Lexx Education - Episode Index

Episode 1 - Biology - A Lego Brick Full of Meccano                          Introduction to cells. Episode 2 - Chemistry - Bob Marley and th...

Monday 30 September 2024

Chemistry Exam - Foundation 2 - You Want Me To Get Rid of Farty?

Laura: Hello and welcome to another episode of Lex Education, the comedy science podcast, where comedian me, Laura Lex, tries to learn science from her nerdy, younger, normal brother, non comedian Ron.
Ron: That's me. I'm Ron. Hello.
Laura: I put all your descriptors into one thing, Ronnie.
Ron: Oh, I contain multitudes.
Laura: You are. You are a multitude. Uh, how are you, Ron?
Ron: I'm okay.
Meg: I think climate change made the air in China better
I forgot to have a lunch break today, so we're recording early on this dreary, dreary day.
Laura: It is dreary. Do you know what? I take dreary over the most terrifying drive of my life. Last night, trying to get home from Cheltenham and the weather was so bad I think I aquaplaned like five or six times, just, um, like it was genuine roulette as to whether you were going to die at, ah, any point. It was horrifying. It's like, if we're not going to fix climate change, and I understand the hypocrisy of moaning about climate change while I'm saying my driving was affected by it. I get it. I don't have a very environmentally friendly job, but can we at least then, like, put in the infrastructure to deal with the, uh, results of what you're not willing to change to fix, you.
Ron: Know, higher, um, up roads or roads.
Laura: With better drainage.
Ron: Smaller m clouds.
Laura: Yeah, let's do that thing where you fire metal into the clouds to keep.
Ron: The clouds away like the Chinese did for the Olympics.
Laura: Yeah, I'm sure that had no knock on effects.
Ron: Well, actually, I think it made the air in China better.
Laura: Yeah, we did.
Ron: Hannah Ritchie talks about this friend of the podcast, um, well, imaginary friend of the podcast, Hannah Ritchie talks about how, um, uh, they really got their shit together because lots of people were going to China and they were like, ah, shit, we can't have them breathing this air. You know, like when someone comes over to your house and you're like, fuck, this place is a tip. We gotta clean this up. China effectively did that, but with pollution.
Laura: Yeah, they've hoovered up that dog hair in the air. Um, it's my favourite Pink Floyd song.
Ron: What?
Laura: Dog hair in the air?
Ron: They're great, don't you?
Laura: Um, I've nearly finished. Butter.
Ron: Nice. Can I have your login so I can just listen to the last harp?
Laura: You have to put it on 1.5 speed, though, because she talks so slowly and you're like, it's already a slow book. You can't read it ponderously. Um, I tell you what, here's my thoughts as no one's replying. To me in the WhatsApp group set up to have this book.
Ron: Well, but the thing is, you said no spoily opes in your message. And then.
Laura: But ages ago when you came to say, you said you were halfway through.
Ron: Yeah, but then I don't know if any other one else in there is because we're in there with a bunch of fucking randos. Thanks, Meg.
Laura: Where are you up to?
Ron: Just over halfway through. I haven't read anything in the plot. I think she's just gotten back from where the lady grew up.
Laura: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay.
Ron: But no, you're right to reply to.
Laura: You now, way past that.
Ron: Your theory, I don't think is true because the sister didn't recognise that man either.
Laura: Yeah, but they said he had a mask on. But also from where I am now. No, that didn't happen. So don't worry about that theory that I had.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: Um, but I think that bit where she goes to the village, that is the best bit. And then it's quite good for a few chapters when she gets back from there, and then it just goes real boring again.
Ron: Is that the best bit? That bit wasn't great.
Laura: No, but at least that bit had me like, oh, what's gonna happen next? It felt like there was a development.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: Yes. There was something we were trying to work out. There was drive. We were going somewhere. And then she sort of gets back and it kind of settles back into just like, watching some people be moody.
Ron: Yeah. Two massive dud books in a row.
Laura: Woof. Uh, like, this one was. This one was like a boring sandwich. It had a great filling and then boring bread.
Ron: I was quite gripped at the beginning, actually. For me, it was more of just a descent into dull rather than.
Laura: Yeah, but when you say you were gripped at the beginning, do you mean for like half a chapter?
Ron: No, a couple of. No. Chapter or two. They're long chapters, though.
Laura: Listen, it's 90 pages wrong.
Ron: Um, but I was on holiday, which helps. I was on, you know, poolside, which is always where the best reading is done.
Laura: So anyway, what we're saying is the Lex education book club does not necessarily recommend butter, uh, by Asako Yuzuki what's her surname.
Ron: But it also. But we also don't, uh, not recommend it. It's just not for us. I don't
Ron: think it's bad. I think it's just not for me.
Laura: I think somebody in the discord had read it, actually.
Ron: It's quite. I think it's quite a zeitgeisty, trendy book.
Laura: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'm just not a zeitgeisty, trendy person.
Ron: No, you like Tom Bilder and his witch tits.
Laura: I did like Tom M. Builder and his witch tits. Like, I can't believe you stuck this one out and not Tom Builder and his witch tits where there was shit happening every fucking page. Yeah, but you'd kill for a dead wife and a new witch somewhere in the middle of butter.
Ron's tour starts this week, so buy your tickets now
Ron: Nah, butter was interesting, though.
Laura: Stop talking about these fucking tigers going around a tree. No one cares about little Bobaji and his. Oh, yeah, but no tigers.
Ron: Yeah, but we can't point. And I didn't choose butter either, so I'm not particularly defending it. It's my choice next. But there is.
Laura: What? When's it my choice after me? Who chose butter?
Ron: Sarah.
Laura: But she chose the first one that you all whinged about. Yeah. Uh, right. She's banned from booktube.
Ron: Yeah, she's been shit at it. It's me next. And then it'll be you.
Laura: Um, okay.
Ron: And then it's the long list of randos. Thanks, Mega.
Laura: Um, so there you go. There's an impromptu session of the book club. Everybody having a good time? Um, Ron, my tour starts this week. It's two days until the end if you're listening to this on release day, so just get your tickets, all right? Buy people some tickets for early Christmas presents.
Ron: Get your tickets, guys. You're not fucking m signing up for the Patreon, so you better be using that money for a Sunday.
Laura: It's October now. It's cheerful this month.
Ron: Yeah, buy your tickets, guys.
Laura: They put us in the big room, and we're gonna look like one year only chumps if we sell fewer tickets for the big room than we did in the small room.
Ron: Do we know how many we've sold?
Laura: Yes. We're not gonna say it out loud.
Ron: Can you WhatsApp it to me?
Laura: Um, yeah.
Ron: Is it more or less than my age? Oh, m. No.
Laura: It'S gonna be intimate.
Ron: Oh, no, that's less than the London podcast festival.
Laura: Yeah, I did say we should stay in the small room, but no one wanted to listen to me. Um, so buy tickets for that. Um, right. It's episode two of the chemistry exam today, and it gets real snacky.
You have hard on money that you've put aside for days
So how about all these things we've asked you to spend your hard on money on? Do it before you leave.
Ron: Hard on money on you.
Laura: Hard on money. You have rainy day savings and hard on money. Money that you've put aside for days. You have hard.
Ron: My boner bucks my hard on money.
Laura: I said hard on in a really long time.
Ron: Yeah, hard on's vintage. Hard on's funny.
Laura: You should use that next time you're proposing amour with, uh, Judith. I've got a hard on. Do you reckon that that would translate?
Ron: Um, I think so.
Laura: I might try hard.
Ron: What's hard? Svare. I think square. Hang on. I wonder if that dildo company emailed me back. Listener. You'll find out after the episode.
Laura, question six. I think this might be the worst podcasting food
Laura, question six.
Laura: I think I need a stone.
Ron: What she getting for snakes? She's getting plain digestive and, uh, fancy Nutella.
Laura: What are you laughing about?
Ron: You're fancy Nutella.
Laura: It doesn't have palm oil in it.
Ron: That's nice. Why don't you just buy chocolate to chicken chips?
Laura: We normally do, but I've been trying.
Ron: To take out a bunch. Feed chocolate rather than rustling every time.
Laura: No, because then I'll eat a bunch, and I just want to eat one. I've been trying to feed shadow the podcast. Less sugar, but not be a boring parent. So we got plain digestives so she could have a biscuit, but it wasn't quite as, like, luxurious as the biscuits me and Tom stuff our faces with when she's gone to bed. But we've eaten all our biscuits, so now I'm eating hers. Huh? Covered in chocolate spread. Okay, judge,
Laura: do you want one?
Ron: No. I think this might be the worst podcasting food either of us has ever eaten.
Laura: No, the olives. The olives is the worst thing. You lick each finger individually after each olive. You didn't eat a load of olives and then eat your fingers. So there was one awful finger bit. You just did it over and over again. God. Those olives are the reason we are never in the podcast charts. If you hadn't eaten those olives, we'd have sold out. London podcast festival. Gareth wouldn't have even been able to come.
Ron: And all the more reason to eat olives. We love Gareth.
Laura: What a guy.
Ron: Um, everybody pay for him to walk up them stairs.
Laura, question six. What about melted cheese on her digestive
Laura, question six. I want a snack now. You didn't even get the Maltesers.
Laura: Have a snack.
Ron: I don't want this DIy snack.
Laura: I love this. Just put spread on it. Stop being so fancy.
Ron: I quite like it. Maybe I have some cheese with it. Uh, give me an erde. Uh, what do you mean?
Laura: Geez, I'm a digestive.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: No.
Ron: Why not? Cheese and biscuits is a very famous.
Laura: No, biscuits like crackers.
Ron: You can literally get digestives in a. In a cracker set.
Laura: Ugh.
Ron: Get me some cheese. You'll see, it's delicious.
Laura: Fuck off. I'm not getting you cheese.
Ron: Cheese. I'll show you. Laura, this question.
Laura: What about melted cheese on her digestive?
Ron: That, uh, sounds delicious as well.
Laura: Duck. No.
Ron: Why not? I'd prefer cold cheese. Maybe with some chutters and a grape.
Laura: But we've got grapes. Probably got chutters.
Ron: Give me all three.
Laura: No, I'm doing an exam.
Ron: This question if in the middle of the examined. Maybe in butler exam you do. Hey, listeners, what's the weirdest exam you've ever done? Write in lexeducationooglemail.com or question six.
This question is about metals. What are two differences between copper and sodium
This question is about metals. Platinum is a metal used to make jewellery. Suggest one reason why platinum is used to make jewellery.
Laura: It's very hard and therefore doesn't scratch or wear down easily. You are giving me a real face.
Ron: Just because of the biscuit.
Laura: Should I say it's very soft and therefore it's easy to make into jewellery? No, I think it's hard. Shut up.
Ron: Figure seven shows a piece of sodium being added to water. I think figure seven might be the most useless figure. Give.
Laura: They've really put some effort into drawing those tongs. They've got specific handles. You can tell that those are rubberized handles. I can picture them as red, you know?
Ron: Yeah. Gift. Two observations that could be seen when sodium is added to water.
Laura: Uh. Uh. Farty bubbles. Was there a more official name we had for farty bubbles? Yeah, I'm m gonna say bubbles.
Ron: You want me to get rid of farty?
Laura: Probably. I'm sure we called them farty bubbles, bubbles and, um, a flame.
Ron: Okay, final answer.
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: Copper is a transition element. Sodium is a group one element. What are two differences between copper and sodium?
Laura: Oh, fuck. Um, copper, um, is a transition element. Sodium is a group one. And, um, what are two differences between copper and sodium? Okay, um, my options are copper has a lower melting point. Copper is harder. Copper is less dense. Copper is less reactive. Copper is less strong. Right, I'm definitely gonna go copper is less reactive. Sodium, I guess it has a melting point. I've never really talked about the melting point of group one's. Copper, it's harder. Copper is less dense. Copper is less reactive. Yes. Copper is less strong. Um, gosh, I just don't know. Copper and sodium, I don't think I can tell the melting points from the periodic table. Copper is harder. I
Laura: know copper is quite soft. Metal, I don't know how that would compare to sodium. Copper is less dense. Where is copper? Is there. Oh, I don't know how I could know that.
Ron: Uh.
Laura: Copper, uh, is less strong. That one doesn't feel right. I am going to say copper has a lower melting point, ronnie. No, that doesn't make any sense, because you could literally. No, that makes no sense. No, that makes no sense. Harder. Denser. Uh, stronger.
Ron: That. Don't kill me. Fuck any better. Dancer. Strong.
Laura: Ah, copper is harder. Let's say harder because sodium, you can, like, scrape it, can't you? I'm gonna say copper is harder.
Ron: Let's try one of these.
Laura: Oh, yeah. He's putting the choccy spread on the bicky.
Ron: And then after this, we'll have a cheese.
Laura: We'll make a sandwich.
Ron: We'll have a cheesy one together. You should try it, man.
Laura: What kind of cheese?
Ron: Nice. Strong. Cheddar's best.
Laura: Shall I get it out the fridge to warm up?
Ron: Do you want warm?
Laura: Yeah. Cheese is much better at room temperature than fridge cold. You should always get your cheese out the fridge an hour or so before you're gonna eat it.
Ron: That seems crazy.
Laura: No, if you're having a cheese board, you don't want it. Fridge cold on.
Rainy. Harder to eat. Wipe chocolate on your collar when it gets sweaty
Ron: Rainy.
Laura: No, I like.
Ron: But what if it goes sweaty?
Laura: I think that's when the flavour comes out with the sweat.
Ron: Harder to eat.
Laura: Yeah, it's really sticky now. Covered in chocolate, hands feel dirty again. Wipe them on your collar.
The metal aluminium and copper can be used to make pans for cooking
Ron: The metal, uh, aluminium and copper can be used to make pans for cooking. Table two shows information about the two metals. The higher the value for thermal conductivity, the better the metal conducts thermal energy.
Laura: Okay, so we've got table here. We've got thermal conductivity in arbitrary units. Uh, so the conductivity of aluminium is 250, copper is 400, density of aluminium is 2.7, copper, 8.9. Cost of metal per kilogramme. 1.5 for aluminium and seven for copper.
Ron: Evaluate the use of pans made of aluminium and of copper.
Laura: Okay, so I'm going to start with copper pans would be more expensive than aluminium pans. Uh, copper pans would also be heavier than. Is that true? Density in grammes per centimetre cubed? Yes. Copper pans would also be heavier than aluminium pans. Uh, however, copper pans would conduct heat better than aluminium. I would have to argue, though, that the improvement in conductivity is not outweighed by how much heavier and more expensive it would be. The only copper saucepan the average cook would need would be like, uh, a small saucepan for things like hollandaise or butter. Uh, you don't need to add that.
Ron: Last part, that's just for me.
Laura: Yeah. It's also because copper is so reactive, you spend an age keeping them shiny and nice. The dream situation is a copper, uh, panel in the middle of your. Sort of like, copper through the middle. So my la Cruze saucepans, they have stainless steel on the outside, copper in the middle, stainless steel on the other side. So it's a little copper sandwich. So you get good conductivity, but you get the hard weariness of stainless steel on the outside.
Ron: Anything else you want to add?
Laura: No. M. How much of that did you put in?
Ron: I've got copper pans would be more expensive than aluminium pans. Copper pans would also be heavier than aluminium pans. However, copper pans would conduct heat better than aluminium pans. However, this would be outweighed by how much heavier and expensive they would be.
Laura: Sure. I'm happy with that. There were four marks, and I feel like I've given three pieces of information from the table and then a summary.
Give one reason why molten sodium chloride conducts electricity
Ron: Okay, question seven.
Laura: God, we're only halfway this.
Ron: We have been recording for an hour and 13 minutes.
Laura: Jesus.
Ron: This question is about ionic compounds and electrolysis. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound. Figure eight represents parts of the sodium. Of the structure of sodium chloride.
Laura: Okay, so I've got a cube here. And on the top four corners of my cube, I've got, uh, uh, a positive sodium ion on two opposite corners and a negative chlorine ion on the other two corners.
Ron: Complete figure eight.
Laura: Okay, so, uh, if you think of the square on the bottom as opposites, I'm gonna put negative chloride, negative chlorine, negative ions underneath the sodium positives, and sodium positives underneath the chlorine negatives. Does that make sense to you?
Ron: Give one reason why molten sodium conducts electricity. Molten sodium chloride conducts electricity. Refer to ions in your arm.
Laura: Because molten sodium chloride has loose ions who have more. That have more energy to move and have are, uh, not strictly bonded together in a rigid structure so they can pass electrical current along.
Ron: Is that everything you want to see?
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: I need to get my charger.
Laura: I need more biscuits.
Ron: It is a dark and stormy night.
Laura: It just doesn't feel much like August. It feels very September y.
Ron: Birthday?
Laura: Yeah. Why did you ask me about my birthday?
Ron: Because if you were doing something, then maybe I'd have done something. But you said no.
Laura: Uh, well, you should come down. I told you I had the day off.
Ron: Maybe. Table three shows products of the electrolysis of two molten ionic compounds. I told you. Gonna get some water while you chew?
Laura: Yes, I can write four of these today.
Ron: Well done.
Laura: Right, table three. The molten compounds we have are magnesium bromide and potassium chloride. The product at the negative electrode. I've got magnesium for magnesium bromide and then a gap for potassium chloride. The product at, uh, the positive electrode. I've got a gap for magnesium bromide and chlorine for potassium chloride. I've got to complete it. So I'm going to put bromine in the product at the positive electrode for magnesium bromide and, um, potassium in the product at. Ah, the negative electrode for potassium chloride.
Ron: Sorry. I wasn't here and I wasn't listening.
Laura: I got it right.
Aluminium is extracted by electrolysis using a molten mixture of aluminium oxide
Ron: All right. I think I heard you say it. Okay.
Laura: I pretty much did. I think.
Ron: Aluminium is extracted by electrolysis. The electrolyte is a molten mixture of aluminium oxide and cryolite. Why is the mixture used instead of pure aluminium oxide as the electrolyte?
Laura: The options are the mixture has a lower melting point than pure aluminium oxide. The mixture has the same melting point as pure aluminium oxide. The mixture has a higher melting point than pure aluminium oxide. Uh, aluminium is extracted by electrolysis.
Ron: What's going through your head, Laura?
Laura: Shut up.
Ron: Yeah, but this is.
Laura: I'm trying to read you content.
Ron: Oh, I wonder what she's thinking about. I watched hot fuzz the other day. You know who's very funny in that film? Olivia Colman. Oh, the role she's had.
Laura: Okay, uh, I just was trying to work. Ron, I'm very tired. We've been recording for an hour and 20 minutes. I don't understand this. At the best of times, when we do it for 45 minutes in the middle of the day, it's midnight, and we've been doing this for three days.
Ron: We've been doing this for so long.
Laura: I think a mixture is used because it has a lower melting point than pure aluminium oxyde.
Ron: You sure?
Laura: I'm pretty sure. That would make the experiment cheaper to run and quicker.
Ron: Okay.
Laura: No. Oh, I hate this.
Ron: I'm just laughing because you called it an experiment.
Laura: What is it?
Ron: Well, they're making aluminium.
Laura: All right. Then the manufacture electrolysis is like, ooh.
Ron: I wonder if it'll make aluminium again. What a devious m experiment. Better make it cheap. Shit, I've got all this aluminium now after all of our experiments. What should we do with it? I guess fund global industry. Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium sulphate produces hydrogen and oxygen. What is the source of the hydrogen and the oxygen produced during electrolysis of aqueous sodium sulphate solution?
Laura: My options are air. Ah, sulphate ions and water. I'm gonna say water on. Talk me through it, because I've got hydrogen and oxygen and water is h two o.
Ron: Water is h two o. Um. Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium sulfite produces hydrogen and oxygen. Again, why is hydrogen produced instead of sodium? If ne electrolysis of aqueous sodium sulphate.
Laura: Solution, my options are hydrogen is less reactive than sodium. Hydrogen has the same reactivity as sodium. Hydrogen is more reactive than sodium. Hydrogen is more reactive than sodium because it has its single electron which sheds easily. Just. It's only taking a box there. That's right, though, isn't it?
Ron: How many electrons does sodium have?
Laura: Like, at least two.
Ron: Figure nine shows the relationship between the volume of hydrogen and the volume of oxygen produced during the electrolysis. Give one conclusion that can be made about the volume of hydrogen produced compared to the volume of oxygen produced.
Laura: I've hit the point now where I can't take in what you're saying, so then I have to read the question on my own. After you've read it out, do you.
Ron: Want to just read it from now?
Laura: No, I want you to do some fucking work. I'm just explaining to you why I then end up having to, like, stare at the screen for a while.
Ron: Sure.
Laura: Right. Figure nine. Okay. Yeah. Cool.
Figure nine shows volume of hydrogen produced compared to volume of oxygen produced
So figure nine, we've got another, um, graph. Um, on the y axis, we've got volume of oxygen produced in centimetres cubed. That's sort of going from zero to four. Then we've got volume of hydrogen produced in centimetre cubed. That's going from naught to eight. The line starts at zero on both axes and goes way up to four on the top and eight on the other in a steady, continuous straight line.
Ron: What's your conclusion about the volume of hydrogen produced compared to the volume of oxygen produced?
Laura: Hydrogen, uh, is produced at a rate of two to one of oxygen because there's two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom in water.
Ron: Sounds about right to me.
Laura: Pew. Pew. Killing it.
Ron: I don't feel like yesterday's exam had these pithy introductions for every single question.
Iron is extracted from iron oxide by a displacement reaction with carbon
Question eight. This question is about displacement reactions. Iron is extracted from iron oxide by a displacement reaction with carbon. Balance the equation.
Laura: All right? Come on, Laura, we believe in you. Right, I've got fe, uh, 02:03 plus three c. They do arrows instead of equals, but I'm going to say equals equals blank fe plus blank co. So I've got three o's over here, which means that has to be at least three cos. Over there. That also gives me three there. And I've got fe, uh, two there. Which means I need two single fe. Oh, that was actually surprisingly easy, Ron. I believe
Laura: it is two fe plus three co.
Ron: Okay. Iron oxide is reduced in this reaction. How does the equation show that iron oxide is reduced?
Laura: Uh. Uh, well, there isn't any iron oxide. What? Because there isn't any iron oxide. I need help here, Ron. Can you help me? There isn't any iron oxide in the result of the equation.
Ron: Hmm. Um, what if I said the words oxidation and reduction.
Laura: The iron oxide has been reduced to just iron.
Ron: What does an oxidation reaction do?
Laura: Adds oxygen.
Ron: What does a reduction?
Laura: Uh, removes m oxygen.
Ron: No.
Laura: Removes iron.
Ron: No.
Laura: I don't know.
Ron: No, you don't know those processes, so you're not gonna get it.
Laura: Okay. It doesn't count as a help then, because it didn't help.
Ron: Uh, that does count as a help.
Laura: No, because you didn't help me.
Ron: You just still don't get it, even with the help.
Laura: Right in.
Ron: Because there isn't any iron.
Laura: 27 heartbreak hotel, Brussels. And let us know if, uh, that counts as a help or not.
Ron: What do you want to write as your answer?
Laura: Due to reduction in iron oxide, there has been an oxidisation of the carbon and reduction of the iron oxide to pure iron. Reduced.
Ron: Snort so the question was.
Laura: No, don't read it back to me. I don't know.
Ron: How does the equation show that iron oxide is reduced? You said due to reduction in iron oxide, there has been an oxidation of the carbon and a reduction of the iron oxide to pure iron reduced to base.
Laura: I don't think I said base.
Ron: I didn't catch that last word that you said. What was it?
Laura: It was the right answer. But you didn't, you bad invigilator.
Ron: Invigilators don't usually collect the answers like this.
Copper oxide reacts with hydrogen to produce copper
8.3. Calculate the relative formula mass of fe. 02:03.
Laura: Okay, so I've got fe. 02:03 relative atomic masses. Oh, 16 fe. 56. Uh. Uh, so I'm looking at 112 of fe and 1630. 48 of zero two. So we're looking at, ah, 140 50, mister. Ah equals 150, Ron.
Ron: Okay. M. Copper oxide reacts with hydrogen to produce copper. That's the equation. Calculate the percentage atom economy from obtaining copper from this reaction.
Laura: What the hell? Calculate the percentage atom economy.
Ron: There is an equation for that immediately underneath there.
Laura: Oh, uh, okay. Use the equation percentage atom economy equals ar of cu. Oh, fucking hell. They should have started with this when I was fresh on the brain terrain. Okay, so ar of Cu, uh, 63.5 divided by mister m of h two, which is two, plus mrFc, uh, uo, which is 79.5. So that's 81.5. So 63.5 divided by 81.5 multiplied by 100. According to this formula. 77.914. Ronnie? 77.914%. I don't remember covering this.
Ron: M. Okay.
Laura: Am I getting the maths ones right?
Ron: In some ways.
Ron: A student investigated the reactivity of four different metals, a, B, C and D. The student added each metal to aqueous solution of each of the metal sulphates. Observed whether a reaction took place. Give one observation that would show a reaction took place.
Laura: Gas escaping. Gassy bubbles. Gaseous bubbles. Gaseous bubbles from gaseous bubbles. Yeah.
Ron: It's my favourite Harry Potter character. Table four shows the results.
Laura: Oh, God. This is gonna be a hard table to make fun, which we're moving on.
Ron: Basically, put the metals in order of reactivity.
Laura: Okay.
Ron: So I don't think we need to describe the table too much.
Laura: Okay. So desulfate has a cross in the box where it's been tested against a, B, C and D. So we're gonna say, no, wait a minute. I'm supposed to do this the other way. Other way. Metal C has not reacted with any of the sulphates. So c must be the least reactive one, then. Uh, a has only reacted with one sulphate, so we'll put that in position. Two. Um, b has reacted with two of the sulphates and d with three of them.
Ron: Reason I can't.
Laura: You can. I kind of did that as I was going along, didn't I?
Atoms contain electrons, neutrons and protons
Ron: M. Discord's popping question nine, Laura.
Laura: Uh, yeah.
Ron: This one doesn't tell you what this question's about.
Laura: Whoa. We're into the unknown.
Ron: Discoveries in chemistry led to a better understanding of atomic structure. Atoms were originally thought to be tiny spheres that could not be divided. The plum pudding model of the atom was then developed. Figure ten represents the plum pudding model.
Laura: I'm so happy this has come up.
Ron: Describe the plum pudding, Laura.
Laura: So the electrons are the plums in the atomic pudding, meaning that the atom.
Ron: One of my favourite go bends.
Laura: The atom is a, like, dense object with the atoms sitting in the body of the atom. The electron sitting in the body of the atom surrounded by matter.
Ron: You want me to read that back?
Laura: Yeah.
Ron: The electrons are the plums in the atomic pudding. The atom is a dense object with the electrons sitting in the body of the atom surrounded by matter.
Laura: Yeah, I think that's an okay description. Maybe put. Let's put negative and positive. So the negative electrons sitting in the positive atomic matter, aka pastry.
Ron: So just to editorialise you there a bit, the negative electrons sitting in the body of the atom surrounded by positive matter.
Laura: Yes.
Ron: Atoms contain electrons, neutrons and protons. Right. These three particles, in order of their discovery.
Laura: Oh, don't know.
Ron: Um, earliest to latest, please.
Laura: I'm gonna say earliest was electrons because they sort of come up in the reactivity, don't they? So they're probably the most easily noticeable. Um, and then we're gonna say protons because we knew about isotopes and stuff. And then we're going to say neutrons because, let's say they're harder to gauge.
Ron: Very few atoms of the element tenacine have, um, ever been identified. The atomic number of tenes is one. One seven. Predict the number of outer shell electrons in an atom of tenes. I give one reason for your answer. Use the periodic table.
Laura: Surely it's tenosine and it was discovered in Tennessee, I would expect. I'm gonna say it. Tennessee 123456. It's got seven rings, Ron, and I'm going to say that because it is on the 7th row of the periodic table. No.
Ron: Number of outer shell electrons.
Laura: Wait, I thought you said about rings. Okay, never mind. Um, right, so I think it's got seven rings to rule them all. You, um, can have two rings in your. Oh, God,
Laura: no, I think it's got seven in its outer shell, don't I? Do I? Do I? Wait, no, I don't. So has it got 32? No, that doesn't make any sense. Or does it? No, I think it does. 32. No, those are much fuller. Oh, God, my brain. 31.
Ron: Why?
Laura: So my logic here is that, uh, it's in m group seven, group zero. Next to it is the noble gases that are very unreactive because their outer rings are full. So next to it, it's got oganess on. That's got 100. No, wait, I'm doing this all wrong anyway. Oh, fuck. I just don't know because that's protons, isn't it? It's not even electrons. But wait, what did it say? Atomic number is? 117. Uh, wait, atomic number. And that's the atomic mass. So 294 -117 a 7777. It's got 117 protons. I can't remember how to work out the fucking number of electrons. The atomic mass, 234. So has it got 60 electrons?
Ron: You're overcooking this.
Laura: Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing.
Ron: You were closer with your first answer. You can tell just by looking at the table. You don't have to do any maths.
Laura: Can you?
Ron: Yeah. That's a free help because we've been doing this for an hour and 40 minutes. It is 09:00.
Laura: Seven one. Just put seven down.
Ron: I can put seven. But why?
Laura: Because it's in group seven.
Ron: F. Two marks.
Tennessine was first identical by a small group of scientists in 2010
There you go. It's that fucking simple.
Laura: Laura, I'm so tired.
Ron: Tennessee.
Laura: Tennessee. Stop calling it.
Ron: Tennessine was first identical by a small group of scientists in 2010. Suggest one reason why tenacity was not accepted as a new element by other scientists until 2015. You must be faster. Um.
Laura: Um. Because.
Ron: And funnier while we do this.
Laura: Because finding it once isn't enough. You have to prove it. They needed more evidence. They needed more examples. What's like a science?
Ron: What's your answer?
Laura: What's a sciency way of saying that? Do you know what I mean? Like, you can't just go, oh, we found it once. What did you just. That's pistachio gubs from yesterday.
Ron: I want smacks.
Laura: Well, help me then, and then this will be over.
Ron: I've given you so many helps.
Laura: You stop clapping together like you've got hooves. Um, I'm, um, gonna say they had to get further evidence. Yep, sure.
Ron: Okay. The discovery of isotopes explained why some relative atomic masses are not whole numbers. Element R has two isotopes. Table five shows the mass, numbers and percentage abundance of the isotopes of element r. Calculate the relative atomic mass of element r. Ah. Give your answer to one decimal place.
Laura: Oh, God. Oh, my brain is in panic mode. Table five shows the mass, numbers and percentage abundances of the isotopes of element R. Uh, stop stroking things. Calculate the relative atomic mass of element r. Okay, so fucked.
Ron: Oh.
Laura: Ah, shit in the tits. Um, right, so 7.6% of it is six.
Ron: Oh, nice. The page after this is just a free
Ron: page. That's getting us towards the end.
Laura: Right? Let's just bash this out. Six times 7.6 equals, and then 92.4 times seven equals. Let's just. Let's do those sums. Um. Why are you laughing, Ron?
Ron: It's just funny.
Laura: Why?
Ron: It's just the podcast is funny. Funny podcast, isn't it?
Laura: No, that's not why you're laughing. I'm not thick. Except about science. 273.6. And then we're gonna do 92.4 times seven equals six. Like, if you're listening to this, you're listening to this. It's the fourth week of exams. I want you to know this has just been two evenings for us in a row. It's too much. Two. Seven. Oh, fuck, I pressed the wrong button. 273.6. Add six four. 6.8 equals 920.4. Then I'm going to divide that by 100 for fun reasons. 9.21. Final answer. Uh, look, I can either speed up, uh, or I can beg for help. Or I can get it right. What do you want me to do? Wait, that can't be right. Hang on, hang on.
Ron: Ron. The average mass of things that are six or seven big. It's 9.2.
Laura: Okay, hang on. Right, I've gone wrong in my numbers there. 45.6. The calculator let me down. 0.8 equals 692.4. I'm going to divide that. 6.9. Ron. 6.9. Final answer.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: Blanky blanks, page 30.
This question's about temperature. Read it quick, Ron, because I can't hear it
Ron: Here we go. Question ten. Laura. What does it say? This question's about temperature.
Laura: Churn.
Ron: Student investigated the change in temperature of a solution where different masses of ammonium nitrate were dissolved in water. The method used is such one. Measure 200 centimetres.
Laura: Read it quick, Ron, because I can't hear it anyway.
Ron: 200 centimetres water into a polystyrene cup. Measure the temperature of the water. Add four grammes of ammonium nitrate into the water. Stir the solution until all the ammonium nitrate has dissolved. Measure the lowest temperature reached by the solution. Repeat.
Laura: I actually followed that better with you talking at that speed.
Ron: Yes, you bad brain.
Laura: That's great, Ron.
Give the independent variable and the dependent variable in this investigation
Ron: Give the independent variable and the dependent variable in this investigation.
Laura: The independent variable is the. No, let's start the. Wait, I'm, uh. The independent variable is the mass of ammonium nitrate. The dependent variable is the 200 centimetres cubed of water.
Ron: The volume of the water.
Laura: Yes. Is that right? Yeah. That's the thing that's always stayed the same. And the thing that's changing is the mass of ammonium nitrate. No, wait. Independent variable is the. The dependent variable, Ron, is the temperature of the solution. Temperature of the solution. Final answer.
Ron: Okay.
Laura: It's not control and variable. It's. Yeah.
Ron: Then we've got a table of results. Uh, it's a graph, so we can skip that one. We're not doing graphs.
Laura: We have done some graphs. Oh, no, we're not drawing a graph.
Ron: We're not drawing a graph. Skipperini means we can't do that. How do the results show that the dissolving nitrate is endothermic?
Laura: Well, I don't know. I haven't done a graph.
Ron: The balls came. That one too. Oh my God.
Laura: Endothermic m means they're taking in heat energy.
Ron: And we can tell that from the.
Laura: Temperature of the water dropping.
Ron: Yeah. The more, um, the student repeated the experiment three more times. The student recorded the mean lowest temperature of the solution for eight grammes of ammonium nitrate as 16.5 plus or -0.3 explain why the student included plus or -0.3 after the mean lowest temperature.
Laura: Hmm. Because m all of the test results fell within that bracket.
Laura: The lowest it was was 16.2, according to table seven, and the highest was 16.8. So it's an average of 16.5. And none of the results went beyond the range of plus or -0.33 degrees c. I'm gonna go let the dog out while I'm killing it.
Ron: What type of, what type of error is shown by the results of table seven?
Laura: Oh, no. Uh, right. Our options are random error, systematic error, zero error. Error. Uh, I don't know about an error. I'm gonna say zero error. I trust the student.
Ron: Okay.
Laura: Oh, no. This one's got six marks.
Question is about making a soluble salt. Plan a method to make a pure
Ron: Ron, this question is about making a soluble salt.
Laura: Oh, fuck. I feel like soluble salt's something we've talked about a lot.
Ron: Plan a method to make a pure, to make dry crystals of zinc chloride from zinc carbonate and a dilute acid.
Laura: I'm calling in a help here on.
Ron: I've already given you all the help.
Laura: No, I have. Uh, you haven't.
Ron: I've given you so many.
Laura: One of them I was unconscious under the sea for. So it doesn't count.
Ron: That's not my fault. Come on, Laura, take us home.
Laura: I don't know, Ron. It's not home. There's still three more pages.
Ron: No, we're done. Um.
Laura: What is it?
Ron: Yeah, this is the last page of quests. See, it says end of questions at the end.
Laura: This page, additional page if required. I just don't even know where to start. Ronnie, make pure dry crystals of zinc chloride from zinc carbonate and a dilute acid. Not the foggiest. Fog a soluble salt. Okay, here's my method. I'm going to, uh, Dia. I'm going to dissolve some fucking, don't know, just dissolve some zinc, uh, chloride in some water, and then I'm gonna fucking heat it up. M. Um, should I heat it up or put an electrode in it? I don't know. Instead of heating it up, just sticking a cathode and an anode in it. Let's do that one. And then make bubbles, positive electrons.
Ron: Okay, hang on. Stop. You there. Read the question again. Because you've been asked to make pure crystals of zinc chloride from zinc carbonate and a dilute, uh, acid. What m you've told me so far is to dissolve some zinc chloride in some water and then stick a cathode in an anode in. You're starting with the thing you're being asked to make.
Laura: I can't do this anymore. Oh, my God, this, this is dreadful.
Ron: Laurie, if we go for another nine minutes. We've been doing this for 2 hours. Why are we doing exams? For fun.
Laura: All right, then, come on. Put the zinc carbonate in a dilute acid. I'm, uh, not gonna get six marks, Ron.
Ron: What? Dilute acid.
Laura: I don't know. Something with chlorine in it. Let's go. Hydrochloric acid.
Ron: Thank you.
Laura: And then I'm gonna get water and, um, zinc chloride. I don't know how, though. How am I gonna separate them? I'm gonna heat them up. Shall I heat them up or put an electrode in? Catalyst. Shall I put a catalyst in?
Laura: Um, I'm going to put a cathode and an anode in. No, I'm gonna, I don't know, uh, I don't know. What shall I do? I can eat them up. I don't know what to do. I don't even want any zinc chloride. I'm gonna heat them up because I've got to get it dry. I could get rid of the water. I'm gonna heat, heat em up. Boil it, boil it until the water goes away, and boil it, and then I'm gonna have zinc chloride. I'm finished. I don't care anymore.
Ron: Put the zinc carbonate in hydrochloric acid, and then we're gonna get water and zinc chloride. I'm gonna heat them up, boil it until the water goes away.
Name two other substances that can be reacted with a dilute acid
Laura: Next question.
Ron: Name two other substances that can be reacted with a dilute acid to make zinc chloride. Do not refer. Does ink carbonate in your answer.
Laura: What?
Ron: Laura? Come on, Laura. We could stop so soon if you stopped fucking around on your phone.
Laura: I'm, um, doing socials. Name two other substances that can be reacted with a dilute acid to make zinc chloride. Zinc manganese. It's really all come apart. The end. Fucking tragic.
Ron: You want me to write down zinc manganese?
Laura: I don't know. Two other substances can be reacted with a dilute acid. Do not refer to zinc carbonate. Okay.
Ron: Do you want me to write zinc manganese?
Laura: No. Chlorine. Can I just say chlorine?
Ron: So if you put chlorine in a dilute acid, you're gonna get zinc chloride?
Laura: No.
Ron: Is that what you're saying.
Laura: Are there other acids that have chlorine in them? Zinc manganese, two other substances.
Ron: We got zinc manganese so far and chlorine boron.
Laura: Hang on, let me look at the periodic table for inspiration. Zinc itin, zinkatin. What?
Ron: Zinkerton?
Laura: I don't know. I don't care either. Zinc. I don't even really understand the question. Two other substances can be reacted with a dilute acid to make zinc chloride. I don't know if you. Is it, where is the chlorine in the acid? One sulphur dioxide.
Ron: Just tell me a thing and write it down.
Laura: Tell me an acid for an example.
Ron: Phosphoric acid, does that help?
Laura: No, no, it doesn't help.
Ron: What the fuck did you ask for that?
Laura: Because you're laughing at zinc manganese. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say.
Ron: What do you want me to write down? Zinc manganese a got zinc manganese, what else?
Laura: And nitro chlorine. Nitrocarbons night.
Ron: Nitro carbons.
Laura: It's gotta have chlorine, hasn't it? Chloroxide, chloroxide. Yeah, I don't know.
Ron: All right, exam over.
Laura: Fucking hell.
Ron: How about adding fucking just zinc?
Laura: You said I couldn't just put zinc in. No, I didn't zink. And you said, oh, if I got just zinc in, I'm gonna get the zinc chloride. Am um, I in the first.
Ron: No,
Ron: that's not what happened.
Laura: Listen to the tape back.
Ron: And that's what in the first question you tried to start your zinc chloride method with zinc chloride. I didn't say you can just add zinc. Uh, exam over. We've been doing this for two fucking ass.
Laura: How the fuck are we gonna do higher tier?
Ron: It's gonna take a long time.
Laura: Did they.
Ron: No, they have, they have not emailed me back.
Laura: So yeah, listener, listen up.
Ultra orgasmic approached podcast about advertising for their orgasm products
Uh, we don't want to say that we save you from a lot of adverts that you don't want to listen to, but we have been approached about advertising, um, what was it called? Ultra orgasmic.
Ron: Uh, yeah, ultra orgasmic paid collaboration opportunity with ultra orgasmic. Hi Laura, we love your content and we'd like to collaborate with you. Please share your rates with us. We'd also like to send you a gift on box and review. Additionally, we're interested in exploring a long term partnership. Looking forward to hearing from you. I've gone back and I've said, hi Harry, thanks for getting in touch. Our ah, rates, depending on exactly what you'd need from us, so maybe you could send over some suggestions of content that you'd like to create. Are, uh, you hoping to get both hosts involved in this promotion? Like, best regards?
Laura: Why would you. Why would you reach out to a brother sister GCSE podcast about your orgasm products? But hey, if you guys don't join the Patreon, um, we're gonna have to start having orgasms near each other, so probably best we don't go down that route because it'll ruin Christmases for a lot of years to come for our family.
Ron: Yeah. Not keen.
Laura: Not keen at all. Um, wouldn't even be keen, to be honest, if I wasn't doing a podcast with my younger brother. I don't think. I don't think an unboxing of orgasm stuff is generally something that's huge for my brand.
Ron: No. Do they think you're a sex worker? Maybe it's just the long term partnership. Because I. If I wasn't doing this with my sister, I'd have no problem shilling marital aids on a podcast. I think everyone should have good sex, but it's the long term partnership bit. Also. The unboxing review. Yeah.
Laura: It's not that I have, like, sex shame, it's just that I don't think I'm a particularly, like, sexy behaving person. I think if you had to list the attributes, like the characteristics that I use and exploit in my work, childish comes way higher than sexy. I don't talk about sex loads, and when I do, it's generally quite ridiculous. I don't know if anybody's coming to me for sex.
Ron: No. And I mean in my line of work, I spent 4 hours today making a pitch deck for a new professional services stream that I want to set up at work. So it's hardly dildos galore for me either.
Laura: But look, we're gonna have to do it if you don't join the Patreon or come to cheerful earful. Alright, so maybe cheerful earful is when we'll do the unboxing. Um, we'll get the products and we'll unbox, um, them live just before the song.
Ron: Have you written that song?
Laura: No. You're writing it.
Ron: Um, how about this? Let's say we're not doing the song. We'll see if we sell a few more tickets. Now that people aren't avoiding that, I.
Laura: Think that the unspecified number of people that have bought a ticket are only coming for the song.
Ron: I think the unspecified number of people that have bought a ticket are exactly who we think they were. They bought those tickets before we said anything about it.
Laura: Yeah, that's what I love about what we're doing is that even if it is only that unspecified number, we're gonna have a fucking wicked afternoon.
Ron: Yeah.
Laura: Girlfriend of the podcast. Judith's coming, so you could all come. Maybe she's not bored with your thoughts about the. The year off.
Ron: What, me?
Laura: No, no. All the listeners. We could put Judith on trial for breaking Ron's heart.
Ron: Oh yeah. Me and Judith are gonna go see Pappy's afterwards. We could do the beef breakfast and just be like, why did you break up with.
Laura: Okay, so we're gonna see our show, then we're all gonna go to Pappy's together. Whatever Pappy's have planned, we're gonna railroad over it and go Lex Ed special. Judith, what the fuck?
Ron: Yeah, hi.
Laura: Judith's mom, by the way. She listens. Um, um, um.
Who are we thanking today, Ronnie? Nobody. Nobody is in charge of keeping Ron and Judith's relationship together
Who are we thanking today, Ronnie?
Ron: Nobody.
Laura: We're thanking
Laura: nobody. Nobody is in charge of keeping Ron and Judith's relationship together. You really biffed it for about a year and a bit in the middle there, but for the years before and hopefully for the years ahead, you're going to do a cracking job. Thank you. Nobody.
Ron: Uh, we're dangerously low of patrons to thank in the register.
Laura: Fuck. It's because we make a shit weird podcast mainly for ourselves and I don't care. Ronnie. No, I love it.
Ron: Class dismissed. No. Pencils down. Pencils down. Mhm.

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