Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday, 10 October 2022

Intermolecular Force To Be Reckoned With

 Laura: Hello and welcome to another episode of Lexx Education, the comedy science podcast, where comedian me, Laura Lexx tries to learn science from her nerdy younger brother, Ron.

Ron: Hello, I'm Ron.

Laura: Hi, Ron.

Ron: Hello, how are you doing?

Laura: I'm very tired.

Laura: Yeah, yeah, I've had a long week.

Ron: Burning the midnight oil.

Laura: Yeah, well, I did Mock the Week last week and I was very happy to be on.

Laura: I know, I'm so fancy.

Laura: But as listeners to this podcast know, I'm not necessarily the most, like, aware person.

Laura: So I have to do so much research to go on that show.

Laura: And even with I spend days reading and then I sit there and somebody clever comes out with something.

Laura: Oh, and did you know that John Mcgillamy has done this with this protocol?

Laura: And I'm like, oh, no, I just end up anyway.

Laura: So, yeah, I'm quite stressed from having done all of that.

Laura: And lots on, but happy.

Laura: Sweet.

Ron: I'm tired as well.

Ron: I was sorry for not being here last week.

Laura: Oh, yeah, ron, you need to grovel at the listeners feet, the feet of their ears, the earlobes.

Laura: Grovel at their earlobes.

Ron: Well, I won't do that, but I am sorry.

Ron: I had a chest infection, so we didn't record.

Ron: And then I neglected to tell Laura that I was going to be in Hamburg for the weekend.

Laura: Yeah, he literally I got text message room going, oh, can you do intros like now?

Laura: And I was like, not really.

Laura: I'm out walking backy, but as soon as I get back, we can he was like, no, I'm leaving in an hour and I've got to do an interview in that hour.

Laura: So it was literally, can you do it in the next three minutes or it can't be done?

Laura: I was like, well, no, then go to Hamburg, you stupid loser.

Ron: I had a great time in Hamburg.

Laura: Yeah, I bet you f****** did.

Laura: I was here slaving over a hot hat factory.

Ron: We got absolutely gumboed by Deutsche Barn, though, the German railway company.

Ron: So you might have seen in the news that Germany was doing these, like, nine euro tickets and you could basically go all the way across the country.

Ron: So me and my mate Jersey, we planned this trip a couple of months ago and we look at trade prices and we're like, wow, that's super reasonable.

Ron: This trip is not going to be that expensive at all.

Ron: They stopped doing the nine euro tickets in between.

Ron: We didn't get into a ticket time.

Ron: Oh, no.

Ron: Because they just stopped doing them.

Ron: So we were just checking.

Ron: We were like, how much does it cost to get from A to B?

Ron: We weren't necessarily searching for October, if that makes sense.

Laura: Wrong.

Ron: Yeah, it's such a problem.

Laura: Anyway, listen, thank you so much for all of your hat photos.

Laura: We've been very much enjoying seeing the hats out in the wild.

Laura: It's been great.

Laura: Thank you for ordering so many of them.

Laura: I couldn't believe it.

Laura: I set them live at 01:00 A.m.

Laura: When the episode went out, and then sort of woke up in the morning and we'd sold over half of them already.

Laura: We do have a couple of the baseball caps left, so if you're like oh, I missed out.

Laura: There's a couple left, not loads.

Laura: There's like four of one, I think, and five of the other, but you can still pop to my coffee page and get them.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: No bobble hats, though.

Ron: Everyone else has to be called.

Laura: I feel guilty because I did buy myself a bubble hat so that I have got one.

Ron: That's fine.

Laura: But now I feel like I should put it on sale.

Ron: No, we'll do another run if yeah.

Laura: We need to, because I absolutely botched how much posting was going to cost.

Laura: So he lost quite a lot of money.

Ron: Oh, no.

Laura: We'll discuss this off air in a good way.

Laura: Thank you.

Laura: Also to Tom on Instagram, who messaged to say he loves the podcast, said it's the highlight of his week, which just makes us you have no idea how much we love that.

Laura: Thank you.

Laura: And said that because they don't use itunes, couldn't do a review.

Laura: So have been spreading the word in other podcast fan groups to kind of get people, you know, oh, if you like this podcast, hey, try this new one.

Laura: So we're so grateful for that.

Laura: Thank you.

Laura: And thank you to the people who've left.

Laura: New reviews.

Laura: The numbers of Spotify reviews are creeping up and so are the Apple reviews.

Laura: And we're so grateful because it really is making a difference.

Laura: We're seeing the increase in numbers and it's really quite steady and up, isn't it?

Laura: It's so exciting.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And we need constant appraisal.

Laura: Not appraisal, because that could be negative, but approval we do.

Laura: We hope you like your lab rat as well.

Laura: I just posted it.

Laura: We're recording this on Friday.

Laura: I just posted it live, so yeah, matthew Grant of Noise Next Door fame.

Laura: I know there's a colon Noise Next Door fans that listen to this.

Laura: He did all of our illustrations for us and I said, look, can we get an image to sum up the listenership in a small laboratory rat?

Laura: And that's what you came up with.

Laura: So that's you.

Laura: Thank you very much.

Ron: What should we call the lab rat?

Laura: The lab rat?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: But we could call him like, Bunsen or something.

Laura: I love that.

Laura: My heart spoke Bunsen.

Ron: The labyrinth.

Laura: Yay.

Laura: We should add to the labyrinths over the years.

Ron: Well, we could sell the lab rats of NFTs and let the listeners customise them and pay us bitcoins.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Do you know, I've got some cryptocurrency, Ron.

Laura: Oh, no, I don't really know what it is.

Ron: It's a 21st century f****** Ponzi scheme.

Laura: Yeah, I've got some.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: The trouble is, though, I don't know how to get to exchange this in a wallet.

Laura: On the World Wide Web in London.

Ron: They have bitcoin ATMs, she couldn't get it out.

Laura: But what do I put in?

Laura: Just hello, I'm Laura.

Ron: I should have a wallet.

Laura: I don't have bitcoin, I have near protocol.

Ron: I don't know.

Laura: No.

Laura: Neither do I.

Laura: Anyway, listen, it's not important.

Laura: We're doing atomic bonds today.

Laura: Have fun and we'll see you afterwards.

Laura: Alright.

Laura: Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hello.

Ron: Sorry, I was scratching my nose.

Laura: I'll do it again.

Laura: Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hello.

Ron: I'm not scratching my nose.

Laura: Well, now I have to leave that weird first one in.

Laura: Okay, 17th lesson today.

Laura: Ron, what is up with you hopping and doing weird stuff?

Laura: You haven't got COVID.

Ron: I had COVID.

Laura: Yeah, ages ago.

Laura: Shut up.

Ron: Are you okay?

Laura: Yeah, sorry, I just got an email.

Laura: That was annoying.

Laura: Let's just start this call again, shall we?

Laura: Hello?

Laura: Ron?

Ron: Hello.

Ron: I'm not scratching my nose or checking my emails.

Laura: Oh, God.

Laura: Hello.

Laura: 17th episode today.

Laura: Chemistry.

Ron: It is chemistry, yeah.

Laura: All right.

Ron: Can you remember what we were doing in the last chemistry episode?

Laura: No.

Laura: Ron no.

Laura: Why do we always have to start with a negative assume?

Laura: I don't remember.

Laura: Oh, bonds.

Laura: Bondage.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: We were doing bonding.

Ron: Bonding structure.

Ron: And the property of matter is the wider thing that we're doing at the moment and we're carrying on with that.

Ron: Last time we went through different types of atomic bonds.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: I think you've got on quite well with it.

Laura: Yeah, I'm pretty smart about most things, though.

Ron: I think this is going to be an interesting episode because you're often saying stuff like, this is too small, why does any of this matter?

Ron: Who cares?

Laura: That does sound like me.

Ron: I think this is going to be a good episode for kind of bridging the gap in between the small and things that actually affect your life.

Laura: All right, I'm intrigued.

Laura: Although you did send me a picture earlier and called it Figure A, and I don't have a good history with the episodes that require figures.

Ron: No, you're dumb about graphs, but that's okay.

Ron: There's not a graph, it's a picture.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Do you know what the three states of matter are?

Laura: Ohio, Idaho and Arkansas.

Ron: Interesting selection.

Ron: Not some of the big hitters when.

Laura: It comes to the no, that's fair.

Laura: Do you know what actually, Ron, weirdly?

Laura: I was at Techniques this weekend with my little nephew and I didn't tell you about this at the time because I thought I'd do it as a surprise, but I recorded myself playing with some of the exhibits.

Laura: It's a science museum in Cardiff for children.

Laura: But I recorded myself playing with some of the exhibits for questions and I played with one about matter.

Laura: So I think it's solid, liquid and gas.

Ron: It is, yeah.

Ron: Also, the three things labelled in Figure A that I sent you.

Laura: Oh, I didn't look at it.

Laura: I don't want to look at it too early and get crossed too early.

Ron: No, fair enough.

Ron: You're on your phone.

Ron: Are you about to play something, or are you just scrolling around?

Laura: I was looking at the videos of me at Techniquest.

Laura: Now I'm just deleting things.

Laura: Do you want to see a really cute picture of producer nephew and dad?

Ron: Yes, that is cute.

Laura: Okay, so solid, liquid and metal.

Laura: Gas.

Laura: Solid, liquid and gas.

Ron: Liquids and metals.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Solid liquids and metals.

Ron: In your head.

Ron: What's the difference between these things?

Laura: Oh, God, this is so stupid.

Laura: One is solid, one is liquid, and one is gas.

Laura: That's the difference.

Laura: One's wet, one's hard, and one's not really a thing.

Ron: But in terms of the structure of what's making it up, scientists, let's take water as an example.

Ron: What do you think is happening when water freezes?

Laura: It's cold.

Ron: That's an adjective.

Ron: But what do you think is happening?

Laura: It's freezing.

Laura: It's going all stiff.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: It's like rigour mortis for water.

Laura: Rigour water.

Ron: All right.

Ron: That's not a rich well for conversation.

Laura: It's something to do with this does ring some bells from school days and also from being a technical weekend where I played with a thing and learned about this.

Laura: It's about applying energy to the molecules.

Laura: So the more energy they have, the more moving about all the things that make the thing do.

Laura: So if they've not got loads of energy, they're probably a solid, and then you give them more energy, and they will start wiggling, and they become a liquid because they move away from each other and just whoa.

Laura: Get all jibbly.

Laura: And then if you keep applying it, they gave them further away and just bouncing around all over the place.

Laura: And then they're a gas.

Ron: Kindly.

Ron: Yeah, pretty much.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: See?

Laura: Do you know these thank you technique?

Ron: Okay, we're going to discuss the different types of matter, and we're going to use particle theory while we do it.

Ron: A bit of terminology.

Ron: Melting and freezing are obviously the opposite of each other.

Ron: Right.

Ron: Same with boiling and condensation.

Ron: That is the right.

Laura: Melting is opposite to freezing and then boiling and condensing.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: They're the opposite of each other.

Ron: So that means that the melting point of a substance is the same as the freezing point.

Ron: They're the same temperature.

Ron: And same with the boiling point and the condensation point.

Ron: What, so the melting, it melts and.

Laura: Freezes at the same temperature?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: No.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: How can you do both at one temperature?

Ron: Well, if you think about it, zero degrees is simultaneously the temperature that ice melts, but that water freezes.

Laura: Oh.

Ron: And then 100 degrees.

Ron: Same with steam.

Laura: Is ice really a thing then, or is it just frozen water?

Ron: Those things are not mutually exclusive.

Ron: Yes to both.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Every day is a scary day.

Laura: Can you mount a rock?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Lava.

Laura: Whoa.

Ron: You say something.

Ron: I'll tell you, if you can melt.

Laura: It, you can melt everything.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Wood.

Laura: You can't melt wood.

Ron: You can melt wood.

Laura: You can't melt wood.

Ron: You could.

Laura: No, you can't.

Ron: You could.

Laura: You can't melt wood if you had.

Ron: It in an oxygenless environment so it wouldn't burn.

Ron: Eventually it would melt liquid wood, probably, and probably separate out into the different stuff it's made out of first, because woods may I know this is a point of contention, but wood is a substance that you know but there is no, like, wood atom.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Wood isn't real.

Laura: It's like fire.

Ron: Again.

Ron: No, but this in my list of.

Laura: Things that aren't real, anything that's not on the periodic table isn't real.

Ron: But then you know some of the carbon isn't.

Laura: It wood.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And you could melt carbon.

Laura: No.

Ron: No, you can.

Laura: What's liquid carbon, then?

Ron: It's that it's liquid carbon.

Laura: It doesn't have a name like water.

Ron: No.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: We could call it something if you want.

Laura: You can't melt wood, though.

Ron: I think, theoretically, you could sound off.

Laura: In the comments if you've ever melted some wood.

Ron: Anyway, so a solid is when all of these particles are imagine that just a tree melted.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: That's some darling, like a salad or darling picture.

Laura: Whoa.

Ron: You can melt a clock.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: That's plastic.

Laura: And plastic melts.

Ron: Sometimes it's metal.

Ron: Anyway.

Ron: That's boring.

Ron: A solid is when all the particles of substance are packed in tightly together.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: And when they're in that solid form, they're going to form bonds with each other.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Like being in the army.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Or like when you're on a bus.

Laura: You don't form bonds with other passengers on a bus.

Ron: You might if it's a school bus.

Laura: No.

Laura: When you get on the bus, you already know everyone you should talk to on that bus.

Laura: And if you start talking to people you don't know when you're on the bus, you're a creep.

Laura: Stop it.

Laura: So you get on the bus and you leave the bus with all the friends we're ever going to have on that bus.

Laura: That pigeon at your house or my house?

Ron: My house.

Laura: That is so lost.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: I think it's well close to the window.

Laura: Hey, belgian pigeon.

Laura: Belgian and pigeon.

Ron: Right?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: So when they're in a solid, they are going to form bonds with each other.

Ron: We covered some of these bonds last time.

Laura: Ionic bonds.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Remember the lattice?

Ron: You didn't like that?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: And then metallic bonds, in some cases, covalent bonds as well, are going to help you form a solid.

Laura: Yup.

Ron: We're going to run through the different types of solids in a bit more detail in a second.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: There are also intermolecular forces.

Laura: Intermolecular forces.

Ron: I'm trying to see where Oliver got the I am a rope on me.

Laura: Intermolecular forces.

Laura: I am an inter molecular force to be reckoned with.

Ron: What are you looking at?

Ron: Are you on your phone again?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Because you're just doing the introduction bit and there's nothing to talk about.

Ron: Sit down for me.

Laura: No, I'm bored.

Laura: I'm joining in.

Ron: Being disruptive.

Laura: That's not being disruptive.

Ron: You are.

Laura: I'm agreeing with you anyway.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Put your phone down.

Laura: Well, how can I look at figura.

Ron: If I put my never ask you to look at Figura.

Ron: Put your phone down so I could.

Laura: Get up on the WhatsApp?

Laura: Web on my desktop.

Laura: Have you thought about your windows yet?

Laura: Are you still hot?

Ron: Yeah, we got a fan thing.

Laura: The fan is just going to move hot air round your flat, breath, get the windows open.

Ron: It is open.

Laura: Breeze.

Laura: You need two windows open in your flat.

Ron: We do that sometimes for, like, five minutes at a time.

Laura: You should be able to do that all the time.

Laura: Ron, you live in the future.

Ron: I know, but got this cat.

Laura: Just get a net for the window.

Ron: Just catch the cat and a net every time we want to open the.

Laura: Wind, get, like, a real baggy net over the window that she can't jump through.

Laura: Boom.

Laura: Bob's your uncle.

Ron: Stop talking.

Ron: Stop distracting me so that we don't talk about the subject.

Ron: When you have a molecular substance, something like water, what was molecular covalent bonds.

Laura: What's covalent for?

Ron: It's when nonmetals bind together.

Laura: Oh, the ones where the atoms get friendly, not charge, hooking up.

Laura: Atoms, linking up.

Ron: The electrons form pairs in between them and they share that atoms.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And they form the molecules that make everything a lot of stuff.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Carry on.

Laura: I'll just stop asking questions.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So where there's a molecular substance made of small molecules, there will be intermolecular forces that will keep them together when they freeze into a solid.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: No, I'm sorry.

Laura: I sang over what you said.

Laura: What was it?

Laura: Molecular substances make intermolecular forces yeah.

Ron: Between them when they freeze as they're solid.

Ron: Because do you remember, like, ten minutes ago when I started this sentence?

Ron: I was saying that when solids, when the particles are packed in together, they'll form bonds with each other?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: And then when they're molecules, there will be intermolecular forces in between the different molecules.

Ron: So they are not forming covalent bonds.

Ron: The different molecules together, when they form a solid, there are different forces that are holding them together.

Laura: So what is wood, then?

Laura: What's holding a wood together?

Ron: Wood will be a big collection of.

Laura: Molecules, but they're not covalent, even though they're non metals.

Laura: Bonded.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Molecules next to each other, but not bonded.

Ron: Some of them will be some of them will be polymers that are going to be big, but not all of them.

Laura: Well, polymer meant plastic.

Ron: A lot of plastics are polymers, but polymer does not necessarily mean plastic.

Laura: Is that metal in trees?

Ron: Some.

Laura: So there could be ionic bonds.

Ron: There will be some ionic.

Laura: I just feel like every time you teach me something, you're like, this is how everything bonds.

Laura: And then the next week we do it.

Laura: You're like, so they're just next to each other, but they're not bonded this way.

Laura: They're just bonded.

Ron: Hold on.

Ron: No, because those molecules themselves still have covalent bonds within them.

Ron: Let's think about water.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Oh, yeah.

Laura: Molecule is different to an atom.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: This is between the molecules, not the atoms.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Molecule is the wrong word for a molecule.

Laura: It needs to be called like a biatum or a triadom or like an atom collective or something.

Ron: No.

Laura: Yes, because molecule just doesn't mean anything.

Ron: Neither does try atom.

Laura: But it does.

Laura: It means, like, three atoms.

Ron: But then you'd have to know how many atoms were in each molecule.

Laura: No, not necessarily, because you just know if it was bi, try cry, whatever four is, you'd know what that meant.

Ron: It would go up to four.

Laura: Oh, just it needs a better way.

Laura: The molecule a multiatum, then.

Ron: But the molecules have molecular bonds.

Ron: It makes sense.

Ron: A multiatum.

Ron: That's confusing.

Ron: That makes it seem like molecules are a special, more like atomic substance.

Ron: There are multiple atoms in ionic substances or metals.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So what I've been building up to here is that when you melt a solid, these bonds that in between the particles, when they're packed together as a solid, you need to break those bonds.

Ron: So the stronger those bonds are, the more energy it takes to break them.

Ron: Therefore, the higher melting, freezing point that substance has.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yep.

Ron: Okay, that makes sense.

Laura: Yep.

Ron: Cool.

Laura: Determines how strong those bonds are.

Ron: The nature of the particles determines what the bonds are and how strong they are.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: What's the particle like an atom or a molecule?

Ron: Essentially, in this, we'll run through them, but it is just the properties of those particles that determine it.

Ron: And if it's an ionic substance, there's going to be ionic bonds that has a certain characteristic to it.

Ron: If it's a metal, there's going to be metallic bonds that's going to have a certain characteristic.

Ron: If it's a molecule, that's going to be different again.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Cool beans.

Ron: Cool.

Ron: So the first one that we are going to look at is ionic compounds.

Ron: You remember what structure ionic solids form.

Laura: Squares.

Ron: What's that called?

Ron: You didn't like it?

Laura: Lattices.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: It's got a giant ionic lattice, I think they call it one is some big old substance.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Giant ionic lattices.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: So ionic bonds are quite strong, especially when you have so many atoms like that.

Ron: So ionic compounds tend to have quite high melting and boiling points.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Ionic compounds.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So, for example, if you wanted to melt some table salt, that would take a very high temperature to do.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Because they are in cubes.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: The boiling point that's the boiling point.

Ron: The boiling point of salt is about 1500 degrees Celsius.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: So because it's a lattice, that's lots of connections, strong bonds, lots of energy to break them.

Ron: Yes, that makes sense.

Ron: Right?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Cool beans.

Ron: The other thing they want you to know about ionic compounds because we're moving away from just talking about the melting and boiling and stuff into just the properties of these different things.

Ron: Sorry, I probably should have said that.

Laura: Well, I was still writing down the.

Ron: Last thing I was just saying that we're moving away from just talking about things melting and boiling into just the properties of these different types of things.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: So the other thing that I want you to know about ionic compounds is that if you dissolve them in water, you can then conduct electricity across that water.

Laura: Wait, what's that got to do with anything?

Ron: We're just talking about ionic compounds now.

Laura: Why?

Laura: I don't know what an ionic compound is.

Ron: Yes, you do.

Ron: You do, you do.

Laura: You do.

Ron: It's like salt.

Ron: Just think about salt.

Ron: It even says in the syllabus that salt is the only one that you need to worry yourself with.

Laura: So salt water is electric?

Ron: It's conductive, yes.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Could you have that a guess as to why?

Laura: I largely don't care why stopping so rude while I'm thinking.

Laura: I thought things were electric because they were socialists with the ow.

Laura: I thought things were electric because they crowdsourced their electrons.

Ron: In a sense, yeah, that's why metal is conductive.

Ron: But what property is it of the electrons that allows that to happen?

Laura: Charge.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So ions are.

Laura: Charged.

Ron: Makes sense, right?

Laura: Why are they charged?

Laura: Oh, Lord.

Laura: I feel like I'm in a swamp.

Laura: What's happening?

Laura: Feel like you're looking at me like this should be so obvious.

Laura: I'm sitting here like, what is going on?

Ron: Do you remember what ions are?

Laura: No.

Laura: I thought if you want molecules you.

Ron: Know how before we even started this project, we had a conversation about what we would do when we got all the way through the cylinders?

Ron: I honestly think we could just f****** start again and then just do the same content again.

Laura: I honestly said I honestly yeah.

Ron: It's like painting this epic bridge.

Laura: I honestly thought I'd be better at it than this.

Laura: That's what's dawning on me as we get further along this project, is that I thought I'd have to play up being really stupid to make it interesting, but it's all so stupid anyway that none of it makes sense.

Laura: I don't know what an ion is.

Laura: An iron is electric.

Laura: Electric bonds.

Ron: No, you just made that up.

Laura: No, I remember that being a thing I've said before.

Laura: Something about you.

Laura: I have you go back and listen.

Ron: I f****** have no, not electric bonds.

Ron: Ionic bonds is what it's called.

Laura: Isn'T it?

Laura: Ionic what are we even trying to do here?

Laura: What's the point of today's lesson?

Ron: We're learning about the properties of different materials.

Laura: But what is salt?

Laura: Is that the material we're learning about?

Ron: We're learning about ionic compounds, of which table salt is one that you come into four or five times a day.

Laura: Yeah, you're lucky.

Laura: Twelve to 15.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Number of ulcers I've got from doing this.

Laura: Don't really get mouthful.

Laura: So something stressed?

Ron: I don't know.

Laura: So what am I supposed to be doing?

Laura: I don't understand.

Laura: Did you ask me a question?

Ron: I asked you what an ion is.

Laura: I don't know.

Laura: On assault.

Ron: An ion is when an atom has either too many or too few electrons, and therefore it is charged.

Laura: When you no, we've never talked about that.

Ron: We have.

Ron: Many times.

Laura: No way.

Laura: Do you not remember what happens to them?

Ron: Sodium on its own, one electron in its outer ring.

Ron: What happens when it meets a chlorine?

Ron: As one SCAP for an electron in its outer ring, it gives its electron to the chlorine.

Ron: They then form sodium chloride, aka.

Ron: Table salt.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: That's an ionic compound.

Laura: I thought that was a molecule.

Ron: Not no, I just slapped my table.

Laura: Into disgusting well, I punched my table earlier and my finger hurts.

Laura: And you didn't say are you okay?

Ron: No.

Ron: An ionic compound, the sodium, gives its electron to the chlorine.

Ron: Then it becomes a sodium plus ion.

Ron: The chlorine is then a chlorine minus ion because it has too many electrons.

Ron: One is positively charged.

Ron: One is negatively charged.

Ron: So they are then attracted to each other.

Laura: So it's not just the electrons that are attracted to each other.

Laura: It's the whole atom.

Ron: It's the whole ion.

Laura: But an ion just means an atom.

Ron: No, an ion is an atom that has too many or too few electrons.

Laura: Right.

Laura: Need to write that down.

Laura: An ion.

Laura: Okay, I've got that now.

Laura: So what are we doing?

Ron: When you dissolve an ionic compound in.

Laura: Water what's a compound?

Ron: A mixture of stuff.

Laura: A molecule?

Ron: No, a molecule is when something is covalently bonded together.

Laura: What's covalent again?

Ron: It's when they share the pair of electrons in between them so nobody loses.

Laura: One but the pair.

Laura: Okay, start again.

Ron: When you dissolve and I honestly, yesterday.

Laura: I listed us on the science podcast, on Apple podcast, and I think I need to get back again and take.

Ron: That out of those children's podcasts.

Ron: When you dissolve an ionic compound in water, that water can then conduct an electric current.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Can you think why that might be?

Ron: That was the question.

Ron: That's how we got here.

Laura: Because it got given two sticks and put in front of the electric orchestra.

Ron: We're way past jokes, Laura.

Laura: You do lacrosse.

Laura: Well, because they're charged.

Laura: Because ions have a charge.

Ron: Okay, so the positively charged sodium ion in our salt analogy is going to go towards the negative electrode, isn't it?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: And the negatively charged chlorine stop using that tone, please.

Ron: Can you retain some information?

Laura: Trying.

Ron: You are trying.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: The negatively charged chloride ion is going to go towards the positive anode sorry.

Ron: Positive electrode, right?

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: The chlorine only if those nodes are more attractive than they were ready to each other.

Ron: What?

Laura: Well, the sodium and the chloride were attracted to each other.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: It has to overpower that connection.

Laura: Basically a sexy little stick.

Ron: But the chloride ion has an extra electron, right?

Laura: No.

Ron: Yes, it does.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Why would I have said that if it didn't?

Laura: Because sometimes you ask me questions.

Ron: Yeah, but I never ask you trick questions.

Laura: Yes, you do.

Ron: Only in the quiz.

Ron: Anyway.

Ron: Shut up.

Ron: So the chloride ion goes through the.

Laura: Positive electronic chloride, not chlorine.

Ron: That's just what it's called when it's an ion.

Ron: Okay, we've been through this as well.

Laura: I see.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: All of this is like these episodes are just going to come increasingly like clip shows from our previous.

Ron: So the chloride ion has an extra electron.

Ron: When it gets to the positive electrode, it gives that electron to the electrode.

Ron: Therefore that is the electric current going across a flow of electrons, a flow of charge.

Laura: Then does it give them back to the sodiums on the other side?

Ron: No.

Laura: Why not?

Ron: Wait, it might, actually, because what happens when you do this is that you get chemical reactions at each of the electrodes.

Ron: So when you do this with just table salt in there, you get chlorine gas coming off the positive electrode and you get hydrogen gas coming off of the negative one.

Laura: That sounds very dangerous.

Ron: Yeah, it's not pleasant.

Ron: That's just it.

Ron: Can you hold in your head that when you dissolve an ionic compound in water, it conducts electricity?

Laura: I already said yes to that about 15 minutes ago.

Ron: Alright, cool.

Ron: We're going to move on now to small molecules.

Ron: All right.

Laura: Small molecules.

Ron: Do you know what a molecule is?

Laura: No, not really.

Laura: It's two atoms.

Ron: No, it can be hundreds and thousands of atoms.

Laura: It's some atoms.

Ron: It's when they're covalently bonded together.

Ron: Covalent is when they share a pair of electrons.

Ron: Share a pair of electrons.

Laura: Covalent like codependent.

Laura: Yes, codependent atoms is a molecule.

Laura: I don't think we need the word molecule.

Laura: I think we should just call them covalently bonded atoms.

Ron: That's longer.

Laura: Yeah, but it says what it is.

Ron: So does molecule.

Ron: If you can just remember a definition.

Laura: Because it doesn't mean anything.

Laura: Molecule.

Ron: This is like in 1984 where they're just like, oh, let's eliminate all of these words that we don't need.

Laura: Yeah, good on them.

Laura: Well done.

Laura: Great idea you've had there, George, orwell I'm in support.

Ron: So we're going to talk about small molecular compounds at the moment.

Laura: Okay, sure.

Ron: So this is things like water, alcohol, methane, stuff like this.

Ron: Small molecules.

Ron: Water is only three atoms in a molecule.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: These things tend to have very low boiling or melting points because intermolecular forces are relatively weak.

Laura: Intermolecular forces?

Laura: You can say that without wanting to sing it.

Ron: I truly can.

Ron: When water freezes, water is H 20.

Ron: Right.

Ron: A hydrogen atom covalently bonded to an oxygen atom.

Ron: Covalently bonded to another hydrogen atom.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: HOH.

Ron: When that's?

Laura: You can't get out now you've signed a.

Ron: Contract when that freezes?

Laura: It doesn't.

Laura: When?

Ron: No.

Ron: When that freezes, it does not form covalent bonds in between the different water molecules.

Ron: Okay?

Laura: Why not?

Ron: Because there's no more electrons for them to share.

Laura: What do you mean?

Laura: What?

Ron: I'm not doing the whole go back and listen to the episode.

Ron: Go back and listen to our last chemistry episode.

Laura: No, I understand what you mean.

Laura: The molecules don't Covail to another molecule.

Ron: No.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: There are other forces in between the molecules.

Laura: There are other forces at work here, young Padawan.

Ron: Exactly.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Okay, so these molecules don't Covail to each other.

Ron: Do you have any interest in learning about the courses between these molecules?

Ron: It's not in the syllabus, but I do know it.

Laura: You tell the listeners and I'll just finish writing up what we've already covered.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: Water molecules have fairly strong dipoles between them because oxygen diapers dipoles.

Laura: Dipoles because why put you down the word frustrating?

Laura: It's other frustrating.

Laura: Were you saying the word frustrating?

Ron: No, it might have been beaming it out of my head.

Ron: Oxygen molecules have fairly strong dipoles because oxygen is basically it's a stronger, attractive force than a hydrogen atom.

Ron: So it pulls the pair of electrons that are in between them closer towards the oxygen and gives that end of the molecule a vague negative charge.

Ron: And therefore the molecule itself is a little bit charged on one side and not on the other.

Ron: Lots of molecules have this, and then it affects the boiling point of those molecules.

Ron: The other thing that they can get is something called van devalves forces, which is basically all of the electrons are just zipping around the molecule at all times.

Ron: Sometimes they just happen to all go to one side, or a majority of them goes to one side.

Ron: This will give the molecule an instantaneous kind of charge on one end of it, and then they'll form very weak bonds together.

Ron: I'm done.

Laura: Hello.

Laura: I'm back.

Laura: Molecules, hand up if you missed me.

Laura: Everybody's got their hands up?

Ron: Molecules, when you dissolve them water, they don't conduct electricity.

Ron: Sorry for burping.

Ron: I need a carrot.

Ron: Molecules don't conduct electricity in water.

Ron: Oh, God.

Ron: Bird again.

Ron: Sorry, I'm going to say it again so we can cut that up.

Ron: Molecules don't have an overall charge, so they don't conduct electricity when dissolved in water.

Laura: OK.

Ron: Okay, cool.

Ron: Right.

Laura: So if I you know, like when people electrocute themselves in films by putting a toaster in the bath, it's fine as long as it's not salt water.

Ron: No.

Laura: Why?

Ron: There's just kind of always stuff in water.

Ron: It's very hard to get pure water.

Ron: Also, I think depending on how I might be wrong on this, but I think depending on how strongly also.

Laura: You can't see Ron, but he's like, he's got his hands on his face and then just each index finger is covering up an eyebrow and his eyes are getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

Laura: The longer we record for.

Laura: He looks really sad.

Ron: Sometimes I do this from stress.

Laura: Why?

Laura: Is stressed wrong?

Laura: I've made a page of notes, something.

Ron: That I don't really want to get into with you, but is that no, we should.

Ron: Water doesn't always exist just as H to O.

Ron: Sometimes it's kind of going through a cycle of forming that, but then also breaking up into oh minus and H plus.

Ron: What does that mean?

Ron: Oh minus, like an oxygen and a hydrogen ion that's got a negative charge and then an H plus and that will conduct electricity.

Laura: Why is it doing that?

Ron: It just does.

Ron: Don't worry about it.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: Don't worry about it.

Laura: I am worried now.

Ron: We're going to talk about polymers now.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Plastics.

Ron: Plastics are polymers.

Ron: Not all polymers are plastics.

Laura: All polymers matter.

Ron: Polymers are very large molecular substances.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Largely bonded atomic subject substances.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So the intermolecular forces between intermolecular forces are relatively strong, especially compared to small molecules, so they have higher melting and boiling temperatures than small molecules.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: And when they get really big, the physical shape of them starts playing.

Ron: I think it's like correct that oil, the different fractions of oil is just different lengths of hydrocarbon chains, like different length polymers.

Ron: And the longer they get the reason why those have much higher boiling temperatures is because they are literally, like, tangled in together, and then they can't boil off the top because they're kind of knotted up and stuff.

Ron: The next one we're going to cover is giant covalent structures.

Laura: Shall I write that down?

Laura: Really big?

Ron: Yes.

Ron: I think that should be its own page.

Ron: Can you think of any giant covalent structures that we've named before Laura?

Laura: No.

Ron: So this is things where diamonds exactly.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: It's a thing where it is a molecular substance, but then the molecule doesn't close off it tessellates.

Ron: So, yeah, that's things like diamond graphite is another one.

Laura: Mainly carbon, then.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Because carbon forms four covalent bonds, doesn't it?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Essentially just doing two different podcasts simultaneously.

Ron: Now, do you think a giant covalent structure, Laura, would have a high or a low melting point?

Laura: A very high.

Ron: Why?

Laura: Because very lots of bonds in an organised fashion, so you need lots of energy to bust them open.

Ron: It's not necessarily about the frequency of the bonds, because there's lots of bonds in between all of them.

Ron: But we know, you and me, Weiner, then.

Ron: We know there's a place in Brussels just called Weiner and the 95 buscoast Weiner, and massive letters across the front.

Ron: It's really funny.

Ron: We know, you and I, after the last episode we did on different types of atomic bonds, that Covalent bonds are the strongest type of bond.

Laura: Do we?

Ron: Yeah, we know that you and.

Laura: Down sorry.

Laura: Strongest type.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Because they're sharing.

Ron: They'Re strong.

Laura: Strongest type.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So when you melt a giant covalent structure, like if you wanted to melt a diamond, don't question it.

Ron: It is possible.

Laura: Diamonds are forever.

Ron: No, you could melt a diamond if you got it hot enough.

Laura: That type of heat doesn't exist on planet Earth.

Ron: Do you want to see how hot the diamonds melting temperatures?

Laura: I do, Ron, I do.

Ron: Also, I Googled if you could theoretically melt wood and they reckon, yes, but you can't.

Ron: Diamond melting point.

Ron: That's actually not as hot as you think.

Laura: 40 degrees.

Ron: 700 degrees.

Laura: 700 degrees, yeah.

Laura: Celsius or Kelvin?

Ron: Celsius.

Laura: Don't get plastic.

Ron: Don't try and curry favour by random scientific knowledge that you've picked up like fluff off a carpet.

Laura: I thought that was the whole point of this podcast, was to curry favour by picking up spout knowledge.

Ron: No, pick up structured and layered knowledge that accumulate, not just f****** pocket lin that will get brushed off and replaced by something else next week.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Anyway, Covalent bonds are strong.

Ron: When you melt a diamond, you have to break all of those different covalent bonds.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: So that takes a lot of energy.

Laura: Leaves a lot of trauma left behind in the carbon atoms as well.

Ron: It does.

Ron: The next one we're going to do is metals.

Laura: Metals.

Ron: You can remember the structure of metals.

Laura: Metals are socialists.

Laura: So one T or two T's are metals.

Laura: I've written that down and it doesn't look right.

Ron: How many have you put in there?

Laura: Three.

Laura: No, I put two, but it doesn't look right.

Laura: I'm going to use one.

Ron: That's not right.

Laura: Metallic bond.

Ron: Have you spelled it Metle?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Really?

Laura: That's not right, is it?

Ron: No, it's metal.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Like petals.

Ron: What's?

Laura: Test your metals, then.

Laura: That's spelled metal.

Laura: T le.

Ron: That's nothing.

Laura: No, it is.

Laura: Test your metal.

Laura: It's spelled like me.

Laura: T-L-E.

Laura: You look so annoyed.

Laura: But I'm right.

Ron: I know metal spelled like that, literally, is a person's ability to cope well with difficulties.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: Test your metal.

Laura: I know words wrong.

Laura: I don't know science, but I do know words.

Laura: Metallic bonds just carpool their electrons, crowdsource them.

Laura: They're just all loosey goosey.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: They pull their electrons.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: They're allowed to take what they need.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Obviously, that's quite a good way of bonding.

Ron: So metals tend to have quite high melting points, but as we discussed before, sodium metals and group one metals, those had to have lower melting points because they only got one electron on the outer ring that they share.

Ron: So the bonds are weaker.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Yeah, that was a bit vacant.

Ron: That made sense.

Ron: They have fewer electrons in the outer ring.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Oh, my God.

Laura: You are like the tone, please.

Laura: I'm not even allowed to just understand it.

Laura: I have to understand exactly in the right sound.

Ron: I just didn't trust that you did understand, because quite often while wait 45 minutes in, you start just saying, yeah.

Laura: Well, I do think the episode should be short.

Ron: It's not me that's holding us up.

Ron: Anyway, pure metals, the atoms are in layers.

Laura: Whoa.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Which is why metals can be sort of shaped and bent and stuff, pure metals, because the layers, when you bend, the layers slide over each other.

Ron: So when you then start making alloys or do things like introduce carbon into iron to make steel, you are kind of breaking up those layers so the layers can't slide over each other because there are bigger or smaller atoms kind of creating friction.

Ron: And that's why alloys or steel and stuff like that, or carbonised metals are harder and stronger.

Laura: More bonds.

Ron: That's not what I said.

Laura: What do you want me to say?

Ron: That's it.

Ron: That's the episode we're done.

Laura: Right.

Laura: Well done, Ron.

Ron: I thought it was going to be a nice one.

Laura: It was nice, wasn't it?

Laura: I had a nice time.

Laura: I've made loads of notes.

Ron: I thought that might make you care, cause you know that metals can be shaped and this explains why.

Laura: Yeah, a bit.

Laura: I think the problem was because we started talking about wood.

Laura: I guess I'm thinking about wood for quite a lot of time now.

Laura: I don't really believe in trees.

Laura: What is a tree?

Laura: Okay, listen, Ron, I'm sorry that stressed you out, made you sad, but I'm going to smash this quiz.

Laura: So we'll play a jingle and we'll be back with the quiz.

Ron: See you next week for the quiz.

Laura: Except it'll be in a second.

Laura: We're back and it's been more than a week.

Ron: Yeah, it's been a couple it's been.

Laura: A couple of weeks.

Laura: So I don't feel good about my chances here and I don't know about.

Ron: You, but it's been weeks to meet.

Ron: It feels like it's been years since we last recorded.

Laura: Yeah, it's been years.

Laura: And we've released quite a few episodes because we're now into the releasing, which we haven't been for previous episodes.

Laura: So I feel super familiar with what we did in the first few episodes.

Laura: I'm like, oh, I really understand what an organelle is.

Laura: Sort of forgetting that the lessons are still going on.

Laura: Because I was like, we're releasing them now, it doesn't matter.

Laura: But here I am, back to idiotown.

Ron: And you hear those episodes and then you do realise quite how far we've progressed as well.

Laura: Do you feel like that?

Laura: I do not.

Ron: Well, no.

Ron: I guess it makes a difference if it's not going in.

Laura: Okay, I'm just flicking through to my notes and I have written covalent structures in massive writing, so I'm assuming that's what we were doing.

Ron: I mean, that was a small part of what we did.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: Why don't write it so bad then?

Laura: All right, Ron, hit me with a quiz.

Ron: Core beans.

Ron: So, chemistry something quiz.

Ron: Here we go.

Ron: There are 123-45670.

Laura: It's Ron's counting nine part of the episodes.

Laura: Nine points.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Laura, for three points.

Laura: Oh, s***.

Ron: Using particle theory, please explain the difference between a solid, a liquid and a gas.

Laura: What do you mean, using particle theory?

Ron: Using particle theory is the backdrop for your explanation.

Laura: What's particle theory is that?

Laura: What we did last time, the concept.

Ron: That we went through?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: I haven't written that down anywhere in my notes.

Ron: Well, we must not have covered it.

Laura: Shut up.

Laura: Well, okay.

Laura: I'm going to ignore the bit about particle theory because I don't know what you talk about with that.

Laura: But my explanation, as I understand it, of solid, a freezing and a gas is when you have say that again.

Laura: What did I say?

Ron: A solid, a freezing and a gas.

Laura: Do I because I'm confused and I said the wrong word.

Laura: A solid, a metal no, what am I talking about?

Laura: A solid and liquid.

Laura: Oh, my God.

Laura: A solid and liquid and a gas.

Laura: That not hug me.

Laura: A solid and liquid in the gas.

Laura: I know what I mean.

Laura: Shut up, please.

Laura: It's about how much energy or maybe this is particle theory.

Laura: It's about how much energy the particles have.

Laura: So a solid has bonds, making it stick together, and then the more energy you put into that, the more, I don't know, like, they vibrate or they break their bonds and they whiz about.

Laura: So they become a liquid.

Laura: They're all sloshy, and then even more they, I don't know, break even more bonds and become a gas and move even further apart from each other.

Ron: I'm going to give you two out of three for that.

Laura: And that ain't bad.

Ron: No, that's pretty d*** good, actually.

Ron: You surprised me there.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So particle theory is basically just thinking about these it's basically simplifying it.

Ron: So thinking about these things as, like, point orbs rather than considering the fact that a molecule is going to be a larger structure.

Ron: What are you looking at?

Laura: What do you keep planting at a grape?

Ron: Eat the grape.

Laura: No, I don't want to eat this grape.

Laura: It's a bit of a scanky grape.

Ron: Feed it to mackie.

Laura: No, dogs can't have grapes.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: That's from science I've taught you.

Laura: I'll stop looking at it.

Laura: It's because I'm not in my office.

Laura: I'm downstairs because Tom's away so I can go where I like.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So that's just a way of simplifying things.

Ron: Right.

Ron: What was particle theory?

Laura: The thing I explained very eloquently.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: So just particle theory is a way of simplifying it.

Ron: So rather than thinking about all the facets of the particle that we're thinking, we're just considering them as little spheres.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: And then in a solid, they're tightly packed together and they're bonded together in a structure.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: A lattice sometimes.

Ron: And then in a liquid, those bonds are broken, but they're still tightly packed together.

Ron: Like you can't compress a liquid.

Ron: There's no gaps in between all of them.

Laura: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: All of the particles, rather.

Ron: And then a gas is when all of those bonds are broken and there's so much energy that they are whizzing about whizzy.

Ron: So there's a point for in a solid tightly packed.

Ron: Bonded together in a liquid.

Ron: Tightly packed.

Ron: But the bonds are broken so they can move around and fly past each other.

Ron: And then a gas.

Ron: They have so much energy that they're vibrating and there's gaps in between them and there's no bonds.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Why didn't I get three marks, then?

Laura: I said all of that.

Ron: You said all of that, but in fragments and shuffles.

Ron: So you only got two out of three because you kind of did a word salad.

Laura: I'm happy with that.

Laura: That's fine.

Laura: That's more points than I've gotten whole quizzes before.

Laura: Fine.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: Right.

Ron: So the next one, one point for each of these.

Ron: What is holding these solid materials together?

Ron: Okay, so ice.

Ron: What is holding ice together?

Ron: Maybe you want to say, like, what type of structure ice is, what's it made out of?

Laura: Water.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: And what type of particle is water?

Laura: H 20.

Ron: Yep.

Ron: That's what it is.

Ron: But what is H two O?

Ron: How is H two o made?

Laura: It's all made.

Laura: The molecule.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: It's a small molecule.

Laura: I've written a small molecule as well.

Laura: I didn't say the small because I wondered if I was meant to write that.

Ron: Yeah, it does seem like you've just kind of written down the titles of each.

Ron: I imagine that's why you've written Covalent structure and huge writing, because we also talked about large covalent structures.

Laura: Well, I've just noticed I've written the word giant, very small, next to Covalent structures.

Laura: So hang on, I have written down this might be the answer.

Laura: Water is a covalent bond.

Ron: There's a Covalent bond in between the hydrogens and the oxygen of the water.

Ron: But is it Covalent bonds in between?

Laura: Oh, no, hang on.

Laura: If I read further down the notes, molecules don't Covail to each other.

Laura: It's other forces at work between the molecules.

Laura: Then I've crossed out the word frustrating.

Ron: I don't know if we've talked much about it on the show, but fans may or may not be aware that Laura and I are both quite big fans of the game Magic The Gathering.

Ron: However, it's quite hard to play Magic the Gathering with Laura because so often she does something and then you realise that she's just stopped reading the card halfway through and you've just seen that in a different context.

Laura: I just read a little bit and then whatever that was distracts me.

Laura: So it's really hard to carry on reading the rest.

Ron: You read it until the slightest whiff of dopamine has hit your brain and then you just give up.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: It's not give up.

Laura: I just do something else, then.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: So I don't think I know the answer to that, actually, because that's the end of my page.

Laura: And then the next thing says polymers.

Laura: When I think I've moved on, you have to move on.

Laura: So they're not Covaled to each other, so I don't really know how they're bonded to each other.

Laura: I don't think we talked about it.

Ron: So that is true.

Ron: They're not covalently bonded to each other.

Ron: That would be a giant covalent structure.

Ron: Like a diamond or graphene or something like that.

Ron: All you needed to say.

Laura: Do you feel extra patient today?

Laura: This bodes well for the lesson we're going to do after this quiz.

Ron: Yeah, maybe.

Ron: We'll see.

Ron: I think I quite like talking about this stuff.

Ron: All I was looking for is intermolecular forces, intermolecular borders.

Laura: I bet I did that last time, didn't I?

Laura: I got halfway through that and wanted that, right?

Laura: I've written forces at work between the molecules.

Ron: Well, yeah.

Ron: That's a rephrasing.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Into moleculars I've gotten a bonus point for saying vandervals.

Ron: Or the fact that ice water molecules have an inherent dipole.

Laura: Yeah, sure.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: How is the solid material of tin held together?

Laura: A metallic bond.

Ron: Yes.

Ron: Point.

Ron: That's how easy these should be.

Ron: What about diamond covalent bond?

Ron: Ding.

Ron: Point.

Ron: Well done.

Laura: Carbons all holding hands.

Laura: Peace and love in our time.

Ron: Yeah, you guys were talking about that on years and years recently.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: I'm just bleeding my information from this podcast through into years and years.

Ron: It's very funny.

Ron: Okay, the next one we're going to do true or false about ionic compounds.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Alright.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: So true or false?

Ron: Ionic compounds have low melting points.

Laura: Nope.

Laura: That is a picture of some lungs.

Laura: Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points, actually, Ronald.

Ron: So you're saying false?

Laura: Yes, I am false.

Laura: Thank you.

Laura: Sorry, I forgot it was true.

Ron: Okay.

Ron: True or false?

Ron: They conduct electricity when dissolved in water.

Laura: I have written down into molecular forces.

Laura: True.

Laura: I've written saltwater as conductive.

Laura: Anyway, maybe that means I should have written down something else, but I'm going to assume that that is an example and I should have written down whatever it was.

Laura: Intermolecular compounds, conduct, all.

Ron: That some good reasoning there, Laura.

Ron: Well done.

Laura: Patronise me.

Laura: I know how to reason stuff.

Laura: I'm a smart woman.

Laura: I just don't care about any of this.

Laura: I don't apply myself to this.

Laura: No.

Ron: But yes.

Ron: Ding, another point for you.

Laura: Yes.

Laura: Are you counting how many points I've got?

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Two out of three then.

Ron: Two out of three and two out of three so far.

Ron: Okay, the last one.

Ron: Ionic compounds only dissolve in wet water.

Ron: They do not react with dry water or steam.

Laura: It feels like I've got mad at the idea of dry water last week, so I'm going to try not to do that right now.

Laura: Even though everything you've just said sounds like bullshit.

Laura: You've seen this on 51st dates?

Ron: Yes, I have.

Laura: Sometimes this podcast feels like doing that where you're telling me about something and I'm like and we did this yesterday.

Ron: Yeah.

Ron: Unfortunately, I don't have the patience of an Adam Sandler type.

Laura: Oh, no.

Laura: And I know Drew Barrymore.

Laura: Listen, I don't know, so I'm just gonna let me see.

Laura: Ion is an atom that has a charge brackets too many or too few electrons.

Laura: Small molecules melting is opposite to freezing quite often.

Laura: Write that down.

Ron: That did blow your mind a couple weeks ago.

Laura: Like something you should just know.

Laura: Laura, don't write that down.

Laura: Do you know what?

Laura: I haven't made any notes on this, so I'm going to say false.

Ron: I mean, I made up dry water and.

Laura: I could have got mad about it.

Ron: In all types of water, I think.

Laura: So am I right or wrong?

Ron: I'm going to say you're wrong.

Laura: I said no.

Laura: You said it didn't react to yeah.

Ron: But traveller doesn't exist.

Ron: It's funny.

Laura: That is rude.

Ron: Test how much you believe.

Laura: Well, you are rude.

Laura: So I got six out of nine.

Ron: Yes, six out of nine.

Ron: So you finished the episode.

Ron: You didn't.

Laura: We'll finish it.

Laura: There is a time.

Ron: Okay, class dismissed.

Laura: Well, twothirds are on.

Laura: Pretty cool.

Ron: Pretty cool.

Ron: Twothirds?

Ron: What are we recording?

Laura: See, we spent the whole episode looking at how absolutely trash I am at science, but I am a marvel of broadcasting.

Ron: Yeah, that's the premise.

Laura: Yeah.

Laura: I just want people to understand I've got skills.

Ron: That's like watching an episode of Taskmaster and being like, well, we spend the whole thing watching people mess up.

Ron: But isn't it clever?

Ron: Yeah, that's the thing.

Laura: I just want people to know that I'm loved.

Laura: Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that.

Laura: Has anyone ever melted wood?

Laura: That is my question of the week.

Laura: Ever melted a wood?

Laura: No.

Laura: Euphemisms.

Laura: Yeah, we want to hear from you.

Laura: Ron doesn't want to say anything.

Ron: I'm so tired.

Laura: This is why I make us notes.

Laura: Anyway, okay, so, yeah, as we said at the top, still a couple of hats on sale.

Laura: If you want a baseball cap, pop over to my coffee page.

Laura: Ko-fi.com/lauraLexx/shop.

Laura: Also, I wanted to say that anybody that wants a little extra laurel X time every week, my book club has restarted every Tuesday night at 09:00 p.m.

Laura: On YouTube.

Laura: You can join me for a live reading of a brand new book that I'm writing to order based on your votes.

Laura: The first episode is live now, so you can go and seek that out and watch it.

Laura: And then the episode two will start on Tuesday, so you'll see a lot of the lab rats in the comments.

Laura: And if you want some company on a Tuesday night from the safety of your own home, that is absolutely free, then join me on Tuesday night at 09:00 p.m..

Laura: We'll be back next week with f*** it's physics.

Laura: Oh, yeah, that's horrible, because that means next week is physics and we're about to record physics.

Ron: Double physics.

Laura: Alright, well, listen, and we need a two week special of your catchphrase, Ron class.

Ron: Class displays missed.

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