Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Everybody Hertz

 Laura: Hello and welcome to another episode of Lexx Education. And the crowd goes wild. The comedies… so nearly went the only podcast about books nearly did another podcast catchphrase! the science comedy podcast where comedian Me Laura Lexx tries to learn science from my real life brother, Ron.

Ron: Hello. I do that as well. I constantly want to start every episode with, hi and welcome to Lexx Education, the podcast panel show that.

Laura: Yeah, it's very hard when you listen to a lot of podcasts. Anyway, you need to say hello. I'm Ron.

Ron: I did. Hello, I'm Ron.

Laura: I thought you said hello and then start saying.

Ron: No, I said hello.

Laura: I'm sorry. How are you, Ron?

Ron: Yes, how are you?

Laura: Yeah, I'm all right. I've made some good strides this week, so, you'll know, the other day I was sad. So what do you do when you're sad? You take personality tests online. So I did that and, you know, came back with some stuff that was like, oh, you should probably see a GP. And I've got a new counsellor on. I've signed up to therapy again.

Ron: Well done.

Laura: Which feels like a good step forward.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: In person or online?

Laura: I think the first one is going to be in person to go and see if we get on and then if she's the one, then maybe online to fit in with my just setting lifestyle. Or she's based in Brighton, so I could always pop round. Depends on how tissues are nicer than the tissues I have at home.

Ron: That's much healthier than what I did when I was having a bad morning recently, where I was talking to a couple of people.

Ron: There a similar age to me, but the older I get, the less I get hangovers and the more I'm just horrifically anxious the day after drinking.

Ron: So it had a few beers and I woke up in the morning, I was very anxious and I was like, you know what, I'll do some exercise that will make me feel better.

Ron: So I went to the gym, I did five sets on one machine, almost threw up on my shoes left, ate an entire tube of Pringles from the window and then worked for 8 hours.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Oh, I hate the hangover paranoia.

Ron: That's the worst.

Laura: I hate it.

Laura: Like, now I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is go, Why did I tweet?

Laura: Oh, God.

Ron: Yeah, it's the worst.

Laura: Anyway, listen, the light of allies, the lab rats.

Laura: You've been a delight this week.

Laura: There's been a lot of can you melt wood?

Laura: Chat on the social, lots of chat, everybody getting involved, have really enjoyed these discussions and I've actually read some of the articles.

Ron: I think I've incited a few people to start fires.

Laura: I was wondering if we need to put a disclaimer like, please, please don't set fire to your houses.

Laura: Like, we accept no liability for any experiments gone wrong.

Laura: I think my faith I was just.

Ron: Going to say, because my point when I say prove that you can't, is not show me a piece of woodburning, I'm saying it's very difficult to prove a negative.

Ron: It's very difficult to prove that you can't do something.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: How did you feel, though?

Laura: Simon on Twitter changed the game for me by theorising that perhaps because you can freeze and vaporise wood, wood is already melted.

Ron: Now, I didn't weigh in on Twitter, but what on earth is frozen wood?

Laura: Well, that's what I wasn't sure.

Laura: Is that just if woods wet, the water in it freezes or I know you can petrify wood.

Ron: I've never seen frozen wood.

Laura: Oh, I think it's beetles songs.

Laura: No, I haven't, but I don't know what we're talking about most of the time.

Laura: I really enjoyed we had a really lovely instagram message from Han, who said, there are trees in Tenerife that have no oxygen in them, so they don't burn and therefore they survive wildfires and they live on the slopes of a volcano.

Ron: Yeah, that was super interesting.

Laura: That's great, isn't it?

Laura: We're very here for that sort of content.

Laura: So thank you, Han, and we're sorry that you've caught up and only have one episode a week now.

Laura: Ugh.

Laura: There's nothing quite like that.

Laura: Pang hope for now, which should we tease that at the end of the episode?

Ron: I've just teased it.

Laura: Now I know there's other people playing catch up, too.

Laura: Abby got in touch.

Laura: She's just reached the down episode and power walked with rage.

Laura: Laughter laughed so much she felt sick.

Laura: So I think that's a good thing.

Ron: I noticed she replied to your tweet twice, because the first time she literally just said, that made me feel sick.

Ron: And then I think she went like, oh, no, that sounds like a bad way.

Laura: That's nice, I like that.

Laura: Jeff on Twitter is also offering to start a down survivors group if necessary.

Laura: So, yeah, we're very glad that you like the name Bunsen for the rat.

Laura: There is some chat about a Twitter account being started for the rat.

Laura: Hey, you do, you lab rats.

Laura: I can't do any more social media or I will need three therapists, not one.

Laura: So we're going into chemistry this week, aren't we, Ron?

Ron: We are indeed.

Ron: Back into the head.

Laura: No.

Laura: Or is it physics?

Ron: No, it's physics.

Laura: It's physics.

Ron: It's physics.

Ron: Yeah, idiot.

Ron: Physics.

Ron: Back into electricity.

Ron: This is a little s*** we give about electricity.

Ron: We can't even remember which one of the freaking topics it is.

Laura: Oh, God, I hated this.

Ron: But this is a fun one.

Laura: Is it, though?

Ron: Yeah, we had visual AIDS.

Laura: That's true.

Laura: But then you got mad at me for enjoying the visual AIDS.

Laura: Anyway, enjoy.

Laura: See you afterwards.

Laura: Ron, I just realised something.

Ron: What have you just realised?

Laura: It's physics today.

Ron: It is.

Ron: I mean, the last physics was garbage.

Laura: Oh, it was electricity, wasn't it?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Not our favourite, but better than relative forces is yes, resultant forces.

Ron: But we do have to redo resultant forces at some point.

Laura: Why?

Ron: I told you this at the time because that was out of order.

Laura: What do you mean?

Ron: So I didn't have the tight system that I've got now for sort of, like, knowing exactly where I'm up to in the syllabus.

Ron: I writing that down.

Ron: And we shouldn't have covered results and forces at that point.

Laura: No wonder it was so difficult for me.

Ron: Which I think is fast becoming a fan favourite.

Ron: We will get to do a sequel to that episode.

Laura: That feels like a bad idea.

Laura: All right, what are we doing today, then?

Laura: Is it more electricity or are we moving on to something else?

Ron: Yes, we are doing more electricity, but we're doing it kind of in a slightly bigger way, so I think it's going to be all right.

Laura: All right.

Laura: Like a whole power station.

Laura: I'm trying to stay on this grape.

Ron: Lovely.

Laura: That's cute, isn't it?

Laura: I'm cute.

Ron: Okay, so can you remember where we left off last?

Ron: Physics?

Laura: Not off the top of my head, but let's have a look at my notes.

Laura: Oh, I do remember that electricity is like a water slide for electrons.

Laura: And it's just that the battery is the pump not, like, full of the electricity, it's just pumping the electrons around and then they're, like, leaving their charge all over the place.

Laura: Oh, there was all that absolute rot about resistors.

Laura: I didn't care for that.

Laura: Nope.

Laura: That's notes from a gig I was seeing.

Laura: Why do I have this notebook with me?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: So I've decided not to worry about resistance.

Laura: But we did quite a lot of that.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And it was super visual, it wasn't super fun.

Ron: And I think it's where my enthusiasm for what we've been talking about has really waned the most.

Laura: Well, let's make a pack to make it fun together today.

Ron: And I think I've got a great idea for that.

Ron: So the first thing that we're going to jump into today is series and parallel circuits.

Laura: Series and parallel circuits.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: A parallelogram.

Laura: That used to be one of my favourite words.

Ron: It's a good word.

Ron: I like a parallelogram.

Laura: You didn't say it right then.

Laura: Parallelogram.

Ron: You said parallelogram.

Laura: You said parallelogram.

Ron: No, I didn't.

Laura: Yes, you did.

Ron: Like a parallelogram.

Ron: Like a parallelogram yellow worm.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So there's two ways of joining electrical components in series or in parallel.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: In series, that is just like a simple loop.

Ron: So we're talking battery wire, light wire, back to the battery.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Literally just a simple circle in a parallel circuit.

Ron: It split.

Ron: It has a split in it.

Ron: So it'd be like battery wire that splits into two wires.

Ron: Each of those has a buzzer and a light on it, and then those two bits will join back up and then the wire goes back to the battery.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Did that make sense.

Laura: Absolutely.

Ron: So what I thought we could sometimes.

Laura: When it's simple, I feel like maybe I didn't understand it and I just imagined a simpler thing.

Ron: No, it is quite simple.

Ron: So I thought because do you want to take a look at that link I've just sent you on the WhatsApp web, ye old WhatsApp web.

Laura: Let me have a look on the WhatsApp web.

Laura: So, Ron is sending me a link to oh, God.

Laura: Take it out of her.

Laura: No, put it back in.

Laura: No, take it back out.

Laura: No, I'm only kidding.

Laura: Ron has sent me a link to FET, Colorado.edu, and we're looking at a circuit construction kit, DC, which means direct current.

Ron: Yeah, we'll learn a bit about that.

Laura: I remember that.

Laura: Alternate and direct current.

Laura: AC DC alternating.

Laura: That's it.

Laura: And I've got two buttons I can click here.

Laura: One says Intro and one says Lab.

Laura: And it has, like, a copper wire, I think, with two little buzzy prods on it.

Ron: Do you want to share your screen?

Laura: Yeah, I'm just telling the listener what we're looking at, Ronald.

Ron: Well, you'll have noticed or that I'm recording our zoom call today, so we can turn this all into great content.

Ron: So if you click on Lab all right, Lab.

Ron: So what we're going to do is you're going to make us a series circuit and then an in parallel circuit.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Oh, I pressed it again.

Laura: Sorry.

Ron: That's fine.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Ron: So what I want you to do is I just want you to connect that to a battery in series.

Ron: So Laura is extending the wire, and I'm extending it.

Ron: She's put a battery on the end of it.

Laura: I'm not finding these resistors.

Laura: I'm using an unnecessary amount of wire.

Ron: She's also connected the two wires to the same side of the battery.

Laura: You're not supposed to do that.

Ron: Have you used a battery before, Laura?

Laura: Yeah, sometimes, actually, Mr.

Laura: Know it all those big fat batteries where you clip the thing on, they are up the top both ends.

Ron: Isn't the battery in question one of those?

Laura: I can't get it off now with some scissors.

Laura: This doesn't feel like the item that you need.

Ron: To attach the battery again.

Laura: Everything's okay?

Laura: Right, done that.

Ron: I've not asked you to put a switch in.

Laura: What did you ask me to do?

Laura: I wasn't listening.

Laura: Sorry.

Ron: It just connects the light bulb to the battery in series.

Ron: So she's connected the wired oh, no.

Laura: The battery's on wire.

Ron: She connected both sides of the wire, which is the same side of the light, which is completely what the h***?

Ron: There we go.

Laura: Wait, that is unnecessarily confusing that the light bulb has two sides.

Laura: That is not how a light bulb works.

Ron: Well, a light bulb will have anode and a cathode.

Laura: Right.

Ron: Cool.

Ron: So, Laura, describe to the listener what we're looking at here.

Ron: If you stop squiggling the battery around.

Laura: So we are looking at the light bulb now looks like it is the Jesus of light bulbs, rays of halo, saintly light are coming out from the top of it.

Laura: There are two wires coming out of the light bulb, one of them very awkwardly perched on the side, which is going to make this light bulb very difficult to screw in one coming at the bottom, those wires go out and go to either side of a battery then dancing around in a very patient it's not really a dance.

Laura: It's not a dance, it's a slow moving queue, what I assume are the electrons making their way around the system.

Ron: Absolutely, yes.

Ron: You will see on the right hand side of your screen that we have a voltmeter and an Amter that we can play with.

Laura: Oh, sure we do.

Ron: So do you want to grab those?

Ron: And we will do some testing.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: I've got the voltmeter cool.

Laura: And I can change how long the wires are.

Laura: The voltmeter is a little packet thing and then it's got like a black pen coming out of one side and a red pen coming out the other side.

Laura: Attached five wires.

Ron: Yep.

Ron: So you can put those on the wires to find out the potential difference across there okay.

Laura: So I've put my red wire on the light bulb and my black wire on the copper end of the battery and the voltmeter is now reading -9 volts yes.

Ron: So I think you need to swap the pens around to get an accurate reading, which isn't something I knew, but there we go.

Laura: Now it says 9 volts.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: What that is saying is that the potential difference across the light bulb is 9 volts.

Ron: By that we know it's a nine volt battery.

Laura: Okay, well or a minus nine volt battery.

Ron: No.

Ron: Why not because voltage is relative to it's all relative to where you're measuring, like all things, it's relative to sort of what you're measuring it compared to.

Ron: So if we measure it in the right direction, it's not involved.

Laura: What do you mean, the right direction?

Laura: How would you know that?

Ron: Because of the positive and negative sides of the battery and like the way that the electrons are going around.

Ron: Okay, so could you get the amita now for me?

Laura: Amita meta.

Ron: Just the one with the target thing is the one that we want.

Laura: There's two types of ammeter.

Laura: I'll put one back in the bin.

Laura: So the ammeter has a very similar little bucket to the voltage metre, but instead of the pens, it's just got a single target basically coming out on a string.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So we know that in a series circuit, the current is going to be the same all the way around it.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: It is not zero nine amps.

Ron: What's that amp again, it's the unit of current.

Laura: That's how fast the electrons are moving.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: The flow of charge.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: It's not how fast they're moving, it's the amount of charge that is flowing through.

Ron: Not the same thing, but that's okay.

Ron: Cool.

Ron: So from your notes from last time, good luck.

Ron: Can you work out what the resistance of that bulb is?

Laura: 410 ten watt.

Ron: Ohms, correct.

Ron: Because it's not .9 amps.

Ron: I'm not sure if we said that.

Laura: I don't know.

Laura: That's what I used for.

Laura: My guess anyway, there's 9 volts and 0.9 amps.

Laura: So I was like, if you move the decimal place one point to the left, that's a ten.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Ron: And then what I want you to do is I want you to cut up your circuit, and we're going to put another bulb in it.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: All right.

Laura: I'm taking my pens off, taking my target off.

Laura: Where are my scissors?

Laura: Scissors is the wrong thing.

Laura: I'm sad that they do.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: You want wire clippers or something like that.

Ron: Right?

Laura: I'm getting another light bulb out of the little box, putting it I just.

Ron: Want to say to everyone a thing.

Ron: I'm sorry that this isn't the most audio engaging medium that we could have done this, but it would have been a downside, more boring, if we just talked about it.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Listen, I've put two light bulbs in the circuit now, and they are distinctly less Jesusy than they were previously surprised.

Laura: They still look like the stained glass window sort of recreations of saints and stuff, but these are like Yalesser known saints.

Ron: So these two lights, we would now say, are in series with each other.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Because they're in the same continuous circuit.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Do you want to just drag that battery down?

Laura: No, it looks really cool.

Laura: There it is.

Ron: It does look cool.

Ron: Nobody's denying that.

Laura: I put the battery over the long wire between the lights, and now there's like a little spaghetti junction in the middle of all the electrons.

Ron: It looks kind of like one of those s that you draw on paper when you're at school.

Ron: Anyway, if you drag that down just please why?

Ron: So that we can see the circuit.

Laura: We can see the circuit.

Laura: Use your mind.

Ron: We're not going to do fun, interactive things like this anymore if you abused.

Laura: I'm abusing it.

Laura: I've made it cool.

Laura: All right.

Laura: I'm dragging it down.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Ron: Right, grab the ballpark over there in the corner.

Ron: You are a little s***.

Ron: She is dragged in.

Laura: My friend has started listening to this podcast, and she texts it yesterday.

Laura: Charlotte, friend of the podcast.

Ron: She's like charlotte.

Ron: Hey, Charlotte.

Laura: She's like, you in that last episode?

Laura: We're in full year ten, don't give a s*** mode.

Laura: Yeah, okay.

Laura: I've moved it away.

Laura: You asked me to.

Ron: Right?

Ron: Can you stop being a f****** problem and just, like, move them back where they were in a nice configuration?

Laura: You said you didn't like it back where they were.

Laura: There we go.

Laura: I'll put it back where it was.

Ron: Now, we will not do fun things like this again.

Ron: I will cancel the school trip.

Laura: Can we do a school trip?

Laura: We should do like a meetup with National Treasures where we do go to.

Ron: The Science Museum or something.

Laura: Yeah, close over episode.

Ron: That will do.

Ron: Can you please use the voltmeter to cheque the voltage from one side of the circuit to the other?

Laura: Sure.

Laura: So I'm putting the black pen on the b*** of the battery, the buttery and the red pen?

Ron: No, just the whole.

Laura: Not the f******.

Ron: Furthest left point and the furthest right point.

Ron: Like the start and beginning of the circuit.

Laura: I don't know where that is.

Ron: What do you mean you don't know what that is?

Ron: It's a circle either side of the battery.

Laura: You are so rude to me.

Laura: Because it's a circle.

Laura: How can you not know where the beginning and end is?

Laura: Because of what you just f****** said.

Laura: It's a f****** circle.

Laura: And you said the battery is just the pump.

Laura: It isn't even the product maker.

Laura: So why would that be the beginning and the end?

Laura: The electrons can start from anywhere.

Ron: But why would two points that you've randomly defined, where you were dicking around, moving it around the screen, be the start and the finish?

Laura: Because they're the furthest away from each other.

Ron: Yeah, but you could bend it a different way.

Ron: You are in trouble.

Ron: Put it on the other side of the battery.

Laura: There we go.

Laura: Well done.

Laura: That's boring, isn't it?

Laura: It's actually a different number.

Laura: And I put it on the end of the battery.

Ron: Yeah, because it f****** matters where you put it.

Laura: Well, then what?

Laura: I thought voltage always remained constant.

Ron: No current is the same all the way around.

Laura: Oh.

Laura: Because if I put this by the light bulbs, it's four and a half volts, but if I put it over so that it's on the other end of the battery, it's 9 volts again.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So potential difference.

Ron: So it's the difference in voltage, in energy between those two points.

Ron: So when you're only halfway up, your neither up nor down, when you've only gone past one light bulb, it's used half of the potential difference because you've gone through half of the resistance of the circuit.

Laura: Not according to my voltmeter.

Ron: Why?

Laura: It says four and a half after each light bulb.

Ron: No, because if you look at, like, the bottom bit of that light bulb is where the electrons are coming out, isn't it?

Ron: The one on the right.

Laura: Yeah, there.

Ron: Yeah, four and a half.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Nine.

Ron: Nine.

Laura: What?

Laura: Has it gone back up?

Laura: What's happening?

Ron: No, because if you put it on the left hand side of the left light bulb, it's going to be zero because there's no potential difference there.

Laura: Oh.

Laura: Because no electrons have gone anywhere.

Laura: So before the electrons get into the first light bulb, it's at nine.

Laura: Then you put it coming out, it's.

Ron: At zero.

Laura: And then you put it coming out of the first light bulb.

Laura: Four and a half, then you put it coming out of the second one, it's back to nine again.

Laura: No, because it wasn't nine, it was zero.

Laura: And then by the time it gets back to the battery, it's lost all its volts because those three little light bulbs sucking it all up.

Ron: So, do you want to see what the current is now?

Laura: More than anything, that's what I want to do.

Laura: How did you find this website, you creep?

Ron: I googled Circuit Builder for children.

Laura: You didn't.

Ron: I literally did.

Ron: And then most of them seemed a bit advanced, so I had to do some.

Laura: If you're going to be this rude all day, you can teach someone else science.

Laura: Mr Right, the current is not changed because it's divided by ten and a half.

Laura: Ten and 50.

Laura: It's divided in half and ten.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So what you've essentially done is you just doubled the resistance of the circuit, haven't you?

Laura: What's current again?

Ron: Current is the flow of electrons.

Ron: So you told me after, when there was only one bulb in there, that the resistance of one of the light bulbs was ten.

Laura: Ohms, yes.

Ron: So now what do you think the resistance is now?

Laura: There's 210 and a half.

Ron: Why?

Laura: Because now it's not 00:45, which is half of zero nine, and it's done a ten multiple.

Ron: So last time you divided nine by ten to get 0.9.

Ron: Right.

Ron: And that's how you ended up at the number ten.

Ron: So what do you have to divide nine by to get 00:45?

Laura: Two and ten.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Two and 1020.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: What about so when resistance cannot explain.

Laura: How much it stresses me out and all ability to think fades out of my brain, like, I'm worried sometimes someone will listen to this and take my driver's licence away.

Laura: Yeah, that doesn't feel right.

Laura: Is that 29 divided by 20 is not 00:45?

Ron: Well, yeah, because you divided it by twice as much.

Ron: So the answer is halved.

Laura: Yeah, I think in my head, it's just more obvious to go, I'll divide by two and then ten, rather than you said before I said two and ten.

Ron: Yeah, but before you said ten and a half.

Laura: No, I meant a half and ten.

Laura: Don't divide it by half, because that is the sort of math that is actually impossible to do but divide it in half.

Laura: Not by a half.

Ron: If you divide by a half, you just times it by two.

Laura: No, don't say that, please.

Ron: Yeah, ten divided by a half is 20.

Laura: Let's not do this.

Ron: No, if you think about dividing is how many of them are in there?

Ron: There are 20 halves in ten.

Laura: That's not how I think about dividing.

Ron: You should.

Ron: It makes it much easier.

Laura: Okay, so divided by 20.

Laura: So what are we learning?

Laura: What's happening here?

Ron: So the principle that we're learning here is that when you have resistors or things that have resistance, like light bulbs in a series to work out the total resistance of the circuit.

Ron: You just add them together.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: That's probably going to come up in the test.

Ron: Write that down.

Laura: So how do I know what the resistance is?

Ron: Last time?

Ron: We know the formula, don't we?

Ron: V equals IR, voltage equals current times.

Laura: Resistance, voltage equals current times resistance.

Ron: So we just need to rearrange that.

Laura: V and IR.

Ron: V equals IR.

Laura: How do you get current out of that?

Ron: You just use I for current.

Laura: That is bananas.

Ron: Yeah, that doesn't make any sense, I'll give you that.

Ron: But that's just what it is.

Ron: It's like E equals MC squared.

Ron: The C stands for the speed of light.

Ron: Doesn't make any sense, but that's just what it is.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So v equals IR.

Ron: So to get R on its own, we do V divided by I equals R.

Ron: So nine divided by 00:45 equals 20.

Ron: Understand?

Laura: Absolutely.

Ron: Look away.

Ron: 1 second.

Laura: I've accidentally attacked.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Laura: Well, I can increase the.

Ron: Okay, wait.

Ron: Okay, stop for a second because I need you to build no, stop.

Laura: Can I just have a break for a minute to just play with this?

Laura: Hey, if I make this light bulb have more resistance, the other light bulb gets dimmer.

Ron: Yep.

Laura: OOH.

Laura: It's like these light bulbs are having really different ideas.

Laura: Okay, sorry.

Laura: Carry on now.

Laura: Wrong.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Ron: So I need you now what we're going to do is we're going to build a parallel circuit.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Like a parallel universe.

Laura: Shall I just have a go at that on my own first?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So basically, if you just move those bits and pieces out of the way, I want a batch tree that is feeding two light bulbs that are on different loops but starting on the same loop, if that makes sense.

Laura: I'll give it quite hard time.

Ron: There can only be one wire going in and out of the battery, but I want them on different paths, essentially.

Laura: Okay, so I've got a battery, and so far I've put a wire on each side.

Ron: She's made it look like a nice hat bulb and she's bringing that in now.

Laura: I'm going to put one light bulb just on like normal.

Ron: Okay, but then that's going to be in series with the other one, isn't it?

Ron: Because the electricity has to go through that light bulb.

Ron: The same circuitous.

Ron: Life just smaller.

Ron: That's progress, but she doesn't know it.

Laura: Ron, I'll get her through something at your head in a minute.

Ron: I don't know if any of our listeners have seen 2001.

Ron: It's a little bit like when the monkey picks up the bone.

Laura: That looks like a horse.

Ron: I praised her use of wires.

Laura: Well, you're not seeing any of my confidence.

Laura: Well, the light bulbs aren't on yet.

Ron: It's got a stir kit at the moment.

Laura: No, the battery is on fire again.

Laura: No.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Well, actually okay, so now what I've done here is I tried to make two separate circuits and then join them together.

Laura: But the battery has gone on fire, but it has now showed me how the electrons move, so maybe I can do something with that.

Laura: What am I doing?

Ron: You're making two light bulbs in parallel.

Laura: I don't think this is possible, actually.

Laura: Stop being fire.

Laura: Okay, thank you.

Laura: I don't think we need that while let's go to that one.

Laura: So that one's over there.

Ron: Try having the second bulb coming out of that bit there on a wire.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Cut it while I'm working on it.

Ron: I am trying to help.

Ron: I'm being nice.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So put that bulb on that bit that's just that you've just left there, that little dangler in the middle.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Laura: I did it.

Ron: Ron, hang on, let me just work out if you have done it, you've done it weirdly.

Laura: Some of the electrons are going one way and some of them are changing their minds and going down.

Ron: Yeah, I think you've done it.

Ron: You know.

Laura: Hi, Jove.

Laura: I've bloody done it.

Laura: Yes, it's ugly, but it is two different circuits.

Laura: So the battery, now that I've organised, it a bit more easy to see.

Laura: The battery is in the middle of, like, a rectangle, and then the battery's got a wire going up from it up to the top of the rectangle, and some of the electrons go left and some of them go right.

Laura: Then there's a bulb on the left and a bulb on the right, and then they all come down back to the middle and up back to the battery in the middle of the rectangle.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: What you've made there is two bulbs in parallel, so essentially two loops coming off the same battery.

Ron: So do you want to test the voltage across the battery, please?

Laura: Danger.

Laura: High voltage.

Laura: When we touch, when we kiss.

Laura: And according to Ron, the beginning and end of the circuit is either end of the battery.

Laura: So I have put the black pen on the b*** of the battery, the buttery.

Laura: And did you go to rich Jewish college?

Laura: Shron.

Ron: Yup.

Laura: Was it still called the buttery where you went for lunch when you were there?

Ron: No, it's called the canteen.

Laura: You didn't call the buttery?

Ron: No, they didn't serve butter.

Laura: Well, they would have served some butter.

Laura: It was just called the buttery.

Laura: There was the cafe and the buttery.

Ron: I don't know.

Ron: I never used to get food there, to be honest.

Ron: I had the best time at Richard Jewish.

Laura: Yeah, I think I had a good time.

Laura: My only problem was, which I would have loved if I never had any gaps in my day.

Laura: Some people have, like, a free period, so I never really got to just hang out during the day.

Laura: It was always like, oh, I'm done for the day.

Ron: That's weird.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Which is kind of nice.

Laura: Like, all my lessons were always just stacked with each other.

Laura: But.

Laura: It did mean I never got that, like, oh, I guess I'll just sit around and do nothing for 3 hours.

Ron: Yeah, that does suck.

Ron: But anyway, Richard, hewich sends you kids.

Ron: Cool.

Ron: Right, so could you now do the voltage across one of the light bulbs for me, please?

Laura: Oh, we're doing something fancy.

Laura: So I'm taking my black pen, I'm putting it going into the light bulb and I'm taking my red pen, putting it coming out of the light bulb.

Laura: This one is nine voltage.

Ron: Cool beans.

Ron: So, do you remember when they were in series with each other and there were two light bulbs, was 4.5 volts across each one, wasn't it?

Laura: Was it?

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Yes, it was.

Ron: Cool beans.

Ron: And it will be the same.

Ron: It'll be 9 volts again for the other one.

Ron: So, yeah, then do you want to find out what the current is?

Laura: Yes.

Laura: I take my little tracking metre.

Laura: The current on the battery is 1.8.

Ron: What about each of the branches?

Laura: I'm imagining this will be not .9 because excuse me, doing a little burp.

Laura: It's because I've been eating grapes.

Laura: I imagine this will be zero nine because it's a pretty even split of electrons going left and right.

Laura: It is zero nine.

Laura: Everybody divided by one and one two.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So what you might notice as being quite interesting there is that the resistance of the whole circuit is a lot lower when we put them in parallel than it would be even if there was just one bulb in series.

Laura: I got a nose whistle.

Laura: Can you hear?

Ron: Yeah, I could hear.

Laura: Does it sound like a storm where you are?

Ron: Yes, it does.

Laura: What were you saying then?

Laura: I was not listening at all.

Ron: So you might have noticed about the resistance of the whole circuit, even though we've got two light bulbs in this one.

Laura: What's the resistance again?

Ron: I don't know how I can say that in another word.

Laura: Resistance is the current.

Ron: No, current is the f****** current.

Laura: Resistance is the resistance.

Ron: Ohms, yeah.

Laura: What is it doing?

Laura: Resistance.

Ron: Resistance to the current.

Laura: But we measure the resistance via that formula with the current.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And the voltage V equals IR.

Laura: Oh, my God.

Laura: It's not going in.

Ron: It's like 51st dates.

Ron: This is like f****** memento.

Laura: I've never seen that.

Laura: It would look too boring.

Ron: Oh, Memento is a brilliant film.

Ron: You need to start tattooing.

Ron: This is basically what I'm saying.

Ron: The resistance of the circuit is lower than if there was just one bulb in series.

Ron: That's the important point that we're trying to learn here.

Laura: Because the electrons are splitting off to go different places.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So there's more routes for them to go.

Ron: So the resistance of the whole shebang is less.

Laura: That makes sense.

Laura: Does it?

Laura: Yes.

Laura: What's resistance again?

Laura: Resistance.

Laura: What is resistance, though?

Laura: Don't say.

Laura: Ohms, I know that it's things slowing them down.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: As they go through.

Laura: And does the wire itself slow stuff down in Practise.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: When you're doing calculations and stuff, you assume that the wire has zero resistance because things like copper wire do have very little resistance.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Okay, so wait, this has less resistance than a single than a single bulb.

Ron: Going around one wire?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Why does it?

Ron: You just said that.

Laura: Yes, and it makes so much sense to the kids at all.

Ron: Okay, so let's use the water analogue.

Laura: Because they're loose.

Laura: They're just loose.

Ron: Let's use the water analogy.

Laura: No.

Ron: Why can't I try and explain.

Laura: You off why I did understand it and then it fleeted away again and now it's fleeting back a little bit and I want to see if I understand it.

Laura: No, go on, use the water.

Ron: So let's just imagine that instead of a wire, it's just a hose going around in a circle.

Ron: Okay?

Ron: And water is flowing around that hose to simulate resistance.

Ron: Let's say maybe we squeeze the pipe at one point and put some resistance into the system.

Ron: Okay?

Laura: Yup.

Ron: If it was split in two and then the water was going around two hoses instead of one, even if we squeezed both of them, the water's got twice as much hose to go through.

Ron: So the total resistance of the system is less.

Ron: So more water can get through.

Ron: That makes sense.

Laura: Sure.

Laura: Sure.

Ron: It's just us, too.

Ron: So, like, I need you to don't f*** me off.

Laura: Oh, Ron, I understand 100%.

Ron: Do you understand?

Laura: I think I do, but I can't be sure.

Laura: I still will in a couple of minutes.

Ron: That's fine.

Ron: Sometimes it's really hard to know if you're being sincere.

Ron: Which is fine if we were in a class of 30 because I'd talked to one of the kids that I liked more, but unfortunately, it's just us.

Laura: Who would you like more than me.

Ron: Got it.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: I'm afraid it is time to say goodbye to the circuit builder.

Laura: Laura, I'm just going to stop.

Laura: Shane, I'm going to keep it open and play with this when you've gone away.

Ron: Okay?

Ron: But you need to play with it when I've gone away, not for the rest of this record.

Ron: Okay?

Ron: Okay.

Ron: So we're going to learn a little bit about Maine's electricity.

Laura: Why don't we learn about Utah's instead?

Laura: Do you know what, Ron?

Laura: If this was a classroom, I'd entertain a child I liked more, that gave me more laughs on my brilliant jokes that I come up with in the nick of time.

Ron: That's not true, because you've been in classrooms and I think you sat at the front quietly, wearing your brownie sash, taking diligent messes.

Laura: Yeah, which is baffling to me now.

Laura: Like, this must have just gone in when I was 15.

Ron: You were such a f****** swap back then.

Laura: Well, yeah, I was worried about getting into trouble.

Laura: But now I realise that it doesn't really matter how smart you are or how hard you work.

Laura: Sometimes life just doesn't work out.

Laura: Just can't see a point trying.

Laura: Oh, wasted 15 years becoming a brilliant comedian just to watch everybody else do taskmaster instead of me.

Laura: F*** it.

Laura: Why bother trying?

Ron: So, we're going to learn about mains electricity.

Laura: Cool.

Laura: Can't wait.

Laura: Main electricity.

Ron: Do you know what type of current comes out of a plug?

Laura: Alternating car rent.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Do you know what the difference between alternating current and direct current is?

Laura: One alternates and one is direct.

Ron: Alternates what?

Laura: Direction?

Ron: Yeah, alternates.

Ron: Basically, it's potential difference.

Ron: So that is direction of flow of charge, direction of current flight.

Laura: Do you know what voltage 240 volts in the UK?

Ron: 230, I'm afraid.

Laura: No, 240.

Ron: I mean, it says in the syllabus 230.

Ron: Probably just most things are tested up to 200.

Laura: Yeah, I'm sure everything I own says 240 volts on it.

Ron: Well, yeah, because it will fluctuate a bit.

Laura: So if they did it electricity supply.

Laura: Yeah, you're right, Ron.

Laura: Go on.

Ron: And then it is 50.

Laura: Used to be 240 volts in the UK.

Ron: Oh, is it?

Laura: When did it change?

Laura: In 2009, which was when I passed my electrician's badge.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: And it's 50 Hz.

Ron: Do you know what that means?

Laura: 50 punches.

Laura: So Hertz is the give me something van rental again?

Ron: No, that's done by Hertz van.

Laura: Europe car.

Ron: It's that number thing.

Laura: You can't even do jokes.

Ron: No, I'm here for the science.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: So give me, like, a little moment of joy when I do a joke.

Ron: All right, do another one of hertz.

Laura: Okay, ask me again.

Ron: Do you know what?

Laura: Everybody hurts 50.

Laura: I'll give him the great.

Ron: More like resistance em.

Laura: It's getting stanky.

Laura: I can just hear iPhones up and down the country.

Laura: It's clacking off.

Ron: So do you know what 50 Hz is?

Laura: No, I don't think we've covered hertz yet.

Ron: No.

Ron: So they are the fi unit of frequency and it essentially boils down to per second.

Laura: How frequent?

Laura: Per second?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So the AC electrical current in the UK goes back and forth 50 times a second.

Laura: Whoa.

Laura: That means almost nothing to me.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Back and forth where?

Laura: How far?

Ron: Well, the current changes direction 50 times a second.

Laura: How far apart is it going?

Laura: Hey, look, I found another grape that had a split in it.

Laura: So I've given that one a little face to you.

Ron: That's horrifying.

Laura: I'll take some pictures of these grapes for the instagram.

Laura: Don't worry, everyone.

Ron: What do you mean, how far?

Laura: When you say it's changing direction 50 times a second, how far are those electrons getting before they turn around and go back the other way?

Ron: We can work it out.

Ron: And speed of electrons in a wire.

Ron: So they're going about two centimetres per.

Laura: Second and just that's enough to just bump that up.

Ron: Then if we divide that by 50 centimetres not very far then.

Ron: No.

Ron: What are you looking at now?

Laura: I'm taking pictures of the grapes, the instagram.

Ron: So the UK actually has a higher voltage plugs than most other countries.

Laura: Yeah, man.

Ron: Which is why we're one of the few countries where kettles are really pervasive.

Laura: Is that why that is?

Ron: Yeah, because it takes ages in other countries because the voltage isn't as high.

Ron: I think in Europe it's like they're like 180 or something like that, mainly.

Ron: But I think in the US, it's like 120, so it takes, like, over twice as long to boil a cup of tea.

Laura: Jeez.

Laura: And they don't even really like tea.

Laura: They put it all in the harbour.

Ron: No, they wait for ages and then they go, oh, my God, that's disgusting.

Laura: That is pretty fascinating.

Ron: That's what we want to just know about that.

Ron: And then the last bit that we're going to do today is on the three core cable.

Ron: So most things that plug into the main thing have a three core cable.

Laura: Three core core cable.

Laura: Pardon?

Laura: What?

Ron: Do you know what the three cores of the cable are?

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Earth, live and neutral.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Do you know what colours each of those things are?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: The live one is red.

Laura: No.

Laura: Is it not one's brown?

Laura: No, it's brown, blue and green and yellow, isn't it?

Ron: Yeah, I think they used to be red, black and green and yellow, but.

Laura: Yeah, I think it's the because I rewired a plug recently, because the plug on our vacuum cleaner broke and so I cut the wire off and put.

Ron: A new it's the unintuitive way.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: That's what's messing with my head a bit, is the green and yellow is that the earth wire?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: And then the brown is live and blue is neutral.

Ron: Absolutely.

Ron: And do you know what those three things do?

Laura: I would guess that the brown has the electrons pumping through.

Ron: It carries the current.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Don't forget there's alternating current, so the electrons aren't flowing in, they're going back and forth.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Well, there's zizzing.

Laura: The earth wire must be a sort of safety feature, so that probably grounds it, so that if too much electricity floods through, it can take it somewhere safe.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So the earth wire stops whatever it is that you're using from becoming live itself.

Laura: Right.

Ron: So that if for some reason the live and the neutral went across whatever it is, that electricity will just go to ground rather than going through that.

Laura: I don't know what the neutral wire is doing, though.

Laura: See, this I like, because this is practical.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So that just completes the circuit.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: But it's neutral because obviously the potential difference is across whatever you're using.

Ron: So by the time the potential difference gets to the blue end, I think it's all been used up.

Ron: I think it doesn't matter.

Ron: It's not in the service.

Ron: I thought I really understood it and then I lost confidence as I was saying it.

Laura: That's how I felt just now, Ron, for the whole episode.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Because it says here the potential difference between the live wire and earth.

Ron: 0 volt is to about 230.

Ron: The neutral wire is at or close to earth potential.

Ron: The earth wires at 0 volt.

Ron: It only carries a current if there's fault.

Ron: But if it's going back and forth, how do they know that?

Laura: Because they're making it up as they go along.

Ron: Students should be able to explain that a live wire may be dangerous even when a switch in the main circuit is open.

Ron: Students should be able to explain the dangers of providing any connection between the live wire and earth.

Laura: You got electrocuted.

Laura: There you go.

Laura: That's the danger.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Spooky.

Laura: I'm making part of my plant.

Ron: I think that's quite enough fun for one day.

Laura: This doesn't really feel like physics.

Laura: I think electricity should be its own one.

Ron: Physics is a bit of a mixed bag.

Ron: It's garbage because sometimes it's just math and sometimes it's like, these are the wires and your plug.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: A physician is a doctor, though, isn't it?

Laura: Physicist is a physics person.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Okay, cool.

Laura: We're back.

Laura: We've had a little break.

Ron: We've had a long break, actually, for us.

Ron: Not that the lifto would have seamless.

Laura: We are seamless.

Laura: Bloody seamless.

Laura: Little Chander wizards.

Laura: We are no chunder wizards.

Laura: Wasn't nice, was it?

Laura: Even with a Chander wizard v.

Laura: Because that's how you cast spells, by just projectile vomiting.

Ron: It's nice.

Ron: That's what you think of our podcasts.

Laura: Oh, my God.

Laura: The other day in Minecraft, Tom found a witch's hut.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: The witches have never found a witch's hut before.

Ron: In the swamp.

Laura: Yeah, I think it was.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: And then he went to bed.

Laura: He killed her.

Laura: Went to bed in her bed and then woke up and another witch had appeared.

Ron: Interesting.

Laura: Two little witches living together.

Ron: Minecraft pushing its woke agenda.

Ron: Suppose they were just good friends.

Laura: I love that in history, where they're just like and these two ladies lived together and wrote lots of books about how they hated men.

Laura: And in one bedroom what?

Laura: Close friends they were.

Laura: Best friends.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Is it Chopin?

Ron: Where there's loads of letters between him and some other dude, but, like, basically just talking about how much they want to pork and then just confirmed bachelors for life.

Laura: I really enjoyed listening to It was your Dead to me the other day.

Laura: And there was a great episode about I think it's called Frederick the Great.

Laura: This is how much of the facts go in.

Laura: But he was just out as gay, and he was like the king of Germany or something.

Laura: Got none of the facts going in my brain, but, yeah, it was cool.

Laura: Fredrick anyway, a physics quiz, another podcast.

Ron: Frederick.

Ron: The great bit in Dan Carlin's pay attainment.

Ron: It was a very interesting bit about Frederick the Great, because Frederick the Great was the guy that he was trying to phase out the death penalty, but the public were still calling for public executions and stuff.

Ron: So what he did was he had the people killed before they were tortured, and then basically, the tortures would just torture a dead body in front of everyone.

Ron: And he was against inflicting pain as a punishment.

Ron: Interesting guy.

Laura: Do you think somebody had the job of, like, sitting under the scaffolding going, Ow.

Laura: Like, making the noises while they, like, twitched the corpse?

Laura: Oh, stop it, stop it.

Laura: That's rude.

Ron: I hope so.

Laura: Now I would like that job.

Ron: Oh, no, please stop beating on me.

Laura: Not my toenails.

Laura: Oh, this hurts.

Laura: Not my beautiful eyes.

Ron: I'm feeling all of the pain right now.

Laura: On a scale of one to ten, this is eleven.

Ron: If I wasn't going to die, I would never break the law again.

Ron: This is working.

Laura: What a deterrent.

Laura: Consider me deterrent.

Ron: Anyway, are you ready for a physics quiz?

Laura: I am, yes.

Ron: Can you remember what we were studying?

Laura: No.

Laura: And I'm also quite worried because I've made some notes.

Laura: It was physics.

Laura: Oh, it was electricity, wasn't it?

Laura: We played on the computer for a while.

Laura: Yeah, but I've torn out a page of my notebook, so I just hope that that wasn't more notes.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: I don't know.

Ron: There are six.

Ron: I reckon a page just fell out.

Laura: From an earlier episode where it says carbon atom.

Laura: Carbon atom.

Laura: Chadwick bozeman.

Laura: What do you think that meant?

Ron: I have no idea.

Laura: Swiss atoms, electrons, gloomy, gust.

Laura: Anyway, yeah, I remember we played with parallel circuit.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Maybe it's five marks.

Ron: Actually, the second one, I'm just going to give you a marks out of either one, two or three, depending on how I feel about what you answer.

Ron: Question one.

Ron: How do you calculate the total resistance of resistors in series?

Laura: You measure the you measure one of the things is it going to be current or volt?

Laura: You measure the voltage at the beginning and the end of the circuit.

Laura: Oh, no, that's a big shock.

Ron: This is just because I've just edited episode 15, which is where I introduced the concepts of potential difference and voltage, and you refuse to recognise I said that voltage is always the same across circuit.

Ron: If you plug it into the wall, it's always going to be the same, and then you just went, oh, so it's always 240 volts, and then refused.

Laura: To anyway, so you measure the current you measure the current at the beginning and the end of the circuit.

Ron: You know, the resistance of the resistors, it's just how do you work out the total resistance of the circuit?

Laura: Add them up.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: What mark?

Laura: I was going to say that as a joke answer.

Ron: No, when they're in series, you just add them up.

Laura: Well, I think that was a badly phased question, then, but I'll take the point.

Laura: You know what?

Ron: I'll give you an extra mark for trying to do it with their formula.

Laura: Yeah, that's what I was doing.

Laura: Wicked woohoo.

Laura: I'm already on 200% for this quiz.

Laura: Doof.

Laura: I've just done a yoga session.

Laura: I feel really good.

Ron: Very high energy for yoga.

Ron: Anyway, we've been tanked wrong about Prussians getting tortured to death.

Ron: We need to crack on.

Ron: What does the brown wire do?

Laura: Brown is the live wire.

Ron: And it does the current?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: It carries the out of the wall.

Laura: Into the light bulb.

Ron: Absolutely, yes.

Ron: Ding.

Ron: Excellent.

Ron: What is the unit of frequency?

Laura: Hertz.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Okay, final question.

Ron: This is the one that I'm going to give you marks based on how well I think you answer it.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: I'll use my best voice.

Ron: Why is the resistance of two resistors in parallel less than one of the resistors on its own?

Laura: Why is the resistance of two resistors.

Ron: In parallel less than the resistance of one of the resistors on its own?

Laura: Is it because the charge is split going round the circuit in different directions so there's less charge coming through it so they have less to resist?

Ron: No.

Laura: Okay, I'll try again.

Laura: Is it because the charge goes around the circuit and oh.

Ron: Ow.

Laura: It's resisting me.

Ron: It was good.

Ron: Nice call back, but thank you.

Laura: I don't know the answer to that one.

Laura: Ron.

Laura: I don't think we talked about we did.

Ron: We did.

Ron: It's because there's more routes for it to go, not because there's less current going through them.

Laura: Oh, but that's the same answer.

Laura: No, it is.

Ron: No, it's not.

Laura: But I still got four marks because I got that bonus.

Ron: Yeah, but this one was out of two.

Ron: Or maybe three, depending on how you answered it.

Laura: What would I have had to have said?

Laura: I've got three.

Ron: There's more sort of roots for the electrons.

Laura: I think, if you listen back.

Laura: I did say that.

Ron: Am I editing this one?

Laura: I don't know.

Laura: No, it's an even number.

Laura: That's me.

Ron: Well, not going to listen back, then.

Ron: Zero.

Laura: Fine.

Laura: All right.

Laura: Well, still not bad.

Ron: Like four out of five or six.

Laura: You weren't even counting, were you?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Two for the first one, one for the second one, one for the third one.

Ron: I was just adding it up.

Laura: Alright.

Ron: Physics.

Ron: Physics just always gets our backs up, even if we're just doing the quiz.

Laura: So there we go.

Laura: I'm going to do my best this week to sync up the sound to the electric videos so you can see if I can't get my head around that editing, then there might just be some silent videos watching batteries, but into flame.

Laura: Gifts.

Ron: Make some gifts.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Aren't we modern?

Laura: No.

Laura: I've put a link as well to the website that we were playing with there, Colorado.edu.

Laura: So you can have a play with that yourself if you want to, or if that is a good learning tool, if you yourself are revising GCSEs.

Laura: Not much outgoing announcement wise.

Laura: We've got something like six hats left, I think.

Laura: There's only two.

Laura: Bobble hats are gone.

Laura: We've got two.

Laura: Don't just say stuff hats and I think four or five down hats.

Laura: So go grab those if you want them.

Laura: Listen, I have looked into this week whether or not we can make little bunts and notepads at the moment it's looking a bit unaffordable, because in the numbers that we'd be ordering them, I think they'd end up being about £20 each, plus postage in packaging, which I just think is silly.

Laura: So I think it might be worth holding out until more people want them and then we can order more and it massively brings down the cost.

Laura: So if you would want one, you don't have to commit to anything, but just give us a little wave somehow and then we know what we're playing with rather than trying to guess so that we're not massively out of pocket.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Anything else, Ron?

Ron: So I did want to say that we're a big fan of a seasonal podcast, education Headquarters.

Ron: Very soon you'll be hearing the Halloween episode, which makes me happier than I've ever been.

Ron: And we've been discussing a lot on what to do for a Christmas episode.

Ron: My favourite idea currently is just watch the first hour of a movie, because that's what you had to do at school and watch your classes.

Ron: So if that sounds funny, I'm very interested to hear what movies everyone else watched in these classes.

Ron: Because for us, in my classes, it was always just whatever DVD the teacher could grab before they walked out.

Laura: For me, it was always Mr Bean.

Ron: I could watch a couple of episodes of Mr Bean.

Laura: I love Mr Bean.

Laura: Nothing makes Mr.

Laura: Bean.

Laura: And you've been framed.

Laura: Honestly, some of my favourite watching experiences in the Hard world, the ones that.

Ron: I remember, I once watched Avatar, but just the first hour of that three hour extravaganza.

Ron: And then once we watched the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas jeez.

Laura: Do you think the teacher then watched the next hour with the next and then the final hour, or do you think they just watched the first hour three times?

Ron: Oh, I think they stared out of the window.

Laura: Well, we could do that.

Laura: Or not to spoil other Halloween episode, we've kept that sciencey.

Laura: Perhaps we could do a science episode.

Laura: Like how could you get a reindeer to fly?

Ron: Let us know your thoughts, business.

Ron: We're open to it.

Ron: I'm sorry, I didn't know how to react to that.

Ron: That's not f****** science, Laura.

Ron: That's magic.

Ron: It's not a science.

Ron: Rain is compLexx.

Ron: Put it in a plane.

Ron: Do you want me to just explain?

Ron: I'm not going to work things out.

Ron: No, we're not here.

Laura: We'll watch a film.

Laura: Okay, all right, listen, anyway, we love you and we'll be back next week with biology.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Over to you, Ron.

Ron: If you want to get in touch with us, just Google.

Ron: There's nothing else called Lexx education.

Ron: You'll find it if you listen to this, you already know where we are.

Ron: Tara, glassesmith.

Laura: There we go.

Laura: That's all I wanted.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Love you.

Laura: Bye.

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