Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday 23 September 2024

Chemistry Exam Foundation 1 - Some Kind of Beautiful Pipette

Laura: Hello and welcome to a slightly muted introduction to Lex Education, the comedy science podcast, where comedian me Laura Lex tries to learn science from her nerdy younger brother Ron, while her daughter falls asleep mere metres below where she's recording. Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hello. How's it going? We're doing the intros outros in Examiner's voice today because it's chemistry exam, um, part one.

Laura: It is chemistry exam part one. I listened to it today. It's very funny listening to this episode in the midst of what we're currently recording because obviously we've turned over a new leaf with recording I'll have heard last week in our results episode. Um, and then listening to this one, the leaf is on its back again.

Ron: Mmm. Yeah, we've turned over an old leaf with this one and we found the same old shit that was under all the other ones.

Laura: Do you know what I found out the other day? This is a real dumb bins moment. I was talking, I think I'd just done some social media promo and um, I said something about turning over a new leaf and then said I didn't really understand it to Tom and he was like, well, basically, cut a long story short, I didn't realise that by leaf it meant page. I thought it meant like leaves that fallen off a tree. And it was something about like finding bugs or something.

Ron: No, uh, I think for you it might be about foraging in the under dirt for bugs, but no, for most people, yeah, it's like leafing through a.

Laura: Book, turning over and. I understand. Yeah. Ah, that makes loads of sense. That's what Tom said, turning over a fresh page and there's a clean page there ready to go. I was like, yeah, that makes way more sense than just turning over old leaves and looking at mulch.

Ron Mandeville: I'm fascinated by ancient Mesopotamia

Ron: I've been, um, um, I've been m. Listen, I was listening to Dan Carlin again recently, my favourite king of kings. And he, you know, he goes, talks a lot about ancient Mesopotamia and I was listening to it, I was like, you know what? I want a bit more. So I've been watching like YouTube videos and stuff about it. I've just finished a three hour documentary on the Assyrians. Um, and now I'm watching a, uh, two and a half hour documentary on the Sumerians. And Sumerians are a people that came before the Assyrians. And essentially they, because of the arid landscape of the, of, uh, Mesopotamia and whatnot, and life really sort of clinging to the riverbanks and whatnot. It's a lot of how they formed. Society was moving this water around and stuff. And then you had these people in sort of the lush river valleys, you know, uh, uh, working this shit out, building civilization. Then you'd have kind of like the mountain people that were fairly nomadic and their kind of harder way of life led them to be kind of, you know, a bit more, uh, you know, they'd come in and take what the civilizations in the river valley had and whatnot. And I just, I wonder where you'd have fit in, in that, because you, you wouldn't have been one of the thinkers in the valley. But I, I don't think you'd have been one of the hardy pups up in the mountain either.

Laura: I think I'm very much a product of the modern world, Ron. I'm an overthinker. Uh, and I think back in the day, you didn't have as much time to think.

Ron: Mhm.

Laura: Like a lot of the quandaries of modern life, of trying to be kind and trying to be fair, don't exist so much when you're trying to survive, because fairness isn't as important as survival. But now survival is relatively easy, and it's succeeding that you're aiming for. It's hard to balance fairness and success.

Ron: Yeah, um, interesting thing on that. Um, one of the assyrian kings, um, Esarhadden, uh, they think it's one of the first written, um, sort of documentations of what people think, uh, was depression.

Laura: Interesting.

Ron: Um, and he, like, I think under him or. No, it was his father, Sennacherib, I think, actually. Sorry, um, his father, Sennacherib, like under him, basically, the empire could have reached about as far as it ever did, like down into Egypt and, um, sort of towards the Balkans and stuff. Oh, uh, no, towards, um, Anatolia. Um, and he, he just got really depressed, um, and he just wouldn't leave his room for days at a time, wouldn't eat.

Laura: Um, they had a one up the apex, so he's the one with more thinking time.

Ron: They had this crazy ritual that they used to do for the king


Ron: where they'd get a commoner from the town, from the streets, and they'd swap places for a hundred days. And, um, the king would go pretend to be a farmer or whatever, and this commoner would come and live in the palace and wear the crown and eat the food of the king and stuff, so that the spirits that were affecting the kingdom would get tricked and be like, ah, uh, the king's here now, and get this guy. And then after a hundred days, they killed the commoner and the king came back.

Laura: Oh, God.

Ron: Sir Nacharib was. Wanted to get rid of his depression so badly, he did this, like, four or five times.

Laura: But would you do it, though, like, a hundred days of great life and then death? Not if just a whole life of, like.

Ron: Not if the dude walking out of there's got a face like a smacked ass.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: The really depressed guy. No, I don't want his life.

Laura: Yeah. Does the peasant know that? I suppose they don't really have a choice, even if they don't want to, do they?

Ron: No, the Assyrians weren't a, uh, kind people. Well, you, uh, know, their nobility weren't kind people. I won't speak for the common Mandev.

Laura: Well, this was a fun start.

So welcome to our science podcast. This is the first half of the chemistry exam

So welcome to our science podcast.

Ron: I have to keep holding myself back from suggesting we do an ancient Mesopotamia patreon thing, because that's just. Just listen to Dan Kahn and everybody.

Laura: Yeah. That's just this week's current interest. Although younger sister of the podcast did text me today about, do we still want to do the two crimes and a lie idea that I'd utterly forgotten we'd had.

Ron: Oh, yeah. And she's gonna do all of the work for that, isn't she?

Laura: Yeah, we just gotta turn up.

Ron: Fucking sweet. Yeah, that's. That will become the Patreon if she does all the work.

Laura: Yeah. Okay, so have a listen to this. This is the first half of the chemistry exam. It starts so dismally, um, both in terms of professionalism and mood. Um. Uh, so have a good time. Um, what have I put in the notes for this? Yeah. What do you think of the way I describe tables? Are you. Do you think it's too much? Do you think it's not enough? Uh. Why are you breathing so heavily, Ron? That's a question you've put in.

Ron: Yeah. I don't know, but there's a big bit where there's just kind of a rumbling background noise of me breathing. And it's not even because I'm like, you know, doing it myself and sort of leaning into the mic because it was in the table in between us. I'm just.

Laura: You're just gross. Yeah, well, enjoy.

Ron: Ooh, water. You sure you don't want to get the snacks right now?

Laura: I don't know. I feel dismal.

Ron: You need them for a bit different.

All right, Laura, why are we here? Chemistry. I'm just getting myself a periodic table

All right, Laura, why are we here?

Laura: Chemistry.

Ron: Time to stop revising.

Laura: I'm just getting myself a periodic table because I assume I'm allowed that in the.

Ron: Yes, but there's a specific one ah.

Laura: I feel quite dismal. I think this is gonna go horribly badly. And, um, I feel sad for me.

Ron: Says only a foundation higher. Nice.

Laura: Ron, I just had a fart.

Ron: Yeah, I heard.

Laura: I knew she'd want to come in here. Oh, it's you texting me. Damn. Okay. Okay. Oh, it's on its side.

Ron: Rotate it.

Laura: Okay. Yeah, I've rotated it now. Oh, it's not coloured in. I can't read this, Ron. It's not colourful.

Ron: Why would it need to be colourful?

Laura: To show you the groups and stuff.

Ron: I don't want to get into this right now. But that's not what the groups are.

Laura: Yeah, like all the metals are blue and other things happened.

Laura is preparing for her 23 June chemistry exam, which starts today

Ron: It's chemistry today, Laura, we're doing your chemistry exam for those that want to follow along.

Laura: Oh, doing this at the beginning today. Fancy. Um.

Ron: Boy, it's the foundation. 120 23 June chemistry paper. Laura, how do you feel? Um.

Laura: Um, I don't feel confident. Yesterday I finished the biology


Laura: one on quite high. I think it went quite well. What's the matter with you?

Ron: Hands don't feel clean.

Laura: Yeah, why don't you fuck off now? Mid podcast. Um, so yesterday, yeah, I felt quite confident by the end of the recording. Um, and then it sort of dawned on me mid afternoon today that that wasn't it, over that we still have to do chemistry and physics. Um, and then I just sat down to do some revision and immediately fell at the first question, so, you know. But I've had a much better day than I had yesterday. Child of the podcast and I have had a lovely day together.

Ron: Um, can't abide having dirty hands.

Laura: I don't like having a greasy face.

Ron: No, both are bad.

Laura: And I also detest having dirty teeth. And even though I have cut my teeth cleaning down a lot since you told me off for it, I still like to mouthwash a lot.

Ron: Yeah, that's fine. I think probably, probably curating you in a different way. All aspects of modern life. Laura, you did really well yesterday.

Laura: We don't know that yet. We haven't done the results.

Ron: I do know that because I hold this information in my brain.

Laura: Oh, uh, thanks, Ron.

Ron: Today we'll do chemistry, though.

Laura: Yes, chemistry, I feel like, because physics is the one I've liked the least, but I think I've done quite well on the quizzes, whereas biology I've really enjoyed. And chemistry is just in the middle somewhere of. I think I do kind of quite like chemistry. I do think it's quite cool and interesting, but it is much harder to picture than biology.

Ron: Yeah, it's a lot less tangible. Tangible? A lot more terminology. Which is where you fall down.

Laura: Yeah, yeah.

This question is about atoms. Which particles have the same relative mass

Go tubes.

Ron: This question is about atoms. Question.

Laura: You haven't sent them to me.

Ron: I have.

Laura: No, I don't think you have. I think I've only. I've only got the periodic table.

Ron: Oh, sorry. I really thought I had. I really thought I had.

Laura: You haven't.

Ron: Billion tabs open several hundred m.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Accented you.

Laura: Yeah, I know. Sorry, I had to reply to a message.

Ron: This question is about atoms.

Laura: Atoms.

Ron: Atoms contain three types of electrons, neutrons and protons. 1.1. Which particle has no electric charge?

Laura: Neutron. Jimmy.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: Neutron.

Ron: Yes. Final answer?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Which particles have the same relative.

Laura: What's this voice you're doing?

Ron: That's my examiner's voice.

Laura: Oh. I wonder how long it'll last.

Ron: Which particles?

Laura: See if you can keep it up for the whole one.

Ron: Which particles have the same relative mass?

Laura: The options are an electron and a neutron, an electron and a proton. A neutron and a proton. The answer wrong is a neutron and a proton. They both weigh one.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: Correct. Yes.

Ron: The formula of a compound is n two o. Uh, how many of each type of atom are there in one molecule of n two o.

Laura: Now, I never understand these because o comes in a pair, but there's no two on that. Odd. Uh, so I'm not going to overthink it. I'm going to say two nitrogens and one oxygen.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: And I'm not even going to let your okay get to me. I haven't had wine this evening and I didn't want any until you said okay like that. And now I do. Whoa. Everything's buzzing and beeping. Who's texting you?

Ron: Probably Judith.

Laura: Oh, I want to talk to Judith.

Ron: Oh, you don't.

Laura: Yes, I do text Judith.

Ron: Reply to messages.

Laura: Then I do reply to messages. In fact. Oh, no. She hurt me last. I want to text you, too. Whoa. She sent me a nude.

Ron: Look at you. She's fit.

Laura: Yeah, technically, I've been with her longer than you because I didn't break up with her for a year.

Ron: I didn't break up with her.

Laura: I'm so curious to see if that makes the edit.

Ron: An atom of element z contains three electrons, four neutrons, three protons.


Ron: Give the name of element z. Use the periodic table.

Laura: An, um, atom of element z contains three electrons, four neutrons and three protons. Give the name of the periodic table. No, give the name of element. Element Z. Okay, so if it's got three protons. That means the atomic number is three, so that would be. And then it's got four neutrons. So the atomic m mass.

Ron: Ha.

Laura: Huh. I got a message from Judith. Would be seven. So that was lithium. Run.

We're doing an exam on atoms of element z

Ron: Do you want to put your phone on silent?

Laura: It is on silent.

Ron: Put it. Not on vibrate.

Laura: I don't know how to do that.

Ron: Complete figure one. You'll need paper. Laura, you'll need paper.

Laura: Oh, I haven't got any paper, and I don't know how to turn this off. Um, um. How do you turn off the vibrates?

Ron: Why don't you just put it somewhere.

Laura: Soften, maybe in my butt. Do I really have to get paper.

Ron: For the papery question?

Laura: But you're the one doing the answers, so maybe you should get paper. And I'll write it.

Ron: I'll mark it. Go get paper. It was right there.

Laura: Yeah, and I got it really fast, so. Ron, can you put your phone down?

Ron: Then I'm waiting for you.

Laura: To do what? You haven't read the question?

Ron: I did. Complete figure one. To show the positions of the particles in an atom of element z. Use the symbols x for electron, or black circle for a neutral.

Laura: You didn't say any of this.

Ron: I did. I think you're fine.

Laura: You're not allowed to keep picking up your phone if you've taken mine away.

Ron: Okay. I was just reading an article about raw dogging. Shut up, Judy.

Laura: Please don't. We're doing an exam. Okay, so the figure one is three concentric circles. Uh, uh, uh. Mackie, shut up. Nucleus in the middle. Uh, show the position of particles. Right? Okay, so I've got four neutrons. The neutrons are in the nucleus, 1234. Now, I always thought the protons were also in the nucleus, but then I feel like very recently, you burst that bubble of belief by saying they were just near the nucleus. But I don't know about that.

Ron: Oh, she's so shit.

Laura: She just take, like, six attempts to get on that chair. Yeah, it's, uh, because there's stuff on it, so she's frightened.

Ron: Mackie, we can't have this. She's a fucking dumbass.

Laura: Don't you just love that line of skank along the window there where her nose goes?

Ron: That's so gross, Mandy.

Laura: Yeah? Um. Uh, so do I put them in there? I swear, when we first did it, they were in the nucleus. So I'm just gonna do that. I'm gonna draw four nucleuses. No, four are those in there. And then the three electrons, I'm going to do one, two, three. Like that. There you go, Ronnie.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: Mmm. Sure. Oh, yeah.

Acids and alkalis are substances that produce ions in aqueous solution

There are no questions printed on this page. Do not write on this page answering the spaces provided.

Ron: This question is about acids and alkalis.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Acids and alkalis, pieces of potato. Acids and alkalis are, uh, substances that produce ions in aqueous solution. Draw one line from each substance to the ion always produced by that substance and aqueous solution.

Laura: Fuck, I've got no idea. So I've got acid and alkalis options and I've got to connect those to cl minus h plus na plus, oh, minus. And so 42 minus. What the fuck? Acids and alkalis are substances that produce ions. An aqueous solution. Draw one line from each substance of the ion always produced. What?


Laura: Draw one line from each substance to the ion always produced by that substance in. Draw one line from each substance. So it only wants two lines?

Ron: Yeah. One from acid and, um, one from.

Laura: Alkaline to the ion always produced by that substance in aqueous solution. Oh, so if you put an acid in an aqueous solution, it always produces this thing?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Okay, well, I now understand the question at least.

Ron: You see how you've got one column that's labelled substance and another one that's labelled ion.

Laura: Yeah, I know, but when I was first looking at it, I thought it was going to be like, hey, like cl minus, make, like they each make an acid or an alkali connect them all up. So I just had to break the question down.

Ron: Um, okay.

Laura: And now it is a guessing game. So I am going to guess.

Ron: You're gonna have two bits of help in this exam. You let me know when you want them.

Laura: It feels early doors. It feels early doors. Um. Um, what have we got? So we've got negative chlorine, hydrogen plus. Uh, I remember those coming up when we did like sticking electrons in stuff that's sodium plus. I don't think it would be that one. An aqueous solution. So it's going to be something to do with water, I think. So it logics to me to use the oh, and the h then. But it's just to decide. I'm going to say h plus acid because that feels like hydrogen peroxide and stuff is often bleaches. That feels acidy to me. So I'm going to do that and then I'm going to say, oh, negative for alkali. Working on the logic that we're looking to use watery molecules because it's an aqueous solution. So I'm going to say alkali is. Oh, negative.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: It's the best I've got. And I feel like even if it's wrong, I've done some sort of logic that I can be proud of. Okay, hey, let's do like an asterisk and you tell me if I've done well there. Uh, because I really care right now.

Ron: Edit break. And then.

Laura: But. I know, but I feel like when we come to do the results, I will no longer care. So tell me if I've got that right now.

Ron: That's not the format.

Student determines reacting volumes of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide

What type of aqueous solution has a ph of eleven? Laura?

Laura: Alkaline.

Ron: Sure?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: You sure? You sure?

Laura: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Ron: A student determined the reacting volumes of hydrochloric acid and, um, sodium hydroxide titru solution by titration. This is the method.

Laura: Oh, no.

Ron: Measure one. Measure 25 cubic centimetres of sodium hydroxide solution to add the sodium hydroxide solution to a conical flask.

Laura: Why does it have to be conical?

Ron: Three. Add three drops of indicator to the sodium hydroxide solution. Add the hydrochloric acid drop by drop until the indicator changes colour. Five. Record the volume of the hydrochloric acid. Added six. Repeat steps one to five three more times. 2.3. Which piece of equipment should be used to measure 25 cubic centimetres of the sodium hydroxide in step one?

Laura: Um, my options are a beaker, a pipette and a ruler. I'm going to go beaker. Ron. Tracy, mum was telling me the other day how much she hates Tracy B. Why? I don't know. I guess because she teaches and she is like, there's a lot of stuff in those books that's like, weird to.

Ron: Read to kids and she hates women. Which piece of equipment should be used to add, um, the hydrochloric acid drop by drop in step four, a balance, a burette or a measuring cylinder.

Laura: Well, I don't know what the fuck a burette is, but I'm gonna have to guess that because I don't think I thought we were doing that with a pipette. Well, maybe not. Maybe nobody said pipette. Maybe I just thought pipette.

Ron: That was one of the, uh, options in the last.

Laura: Oh, well, maybe a youret is some kind of beautiful pipette. Um, I'm gonna.

Ron: Or the type


Ron: of pipette you'd find at a bureau.

Laura: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or the type of pipette that gets stuck to your fur when you run through the fields.

Ron: Or the type of pipette that comes, uh, on top of really fancy pizza and you're like this. I'm sure this is expensive, but is this nicer, uh, than the other type?

Laura: Yeah. Or the type of pipette that shot Alexander Hamilton.

Ron: Or the type of pipette that. Sort of what you say when you're cold, but almost.

Laura: I think we can leave it there.

Ron: Table one shows the results.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: Now, I think you can do better than you did yesterday.

Laura: Did you just wipe your mouth on your collar? You are full track.

Ron: It was water.

Laura: Still, don't wipe it on your collar. Your collar is the most seen part.

Ron: Of your outfit, inside of it.

Laura: Ew, you just got corner mouth crud into it.

Ron: Yeah, it's on the inside.

Laura: Yeah, but now it's just on your neck and in you.

Ron: Even my shoulder on this part of my t shirt's fine, laura. Just some on the job coaching from yesterday. The way. I'm not a fan of the way that you've been describing tables.

Laura: No, I. But hey. Yeah, I just wanted to give you.

Ron: That note before we start describing some tables.

Laura: Yeah, I think I got into my stride towards the end of the table reading.

Ron: Same page. Same page.

When I was little, I worried about getting carbon poisoning from breathing

Laura: Okay, so table one. Me too. And what I did differently. Um, we've got four trials and we're looking at the volume of hydrochloric acid added in centimetres cubed. In trial one, it was 24.3. Trial two, this is good, isn't it? 24.5. Smiles, I'm sorry about that.

Ron: Trial three, I don't think you need to give the numbers that precisely. I think. How about this? It's like we've got trials one through four. Trial three is way higher. It's 28.1. The other ones are all around 24.5.

Laura: Oh, that doesn't feel very scientific at all.

Ron: No.

Laura: Just got to you.

Ron: Yeah, it's funky, but you can still use the exact numbers.

Laura: Why are you guffing the fart up into your face with that hat? You're really like, scooping air from down at butt level, moving it away from me for a while. When I was little, when I first found out about how we breathe and stuff, I got really scared about getting carbon poisoning. And when I was going to sleep at night, I used to breathe in one way and then roll my head over to breathe out, move it back the other way to breathe in. Uh, it was so tired, I got really worried I had to suffocate.

Ron: One of those things you've never told anyone before?

Laura: Yeah, I, uh, don't know. I think I just forgot it until now. I wanted to have really clean air.

Ron: Uh, everyone's have really clean hair. Okay, right.

Which table description do you prefer more?

In listener, whose table description do you prefer more?

Laura: Well, I just think yours has given away though, because now the question is, which is the anomalous result in table one? Well, it's, it's result three, isn't it? Which is just, that's. We've shot the lemon in the head or whatever it is. What is it? Jump the. Buried the lead.

Ron: Nope.

Laura: Yeah, buried the lead.

Ron: No, we've not buried the lead.

Laura: Yeah, we have.

Ron: No, burying the lead would be not talking about.

Laura: Okay, we've exhumed the lead, jumped the gun. We've jumped the gun because you basically gave that away at the start.

Ron: So, um.

Laura: Well, this is less exciting, isn't it? I think it's trial three. One is the answer to 2.5.

Ron: Yeah. Which is the enormous result on table one.

Laura: Laura thinks animalose.

Ron: You said Burette for the last one, didn't you?

Laura: I said the right answer. Uh, so just note that.

Ron: Did you say Burette?

Laura: Yeah, I think so.

Ron: Trial three, final answer.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Suggest one reason for the anomalous result in table one.

Laura: Hmm, what's this again? Put that in. Add sodium hydroxide. Three drops of indicator. The indicator changed colour. Um, um. Suggest one reason, I would say inaccuracy in, uh, uh,


Laura: measurements of the solution. A broken burette. I don't know what to say. Don't say that.

Ron: I've got so far, uh, inaccuracy in measurements of the solution or broken burette.

Laura: No, don't put broken Burette in. I don't even know what a burette is. Um, um, carburettor, that's something else. Gold, grease, light. And you add into the sodium hydroxide. Add, ah, it drop by drop. Um, I mean, it's got to be user error, basically. But which bits going to be the user error? Three drops of the indicator. Maybe your drip is broken to the solution. Add the hydrochloric acid, drop by drop, record the volume of hydrochloric acid added. Yeah, I would say over measurement of sodium hydroxide solution.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: The student used the solution of sodium hydroxide of concentration. Four grammes per decimeter cubed. Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide in 25 centimetres cubed of this solution. One decimeter cubed equals 1000 centimetres cubed.

Laura: Okay, now see, what happens here is like my brain turns into like a gif of a tsunami. And all my thoughts are the people on the beach going, ah, I'm running away. And what I kind of have to do is let that wave of panic, pass pieces of potato and then I can have a think clearly. I can think clearly now the rain is gone. Okay, that's figure one.

Ron: I've already marked it.

Laura: Keep that as an answer sheet. And this is going to be my notes. Um, the student used a solution of sodium hydroxide of concentration, 4.02 grammes per decimeters cubed. And then we've got 25 centimetres cubed of this solution. What are you typing? Who are you typing? Can't type while I'm thinking. Can't? No, no, I'm trying to think.

Ron: Think away.

Laura: Stop typing then. You know, I have a fidget brain. Um, fidget. Felicia, darling. Do you remember that?

Ron: Felicia, darling?

Laura: Yeah, in, um, basil, the great mouse detective. That cat or ratigan?

Ron: I don't think I've seen that in like 15 years.

Laura: Got everything on the list?

Ron: I remember the film.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Okay. Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide in 25 centimetre cubed of this solution. So one decimeter cubed is 1000 centimetres cubed. Ah. Uh, okay.

Ron: Is this one of those times where if I try and interact, that's gonna be cross for you?

Laura: Mm hmm.

Okay, so calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide in 25 centimetres

Okay, so calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide in 25 centimetres cubed. I think what I need to do is call that 2.5 decimeters cubed. Because I am dividing. No, a decimeter cubed equals 1000 centimetres cubed. So I have got 0.4 of a decimeter cubed of sodium hydroxide. So, uh. Okay, so, so are you ready to.

Ron: Give me your answer?

Laura: No, I'm thinking. Okay, so how's four grammes per decimeter cubed? So what I need to do is make my 25 centimetres cubed a decimeter cubed. To do that, I have to multiply it by 40


Laura: to make one decimator cubed. There's, uh, 40 of those in a decimeter cubed. So then I need to divide 4.4 divided by 40 to work out what I've got in there. I think so. I believe I have got 0.1 grammes of. I think it's 0.1, Ron.

Ron: Okay, you wanna give me your working?

Laura: So, uh, my working was 25 centimetre cubed times 40 equals one decimeter cubed. Therefore, 4.0 grammes per decimeter cubed divided by 40 equals, sorry. 4.0 grammes per decimeter cubed. Four. Which is four grammes, the concentration. So four divided by 40 equals the answer, uh, not 0.1.

Ron: Okay, question three. Final answer on that last one.

Laura: I imagine so, yeah, I think so.

This question is about carbon, which type of substance is carbon

Ron: All right, question three. Laura, uh, feels like we're going through this faster than the biology stuff.

Laura: How long have we been recording?

Ron: Yeah. Oh, no, it's been half an hour. Oh, goodness me. Oh, wow. Um, this question, Laura, is about carbon. Which type of substance is carbon?

Laura: The options are compound, element or mixture. The answer is elementron. It's an element. Final answer.

Ron: Yeah, I'm not even going to cheque that one.

Laura: Nope.

Ron: Carbon has isotopes with mass numbers of 1213 and 14. Complete the sentences below.

Laura: Okay. The ISO. So I've got the two sentences. Ah. The isotopes of carbon have the same number of. And the isotopes of carbon have a different number of. Um. And the answers in the box are electrons, ions, molecules, neutrons and protons. The isotopes of carbon have the same number of. Oh, God.

Ron: Episode two.

Laura: The isotopes of carbon have the same number of neutrons and a different number of protons.

Ron: Final answer, I think.

Laura: Because if the electrons change, it's an ionisation. That's what makes an ion. It wouldn't be ions. That's. That's not part of it. It's not molecules, because we're not talking about molecules. So it's neutrons and protons. It's incredibly hard to split a neutron or lose a neutron. So I'm fairly sure the number of neutrons stays the same and it's the protons that change. I think. Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. Same number of neutrons, different number of protons.

Ron: Okay. You just let me know when you want those bits of help.

Laura: Should I take some help now, Ron?

Ron: Question number three.

Laura: No. Okay.

Ron: Up to you.

Laura: I feel like you moved on.

12 grammes of carbon contains 6.02 times ten to the 23 atoms

Ron: Twelve grammes of.

Laura: Ron, should I get help there?

Ron: Twelve grammes of carbon contains 6.02 times ten to the 23 atoms. What are you. Are you googling the answer?

Laura: No, I'm asking Judith to ask you if I got that right. Is she doing it?

Ron: Look at this picture of my friend.

Laura: Dan, um, from Chris and Katie's wedding. Wow. He looks like a piece of potato.

Ron: That's a great pick. Twelve grammes of carbon contains 6.02 times ten to the 23 atoms.

Laura: Okay.

Ron: What?

Laura: It's just a lot of numbers, isn't it?

Ron: Yeah. Do you know what that's called?

Laura: A carbon? Twelve.

Ron: No. No. What the 6.02 times ten to the 23. Do you know what that's called?

Laura: No.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: What is that called?

Ron: Doesn't matter.

Laura: No, tell me.

Ron: I don't know. Just tell you.

Laura: Tell me.

Ron: That'd be help.

Laura: Tell me.

Ron: Do you want to use this up as one of your bits help?

Laura: No, because you teased this. This should be like


Laura: that bit where Aladdin tricks the genie. Because you teased it.

Ron: Tell me you've not tricked me.

Laura: No, but you've, you've, you've slutted it.

Ron: I've slut?

Laura: Yeah, you slutted it a bit. Either full slap the answer or it's not even one of the questions.

Ron: So that standard form, uh.

Laura: What the fuck does that help with?

Ron: No, from yesterday's thing, we had to give an answer in standard form.

Laura: Oh yeah, I didn't get that right then.

Ron: No, you didn't. You tried to leave the word million. You wanted to write 350, 15 million.

Laura: I would argue that that is a way more standard form for writing things.

Ron: No, this is standardised because it doesn't matter how long the number is, you still have the same things there.

Laura: Oh, so I should have put like ten to the five?

Ron: Something like that, yeah. M. Okay, which expression is used to calculate the mass of one atom of carbon?

Laura: My options are twelve over 6.5, not two times ten to the 23. That reversed. There you go. Wrong. Or twelve times 6.02 times ten to the 23. Um, it would be. It would be the middle one. 6.02 times ten to the 23 over twelve. You divide it by twelve to get the weight of a single one.

Ron: Final answer?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Figure two shows diagrams that represent different forms.

Laura: Wait, is that right? That would be one gramme of carbon. But that wouldn't be the mass of one atom of carbon. Oh, fuck it. It's fine. Wait, I'm so confused. Maybe it would be something else. Hang on. Would it be twelve divided by twelve grammes of carbon contains that many atoms? Maybe it would be twelve divided by. Yeah, I think it's the first one actually. Ron. 1st. 112 over 6.02 times ten to the power 23.

Ron: Okay.

Laura: Oh, we're only a quarter of the way through. Oh fuck. How many helps do I get?

Ron: Two.

Laura: No, I'm not using one here.

Ron: I'd maybe save it for one question. That's worth more marks.

Laura: Yeah, okay. And I've got that one right.

Ron: Chances are better help.

Laura: Okay. No, it doesn't.

Ron: You said.

Figure one shows diagrams that represent different forms of carbon

Okay. Figure two shows diagrams that represent different forms of carbon. Which diagram represents Buckminster fullerine?

Laura: Ron? It's figure b, the ball of fun. Buckyball.

Ron: Can you give me the names of the other ones?

Laura: No, but they're not asked for.

Ron: Can't you. No.

Laura: Please don't be the next bit.

Ron: No, you really can't.

Laura: Well, there's a tube and uh, a sort of atom pyramid.

Ron: It's disappointing.

Laura: Atomamid.

Ron: Atomid 3.5. Figure three shows represents part of the structure of graphite. Draw one line from each property of graphite to the structural feature that is the reason for that property.

Laura: Okay. My properties are a lovely four bedroom Sammy on the coast.

Ron: Nice one, Kevin.

Laura: Thank you. Uh, my properties are. Graphite conducts electricity.

Ron: That was Kevin McLeod I was going for.

Laura: Yeah. Not spacey. No.

Ron: Or the dog.

Laura: The dog.

Ron: Kevin the dog.

Laura: Kevin the big. No, that's Clifford.

Ron: Kevin the big dog.

Laura: Tried to compete with Clifford the big red dog. But what they hadn't done, crucially, was give him a colour. So Kevin the big dog just couldn't keep up. Kevin the big translucent dog. That's, uh, horrible. You can see all his digestive system all the time. That'd be horrible, wouldn't it? Imagine a clear dog. Okay. Uh, the properties are. Graphite conducts electricity. Graphite is soft. Okay. My, um, structural features are. Graphite has hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. The bonds between carbon atoms in the layers are strong. There are no covalent bonds between layers of atoms. There are delocalized electrons in the graphite. Um, so graphite conducts electricity. That one connects to. There are delocalized electrons in graphite. And graphite is soft is because there are no covalent bonds between layers of atoms.

Ron: Final answer? Yeah, this


Ron: question. Laura.

Question number four is about alloys. Explain why solder is harder than pure tin

Question number four. Can you guess what it's about?

Laura: It's about cars.

Ron: Alloys.

Laura: Yay. I was right.

Ron: This question is about alloys.

Laura: Alloys are something you can put on wheels.

Ron: Solders are, uh, alloys of tin and lead. Different solders have different percentages of tin and lead. Figure four shows the arrangement of atoms in pure tin. And in a solder. The solder in figure four has six lead atoms for every 24 tin atoms. Determine the percentage of atoms that are lead atoms in the solder in figure four.

Laura: Okay. Six lead for every 24 tin. So that is six out of 30 equals, uh, lead. Because it's six plus 24 equals 36 over 30 equals lead. Then if we divide both of that by six, it's one in five, uh, which is 20% lead.

Ron: Final answer?

Laura: Yeah, I think that's right.

Ron: Explain why solder is harder than pure tin. Complete the sentences. In solder, the layers are distorted. This is because atoms of tin have different. Tin and lead have different sizes. Do you want the question mark written down?

Laura: No.

Ron: This, therefore, the layers cannot easily. It's a good face.

Laura: Laura is pulling break apartheid. I'm gonna go for a help there. On. No. It's only one mark. But I wanna know. Break apart. I'm gonna break apart.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: Ah, yeah.

Ron: Hmm. M. We can't really do. Maybe we can figure five shows. The melting point of. I keep on wanting to read the word soldier. Yeah, real bad.

Laura: Especially when you're saying tin a lot. Tin soldiers.

Ron: Yeah. Like the Eminem song.

Laura: Yeah. Eminem. Um. Break.

Ron: Do you have M and M's?

Laura: No, but we could just listen to some m and m farm on our mosquetti. Already. No, Ron, we haven't got time. Ron, we're only a third of the way through, and I would like to have some downtime today, and we can't play Eminem. Ron, we. Right. Ron's had to edit that out. But just know that. That we jammed for a little bit there to some dido. We didn't even listen to, actually, any m and m. We just listened to a sample of dido, but it was lovely.

Ron: Shows how the melting point of the solder changes with the percentage of mass of tin in the solder. What are we looking at there? Lozenge.

Laura: Right. Figure five. We're looking at a chart, a table, a graph. We've got, on the y axis, the melting point of solder. In centigrade, it goes up to 340, uh, and down to 180. And then on the x axis, we've got the percentage by mass of tin in the solder. As the percentage increases, it drops right down. So just above 60%. What's that? 62%. We hit its lowest point at just over 180 degrees, where it started up in the, like, 338 kind of thing. But then once you get above that 62%, it starts to go back up again at, uh, a slightly lower rate. But it does go back up.

Ron: Yes. Describe what happens to the melting point of the solder as the percentage by mass of tin increases.

Laura: I've just done that pretty comprehensively.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: For the purposes of podcasting happiness. Should we take what I said as my answer?

Ron: Uh, yeah, let me just mark it. Okay.

What is the melting point of puritan? Who has got four answers

What's the next question? Eh? What is the melting point of puritan?

Laura: The melting point of puritan. So, um, using the graph. So, I'm looking at nothing. Wait. No. I am looking at the 100% mass of tin in the solder. So, at the 100% point, it is 232 degrees c. Okay.

Ron: M. What happens


Ron: to the atoms in puritan as. Ah, the tin melts.

Laura: What happens to the atoms in Puritan?

Ron: Who has got four answers to choose from here?

Laura: Yes. Right. The atoms gain energy, and their arrangement becomes less ordered. That probably would be true. The atoms gain energy and their arrangement becomes more ordered. No, the atoms lose energy and their arrangement becomes less ordered. No, the atoms lose energy and their arrangement becomes more ordered. I don't think so. Because it wouldn't cause them to have stronger bonds. So I'm gonna say the first one. The atoms gain energy and their arrangement becomes less ordered.

Ron: Final answer?

Laura: Yep.

This question is about small particles. Which type of particles?

Ron: Laura, question number five. This question is about small particles.

Laura: I love small particles. They're all fucking small. They're tiny. Did you just do a fart? Where's the guff hat? Don't whiff it at me.

Ron: This question is about small particles. Which type of particles? Particle is often referred to as dust.

Laura: What?

Ron: Coarse particle? Fine particle? Nanoparticle.

Laura: Um, I'm gonna say fine particle, probably.

Ron: Final answer.

Laura: Sure. I don't feel invested in that. We've never talked about that.

Ron: It's an interesting question. A spherical coarse particle has a diameter of 4000, spherical fine particle has a diameter of 200 nm. How many times larger is the diameter of the coarse particle than the diameter of the fine particle?

Laura: Uh, 20 times larger. Ron, I thought you were really trying to sniff up your fart then, but it was a yawn. Did you sort of went like. It's getting in me. Like, don't let it get away. That's like the opposite of my old breathing technique. You just can't like, suck your farts back in your body. Fine filtration. Like triple filtered wine.

Ron: Figure six. Figure sips represents.

Laura: Sounds like a wrapper.

Ron: Represents.

Laura: Figure sips.

Ron: Represents a.

Laura: That one smells too. What's wrong with me today? My farts are not normally this stinky.

Ron: Represents a cubic nanoparticle.

Laura: I'd like to change my dust. Answer to course, please. Now that we've progressed, are you sure? No, yeah, course.

Ron: Coarse. Okay. Is it because this one says cubic?

Laura: No, it's just three nanomillimeters m or whatever that feels like.

Ron: This one's a nanoparticle.

Laura: Uh, I'm gonna go back to fine, please run. I'd like to go back to fine.

Ron: I don't want to talk you in or out of anything, but I just don't get too hung up on those numbers because you don't know what a nanometer is.

Laura: Oh, yeah. I'll leave it at course then. Ron.

Ron: You're sticking with course?

Laura: I don't know. What shall I do? I'm calling in a help, shall I? What shall I say?

Ron: Ronnie, I. I'm, uh, not gonna help you with this one.

Laura: Fuck off. Because I've called in a help. You have to help yeah.

Ron: No, there's a difference between help and tell. You the answer and I've looked at the answer for this one. That's not a help, that's a tell. You don't get any tells.

Laura: I should get what can I trade my two helps for a tell?

Ron: And you wanna blow that here now, do you?

Laura: Fine, I'll leave it. How can I not know what fucking dust is? I'll leave it at fine.

Ron: We'll get back to fine.

Laura: When we say dust, are we talking the dust I know about or, uh, is there another type of dust?

Ron: Uh, that would count as a help?

Laura: Eh, I'm fine. I'm going with fine.

Ron: You're fine or you're going with fine?

Laura: I'm going with fine. I am not fine.

Ron: I am coarse, not coarse. You want fine?

Laura: Yes, please.

Ron: Fine.

Use the equation to calculate the surface area of a cubic nanoparticle

Particle figure, uh, six represents a cubic. Cubic nanoparticle. The volume of the cubic nanoparticle is 27 nm cubed. Calculate the surface area of the cubic nanoparticle. The simplest


whole number ratio of the surface area to the volume of the cubic nanoparticle. Use the equation. Surface area of the cubic nanoparticle equals six times the surface area of one face.

Laura: What the fuck is happening? Okay. Calculate the surface area of the cubic nanoparticle. Okay, that's easy because that's nine nano. Is it nanomillimeters or nanometers? Anyway, 9 nm cubed times six equals 50, uh, four nm m cubed. So that's the surface area. Uh, calculate the surface area of a cubic nanoparticle. Yes. The simplest whole number ratio of surface area to volume. So the volume would be 27. Oh, it says it there. Ah, but I did work it out myself too. Well done, me. 27. Uh, uh, surface area volume is 54 to 27. So that's quite easy. That's just a two to one ratio. Simplest whole number ratio of surface area. Yeah, I think it's two to one.

Ron: Confident.

Laura: Yeah, I think so.

Nanoparticles have lower surface area to volume ratio than normal sized particles

Ron: Four marks on the line. Titanium oxide is used in some m creams, which is an advantage of using nanoparticles of titanium oxide rather than normal sized particles of titanium oxide and some creams.

Laura: Okay, my options are, ah, a small amount of nanoparticles is needed to be effective. Nanoparticles cost more than the same mass of normal sized particles. Nanoparticles have a lower surface area to volume ratio than normal sized particles. What's the advantage of using nanoparticles? A smaller mass of nanoparticles is needed to be effective. Nanoparticles cost more than the same mass of normal size. Well, that one's stupid. Nanoparticles have a lower surface area to volume ratio than normal sized particles. So does that mean they've got, wait, nanoparticles have a lower surface area to volume ratio? That would be my guess. Because I'm assuming the titanium oxide is in there to, like, reflect the sun. That's why it's used for sun cream. So you want more surface area, less weight. So a lower surface area to volume ratio, I think, is. Then I'm gonna go with that one.

Ron: Lower surface area to volume ratio.

Laura: But that doesn't feel right. You want more surface area to volume, but a smaller mass of nanoparticles is needed to be effective. Just doesn't make sense. And the other one doesn't make sense. I think that's the only one that's even vaguely logical. Yeah, I'm going to go with that one.

Ron: Okay. Do you want a help?

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Yeah. You don't want any helps?

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Why would the ratio be different? Just because the particles were smaller, ratios wouldn't change. Also why the first, a smaller m mass of nanoparticles is needed to be effective.

Laura: Yeah.

Ron: Yeah. So when you're making something sort of sale as a commercial product, using a smaller amount of an ingredient to be effective would be quite good because you had to use less of it, so you need less.

Laura: Oh, I was reading that sentence wrong.

Ron: Yes.

Laura: I'll go with the first one.

Ron: Please write, but you have to talk me through it. So it's not a tell, but it's a help. Why is that?

Laura: Um, I was reading that one wrong. So you can use fewer nanoparticles and get the same effectiveness.

Ron: Now explain to me why. Because you are almost on it before.

Laura: Because the particles reflect back off the sun's rays. So you just want a lot of them.

Ron: Nanoparticles have the same number of size.

Laura: Same number of surface area?

Ron: No, same number. You're right. They need to reflect nanoparticles. If you, if you speak, if you think in mass,


Ron: you have, like, more.

Laura: Surface area to mass.

Ron: Why?

Laura: Because they're small, but they weigh the same. So it's broken up.

Ron: Yes, exactly.

Laura: There's more surface area to max ratio.

Ron: Yeah, yeah. You get it that way.

Laura: Yeah, yeah. I just misread that sentence. I read it with the wrong intonation.

Ron: I know. That's why I thought that was one where you could do with a bit of a help.

Laura: Yeah. Thank you.

What is the formula of titanium oxide? My options are ti zero two

Ron: Titanium oxide contains ti four plus ions and o two minus ions. What is the formula of titanium oxide.

Laura: Titanium oxide contains ti four plus ions and o two negative ions. What is the formula of titanium oxide? My options are ti zero two. Tio four. Ti two. O. Ti 40 two. I think, Ron. I think, Ron. It would be tio four.

Ron: Tio four.

Laura: Yes.

Ron: Why is that?

Laura: Uh, because I want two oxygens. No, tio two. Sorry, Ron. Tio two. Because I want to double the number of negatives. Basically, I want the numbers to add up. So four plus and two minus. So I want two oxygens to mush that. So tio two is what I want. No, it wasn't a.

Ron: What do you mean?

Laura: I got that by myself.

Ron: Yeah, because I asked you. She explained it.

Ron: If you have any feedback on the exams or the results

Laura: Okay, Ron, so I listened to this episode today, and I had the notes open so I could add as I was listening. Why is the first note that you put in the outro, Laura is insane and should die in her sleep because.

Ron: Of your weird breathing system.

Laura: I tried to open up to you about my childhood problems, and you suggest I should die of carbon poisoning in my sleep?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: That's not kind, is it?

Ron: I was editing this on a train, and I really struggle to do all the bits that I need to do. I invariably forget one of them when I'm doing this on a train. I was trying to do the notes, and I heard that, and I said, laura's insane. She should die.

Laura: Poor Laura. I, uh, do think, though, right at the beginning, whispering to you that I've done a fart is peak pe, pre professional podcasting. That is. That's dead with this era. Talking about how stinky all the butt gas is. That's dead. That's gone now.

Ron: Yeah. Yeah. No, that's not what professionals do.

Laura: I can't believe, though, we sang along to Dido and you didn't edit it out. You left it in there for me to have to go in and scrape out.

Ron: Why would we have to edit that out?

Laura: Because we can't use other people's music in our podcast.

Ron: You can. Fair use.

Laura: No, I don't think you can, Ron.

Ron: I think you can.

Laura: Well, we haven't. We've edited it out now.

Ron: Oh.

Laura: Uh, my biggest meltdown in the whole exam was over. Dust just.

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Sums up science so much.

Ron: I don't even remember learning about what dust is.

Laura: Who the fuck cares?

Ron: Yeah.

Laura: Mad. Anyway, I did want to say at this point, if you have any feedback on the exams or the results. We've done one results episode. Uh, we have recorded all of them. Um, but obviously, we're just about to go into higher tier. So if you've got any feedback on how we've been doing the exams and doing the results that you think we would want to hear before we do basically this again, but in higher tier, let us know. Get in touch if you've got suggestions or things that could fruit it up a bit of. We might ignore you completely, but, you.

Ron: Know, or slut it up a bit. As you kept saying in this.

Laura: Well, you were being a slut.

Ron: Um, um, um.

Laura: It's a big thank you to Katherine Lennon, who invented normal breathing. Before she came along, everyone had sore muscle y necks from constantly having to swivel around everywhere so that you don't breathe in the air that you just breathed out. And it was exhausting. But Catherine said, no more, no more. No more. Will you have to swivel like an owl just for oxygen? That's why it's called oxygen. Owlsygen. Thank you, Catherine, for letting us all sleep good in life.

Ron: Thank you, Katherine Lennon.

Laura: Thank you, Catherine. You've saved my bacon.

Laura: All of our class clown episodes are available on Patreon

Ron: And what has Catherine received access to recently, Laura, as being a member of our wonderful Patreon?

Laura: Um, well, most recently, my birthday episode, a deep dive into real housewives. Ron watched three episodes and gave


Laura: me detailed notes on each franchise.

Ron: Yeah, hear us talk about the snootster. Three head and fish lips.

Laura: Yeah. Oo um. Coming soon will be the next class clown episode. I've also, um, I've been doing a new thing on my socials lately where I'm doing, like, deep dives analysis on comedy. So I've made all of the class clown episodes on the Patreon available to purchase individually. Now, personally, I think it's terrible value for money because we're not allowed to charge more than three pounds an episode. We only charge three pounds a month. That gets you two episodes a month, so I think that's better value. But they are there. Should you not want to sign up? But you are interested in the comedy nerdery?

Ron: No. Do sign up, though.

Laura: Yeah? Sign up. Why not? We need recurring revenue next week. Oh, my goodness. Next week is October. Um, so please buy your tickets to that cheerful, earful podcast festival is only a month away. Less than a month now. Uh, that is on the 20. October, a lovely Sunday afternoon. Hang out in a pub, and we're going to do a Halloween live episode.

Ron: And you'll be covering the moon and I'll be doing wolves.

Laura: I think that's what we said, wasn't it, m?

Ron: Yeah, something like that. Eh?

Laura: I dreamt last night that Mum had become an orca trainer in New Zealand.

Ron: Wow. I love that for her.

Laura: Yeah. All right, we'll see you next week.

Ron, you have to dismiss the augurs. What do you say? Oh. M.

Ron, you have to dismiss the augurs.

Ron: Um, um. What do you say? Oh. Pencils down. M.


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