: But we will come into more stuff like the nephews, but it's not on that scale.

Ron: Because I thought it was nice.

Laura: I loved it.

Laura: Don't get sad.

Ron: Students should be able to explain how different factors affect the rate of diffusion.

Ron: Factors which affect the rate of diffusion are the difference in concentrations, brackets, concentration gradient.

Ron: Can you imagine how a difference in the concentration gradient might affect the rate of diffusion?

Laura: So if you had loads and loads of particle A in one solution and quite a few in particle B, the diffusion would be slower than if you had loads and loads in one solution and none in another.

Ron: Perfect.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: I got my first perfect.

Laura: I'm going to write that down first.

Ron: Perfect.

Ron: In a few words.

Ron: The higher the concentration gradient, the quicker the rate of diffusion.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: How do you think the temperature might affect rate of diffusion?

Laura: It wouldn't.

Ron: Why do you think that?

Laura: Because it's not an energy thing.

Ron: No.

Ron: I'm afraid the temperature is going to speed.

Ron: The higher the temperature, the quicker the rate of diffusion.

Laura: Why?

Ron: Because when particles in solution are at a higher temperature, they move around quicker.

Laura: What?

Laura: You said it didn't take up any energy.

Ron: It doesn't take up any of our energy.

Laura: But the molecules still use energy.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Is it easier to dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in cold water or hot water?

Laura: I don't know.

Laura: I would never put sugar in water.

Laura: One, water is disgusting.

Laura: Two.

Laura: I don't like sugar.

Ron: Have you drink ever dissolved anything in anything?

Ron: Have you ever made instant coffee?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Is it easier to dissolve that coffee in hot water or cold water?

Laura: Hot?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: No, the same.

Laura: No, hot.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Is that diffusion?

Laura: Yeah, that's dissolving.

Ron: It's the same concept.

Ron: It's the same principle.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: It happens.

Laura: The hotter, the quicker the better.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Okay, last one.

Laura: Diffusion is like sex.

Laura: The hotter, the quicker the better.

Ron: I wouldn't know.

Laura: What well, that rain has make me need a wee.

Ron: And we've been talking about a lot of things.

Ron: Last one.

Ron: The surface area of the membrane.

Ron: How will that affect the rate of diffusion?

Laura: Well, the bigger the surface area, the more space things have got to run through the door.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: The answer for all three of these has been the more the quicker.

Laura: The more.

Laura: The quicker the better.

Laura: The hotter the gooder.

Ron: Now, I wanted to take another aside here to just talk about surface area for a bit.

Laura: All right.

Ron: Surface area is super key of biology.

Ron: It will come up loads because increased surface area allows reactions to happen quicker and it allows energy to be transferred quicker.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Do you think powders dissolve quicker than clumps of stuff?

Ron: Right?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Because there's more surface area for the water molecules to react with.

Ron: Whatever you're trying to dissolve, things that are smaller cook quicker, right?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Because there's more surface area for the heat to get into that thing.

Laura: Yes, that makes sense.

Laura: That's an easy one.

Ron: Lots of evolution has been done to increase or decrease surface area, is why ellis, put that down.

Ron: Put it down.

Ron: It's noisy.

Ron: It's why elephants have big ears and polar bears have small ears.

Ron: Right.

Laura: What happened while I was fiddling with that thing?

Laura: The subject feels like it's changed.

Ron: Why do you think elephants might have big ears and polar bears have small ears?

Laura: Big ears.

Laura: Elephants need to fan themselves to keep cool.

Ron: Not about fanning themselves.

Laura: Elephants never forget elephants.

Laura: Elephants.

Laura: Did you kangaroos lick their forearms to cool down?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: I didn't know that.

Laura: Elephants, well, they'd look stupid with smallleys because they're massive animals with tiny polar bear earriers.

Laura: It would look ridiculous and they'd get bullied into extinction by the other animals.

Ron: I can't remember if it was last episode in the episode before.

Ron: Do you remember when we were talking about how you've got idea permanence like, problems?

Ron: Could you maybe sort of think back a minute or two to what we were talking about and maybe like, factor that in?

Ron: To answer the question?

Laura: You said a larger surface area lets them absorb more stuff.

Ron: I said increased surface area allows reactions to happen quicker and energy to be transferred quicker.

Laura: Do the ears act like solar panels?

Ron: The opposite.

Ron: They let it cool down.

Laura: Why?

Ron: Because they got more surface areas.

Ron: So they can shed more heat through it.

Laura: Well, surely they absorb more heat, too.

Ron: Yeah, but then they fan them to move cool air over them and they have blood vessels.

Laura: I said they use them as fans.

Ron: Yes, but I said that they don't fan themselves.

Ron: The ears fan to move air off the ears.

Ron: They're not flapping air over their bodies to cool their bodies down.

Ron: It's the point.

Laura: So what are these f****** ears doing?

Laura: I don't get that at all.

Laura: They're bigger, so they let more heat out.

Laura: But magically, no more heat comes in.

Laura: If you've got a tiny ear, less heat is going to get in that ear.

Ron: Yeah, but also less heat is going to get out.

Laura: Who cares then?

Ron: Because elephants aren't cold blooded.

Ron: They're mammals.

Ron: They're making heat, so they need to get rid of heat.

Laura: Right.

Laura: That's changing it.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Lizards don't even have ears, do they?

Laura: They just have holes in their heads.

Ron: Exactly.

Ron: And then polar bears, they want to conserve as much heat as possible that they're making, so they have tiny ears so they don't lose so much.

Ron: You will notice that animals in cold places tend to be rounder with less leggy limbs and stuff, because that decreases the surface area to mass ratio.

Laura: I'm very round and small with less leggy limbs.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And you don't live on the equator?

Laura: No.

Ron: If you lived on the equator, you'd look like Dame Kelly homes.

Laura: I'd like that.

Ron: Single cell organisms.

Ron: We're back onto the syllabus now.

Laura: I like to use her full title.

Laura: Dane.

Ron: We're back onto the syllabus now.

Ron: We're off my side about surface area.

Ron: Single cell organisms have relatively high surface area to mass ratios.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: So they can get what they need.

Laura: What can?

Laura: I didn't listen.

Ron: Single cell organism.

Laura: What's a single celled organism?

Laura: Like a bug.

Ron: What do you mean by a bug?

Laura: Like a bug.

Laura: Is that a single celled organism?

Laura: Like a wood louse?

Ron: Do you think that?

Ron: Do you really think that?

Laura: Well, not now you've said that.

Laura: What's a single cell ana, maybe.

Laura: Is that them?

Ron: Like a bacteria?

Laura: Yeah, a bug.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: That's not the same thing.

Laura: Yes, it is.

Ron: No, it isn't.

Laura: It is how I think about them.

Ron: But would like to have millions of cells.

Laura: Okay?

Laura: So they are not single cell organisms, and I've learned that now I'll write that down.

Ron: Would lice single celled organisms like bacteria and that have relatively high surface area to mass ratios.

Ron: And because they're so small, they can get what they need just by slopping it through their membranes, by a diffusion and stuff like that.

Laura: So they're heavy?

Laura: No, they're light, but lots of skin.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: And as we know, high surface area lets stuff come in more.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: This obviously isn't so they can just absorb what they need through their membrane, through their skin.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: This isn't true of multi failure organisms like you and me, we don't just breathe through our skin.

Laura: This is a shame.

Ron: Can you think of some ways that we've developed to cope with this problem that we can't just let molecules just kind of diffuse around our bodies?

Laura: We've got lungs.

Ron: Yeah, that's one.

Ron: Lungs are an example of something called an exchange surface.

Ron: So multicellular organisms have places like lungs where they can exchange stuff.

Ron: So we exchange carbon dioxide out with oxygen coming in like a fish's.

Ron: Gills is another example of that.

Ron: A kidney is another example of that because we're exchanging the stuff in our blood that we don't want and cleaning it.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: What is the other thing that we've talked about that helps us with this process?

Ron: So we're also too small to just let it diffuse around our body passively.

Ron: Sorry?

Ron: We're too big to let it diffuse around our body passively.

Ron: We talked about it a lot earlier.

Laura: Nephron.

Ron: No.

Laura: We'Re hot.

Ron: We are.

Laura: Blood.

Laura: Blood.

Laura: We've got blood.

Ron: Yes, we've so blood is a transport system.

Laura: That's what we're studying today.

Ron: Funny man.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So we have blood that can pump things around our body and move it around.

Ron: Students should be able to explain how the small intestine and lungs in mammals, gills in fish, and the roots and leaves in plants are adapted for exchanging materials.

Ron: How do you think the small intestine might be adapted for exchanging materials?

Ron: What is this morning testing trying to do?

Ron: First off, you know what?

Laura: I've got no idea.

Laura: And I'm glad we're covering this, because I've never understood it.

Laura: I thought when you did different types of pooz, they'd come out of your different intestines.

Laura: And then I was like, that can't be right, because only one of them is wired up to your bumble.

Laura: So I have no idea what a small intestine is for.

Ron: So you were pimpling about one day and you thought that and then it never occurred to you to maybe find out.

Laura: No.

Ron: So basically, stomach goes into the small intestine, right?

Ron: Small intestine is very long, and then the small intestine plugs into the large intestine.

Ron: Large intestine plugs into the colon.

Ron: Colon is your b*******.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So the small intestine is largely where we get all of the nutrients out of our food, and then the large intestine is where we get water out of our food.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: So the small intestine has a large surface area, like, it's long and wiggly.

Laura: So I imagine then there's lots of blood vessels, like, interchanging around the edges of it to do the nephron thing, but an intestine version.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Excellent.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So both of those things very, very true.

Ron: So it's very long, so we've got lots of time to do it.

Ron: There's lots of blood vessels around your gut, which is why getting hurt in your gut is so bad and stuff.

Ron: Something that I wouldn't expect you to know, but the surface of your intestines are covered in something called villi.

Laura: Billy.

Ron: Billy.

Laura: Yes, I remember that from school science.

Ron: Little finger like protrusions.

Ron: They're very small, so if the surface of them of the intestines is all like that, covered in little product like.

Laura: This, that's even more surface area.

Ron: Even more surface area, yeah, like a hairbrush.

Ron: Exactly.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: What about lungs?

Ron: So, again, really similar, apart from they're not long.

Laura: No.

Laura: But they have loads of blood vessels in them, don't they?

Laura: Like tree branches spreading out.

Ron: Yeah, loads of blood vessels.

Ron: Loads of surface area as well.

Ron: So you have your bronchi and your bronchioles and then your alveoli.

Ron: You might remember that word from science.

Laura: I think that's a garlic dip.

Ron: Delicious.

Ron: No, they actually look like a bunch of grapes and they're kind of like blah, blah, blah, like knobbly.

Ron: And then those have blood vessels all wrapped around them.

Ron: The surface area of your lungs, if you spread it all out, everything that's in it, it would be about the size of a tennis court.

Laura: Oh, yeah.

Ron: Gills and fish.

Ron: The same.

Ron: Lots of blood vessels, lots of surface area for getting the oxygen out of the water.

Ron: The roots of plants, exactly the same.

Ron: Again, lots of surface area.

Ron: So roots actually have similar structures to villi in some ways that they'll have like tiny, little, almost microscopic little bits coming off of them.

Ron: And then leaves.

Ron: What about leaves?

Ron: What are they trying to do?

Laura: Capture the sun?

Ron: Yeah, those photosynthesis.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: So they have a flat surface area, like a solar panel type thing?

Ron: Exactly, yes.

Ron: Have you ever noticed that the top of the leaf is never really the same as the bottom of the leaf?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Because the top is designed for catching the sun photosynthesis, the bottom is designed for something called transpiration, where it gets rid of the oxygen and the water vapour.

Ron: The effectiveness of an exchange surface is increased by having a large surface area, a membrane that is thin, to provide a short diffusion path.

Laura: Okay, that makes sense.

Laura: A small door.

Ron: The closer your blood and the air can be, and it will be safe, the better, the quicker it's going to do in animals, having an efficient blood supply.

Ron: So if you can keep on having clean blood coming through, so you can keep on taking stuff out, or if you go back to the p*** example, keep on having dirty blood there.

Ron: So the concentration gradients always high.

Ron: And then the other one for gaseous exchange, it being ventilated, same thing.

Ron: So if we can keep on processing air, it going in and out, there's always going to be that high concentration gradient so we can get really efficient oxygen intake.

Laura: So when you have a heart attack and the blood stops pumping and stops moving, the problem then is that all these different exchanges are stopping and building up, and that's what sort of kills you.

Laura: Like, the air isn't getting transferred and the.

Ron: Oxygen not getting around your body, ultimately, but yes, you are.

Ron: Right there in your lungs.

Ron: You then won't have the concentration gradient, so it's not going to happen.

Ron: And that is diffusion.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: There was nothing I hated there except that first bit about diffusion.

Ron: 15 minutes.

Ron: Working out the base concept well, because.

Laura: I think that was your fault.

Laura: But I'm editing this one and I usually listen back to it and realise it wasn't.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: All right.

Laura: Well, let's see how this goes then, next week for the quiz.

Laura: We'll see you after the sting for the quiz.

Laura: Okay, so, full disclosure, and this will time when the recording of the episode is between doing the lesson and doing this quiz.

Laura: I did an ultramarathon and I feel like all information in the world popped out of my head, let alone whatever the h*** we were doing last episode.

Laura: I'm also in Norway, so I don't even have my beautiful notepad with me, which is real.

Ron: I didn't bring your notes.

Ron: No.

Laura: I got home from the marathon Monday afternoon and then I had 5 hours to try and recuperate and then I had to pack and leave and it was all a bit of a scramble.

Laura: So, no, we're flying buck naked on this one s***.

Ron: Because we hit episode ten and I thought, let's kick it up at notch.

Laura: No, it's okay.

Laura: I can't remember what we did.

Laura: Was it chemistry last time?

Laura: I feel like it was good.

Ron: No, it's biology.

Ron: You did not love it.

Laura: Did I not?

Laura: All right, well, look, I'll give it my bestest.

Laura: So find my Zen place in my head with all the answers.

Ron: Eleven points up for grabs.

Laura: Laura okay.

Laura: Are you sure you don't want to change that halfway through, like usual?

Ron: It might change.

Ron: Let me see how it goes.

Ron: Okay, for one point, what is a concentration gradient?

Laura: I know this.

Laura: It's when loads of stuff, like maybe dirty blood, dirt molecules or oxygen is in one thing, one solution, it's dissolved in a solution, and there's another solution next to it that doesn't have much of that in.

Laura: So you have a high concentration in one solution and a low in another?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And what does that cause things to do?

Laura: Go across the membrane into the one with the low concentration.

Laura: I can't remember what that's called.

Laura: Dissipation or something.

Laura: Dissolving?

Laura: Is that what the lesson was about?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Everything that we talked about.

Laura: Now I remember.

Laura: Everything we talked about.

Laura: I can't remember that word.

Laura: What did it begin with?

Laura: A-D-I knew it was A-D-I said 2D words, didn't I knew it was a D.

Laura: That is called and it's free, it doesn't cost any energy.

Laura: And the nephron oh, no.

Laura: What's it called?

Ron: I'm going to give you the point.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Thank you.

Ron: A little bit generously, because there were some, erroneous things that you said.

Ron: What did I say?

Ron: It was erroneous you never said the word.

Ron: Diffusion.

Laura: Diffusion.

Ron: The whole thing.

Ron: And it doesn't have to be across a membrane.

Ron: Remember we talked a lot about cups of tea and it just kind of diffusing across?

Laura: Yeah, but that was the s*** bit.

Laura: That was the bit I didn't really think was right.

Ron: It didn't retain that bit as you have walked.

Ron: Not for marathon, for charity.

Ron: You can have a mark for that.

Laura: Thank you.

Ron: Okay, can you name three factors that affect the rate of diffusion?

Laura: Surface area, the temperature and steepness of concentration gradient?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Three marks.

Laura: You look so confused and surprised when I get them right.

Laura: Your little face is just like, no messing about.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Maybe walking was what I needed to restart my brain.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Maybe all of the stuff that you mashed out of your feet by slamming them into the ground that long has gone and powered up your brain somehow.

Laura: Wouldn't that be cool if I was just a genius from now on?

Ron: It would be.

Ron: It really changed the podcast.

Laura: It would, wouldn't it?

Laura: Would be so surprising.

Laura: We'd get some great publicity, though, wouldn't we?

Ron: Yeah, but then people listening back, it would be like the first season of Black Added where everyone's a bit like, oh, no, you don't have to watch that the first ten episodes, just someone really not getting it.

Ron: Okay, question number three.

Ron: Can you give me three examples of exchange services in nature?

Laura: In nature?

Laura: We nature.

Laura: People in nature.

Ron: Aren't they animals in nature?

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Gills on a fish.

Laura: Nephron.

Ron: You love the nephron.

Laura: I love the nephron.

Laura: Honestly, I explained it to Danny at about 03:00 A.m.

Laura: On the ultramarathan in a bid to stay awake.

Laura: I just ramblingly explained what the best one was.

Laura: Do me like, an hour.

Laura: And she had no idea what I was talking about.

Laura: Did she explain it?

Laura: No, I just started explaining it.

Laura: I just needed to talk about something to keep my brain active.

Laura: So the nephron, my fave gills and the small intestine, I think was one.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Nice.

Laura: Smashing this quiz.

Ron: Okay, and then last one.

Ron: So you've scored seven points so far.

Ron: Name four ways that an exchange surface can be made more effective.

Laura: Isn't that the same as what?

Laura: Things that affect it?

Laura: Diffusion?

Ron: Yeah, kind of.

Ron: But what can we, as animals that have exchange services do to make them more effective?

Ron: Basically.

Laura: These kind of questions confuse me because I find it weird that it is us doing it, but it's also not us doing it.

Laura: Because in my head, I was like, I'll get a bigger surface area on our lungs, but I can't just do that.

Ron: But we have done that.

Laura: But we've done it via evolution.

Ron: But that's one answer.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: I like your deathband.

Laura: Ding.

Laura: So ding.

Laura: That's one answer.

Laura: But then this is just the same answers.

Laura: So warm them up.

Laura: Apply heat.

Laura: Keep them warm.

Laura: Warm.

Laura: Magnets.

Ron: I'm not going to give you that.

Laura: Why?

Ron: Because we are a certain temperature for other reasons.

Ron: And we don't have really, let's say, really hot lungs.

Laura: No, but you could run lots of blood through them because blood's warm.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: Ding having an efficient blood supply, but not for heating purposes.

Ron: It's not about hot blood.

Laura: You could always keep the gradient optimal.

Laura: So in the nephron, for example, you always have the dirtiest blood by how does it work?

Laura: You never have the clean blood next to the dirty liquid so that the diffusion doesn't start going back the other way.

Laura: So keeping that efficient.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Not on my list, but I'll give you that.

Ron: Sort of manipulating the concentration gradient to do that.

Ron: I'll give you that.

Laura: Surface area.

Laura: Did I already say that?

Ron: You already said that.

Laura: What was the question again?

Ron: How can we make exchange services more efficient?

Ron: So when an animal has an expression.

Laura: Make them real thin.

Laura: Make the surface thin.

Laura: Like the tea bag needs to not be made of metal.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Have a membrane that is thin to provide a short diffusion path.

Ron: Bloody h***.

Ron: Laura yes.

Ron: That's eleven.

Ron: Dings all in a row.

Laura: Oh, my God.

Laura: Is that my first quiz where I got them?

Laura: All right.

Ron: It might be 100% certain that is.

Laura: Necessary in my life this week.

Ron: Congratulations.

Ron: Maybe I made it way too easy.

Ron: We'll see.

Ron: How the people going around at home?

Laura: Shut up, Ron.

Laura: Amazing.

Ron: Well, I think I probably made that a bit too easy then, didn't I?

Ron: If you're getting full marks after listening.

Laura: Back to that, I thought it was quite tricky.

Laura: I think I just retained it quite well.

Ron: I think it's one of those processes that makes sense once you're kind of at the end of it, but while you're going through it and learning it, it's a bit yeah, I just think.

Laura: I was very clever.

Laura: I think doing the marathon in between the episode and the quiz just really helped me focus.

Laura: So how did you get on at home?

Laura: Let's find out if that was too easy.

Laura: Maybe the quiz was too easy.

Laura: If everybody listening got 100%, then maybe it was too easy.

Laura: Mackie, no.

Laura: Good girl.

Laura: Oh, you knew you weren't supposed to have that, too.

Laura: Ubsty.

Laura: What were we talking about?

Laura: Yeah, let us know how you got quiz.

Laura: Yeah, we were recording.

Laura: Sorry, she was eating a face mask.

Laura: Let us know how you got on in the quiz.

Laura: I've said that five times now, and then we'll know if Ron did make it too easy.

Laura: Also, thank you for all your experiments that you've been sending in.

Laura: We've got a backlog, so I am going to get stuck into filming some next.

Ron: Which one are you going to start with?

Laura: Maybe the twelve one flake for a.

Ron: Start.

Laura: Because in my head, I was only do the twelve one because that comes in two fingers and I can burn one and eat the other.

Ron: I should have just let you do that.

Laura: Would it have not worked?

Ron: No, it's flakes.

Laura: Is it to do with surface area?

Ron: I think they just put something in the flakes so it doesn't melt so easily, because it's made of flakes, so they don't want it to melt or melt.

Laura: Don't combine science and chocolate because that is my one true lust dead in the water.

Laura: So, listen, thanks for listening.

Laura: As ever, we love you.

Laura: And we'll be back next week with chemistry.

Laura: So, yeah, we'll see you then.

Ron: Close to smith.

Laura: That was so nearly the right one.

Laura: And then you change the.

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